WSC 2015 Proceedings

Overview | By Track

Sunday, December 6th


Keynote: The Impact of Big Data on M&S: Do We need to get “Big”?
Esfandyar Mazhari
Key Note
PhD Colloquium


PhD Colloquium Presentations I
Esfandyar Mazhari
Modeling the Communications in an Emergency Plan with P-devs
An Agent Based Model of Spread of Competing Rumors through Online Interactions on Social Media
Toward an Integrated Framework for the Simulation, Formal Analysis and Enactment of Discrete Events Systems Models
Towards a Framework for Educational Simulation in Management Science and Economics
A Comprehensive Study on New Conceptual Container Handling System
Optimization Applied With Agent Based Modelling In The Context Of Urban Energy Planning
Structural Equation Modeling for Simulation Metamodeling
Modeling and Simulating Fisheries Management
How do Competition and Collaboration Affect Supply Chain Performance? an Agent Based Modeling Approach
An Aspect-Oriented Approach to Large-Scale Urban Simulations
Doctoral Colloquium
PhD Colloquium


PhD Colloquium Presentations II
Andrea D'Ambrogio
A Model-based Approach to Multi-objective Optimization
Estimation of Conditional Value-at-risk for Input Uncertainty with Budget Allocation
Improving A Hardwood Flooring Cutting System Through Simulation And Optimization
Application of Bayesian Simulation Framework in Quantitatively Measuring Presence of Competition in Living Species
Using Percentile Matching to Simulate Labor Progression and the Effect of Labor Duration on Birth Complications
An Additive Global and Local Gaussian Process Model for Large Data Sets
Multi-objective Simulation Optimization on Finite Sets: Optimal Allocation via Scalarization
Green Simulation Designs for Repeated Experiments
Iterative Optimization-based Simulation (ios) with Deterministic and Stochastic Trigger Events in Simulated Time
Doctoral Colloquium
PhD Colloquium


PhD Colloquium Poster Session
Grand Ballroom Foyer
Doctoral Colloquium
PhD Colloquium

Monday, December 7th


Agent_Zero and Generative Social Science
Huntington Ballroom
Charles M. Macal
Key Note
Keynote and Titans


Advancing Autonomous Swarm Capabilities: From Simulation to Experimentation
Salon B
Todd Combs
Key Note
Military, Homeland Security & Emergency

Agent-Based Simulation - Applications I
Navonil Mustafee
A Multi-Agent Spatial Simulation Library for Parallelizing Transport Simulations
Crowd Evacuation Planning Using Cartesian Genetic Programming and Agent-Based Crowd Modeling
Building Crowd Movement Model using Sample-based Mobility Survey
Agent-Based Simulation

Algorithmic Developments in Simulation Optimization
Salon F
Zelda Zabinsky
Discrete Event Optimization: Single-Run Integrated Simulation-Optimization Using Mathematical Programming
Improving Hit-and-Run with Single Observations for Continuous Simulation Optimization
Partition Based Optimization for Updating Sample Allocation Strategy using Lookahead
Simulation Optimization

An Introductory Tutorial on Verification and Validation of Simulation Models
Fountain West
Paul Sanchez
An Introductory Tutorial on Verification and Validation of Simulation Models
Introductory Tutorials

Applications of Hybrid Simulation
Sally Brailsford
A Hybrid Simulation Model of Inbound Logistics Operations in Regional Food Supply Systems
Hybrid Simulation of Production Process of Pupunha Palm
Using Simulation to Assist Recruitment in Seasonally Dependent Contact Centers
Hybrid Simulation

BPM in Enterprises
Bolsa Chica Boardroom
Pawel Pawlewski
Simulation of Knowledge Transformation in Purchasing Process
Linking Symbiotic Simulation to Enterprise Systems: Framework and Applications
Business Process Modeling

Behavior Modeling and Simulation
Claudio Cioffi
Modeling Behavior of Nurses in Clinical Medical Unit in University Hospital: Burnout Implications
Simulating Smoking Behaviors Based on Cognition-Determined, Opinion-Based System Dynamics
Simulation of Crowd Behavior Using Fuzzy Social Force Model
Social and Behavioral Simulation

Big Data Analysis and Simulation
Toyotaro Suzumura
Weaving Multi-agent Modeling and Big Data for Stochastic Process Inference
Searching for Effects in Big Data: Why p-Values are not Advised and What to Use Instead
Particle Filtering Using Agent-Based Transmission Models
Big Data Simulation and Decision Making

Construction Simulation Case Studies
Sunrise A
Simaan AbouRizk
Simulation Case Study: Modelling Distinct Breakdown Events for a Tunnel Boring Machine Excavation
Project Management and Construction

Data Analytics & Simulation Synergy
Vista II
Helena Szczerbicka
A Methodology for Continuous Quality Assurance of Production Data
Integrating Data Analytics and Simulation Methods to Support Manufacturing Decision Making
An Interactive Decision Support System Using Simulation-Based Optimization and Data Mining
Manufacturing Applications

Emergency Healthcare
Salon E
David L. Morgareidge
Simulating Wait Time in Healthcare: Accounting for Transition Process Variability Using Survival Analyses
Simulation Based Optimization: Applications in Healthcare
EMSSim: Emergency Medical Service Simulator with Geographic and Medical Details
Healthcare Applications

Exact Simulation and Budget Constrained Optimization
Salon G
Jose Blanchet
On the Exact Simulation of (Jump) Diffusion Bridges
Unbiased Monte Carlo Computation of Smooth Functions of Expectations via Taylor Expansions
Budget-Constrained Stochastic Approximation
Analysis Methodology

Salon A
Oliver Rose
Evaluating a Bayesian Approach to Demand Forecasting with Simulation
Predicting Donations Using a Forecasting-simulation Model
Quantifying Variability Impacts Upon Supply Chain Performance
Logistics, SCM and Transportation

Inside Discrete-event Simulation Software: How it Works and Why it Matters
Salon C
Inside Discrete-event Simulation Software: How it Works and Why it Matters
Advanced Tutorials

Panel: National Research Agenda
Fountain East
Andreas Tolk
Do We Need a National Research Agenda for Modeling and Simulation?
Modeling Methodology

Performance Assessment
Vista I
Ton G. de Kok
Dependence Among Tandem Queues and the Second Moment Result on The Theory of Constraints
Analysis of a MAP/PH/1 Queue with Discretionary Priority
Simulation-based Performance Assessment of Production Planning Formulations for Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication
Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing

Restaurant Operations
Melanie Barker
Virtual Kitchen Simulation
Lead Times and Layout Improvement at Head Country BBQ
Analysis Of Alternative Approaches To Chipotle Mexican Grill's Service System Using Discrete Event Simulation
Industrial Case Study
Case Studies

