WSC 2004

WSC 2004 Final Abstracts

Simulation Education Track

Tuesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Panel Session: Tips and Strategies for Teaching Simulation

Chair: Catherine Harmonosky (Pennsylvania State University)

You Are Going to Teach Simulation -- Now What? Tips and Strategies
Michael Freimer (Pennsylvania State University), Lee W. Schruben (University of California, Berkeley), Theresa M. Roeder (University of California, Davis), Charles R. Standridge (Grand Valley State University), Catherine M. Harmonosky (Pennsylvania State University) and Ingolf Ståhl (Stockholm School of Economics)

Facing the prospect of teaching a simulation course for the first time can be a bit overwhelming. This panel shares tips and strategies for teaching simulation based upon a wide variety of experiences, from academic newcomer to many years in the field, and having a variety of student audiences. We hope everyone will come away with a new idea, with our particular focus of helping new academics consider different simulation teaching approaches.

Tuesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Teaching Simulation at an Introductory Level

Chair: Michael Freimer (Pennsylvania State University)

WebGPSS: The First Two Hours of Simulation Education
Richard G. Born (Northern Illinois University) and Ingolf Ståhl (Stockholm School of Economics)

In this paper we present seven short lessons used for introducing management science students to discrete event simulation. It has been used both as the only element of such simulation in courses that devote only two classroom hours to this topic and as the introduction in courses that are devoted almost completely to simulation.

Educating Middle and High School Students in Space Operations: The Simulation Approach
Mansooreh Mollaghasemi and Michael Georgiopoulos (University of Central Florida), Anne Donnelly (University of Florida), Dayana Cope (Productivity Apex, Inc.) and Martin J. Steele (NASA)

This paper describes a proposed pilot educational program to teach middle and high school students the space shuttle processing operations. This pilot program involves a partnership of two Universities (University of Central Florida and University of Florida), a small business (Productivity Apex), and three middle/high schools in the Florida area. Our proposed pilot program is an innovative approach designed to teach students about the complexities of space vehicle processing through a simulation environment. Through the many planned activities that we propose to achieve our goal, we will be able to introduce middle and high school students to aerospace operations, excite them about space education, and enthusiastically engage them in science and technology related projects. The ultimate objective of this effort is to motivate middle and high school students to pursue careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields.

Tuesday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Simulation as a Tool for Teaching Other Concepts I

Chair: Scott Rosen (MITRE Corporation)

In this paper we present an architecture for internet-mediated simulation games. The challenge was to use today's state of the art technologies to provide a simulated environment for decision making for which the users are trained. Current technologies provide a means to construct a more realistic environment and to embed algorithms for operational decision making. The services, which span the architecture, consist of an embedded simulator, communication using messages, scenario design and control, content management, human and simulated players, and game administration. We implemented a supply chain simulation game as a proof of concept. It consisted of a server-side simulation and communication core combined with objects representing the players. Human players and the game administrator used user interfaces to connect to the server via the Internet. Further research will focus on scenario management and algorithms for simulated decision making.

From Emergency Departments to Cottage Cheese to Fire Departments: Learning Simulation Experimentation through WebGPSS
Richard G. Born (Northern Illinois University)

An important component of any simulation course is the discussion of experimental design. WebGPSS has been used by the author for two years to discuss experimentation in an introductory course in discrete-event simulation. This paper discusses how to set up simulation experiments using WebGPSS by presenting three business problems whose solutions require careful attention to experimental design. The first problem looks at staffing an emergency department of a hospital with physicians. The second problem involves the optimal method for stocking a perishable food product such as cottage cheese on a supermarket shelf, showing that under realistic conditions, spoilage can be minimized by placing newer containers in the front. The third problem involves analysis of a proposal for two neighboring communities currently operating completely separate fire departments to integrate their two systems in a way that could reduce the amount of time that fires are unattended.

An Architecture for Distributed Simulation Games
Stijn-Pieter A. van Houten and Peter H.M. Jacobs (Delft University of Technology)

Tuesday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Simulation as a Tool for Teaching Other Concepts II

Chair: Elena Joshi (Pennsylvania State University)

Teaching Regression with Simulation
John H Walker (California Polytechnic State University)

Computer simulations can be used to teach complicated statistical concepts in linear regression more quickly and effectively than traditional lecture alone. In introductory applied statistics classes, the coverage of important statisti-cal topics, such as the nature of the sampling distribution of the simple linear regression slope, the problem of multi-collinearity in multiple linear regression, or the danger of extrapolation in predictions from multiple linear regression models, may be shortened or eliminated entirely for lack of time. Simulation can provide a way to introduce these top-ics in a brief, but memorable, way for introductory students or as the first step in a more thorough treatment for higher level students. This paper describes each simulation, dis-cusses its pedagogical advantages, and gives sample com-puter output.

A Web-Based Virtual Factory and Simulator for Industrial Statistics
Xuesong Chi, Matthew P. J. Pepper, and Trevor A. Spedding (University of Greenwich)

An educational web-based virtual factory and simulator environment is presented in this paper. It has been devel-oped for university students to apply various statistical quality control techniques to explore the quality problems. The architecture of the simulator and methodologies for developing the website are discussed. Major benefits for both the students and lecturers are demonstrated.