WSC 2001 Final Abstracts |
Construction Engineering and Project Management
Monday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Construction I
Chair: Daniel W.
Halpin (Purdue University)
Simulation of Bored Pile Construction
M. Zayed (Zagazig University) and Daniel W. Halpin (Purdue University)
The installation of pile foundations is complicated by
an enormous number of problems. They include unseen sub-surface obstacles,
lack of contractor experience, and site planning. These major problems and
other minor ones make it difficult for the estimator to evaluate the piling
project productivity and cost. Therefore, this study is designed to assess
these problems using simulation. Both piling process productivity and cycle
time assessment are addressed. Data were collected for this study through
designed questionnaires, site interviews, and telephone calls to experts in
different construction companies. Many variables have been considered in the
piling construction process. Two simulation models have been designed and
validated to assess piling process productivity and cycle time. Consequently,
two sets of charts have been developed based upon the validated models to
provide the decision-maker with a solid planning, scheduling and control tool
for piling projects.
Comparison of Simulation Modeling Techniques that
Use Preemption to Capture Design Uncertainty
Nuno Gil and Iris D.
Tommelein (University of California)
This paper describes a process, implemented using two
simulation engines that adopt, respectively, the event scheduling paradigm and
the activity scanning paradigm. The process being modeled is design
development in an unpredictable environment. Unpredictability means that
criteria are prone to change during design, thereby interrupting on-going work
and causing design iteration. Probability density curves, input to the
simulation, capture uncertainties regarding design criteria during the
development of R&D semiconductor fabrication facilities. The simulation of
process changes calls for preempting tasks or events, and scheduling new tasks
or events. The implementations in alternative modeling paradigms illustrates
the use of a top-down vs. a bottom-up approach in process modeling. The two
engines that were used, SIGMA and STROBOSCOPE, both are programmable so that
the model could be implemented without difficulty in either one.
Design, Development and Application of Soil
Transition Algorithms for Tunneling Using Special Purpose
Janaka Y. Ruwanpura (University of Calgary) and Simaan
M. AbouRizk (University of Alberta)
In tunnel construction, vertical boreholes only show
the soil types that are present in the borehole locations. The soil profiles
between the boreholes are uncertain and assumed by practitioners for
construction purposes. The productivity of the tunnel construction work is
therefore affected by adverse soil conditions. The successful implementation
of a special purpose simulation tunneling template for project planning and
decision-making identified that the modeling of uncertainties such as
predicting soil conditions could provide better results. This paper presents
new modeling algorithms to predict the transition of soils between the
boreholes along the tunnel path. The use of transitional probabilities enables
the prediction of transition points in this approach. The various scenarios of
the mixed phases of soils are considered for modeling within the special
purpose tunnel simulation template. Application of the simulation for modeling
algorithms to a past tunnel construction proved that these modeling algorithms
provide a logical and accurate prediction of the tunnel advance rate and
tunnel productivity.
Monday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Construction II
Chair: Simaan
AbouRizk (University of Alberta)
Simulation of Production Homebuilding Using
Anil Sawhney, Howard Bashford, Kenneth Walsh, and André
Mund (Arizona State University)
Production homebuilders operate in a sales-driven
environment characterized by a varying demand for homes that is at odds with
the homebuilders’ and their trade contractors’ requirement for work flow
consistency. This paper presents a simulation-based approach for studying the
production flow issues that production homebuilders face. Seven scenarios,
representing different practices and possibilities that the homebuilders have,
are simulated using Simphony, a simulation platform intended for building
Special Purpose Simulation (SPS) tools. The results of this study indicate
that simulation can indeed be used to shed light on the work flow issues that
production homebuilders face.
Enabling Smooth and Scalable Dynamic 3D Visualization
of Discrete-Event Construction Simulations
Vineet R. Kamat and
Julio C. Martinez (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)
Visualizing simulated construction operations is an
effective means of communicating the logic and the inner working of simulation
models in a comprehensive and comprehendible manner. This can facilitate both
model verification and validation and help establish credibility of simulation
analyses. Due to the inherent working nature of discrete-event simulation
systems, visualizing simulated operations in a smooth and continuous manner in
3D virtual worlds presents numerous interesting challenges. This paper
describes research being conducted at Virginia Tech to enable smooth and
scalable dynamic 3D visualization of discrete-event construction simulations.
Practical Approaches for Validating a Construction
Jonathan Jingsheng Shi (Illinois Institute of
This paper presents three methods implemented in the
activity-based construction modeling and simulation (ABC) system for
validating a construction simulation. The first method reports a simulation
experiment in the chronological order so that the user can examine the
operating sequence of the model. The second method provides the summary
information of total operating counts and mean durations of all activities in
the model so that the user can evaluate whether all activities have been
correctly executed during simulation. The third method produces the cyclic
report of a selected resource entity so that the user can examine whether the
entity is moving in the correct logical and chronological order during
simulation. The three methods can effectively assist the user in debugging a
simulation model so as to assure that the simulation is correctly conducted. A
road paving process is employed to illustrate these
Monday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Construction III
Chair: Julio C.
Martinez (Virginia Tech)
Using Belief Networks to Assess Risk
McCabe (Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto) and Donald
Ford (AMEC Earth and Environmental)
This paper reviews two commonly used risk assessment
tools, namely weighted scores and expected value. The limitations of weighted
scores have been outlined. One of the more difficult aspects of the expected
value method is to determine the probability of an event. A probabilistic
modeling environment, called belief networks, has been proposed as an
effective means of modeling the situation. An example application has been
provided to show how the integrated system may work.
On the Use of Fuzzy Clustering in Construction
Mohamed Marzouk and Osama Moselhi (Concordia University)
This paper presents a methodology that integrates fuzzy
clustering and computer simulation and demonstrates its use in modeling
earthmoving operations. A simulation system (SimEarth) was developed to model
earthmoving operations utilizing object-oriented features and discrete event
simulation. Fuzzy clustering is used to provide realistic estimates of
haulers’ travel time so as to improve the accuracy of the simulation results.
A case study involving the construction of a dam is presented to illustrate
the capabilities the proposed simulation engine and the developed fuzzy
clustering methodology for estimating haulers’ travel time.
EZStrobe – General-Purpose Simulation System Based
on Activity Cycle Diagrams
Julio C. Martinez (Virginia Tech)
EZStrobe is a very simple but powerful general-purpose
simulation system designed for modeling construction operations, but domain
independent and thus useful for modeling a wide variety of systems in any
discipline. EZStrobe is based on Activity Cycle Diagrams and employs the
Three-Phase Activity Scanning paradigm. It is therefore naturally adept for
complex systems where many resources collaborate to carry out tasks as is
typical in construction. The paper describes the basic system concepts. The
paper also develops an earthmoving example in increasing levels of complexity
and detail to illustrate the range of modeling