Vendor Presentation M1
Sunrise B
Introduction to Simio
Auto-building Simulation Models from Project Network Diagrams with ExtendSim
Vendor Paper, Vendor Abstract
Vendor Track

Vendor Presentation M4
The Emulate3D Framework for the Emulation, Simulation and Demonstration of Industrial Systems
anyLogistix - Every Supply Chain is Unique, Capture Yours!
Vendor Paper, Vendor Abstract
Vendor Track


Discrete-Event and Agent-Based Simulation and Where to Use Each
Huntington Ballroom
Charles M. Macal
Titan Talk
Keynote and Titans


Aerospace and Defense 1
David Sturrock
Fast-time Simulation for Event Sequence Diagrams in Aviation Safety
CPN-DES Model for Assesing Boarding Interactions in Aircraft
Discrete Event Simulation of Virgin Australia's Domestic Aircraft Gates at Melbourne Airport
Industrial Case Study
Case Studies

Agent-Based Simulation - Healthcare
Parastu Kasaie
A Scalable Discrete Event Stochastic Agent-Based Model of Infectious Disease Propagation
An Agent-Based Model for Assessment of Aedes Aegypti Pupal Productivity
Simulating the Micro-level Behavior of Emergency Departments for Macro-level Features Prediction
Agent-Based Simulation

Automated Material Handling Systems
Vista I
Thomas Ponsignon
Reducing Simulation Model Complexity by Using an Adjustable Base Model for Path-Based Automated Material Handling Systems – A Case Study in the Semiconductor Industry
Scheduling for an Automated Guided Vehicle in Flexible Machine Systems
Complexity Analysis through the Modeling of Human Behavior in a Complex Supply Chain Planning Environment
Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing

Bootstrap Confidence Bands and Goodness-of-Fit Tests in Simulation Input/Output Modeling
Salon C
Bootstrap Confidence Bands and Goodness-of-Fit Tests in Simulation Input/Output Modeling
Advanced Tutorials

Causality and Theory
Fountain East
Paul Davis
Using Causal Models in Heterogeneous Information Fusion to Detect Terrorists
Using Simulation to Study Service-Rate Controls to Stabilize Performance in a Single-Server Queue with Time-Varying Arrival Rate
Estimating and Interpreting the Waiting Time for Customers Arriving to a Non-stationary Queueing System
Modeling Methodology

Data Reuse and Variance Reduction Techniques
Salon G
Henry Lam
Efficient Probability Estimation and Simulation of the Truncated Multivariate Student-t Distribution
Simulating Tail Events with Unspecified Tail Models
Green Simulation Designs for Repeated Experiments
Analysis Methodology

Distribution Centers
Salon A
Jaeyoung Cho
Simulation of Truck Congestion in Chennai Port
The Effect of Input/Output Location in an Automated Storage/Retrieval System with Two Cranes
Improving Parcel Transshipment Operations – Impact of Different Objective Functions in a Combined Simulation and Optimization Approach
Logistics, SCM and Transportation

Epidemic Systems
Salon E
Elvis Liu
Simulating the Provision of Antiretroviral Therapy in Zambia
Modeling Tuberculosis in Barcelona. A Solution to Speed-up Agent-Based Simulations
Healthcare Applications

General and Scientific Applications I
Evelyn Brown
Application of Metamodeling to the Valuation of Large Variable Annuity Portfolios
An Asynchronous GVT Computing Algorithm in Neuron Time Warp-Multi Thread
Simian Integrated Framework for Parallel Discrete Event Simulation on GPUs
General & Scientific Applications

Hybrid Simulation Frameworks in Healthcare
Anastasia Anagnostou
An Investigation of Hybrid Simulation for Modeling Sustainability in Healthcare
Towards a Framework for Conceptual Model Hybridization in Healthcare
Hybrid Simulation

Introduction to Simulation
Fountain West
Loo Hay Lee
Introduction to Simulation
Introductory Tutorials

Logistics and Operational Planning
Salon B
Evan VanderZee
Hierarchical, Extensible Search-based Framework for Airlift and Sealift Scheduling Using Discrete Event Simulation
Robust and Flexible Air Mobility Scheduling Using Stochastic Simulation-Based Assessment
A Simulation Model to Evaluate an Emergency Response System for Offshore Helicopter Ditches
Military, Homeland Security & Emergency

Managing Complexity
Flaminio Squazzoni
Simulating Regional Hydrology and Water Management: An Integrated Agent-Based Approach
Evaluation of Metropolitan Traffic Flow with Agent-based Traffic Simulator and Approximated Vehicle Behavior Model near Intersections
Agent-based Analysis of Picker Blocking in Manual Order Picking Systems: Effects of Routing Combinations on Throughput Time
Social and Behavioral Simulation

Methodologies for Teaching and Learning Simulation
Bolsa Chica Boardroom
Amos Ng
Modeling Skills for DES and SD: An Exploratory Study on their Development in New Practitioners
Identification of the Main Research Methods Used in Simulation Projects
Using Simulation as a Teaching Tool in an Introductory Operations Management Course
Simulation Education

Modeling Tools in Construction
Sunrise A
Ian Flood
Important Construction Constraints in Constraint Simulation
Empirically-based Modelling Approaches To The Truck Weigh-In-Motion Problem
Project Management and Construction

Multi-objective Simulation Optimization and its Applications I
Salon F
Juergen Branke
A New Myopic Sequential Sampling Algorithm for Multi-objective Problems
A Model-Based Approach to Multi-Objective Optimization
Multi-Objective Simulation Optimization on Finite Sets: Optimal Allocation via Scalarization
Simulation Optimization

Simulation & Production Planning
Vista II
Lars Moench
Automating the Production Planning of a 3D Printing Factory
Using Simulation to Improve Planning Decisions in Mixed-Model Assembly Lines
Manufacturing Applications

Vendor Presentation M2
Sunrise B
Reliability Block Diagramming with ExtendSim
Statistics 101: A Refresher for the Simulationist
Vendor Paper, Vendor Abstract
Vendor Track

Vendor Presentation M5
New Features and Functionality in Arena v15
The Numerus Platform - An Innovative Simulation and Modeling Building Environment
Vendor Paper, Vendor Abstract
Vendor Track


Accounting for Input Uncertainty in Stochastic Simulations
Salon G
Canan Gunes Corlu
Input Uncertainty and Indifference-Zone Ranking and Selection
Mirror Descent Stochastic Approximation for Computing Worst-Case Stochastic Input Models
Subset Selection For Simulations Accounting For Input Uncertainty
Analysis Methodology

