WSC 2001 Final Abstracts |
Military Applications Track
Monday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Military Keynote Address
Arnold Buss (Naval Postgraduate School)
Monday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
New Approaches to Combat Simulation
Chair: David Durda (TRAC-WSMR)
The Rapid Modelling System: A Component Based
Approach to the Simulation of Tactics
Phillip Martin (CORDA)
A component based approach to the simulation and
development of tactics or procedures was presented at WSC’99. This paper
provides an update to the approach, describing the substantial progress made
in developing a modelling tool set called the Rapid Modelling System (RMS) to
take advantage of the original concept. The paper describes the problems
encountered during the development and the methods employed to overcome them,
whilst keeping to the overall aim of providing a generic structure to the RMS.
The current functionality is described including the ability to use
propagation data and target strength values for sensor performance. An
illustrative example of a tactical set of procedures is described and a worked
example is provided showing how the RMS allows variations to be made in a
controlled and repeatable manner. The RMS is written in EXTEND TM (Imagine
That Inc).
Dimensionality Analysis of a Simulation Outcome
John B. Gilmer, Jr. and Frederick J. Sullivan (Wilkes
This paper investigates the dimensionality
characteristics of the outcome space of a combat simulation. The independent
state variables of all of the outcome states for a simulation run for given
event management policies were analyzed using techniques based on Principal
Component Analysis and Singular Value Decomposition, to give metrics for
dimensionality. The number of dimensions in the outcome space is indicative of
variety of possible outcomes, a property potentially important in hierarchical
simulation. Events were managed using random choices, multitrajectory methods
designed to give greater preference to high probability trajectories, and by
various methods guided by analysis of the impact of the various events. The
number of dimensions could not be increased greatly by the event management
techniques used for selecting event outcomes for multitrajectory resolution.
Beyond 1000 replication runs, the size of the state space did not even
strongly influence the metrics.
Monday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Simulation in Support of Military
Operations, Tactics, and Planning
Chair: Mike Frost (CORDA, Ltd)
ODIN – An Underwater Warfare Simulation
Terence Robinson (QinetiQ)
This paper describes the capability, design and
application of the generic underwater warfare simulation environment ODIN. The
model was developed by QinetiQ, previously DERA (Defence Evaluation and
Research Agency), to model the detailed underwater interaction between surface
ship/submarine/UUV (Unmanned Underwater Vehicle) platforms, torpedoes and
countermeasures. It was originally developed out of a need to model the
effectiveness of advanced countermeasure concepts and uses innovative
techniques to model multi-static signal acoustics. The environment provides a
‘whole system’ integrated approach to modelling using multiple levels of
fidelity to support a wide range of applications, from high-level Monte Carlo
assessment to algorithmic design and evaluation.
Planning Aids for the Military Commander: Force
Protection Simulation Opportunities with GIS
Alan Cowdale and Suzy
Lithgo (Air Warfare Centre)
This paper describes the development of computer
simulation models by the Operational Analysis Element of the Air Warfare
Centre to support Force Protection planning within the Royal Air Force. The
paper illustrates both the application of rapid system development methodology
to meet a military requirement, and provides a case study into how a model can
develop using the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) Inc ArcView
modelling suite to meet the user requirement.
A Simulation of the Mission Crew Workload in a Multi
Mission Aircraft
Phillip Martin, Christopher Watson, and Andy
Skinner (CORDA)
The increased tasking and reduced manning of a multi
mission aircraft put pressures on the mission-crew in terms of their workload,
mixture of skill and the training required. This paper describes the
simulation undertake by CORDA for the UK Air Warfare Centre. Within the model,
written in EXTEND TM (Imagine That Inc.), the mission is defined in a modular
form, which allows the mission tasks to be developed and modified as the study
progressed. Workloads are associated with each task which are then distributed
amongst the mission-crew. Within the model supervisory roles, relief crew and
rest periods are modelled. The design has provided a generic simulation
approach to mission-crew loading which allows the analyst to study variations
and sensitivities in a controlled manner. This allows the optimum capability
to be assessed and the minimum training / manning burden to be associated with
the introduction of new aircraft technologies and
Tuesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Chair: Jim Metzger (JWARS
The Joint Warfare System (JWARS): A Modeling and
Analysis Tool for the Defense Department
George Stone, III (Office
of the Secretary of Defense) and Gregory A. McIntyre (Offfice of the Secretary
of Defense)
Joint Warfare System (JWARS) is a campaign-level model
of military operations. Users will include the Office of the Secretary of
Defense (OSD), the Joint Staff, the Services, and the US Warfighting Commands.
