WSC 2005

WSC 2005 Final Abstracts

Vendor Track A Track

Monday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Wolverine and Incontrol-Falcon

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Wolverine Software Corp.
James O. Henriksen (Wolverine Software)

Wolverine Software will present an introduction to its SLX and GPSS/H simulation languages and its Proof Animation Software. The tutorial will include a number of small, but complete and illustrative examples, exposing attendees to our products’ architecture and underlying philosophy.

Incontrol Enterprise Dynamics–Falcon
Fred Jansma (Incontrol Enterprise Dynamics)

The Enterprise Dynamics Falcon edition is the flagship of the Enterprise Dynamics simulation platform range. We will present our latest developments in simulation ranging from virtual reality to machine control. If you are ready for the next step in simulation you have to see our ED FALCON: simulation based sales applications-how to use simulation and visualization in helping to sell more and increase profit; automatic Model generation using XML; operational machine control using Profibus; emulation-used more and more in the engineering process to test equipment, shorten implementation time and reduce costs.

Monday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Flexsim and Incontrol ED - Defense Solution

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Incontrol Enterprise Dynamics–Defense Solutions
Fred Jansma (Incontrol Enterprise Dynamics)

Enterprise Dynamics is used by many defense organizations to model, simulate, visualize and control the rollout of armed forces and materials. wW will show you some applications regarding: resource management for maintenance of equipment during a mission; simulation of the logistic processes and resources needed on a mission. Enterprise Dynamics is the discrete-event platform that supports HLA, virtual reality and training capabilities in one package while offering an open-source simulation environment.

Flexsim Software Products Inc.
Roger Hullinger (Flexsim Software Products, Inc.)

Features, functionality and power - what sets Flexsim apart. Everyone attending the Winter Simulation Conference knows what simulation is and what it does. Everyone attending also has an inkling of what they would like it to be, too. Flexsim’s presentation will show how Flexsim is unique from other simulators in terms of its features, functionality and power.

Tuesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Micro Analysis and CreateASoft

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CreateASoft Inc.-Simcad Pro 7.1
Hosni Adra (Createasoft)

Next generation simulation: Simcad Pro 7.1, brings to the simulation market unprecedented functionality by allowing users to map multiple products through shared processes while mapping out the interconnectivity of multiple value stream maps. Simcad Pro 7.1 can connect live to barcode readers and RFID tags providing unprecedented "virtual camera" capability and dynamic initial state loading. Control and monitor improvements with statistical comparison of current, future and past states. Value stream maps are dynamically linked to the process flow map. Every aspect of Simcad Pro 7.1 is customized to the specific needs of the user and is not limited to predefined building blocks. Model building and scenario analysis are accomplished through a "code free" graphical user interface. Fully customizable, Simcad Pro 7.1 applies to multiple industries, from banking and healthcare, to manufacturing and distribution including document flow, disaster planning, automation, supply chain logistics and highly custom job-shop environments.

Micro Analysis & Design-Micro Saint Sharp
Ben Archer (Micro Analysis & Design)

Micro Saint Sharp: everthing you need in simulation. Micro Saint Sharp is a general purpose, discrete-event simulation software tool. Its intuitive graphical user interface and flow chart approach to modeling make it a tool that can be used by everyone. You can view your models three ways: network diagram, 2D or 3D animation. Come see a demo of the latest enhancements to Micro Saint Sharp!

Tuesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Imagine That Inc.

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Imagine That, Inc.-Extend Overview
David Krahl (Imagine That, Inc.)

See the present and the future in two sessions on the Extend simulation application. This session showcases the core Extend 6 application and includes hierarchical model building, user interface creation and interactive modeling. The next session (11:15am-12:00pm) introduces Extend 7 with its revolutionary new simulation technology and new 3D animation.

Imagine That, Inc.-Extend 7
David Krahl (Imagine That, Inc.)

See the present and the future of simulation in two sessions on the Extend simulation application. This session introduces Extend 7 with its revolutionary new simulation technology and new 3D animation. Session one (10:30am-11:15am) showcases the core Extend 6 application and includes hierarchical model building, user interface creation and interactive modeling.

Tuesday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Production Modeling and Decisioneering Inc.

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Production Modeling Corp.
Onur Ülgen (Production Modeling Corporation)

We discuss applications of two specialized simulators. KanbanSIM is an assembly line simulator that optimizes the Card and Call Kanbans in the line while minimizing the flow and material handling in the system, capturing the variability in delivey of material and inventory levels at assembly stations, showing effects of material hanndling equipment scheduling, etc. PTMSim is a powerful simulation analysis tool for engine and transmission manufacturing lines. It provides users with predefined and parameterized manufacturing objects that are typical to such manufacturing environments. Three-dimensional animation enables a better vision and shortens training time. Application of PTMSim to an engine line is discussed in detail.

Decisioneering, Inc.-Crystal Ball
Lucie Trepanier (Decisioneering, Inc.)

This presentation will show how Crystal Ball® Software--a suite of Microsoft® Excel-based applications for Monte Carlo simulation, forecasting, optimization and real options analysis--transforms your spreadsheets into dynamic models. See how the software helps you to understand, communicate and manage the risks associated with uncertainty and variability.

Tuesday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Visual 8

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Visual8 Corporation-SIMUL8-Planner
Kim Hindle (Visual8 Corporation)

Visual8 Corporation demonstrates SIMUL8-Planner, a finite capacity scheduling system that combines simulation with job sequencing to create feasible work order schedules at the shop-floor level. SIMUL8-Planner has been designed to address a range of planning and scheduling problems and has pre-built simulation components and scheduling rules to create your own application.