Aerospace and Defense 2
Ricki G. Ingalls
Creating and Validating a Microscopic Pedestrian Simulation to Analyse an Airport Security Checkpoint
Cyber Defense Econometric of a Power Grid Distribution Infrastructure
A System Dynamics Model of Traveled Work
Industrial Case Study
Case Studies

Agent-Based Simulation - Methodology
Amirreza M. Khaleghi
Guidelines for Design and Analysis in Agent-based Simulation Studies
Pickle: A Flexible ABMS Framework for Dynamically Generating Serializable Intelligent Agents
Nanoverse: A Constraints-Based Declarative Framework for Rapid Agent-Based Modeling
Agent-Based Simulation

Analysis and Methodology
Vista I
Dave Goldsman
A Sequential Experiment Design for Input Uncertainty Quantification in Stochastic Simulation
Jackknifed Variance Estimators for Simulation Output Analysis
Analysis Methodology

Applications of Simulation Optimization
Loo Hay Lee
Multi-objective Optimization for a Hospital Inpatient Flow Process via Discrete Event Simulation
Aggregated Line Modeling for Simulation and Optimization of Manufacturing Systems
On the Scalability of Meta-models in Simulation-based Optimization of Production Systems
Simulation Optimization

General and Scientific Applications II
Manuel D. Rossetti
A General Framework for Experimental Design, Uncertainty Quantification, and Sensitivity Analysis of Computer Simulation Models
Simulation Modeling of Customer Checkout Configurations
Intelligent Scheduling and Motion Control for Household Vacuum Cleaning Robot System Using Simulation Based Optimization
General & Scientific Applications

Healthcare Practices
Salon E
Sada Soorapanth
Using Simulation to Examine Appointment Overbooking Schemes for A Medical Imaging Center
A Dynamic Network Analysis Approach for Evaluating Knowledge Dissemination in a Multi-disciplinary Collaboration Network in Obesity Research
Performance Evaluation of an Integrated Care for Geriatric Departments Using Discrete Event Simulation
Healthcare Applications

Human Performance Analysis
Salon B
Michael E. Watson
Detecting Team Behavior Using Focus of Attention
Incorporating Automation: Using Modeling and Simulation to Enable Task Re-Allocation
Comparative Study of Command and Control Structure Between ROK and US Field Artillery Battalion
Military, Homeland Security & Emergency

Methodological Aspects of Hybrid Simulation
Navonil Mustafee
Towards a Guide to Domain-Specific Hybrid Simulation
A Taxonomy for Classifying Terminologies that Describe Simulations with Multiple Models
Towards a Theory of Multi-method M&S Approach: Part III
Hybrid Simulation

Model Driven Engineering
Fountain East
Andrea D'Ambrogio
Multiformalism, Multiresolution, Multiscale Modeling
A Model-Driven Engineering Approach to Simulation Experiment Design and Execution
A Model-Driven and Simulation-Based Method to Analyze Building Evacuation Plans
Modeling Methodology

Simulation & the Floors We Walk On
Vista II
Jean Wery
Machine Learning-Based Metamodels for Sawing Simulation
Improving a Hardwood Flooring Cutting System Through Simulation and Optimization
Manufacturing Applications

Simulation for Environmental Sustainability
Bolsa Chica Boardroom
Barry Lawson
GIS Based Discrete Event Modeling and Simulation of Biomass Supply Chain
A Simulation Framework for the Comparison of Reverse Logistic Network Configurations
Environmental and Sustainability Applications

Supply Chain Applications
Salon A
John Crowe
From Farm to Port: Simulation of the Grain Logistics in Brazil
Understanding the Dynamic Behaviour of Three Echelon Retail Supply Chain Disruptions
Logistics, SCM and Transportation

Theoretical Developments in Simulation Optimization
Salon F
Chun-Hung Chen
Unbiased Monte Carlo for Optimization and Functions of Expectations via Multilevel Randomization
Expected Improvement Is Equivalent To OCBA
Non-Monotonicity of Probability of Correct Selection
Simulation Optimization

Tips for Successful Practice of Simulation
Salon C
John Shortle
Tips for Successful Practice of Simulation
Introductory Tutorials

Tutorial: Simulation Metamodeling
Fountain West
Theresa Roeder
Tutorial: Simulation Metamodeling
Introductory Tutorials

Various Topics in Discrete Event Simulation
Sunrise A
K. Preston White
Enhancing Understanding of Discrete Event Simulation Models Through Analysis
The Bivariate Measure of Risk and Error (BMORE) Plot
Delay Times in an M/M/1 Queue: Estimating the Sampling Distributions for the Steady-State Mean and MSER Truncation Point
Analysis Methodology

Vendor Presentation M3
Sunrise B
FlexSim: Committed to Simulation Excellence
Integrated Development and Operations Toolkit for Planning and Scheduling System: MOZART®
Vendor Paper, Vendor Abstract
Vendor Track

Vendor Presentation M6
SAS Simulation Studio: Key Elements, New Feature, and Practical Applications
Real-Time Operational Optimization with Dynamic Schedule Optimization
Vendor Paper, Vendor Abstract
Vendor Track


Agent Based Poster Madness M1
Salon A
James R. Thompson
Using Agent-Based Simulation to Understand Population Dynamics and Coevolution in Host-Pathogen Relationships
Role of Entrepreneurial Support for Networking in Innovation Ecosystems: An Agent Based Approach
Agent Based Smart Grid Modelling
An Agent-Based Modeling Approach to Improve Coordination Between Humanitarian Relief Providers
Logistics 4.0 - A Challenge for Simulation
Agent Based Model of Fisher Behavior As A Dynamic Constraint Resolution Problem
Evolving Agent Cognition with NetLogo LevelSpace
Building High Fidelity Human Behavior Models in the Sigma Cognitive Architecture
Human-In-The-Loop Agent-Based Simulation for Improved Autonomous Surveillance Using Unmanned Vehicles
Crowd Dynamics Modeling and Collision Avoidance with OpenMP
Social Simulation for Analysis, Interaction, Training and Community Awareness
Agent-Based Simulation of the Concentration and Diffusion Dynamics of Toxic Materials from Quantum Dots-Based Nanoparticles
Agent-based Analysis for Design of Signage Systems in Large-scale Facilities
Combination of an Evolutionary Agent-Based Model of Transitions in Shipping Technologies with a System Dynamics Expectations Formulation
ABMS Simulator of Propagation of Nosocomial Infection in Emergency Departments
Poster Briefings