Program requirements documents specify implementation that fosters insight
into cause and effect relationships encountered by military forces. JWARS will
support multi-billion dollar resource allocation decisions and critical
operational planning. As a closed-form analytic simulation, JWARS will provide
"balanced" representation of joint (modern) warfare. The simulation is
mixed-mode, with models that are stochastic or deterministic. The JWARS
program will include explicit representation of effects and perturbations
caused by information operations on command and control systems in military
operations. Relying on state-of-the-art uncertainty modeling concepts, JWARS
engineers and domain experts have developed high-level abstractions of sensor
and communications systems, the related information flows, imperfect
perception of the battlespace, and command decision making.
Commander Behavior and Course of Action Selection
Deborah Vakas, John Prince, and H. Ric Blacksten (CACI
International) and Chuck Burdick (Lockheed Martin Corp)
The Joint Warfare System (JWARS) is being equipped with
a Commander Model (CM) to perform situation assessment and Course of Action
(COA) selection, and a Commander Behavior Model (CBM) to bias decisions with a
commander's leadership style. The CM is a hybrid artificial intelligence
system that models doctrine through the use of fuzzy rule sets, together with
a tree-based lookahead algorithm for the strategy. The CBM employs
behavior-based fuzzy rule sets to augment the CM in assessing the situation,
and in biasing the COA selection criteria. Extending from Myers-Briggs
personality traits, the CBM links personality traits to military attitudes,
consequences and values. Employing the fuzzy rule sets, the resulting sets of
values are combined to select a specific COA with an auditable trail. Users
will have the ability to modify both the input parameters and the underlying
rules. The CM/CBM is applicable to decisions at multiple echelons.
JWARS Output Analysis
H. Ric Blacksten
and James W. Jones (CACI International Inc.), Michael L. Poumade (GRCI Inc),
Haywood S. Osborne (GRCI International) and George F. Stone (US Army)
The Joint Warfare System (JWARS) is being equipped with
a growing set of tools for microanalysis of single replications and for
macro-analysis across multiple replications. These include tools embedded in
the JWARS HCI (human-computer interface) to provide graphical and textual
reports for immediate review, tools to capture campaign results data in a
database for later analysis, and post-processing tools for processing such
data into reports to support the decision maker.
Tuesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Urban and Agent-Based Simulation
Chair: James Illingworth (TRAC-MTRY)
Representation of Urban Operations in Military Models
and Simulations
Scott T. Crino (TRADOC Analysis Center)
The US Military’s involvement in urban operations has
escalated significantly over the past several years. Though modeling and
simulation (M&S) has played a large role in the development and refinement
of Army tactics, techniques and procedures, current model research for
military operations in urban terrain (MOUT) is fragmented and inadequately
resourced. Core physical models are judged to be insufficient as a foundation
for simulation of urban operations. To combat our deficiencies, the Army
Modeling and Simulation Office (AMSO) has formed a Focus Area Collaborative
(FAC) Team. The Urban Operations FAC Team will direct all future urban
operations modeling efforts, ensuring new simulations credibly depict military
operations in urban terrain. Coordinated, coherent Army research for urban
M&S will reside in three main areas: Physical models, Terrain and
Behaviors. The overall purpose of the FAC Team is to ensure a coherent plan of
research for urban M&S is formulated, documented and published.
An Agent Architecture for Implementing Command and
Control in Military Simulations
Colin R. Mason (CORDA Ltd.) and
James Moffat (Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL))
In models of military operations it is important to
include the Command and Control (C2) process in order to achieve a realistic
simulation of a military force’s behaviour and effectiveness. Inspired by
ideas from complexity theory we have developed a representation of C2 based on
a decentralised system of interacting intelligent “command agents”. In this
paper we describe the architecture of our command agents and how this captures
the key C2 processes that exist in military headquarters, particularly the G2
and G3 processes of recognised picture compilation, decision making and
planning. We describe a reusable software framework that we have developed,
within which we implement the command agents. The architecture and its
software implementation enable us to produce command agents that can simulate
C2 at any level in the military command hierarchy and in operations across the
warfare spectrum - from high intensity combat to Operations Other Than War
Modeling and Simulation for Exploring
Human-Robot Team Interaction Requirements
Donald D. Dudenhoeffer,
David J. Bruemmer, and Midge L. Davis (Idaho National Engineering &
Environmental Laboratory)
Small-sized and micro-robots will soon be available for
deployment in large-scale forces. Consequently, the ability of a human
operator to coordinate and interact with large-scale robotic forces is of
great interest. This paper describes the ways in which modeling and simulation
have been used to explore new possibilities for human-robot interaction. The
paper also discusses how these explorations have fed implementation of a
unified set of command and control concepts for robotic force deployment.