Analysis Methodologies Poster Madness M2
Salon B
Scott Rosen
Projecting the Impact of Implementing Pre-exposure Prophylaxis for HIV among Men Who Have Sex with Men in Baltimore City
Information Directed Sampling For Stochastic Root Finding
Throughput and Flow Time in a Production Line with Partial Machine Availability and Imperfect Quality Processing
Optimal Budget Allocation Strategies For Real Time Bidding In Display Advertising
Measuring and Visualizing Combat Effectiveness
Extending Discrete-Event Simulation Frameworks for Non-Stationary Performance Evaluation: Requirements and Case study
A Fast Approximation of an Inhomogeneous Stochastic Lanchester Model
Data Driven Model for the Prediction of the Expected Lifetime of Transformers
Chance-Constrained Scheduling with Recourse for Multi-Skill Call Centers with Arrival-Rate and Absenteeism Uncertainty
Computational Methodology for Linear Fractional Transportation Problem
Simulation of Auto Design Performance in the Market to Meet Fuel Efficiency Standards
A Multi-Asset Monte Carlo Simulation Model for the Valuation of Variablbe Annuities
Performance of the Continuous Review Order-up-to Policy for On-line Stores under Various Random Demand and Storage Capacity Limitation
Constructing Classifiers of Expensive Simulation-Based Data by Sequential Experimental Design
Optimal Signal Control for Pre-timed Signalized Junctions with Uncertain Traffic: Simulation Based Optimization Approach
Spare Part Management in a Testing Workshop
Poster Briefings

General Modeling Poster Madness M3
Salon C
Rick Wysk
Inventory and Transportation Sharing in Retail Supply Chains
Participatory Simulations of Urban Flooding for Learning and Decision Support
The Kidney Transplant Process Model
Efficient Estimator of Probabilities of Large Power Spills in a Stand-Alone System with Wind Generation and Storage
Investigating WS-PGRADE Workflows for Cloud-Based Distributed Simulation
Knowledge Constructs in Discrete and Continuous Simulation
A Framework for 3d-model Based Job Hazard Analysis
An Efficient Solution for K-Center Problems
Dynamic Programming of Flights Based on Stochastic Demands
Model-architecture Oriented Combat System Effectiveness Simulation Modeling
Individual-based Cod Simulation with ML-Rules
Analyzing Machine Concepts and Delivery Strategies to Cut Delivery Costs for Forest Fuels Using a Discrete-event Simulation Model
An Integrated Lean Assessment Framework for Tyre Distribution Industry
Web Simulation Training Environment for Aircraft Resource Planning in Wildfire Events
Mean Field Based Comparison of Two Age-Dependent SIR Models
An Agent-based Epidemic Model for Dengue Simulation in the Philippines
Poster Briefings

New Simulation Applications Poster Madness M4
Ugo Merlone
Modeling and Simulation for Evaluating the C3 Structure in a NCW Mission Environment
On Elicitation of Preferences from Social Networks Through Synthetic Population Modelling
An Approach to Modeling Internet of Things Based Smart Built Environments
A Simulation Tool That Facilitates the Planning and the Development of Micro Smart Grids
Adding Embedded Simulation to the Parallel Ice Sheet Model
Augmented Reality and Simulation Over Distributed Platforms to Support Workers
Simulation of the Airbus 380 Evacuation
Analysis and Optimization of a Demographic Simulator for Parallel Environments
A System Dynamics Model on the Reasons of Car Price Shocks After Economic Sanctions
Potential Insider Threat Detection Using Online Game Simulation Environment
Robotic Interactive Visualization Experimentation Technology (RIVET): Game-based Simulation for Human-Robot Interaction Research
Improving MBSE Models Using Human Performance Simulation
Evaluation of Performance and Response Capacity in Emergency Departments
Understanding Climate-Induced Migration Through Computational Modeling: A Critical Overview
A Unified Approach for Modeling and Analysis of a Versatile Batch-Service Queue with Correlated Arrival
Poster Briefings


General Poster Session
Grand Ballroom Foyer
Program Event Content
Poster Briefings

Tuesday, December 8th


Agent-Based Simulation - Supply Chain Management
Andreas Tolk
How do Competition and Collaboration Affect Supply Chain Performance? An Agent Based Modeling Approach
Design of Supply Chain Topology to Mitigate Demand and Supply Risks
Evaluating the Science-Technology Interaction in Nanotechnology: A Simulation-Based Study
Agent-Based Simulation

An Introduction to Simulation Optimization
Fountain West
Dashi I. Singham
An Introduction to Simulation Optimization
Introductory Tutorials

Data-driven Simulation Optimization
Salon F
Enlu Zhou
A Statistical Perspective on Linear Programs with Uncertain Parameters
Stochastic Optimization Using Hellinger Distance
Simulation Optimization when Facing Input Uncertainty
Simulation Optimization

General and Scientific Applications III
Leonardo Chwif
Estimation of Bourgoyne and Young Model Coefficients Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation
Evaluating the Direct Blast Effect in Multistatic Sonar Networks Using Monte Carlo Simulation
Simulation of Oil Drilling Time Series using Monte Carlo and Bayesian Networks
General & Scientific Applications

Healthcare 1
Huntington Ballroom
Matthew Hobson-Rohrer
Understand Risks in Drug Development through Simulation
The Three Pillars of Simulation: Process, Data and Expertise
Patients Flow Simulation Through Configurable Modelling of Pathways: Application to a Shared Outpatient Department
Industrial Case Study
Case Studies

Healthcare Systems Performance
Salon E
Thomas Monks
Simulation Modeling to Optimize Healthcare Delivery in an Outpatient Clinic
A Simulation Model for Analyzing the Nurse Workload in a University Hospital Ward
Healthcare Applications

Large Data and Execution Time Analysis
Salon G
Szu Hui Ng
An Additive Global and Local Gaussian Process Model for Large Data Sets
Interactive Visual Analysis of Large Simulation Ensembles
A Quantitative Study on Execution Time Variability in Computing Experiments
Analysis Methodology

Managing Terminals
Salon A
David Munoz
Logistics, SCM and Transportation

Military and Homeland Security Critical Infrastructure Protection
Salon B
Matthew Berry
Modeling Adversarial Dynamics
Multi-Layered Security Investment Optimization Using a Simulation Embedded Within a Genetic Algorithm
Critical Infrastructure Network Analysis Enabled by Simulation Metamodeling
Military, Homeland Security & Emergency

Modeling Methods in Industry
Fountain East
Simon J. E. Taylor
Business Models for Cloud Computing: Experiences from Developing Modeling & Simulation as a Service Applications in Industry
Towards Automating the Development of Federated Distributed Simulations for Modeling Sustainable Urban Infrastructures
Evaluation of Tender Solutions for Aviation Training Using Discrete Event Simulation and Best Performance Criteria
Modeling Methodology

Random Number Generation with Multiple Streams for Sequential and Parallel Computing
Salon C
L. Felipe Perrone
Random Number Generation with Multiple Streams for Sequential and Parallel Computing
Advanced Tutorials

Simulating School and Culture
Shingo Takahashi
Modeling the Co-evolution of Trade and Culture in Past Societies
School Closure Strategies for the 2009 Hong Kong H1N1 Influenza Pandemic
Toward an Agent-Based Simulation of the Factors Impacting Diversity Within a College Student Body
Social and Behavioral Simulation

Simulation Automation Supports Small and Medium Enterprises
Vista II
Sanjay Jain
Simulation-Based Multi-Objective Bottleneck Improvement: Towards an Automated Toolset For Industry
Cloud based Data Capture and Representation for Simulation in Small and Medium Enterprises
Towards a Virtual Factory Prototype
Manufacturing Applications

Toolkit for Simulation Education
Bolsa Chica Boardroom
Terrence Perera
Using Nova to Constructed Agent-Based Models for Epidemiological Teaching and Research
Discrete-Event Simulation Using R
The Object-Oriented Discrete Event Simulation Modeling: a Case Study on Aircraft Spare Part Management
Simulation Education

Vendor Presentation T1
Sunrise B
CloudyCluster: Simple Self-Service HPC in the Cloud
Towards a Simulation Network or the Medium is the Monte Carlo
Vendor Paper, Vendor Abstract
Vendor Track

Vendor Presentation T5
Calculus-Level Problem-Solving
Vendor Paper, Vendor Abstract
Vendor Track


Agent-Based Simulation - Applications II
Alejandro Teran-Somohano
Agent-Based Model of Maritime Search Operations: A Validation using Test-Driven Simulation Modeling
Agent Implementation for Modeling Insider Threat
An Agent-Based Model of Edit Wars in Wikipedia: How and When is Consensus Reached
Agent-Based Simulation

Analytical Advances in Simulation
Vista II
Henri Tokola
State Probabilities for an M/M/1 Queuing System with Two Capacity Levels
Lean, Simulation and Optimization: A Win-Win Combination
Lean Manufacturing Methods in Simulation Literature: Review and Association Analysis
Manufacturing Applications

Big Data Traffic Simulation
Masatoshi Hanai
Towards Large-Scale What-If Traffic Simulation with Exact-Differential Simulation
Performance Optimization for Agent-Based Traffic Simulation by Dynamic Agent Assignment
A High Performance Multi-modal Traffic Simulation Platform and Its Case Study with the Dublin City
Big Data Simulation and Decision Making

Construction Simulation Tools
Sunrise A
Jens Weber
A Technical Approach of a Simulation-Based Optimization Platform for Setup-Preparation via Virtual Tooling by Testing the Optimization of Zero Point Positions in CNC-Applications
RapidBridgeBuilder-Simulation Tool for Accelerated Bridge Design and Construction
Improving Quality in an Electrical Safety Testing Laboratory by Using a Simulation-Based Tool
Project Management and Construction

Energy Consumption Simulation and Optimization
Bolsa Chica Boardroom
Young Lee
Simulation and Optimization of Energy Efficient Operation of HVAC System as Demand Response with Distributed Energy Resources
Quantifying the Influence of Temperature Setpoints, Building and System Features on Energy Consumption
Environmental and Sustainability Applications

Healthcare 2
Rene Reiter
Simulation of a Cancer Treatment Facility
Computer Simulation in Federal Government at the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Industrial Case Study
Case Studies

Hybrid Simulation in Healthcare
Tillal Eldabi
Hybrid Simulation in Healthcare: New Concepts and New Tools
Informing the Management of Pediatric Heart Transplant Waiting Lists: Complementary Use of Simulation and Analytical Modelling
Overview of Multimodality Motion Tracking for Training of Central Venous Catheter Placement
Hybrid Simulation

Modeling Logistics
Salon A
Ricki G. Ingalls
Lead Time Modeling in Production Planning
Adaptive Routing and Guidance Approach for Transportation Evacuation
A Reinforcement Learning Approach for a Decision Support System for Logistics Networks
Logistics, SCM and Transportation

Multi-objective Simulation Optimization and its Applications II
Salon F
Susan R. Hunter
Simulation-driven Task Prioritization Using a Restless Bandit Model for Active Sonar Missions
Multi-Objective Multi-Fidelity Optimization with Ordinal Transformation and Optimal Sampling
Optimal Sampling Laws for Bi-Objective Simulation Optimization on Finite Sets
Simulation Optimization

Oil, Gas, Mining
Huntington Ballroom
Renee M. Thiesing
Strategic Planning of Logistics for Offshore Arctic Drilling Platforms Supported by Simulation
Iron Ore Value Chain Optimization using Simulation Modelling and Response Surface Methodology
Use of Simulation and Modeling for Efficient and Effective Scheduling of Offshore Supply Vessels
Industrial Case Study
Case Studies

Parallel and Distributed Simulation
Salon C
Parallel and Distributed Simulation
Advanced Tutorials

Quality and Maintenance
Vista I
Gerald Weigert
Simulation Studies on Model Selection in PM Planning Optimization
Simulation Model to Control Risk Levels on Process Equipment Through Metrology in Semiconductor Manufacturing
Yield Integrated Scheduling Using Machine Condition Parameter
Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing

Rumors and Opinions
Takao Terano
An Agent Based Model of Spread of Competing Rumors through Online Interactions on Social Media
Minority Influence in Opinion Spreading
Twitter Knows: Understanding the Emergence of Topics in Social Networks
Social and Behavioral Simulation

Simulation Output Analysis
Salon G
Bruce Schmeiser; Yingchieh Yeh
Cumulative Mean Bounds for Quality Control Analysis
OBM Confidence Intervals: Something for Nothing?
Sequem: Estimating Extreme Steady-State Quantiles via the Maximum Transformation
Analysis Methodology

Simulation Research
Fountain East
Saikou Diallo
Towards an Encyclopedia of Modeling and Simulation Methodology
A Survey on Methodological Aspects of Computer Simulation as Research Technique
Efficient Simulation for Branching Linear Recursions
Modeling Methodology

Stroke Care Systems
Salon E
Terry Young
Stroke Care Systems: Can Simulation Modelling Catch up with the Recent Advances in Stroke Treatment?
Simulation of Stroke Care Systems
Simulation Conceptual Modeling for Optimizing Acute Stroke Care Organization
Healthcare Applications

System Performance and Evaluation I
Salon B
Timothy H. Chung
Battlefield Simulations for Canadian Army Indirect Fire Modernization Options Analysis
Integrated Stochastic Optimization and Statistical Experimental Design for Multi-Robot Target Tracking
Military, Homeland Security & Emergency

Vendor Presentation T2
Sunrise B
Simulation, Optimization and Predictive Analytics for Desktop, Cloud and Mobile Apps
AnyLogic 7.2. Showcase - Introducing Database and Fluid Library
Vendor Paper, Vendor Abstract
Vendor Track

Work Smarter, Not Harder: A Tutorial on Designing and Conducting Simulation Experiments
Fountain West
Thomas J. Schriber
Work Smarter, Not Harder: A Tutorial on Designing and Conducting Simulation Experiments
Introductory Tutorials


Imitation Challenges: From Uniform Random Variables to Complex Systems
Huntington Ballroom
Manuel D. Rossetti
Titan Talk
Keynote and Titans


Advances in Ranking and Selection
Salon F
Siyang Gao
Computational Improvements in Bootstrap Ranking & Selection Procedures via Multiple Comparison with the Best
A Note on the Subset Selection for Simulation Optimization
Simulation Selection for Empirical Model Comparison
Simulation Optimization

Agent-Based Simulation - Transportation Systems
John Sokolowski
Optimizing an Agent-based Traffic Evacuation Model Using Genetic Algorithms
Evaluating Advantage of Sharing Information among Vehicles toward Avoiding Phantom Traffic Jam
Agent Driving Behavior Modeling for Traffic Simulation and Emergency Decision Support
Agent-Based Simulation

Analyzing Supply Chains
Salon A
Junhai Cao
Strategy Evaluation Using System Dynamics and Multi-Objective Optimization for an Internal Supply Chain
A Three-Echelon System Dynamics Model on Supply Chain Risk Mitigation Through Information Sharing
Logistics, SCM and Transportation

Big Data in Manufacturing and Service Systems Simulation
Kurt Kreuger
Visual Analytics of Manufacturing Simulation Data
Big Data-driven Service Level Analysis for a Retail Store
Big Data Simulation and Decision Making

Customer Service
Huntington Ballroom
David Sturrock
Simulation of Theme Park Ride Design and Operations
Smart Simulation: Integration of Simio and Matlab
Industrial Case Study
Case Studies

Data Acquisition Model Development in Construction
Sunrise A
Reza Akhavian
Wearable Sensor-based Activity Recognition for Data-driven Simulation of Construction Workers’ Activities
Occupant Behavior Modeling for Smart Buildings: A Critical Review of Data Acquisition Technologies and Modeling Methodologies
Analysis of Energy Performance of University Campus Buildings Using Statistical and Energy Modeling Approaches
Project Management and Construction

Decision, Evaluation, and Validation
Fountain East
Marko Hofmann
Reasoning beyond Predictive Validity: The Role of Plausibility in Decision-Supporting Social Simulation
Evaluating Two-range Robust Optimization for Project Selection
Data-Driven Dynamic Decision Models
Modeling Methodology

Healthcare Modeling Practices
Salon E
Anastasia Anagnostou
Comprehensive Operational Modeling and Simulation Policy Development: Private Sector Healthcare Systems and the US Military Healthcare System
On the Scalability of Agent-based Modeling for Medical Nanorobotics
Object Oriented Framework for Healthcare Simulation
Healthcare Applications

Logistics 1
Glen Wirth
Crude-by-rail Transload Terminal Simulation
Application Of Simulation And Theory Of Constraints (TOC) To Solve Logistics Problem In A Steel Plant
Simulation Of Stockyard To Improve Throughput: Case Study Of An Indian Steel Industry
Industrial Case Study
Case Studies

MASM: A Look Back and a Peek Ahead
Vista I
Reha Uzsoy
Key Note
Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing

Military and Homeland Security Modeling
Salon B
Ignacio J. Martinez-Moyano
System of Systems Cyber Effects Simulation Ontology
Conceptual Modeling and Validation of a HA/DR Scenario Using a Weighted System Decomposition Model
Integrated Modeling of Conflict and Energy
Military, Homeland Security & Emergency

Ugo Merlone
Which Models Are Used in Social Simulation to Generate Social Networks? A Review of 17 years of Publications in JASSS
Application of Bayesian Simulation Framework in Quantitatively Measuring Presence of Competition in Living Species
Information Diffusion In Two Overlapping Networks Model
Social and Behavioral Simulation

Panel Session in Hybrid Simulation
Navonil Mustafee
Hybrid Simulation Studies and Hybrid Simulation Systems: Definitions, Challenges, and Benefits
Hybrid Simulation

Process Generation and Input Modeling
Salon G
Michael Kuhl
The MNO–PQRS Poisson Point Process: Generating the Next Event Time
Combined Inversion and Thinning Methods for Simulating Nonstationary Non-Poisson Arrival Processes
Modeling Customer Demand in Print Service Environments Using Bootstrapping
Analysis Methodology

Resource Modeling in BPM
Bolsa Chica Boardroom
Peer-Olaf Siebers
Are Visually Appealing Simulation Models Preferable?
A Simulation Model for Emergency Medical Services Call Centers
Improving Business Project Performance by Increasing the Effectiveness of Resource Capacity and Allocation Policies
Business Process Modeling

Simulation Application Examples
Vista II
Ketki Kulkarni
A Simulation Analysis of the Vehicle Axle and Spring Assembly Lines
A Modular Approach for Modeling Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Manufacturing Plant: A Case Study
Manufacturing Applications

Statistical Analysis of Simulation Output Data: The Practical State of the Art
Fountain West
Young Lee
Statistical Analysis of Simulation Output Data: The Practical State of the Art
Introductory Tutorials

Use of the Interval Statistical Procedure for Simulation Model Validation
Salon C
Robert G. Sargent
Use of the Interval Statistical Procedure for Simulation Model Validation
Advanced Tutorials

Vendor Presentation T3
Sunrise B
Automod® – Modeling the Real-World Complexities of Manufacturing, Distribution and Logisitics Systems for Over 30 Years
Using Arena for Social and Behavioral Simulation
Vendor Paper, Vendor Abstract
Vendor Track


Agent-Based Simulation - Applications III
Il Chul Moon
Comparison of Different Market Making Strategies for High Frequency Traders
An Agent-Based Approach to Modeling Airlines, Customers, and Policy in the U.S. Air Transportation System
Agent-Based Simulation

DEVS Modelling and Simulation for Development of Embedded Systems
Salon C
DEVS Modelling and Simulation for Development of Embedded Systems
Advanced Tutorials

Development of Simulation Courses and Programs
Bolsa Chica Boardroom
Dave Goldsman
Production Simulation Education Using Rapid Modeling and Optimization: Successful Studies
A Successful EAC-ABET Accredited Undergraduate Program in Modeling and Simulation Engineering (M&SE)
Teaching Supply Chain Simulation - From Beginners to Professionals
Simulation Education

Healthcare Policy
Salon E
Simon J. E. Taylor
Discrete Event Simulation of Whole Care Pathways to Estimate Cost-Effectiveness in Clinical Guidelines
Projecting Long-term Impact of Modest Sodium Reduction in Los Angeles County
Stochastic Approximation for Regulating Circadian Cycles, a Precision Medicine Viewpoint
Healthcare Applications

Hybrid Simulation, Gaming and Distributed Simulation
Bhakti Satyabudhi Stephan Onggo
Distributed, Integrated and Interactive Traffic Simulations
A Meta-Model for Including Social Behavior and Data into Smart City Management Simulations
HLA-based Optimistic Synchronization with SLX
Hybrid Simulation

Inventory Management
Salon A
John Shortle
(R,s,S) Inventory Control Policy and Supplier Selection in a Two-Echelon Supply Chain: An Optimization via Simulation Approach
Control Variate Methods for Performance Evaluation of Heuristic Inventory Control Policies
Solving the Newsvendor Problem Under Parametric Uncertainty Using Simulation
Logistics, SCM and Transportation

Linear Production Systems
Sunrise A
Michael Werner
Updating Geological Conditions Using Bayes Theorem and Markov Chain
Online Simulation Modeling of Prefabricated Wall Panel Production Using RFID System
Simulation Based Multi-Objective Cost-Time Trade-Off for Multi-Family Residential Off-Site Construciton
Project Management and Construction

Logistics 2
Matthew Hobson-Rohrer
Utilizing a Database for Modeling a Vaccine Supply Chain
Simulation-Based Tool For Internal Logistics Management at a Leading Tubes Supplier For The Energy Industry
Simulation of Intra and Inter Yard Movement of Semi Finished and Finished Material: A Case Study of Green Field Project of an Indian Steel Industry
Industrial Case Study
Case Studies

Huntington Ballroom
Robert Kranz
Agent-based Simulation for Composite Manufacturing Technology Evaluation
The Benefits of Process Simulation at the Salt Lake City Manufacturing Facility
Centralized Manufacturing Planning Decision Support System Using Simulation
Industrial Case Study
Case Studies

Military and Homeland Security Simulation Methods
Salon B
Michael J. North
Applying 3D Printing and Genetic Algorithm-Generated Anticipatory System Dynamics Models to a Homeland Security Challenge
Multi Resolution Modeling
Applying Data Farming for Military Operation Planning in NATO MSG-124 using the Interoperation of Two Simulations of Different Resolution
Military, Homeland Security & Emergency

Fountain West
Chun-Hung Chen
A Tutorial on Conceptual Modeling for Simulation
Simulating Healthcare Systems: A Tutorial
Introductory Tutorials

Modeling Languages
Fountain East
Adelinde Uhrmacher
ML3: A Language for Compact Modeling of Linked Lives in Computational Demography
A Simulation Optimization Framework for Discrete Event Logistics Systems (DELS)
Behavioral DEVS Modeling
Modeling Methodology

Rare Event Simulation
Salon G
Bruno Tuffin
On the Robustness of Fishman's Bound-based Method for the Network Reliability Problem
Estimating a Failure Probability Using a Combination of Variance-Reduction Techniques
Tail Distribution of the Maximum of Correlated Gaussian Random Variables
Analysis Methodology

Science and Academia
Stephen C. Davies
A Computational Model of Team Assembly in Emerging Scientific Fields
Limits of Empirical Validation: A Review of Arguments with Respect To Social Simulation
Is Three Better than One? Simulating the Effect of Reviewer Selection and Behavior on the Quality and Efficiency of Peer Review
Social and Behavioral Simulation

Sequential Learning in Simulation Optimization
Salon F
Uday Shanbhag
Optimal Sequential Sampling with Delayed Observations and Unknown Variance
Data-driven Schemes for Resolving Misspecified MDPs: Asymptotics and Error Analysis
Simulation Optimization

Simulation Experiments: Better Data, Not Just Big Data (Tutorial)
Jie Xu
Simulation Experiments: Better Data, Not Just Big Data
Big Data Simulation and Decision Making

Simulation Reconciles Demand & Production
Vista II
Esmeralda Niño Pérez
Simulation Modeling of Bottling Line Water Demand Levels using Reference Nets and Stochastic Models
A Simulation-Optimization Strategy to Deal Simultaneously with Tens of Decision Variables and Multiple Performance Measures in Manufacturing
Manufacturing Applications

Vendor Presentation T4
Sunrise B
Simio Applications in Scheduling
Creating and Publishing Online Simulations
Vendor Paper, Vendor Abstract
Vendor Track

Wednesday, December 9th


Applications of Gaming and Simulation
Salon A
Navonil Mustafee
Lessons on the Design of Gaming Simulation for Convergence and Divergence in Volatile Innovation Environments
Make it Usable: Highlighting the Importance of Improving the Intuitiveness and Usability of a Computer-Based Training Simulation
Gaming & Simulation

Construction & Planning
Glen Wirth
Developing and Implementing a Hybrid SD-DES Model for Decision Making in a Tunnel Construction Project
Use of Class Storage Estimation Tool for Capacity Planning
Using a Discrete-event Simulation Model for Efficient Operation of Tunnel Boring Machines
Industrial Case Study
Case Studies

General and Scientific Applications IV
Jeffrey Drago
Optimization of Analog Circuits via Simulation and A Lagrangian-Type Gradient-Based Method
A Multiple-Purpose Simulation-Based Inventory Optimization System: Applied to a Large Detergent Company in China
General & Scientific Applications

Impact of Healthcare Modeling
Salon E
Julie Eatock
Evidence from Healthcare Modeling: What is its Nature, and How Should It Be Used?
Evaluating the Financial Impact of Modeling and Simulation in Healthcare: Proposed Framework with a Case Study
Performance Evaluation of Health Information Systems Using ARIS Modeling and Discrete-event Simulation
Healthcare Applications

Modeling Dependence in Simulation Input: the Case for Copulas
Fountain West
Enver Yucesan
Modeling Dependence in Simulation Input: the Case for Copulas
Introductory Tutorials

Panel: Conceptual Modeling
Fountain East
Stewart Robinson
Conceptual Modeling: Definition, Purpose and Benefits
Modeling Methodology

Project Management & Analysis
Sunrise A
Ulrich Jessen
A Comparison of the Usage of Different Approaches for the Management of Plant Engineering Projects
Analysis of Capacity Associated to Levels of Service at Port Terminals Using Systemic Approach and Simulation of Discrete Events
Project Management and Construction

Queuing Models in BPM
Bolsa Chica Boardroom
Peter Tag
Using Process Mining to Model Interarrival Times: Investigating the Sensitivity of the ARPRA Framework
Incorporating Truncated Exponential Distributions in Queueing Models with Adjustable Service-Rate Control
Business Process Modeling

Vista I
Lars Moench
Learning-based Release Control of Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication Facilities
Reservation Based Dispatching Rule for Wafer Fab with Engineering Lots
Makespan Computation of Lot Switching Period in Single-Armed Cluster Tools
Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing

Simulation Supports Scheduling
Vista II
Soeren Bergmann
Flexible Job-shop Scheduling with Overlapping Machine Sets
Stochastic Customer Order Scheduling using Simulation-Based Genetic Algorithm
Approximation of Dispatching Rules for Manufacturing Simulation using Data Mining Methods
Manufacturing Applications

Simulation with Input Uncertainties
Salon G
Wei Xie
Robust Simulation of Stochastic Systems with Input Uncertainties Modeled by Statistical Divergences
Estimation of Conditional Value-at-Risk for Input Uncertainty with Budget Allocation
Quantifying Statistical Uncertainty for Dependent Input Models with Factor Structure
Analysis Methodology

Simulation with Stochastic Petri Nets
Salon C
Simulation with Stochastic Petri Nets
Advanced Tutorials

Stochastic Modeling for Simulation Optimization
Salon F
Szu Hui Ng
Optimal Importance Sampling for Simulation of Levy Processes
On the Monotonic Performance of Stochastic Kriging Predictors
Kriging–based Simulation–optimization: A Stochastic Recursion Perspective
Simulation Optimization

System Performance and Evaluation II
Salon B
J.O. Miller
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Situational Awareness Dissemination in Tactical Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Using SEAS to Assess GPS Constellation Resiliency in an Urban Canyon Environment
Military, Homeland Security & Emergency

Nandu Santhi
The Simian Concept: Parallel Discrete Event Simulation with Interpreted Languages and Just-In-Time Compilation
Time Warp State Restoration via Delta Encoding
CATE: An Open and Highly Configurable Framework for Performance Evaluation of Packet Classification Algorithms
Networks and Communications

Sunrise B
Melanie Barker
Using GPS Truck Data to Support Simulation Modeling and Analysis for Regional Transportation Planning at Port Metro Vancouver, Bc
Traffic Signal and Operations Optimization Study
Industrial Case Study
Case Studies


Renee M. Thiesing
Arena Simulation of The Maschhoffs Farm System
Applying Simulation in the Produce Grower Shipper Industry
Industrial Case Study
Case Studies

Analysis and Evaluation
Fountain East
Andrew Collins
A Discussion on Simulations’ Visualization Usage
Parameterized Benchmarking of Parallel Discrete Event Simulation Systems: Communication, Computation, and Memory
Tradeoffs between Objective Measures and Execution Speed in Iterative Optimization-based Simulation (IOS)
Modeling Methodology

General and Scientific Applications V
José Arnaldo Barra Montevechi
A Multi-Scale, Physics Engine-Based Simulation of Cellular Migration
Particle Filtering in a Seirv Simulation Model of H1N1 Influenza
General & Scientific Applications

Healthcare Decision Support
Salon E
Masoud Fakhimi
Towards a Simulation-based Methodology for Scheduling Patient and Providers at Outpatient Clinics
Modeling and Simulation of an Outpatient Surgery Unit
Effect of Uncertainty In Calibration on The Correlation Structure of The Rheumatoid Factor Immunoassay Calibration Function
Healthcare Applications

Learning and Gaming Simulation
Salon A
Osman Balci
Learning Maintenance, Repair and Operations (MRO) Concepts in Offshore Wind Industry Through Game-based Learning
A Cloud Software System for Visualization of Game-based Learning Data Collected on Mobile Devices
A BIM-based Educational Gaming Prototype for Undergraduate Research and Education in Design for Sustainable Aging
Gaming & Simulation

Metamodeling and Related Techniques
Salon G
Jeremy Staum
Database Monte Carlo for Simulation on Demand
Monotonic Response Surface Estimation by Constrained Coefficients
Structural Equation Modeling for Simulation Metamodeling
Analysis Methodology

Pierre L'Ecuyer
Modeling and Simulation Applied to Link Dimensioning of Stream IP Traffic with Incremental Validation
Modeling and Simulation of Web-of-Things Systems Part 1: Sensor Nodes
Waiting Time Predictors for Multi-Skill Call Centers
Networks and Communications

Occupant Behavior & Building Energy
Sunrise A
Burcin Bercerik-Gerber
A Review of Artificial Intelligence Based Building Energy Prediction with a Focus on Ensemble Prediction Models
Iterative Reassignment Algorithm: Leveraging Occupancy Based HVAC Control for Improved Energy Efficiency
Project Management and Construction

Process Improvement
Sunrise B
Adam Graunke
Using a Cloud-based Simulation Template to Deliver Low-cost Simulation for Craft Brewers
The Role of Simulation in Capital Improvements for a Packaging System
Revolutionizing Enterprise Content Management with Discrete-Event Simulation
Industrial Case Study
Case Studies

Selection and Uncertainty Quantification in Simulation Optimization
Salon F
Peter Frazier
Quantifying Uncertainty in Sample Average Approximation
Comparing Message Passing Interface and MapReduce for Large-Scale Parallel Ranking and Selection
Asymptotic Validity of the Bayes-Inspired Indifference Zone Procedure: the Non-Normal Known Variance Case
Simulation Optimization

Supply Chain Management
Vista I
Shivraj Kanungo
A Framework for Effective Shop Floor Control in Wafer Fabs
Buffering Against Uncertainty in High-Tech Supply Chains
Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing

Sustainability and Environmental Modeling
Bolsa Chica Boardroom
Sudhendu Rai
An Agent-Based Simulation Model of Sponge: Algae Symbiotic Relationships
A Simulation Model For Carbon Resource Planning of Production Systems
An Event-Log Analysis and Simulation-Based Approach for Quantifying Sustainability Metrics in Production Facilities
Environmental and Sustainability Applications

Tutorial on a Modeling and Simulation Cloud Service
Salon C
Richard Fujimoto
Tutorial on a Modeling and Simulation Cloud Service
Advanced Tutorials

Created 2016-11-27