Modeling and simulation can play a major role in fielding robot teams in
actual missions. While live testing is preferred, limitations in terms of
technology, cost, and time often prohibit extensive experimentation with
physical multi-robot systems. Simulation provides insight, focuses efforts,
eliminates large areas of the possible solution space, and increases the
quality of actual testing.
Tuesday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Simulation of Logistics
Eugene Paulo (TRAC-Monterey)
Effectiveness of Naval Surface Fire Support to the
Army Brigade Commander in a Littoral Campaign
Juan K. Ulloa (TRADOC
Analysis Center, Ft Leavenworth) and Eugene P. Paulo (TRAC-Monterey)
Since the end of the Cold War, the Army has engaged in
an unprecedented number of joint contingency operations hinting at future
missions aimed at protecting U.S. interests worldwide. To engage and defeat
future threats to our national security, the Army must transform itself into a
more strategically responsive, lethal force. This paper analyzes the
effectiveness of Naval Surface Fire Support (NSFS), which can help lighten the
force by providing support for brigade-sized units. The Fire Support
Simulation Tool (FSST) simulates the employment of various indirect fire
courses of action (COA’s) for analysis. Comparing the utility of several
well-constructed COA’s using the FSST’s output can help decision-makers
determine the effectiveness of NSFS for specific campaigns. The results of
this analysis conclude that there is strong quantitative and analytical
evidence to support the effectiveness of NSFS to an Army Brigade commander
engaged in a littoral campaign.
T.LoaDS Abbreviated Systems
Bob Hamber (Naval Facilities Engineering Service
The Tactical Logistics Distribution System (T.LoaDS or
TLoaDS)is a powerful and flexible simulation application for assessing current
or future tactical or sea-based distribution systems. In its current state of
development, it is an analytical model for assessing the pros and cons of new
doctrine, distribution techniques, organizational structures, and equipment
concepts. It can also be used to find out how to best use available resources
to sustain a military force in a wide variety of scenarios. The "System" in
TLoaDS refers to its modular architecture and that it is more that just a
simulation. It is a suite of analytical study tools. This paper introduces
TLoaDS features by an examination of its current software module architecture.
It also covers a few of the modules under development to expand TLoaDS scope,
depth and range of use, and further improve its ease of use.
Case Study in Modeling and Simulation Validation
Scott D. Simpkins (US Army Recruiting Command), Eugene
P. Paulo (TRAC-Monterey) and Lyn R. Whitaker (Naval Postgraduate School)
The military develops simulations to analyze nearly
every aspect of defense. How accurate are these simulations and to what extent
do they produce dependable results? Most guidance available to DoD analysts
provides broad recommendations geared towards management and coordination of
the validation processes. Here, we focus on practical validation from the
analyst’s perspective in the form of a case study. The platform used is the
theater missile defense (TMD) aspects of Extended Air Defense Simulation
(EADSIM) and a new simulation called Wargame 2000. The focus is not to
validate Wargame 2000 but to develop real, usable tools for analysis. Measures
of effectiveness include defense battery search, engagement and intercept
times against threat missiles are examined. Insight is provided into
developmental and data production issues making the validation process more
effective and meaningful.
Tuesday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Simulation-Based Acquisition
Chair: Ernie Page (MITRE)
Architectural Principles for the U.S. Army's Simulation
and Modeling for Acquisition, Requirements and Training (SMART)
Ernest H. Page (The MITRE Corporation) and Wendell H.
Lunceford (U.S. Army Model and Simulation Office)
A collection of architectural principles is developed
that support Army's Simulation and Modeling for Acquisition, Requirements and
Training (SMART) initiative.
Usage Testing of Military Simulation
Gwendolyn H. Walton and Robert M. Patton (University of
Central Florida) and Douglas J. Parsons (US Army STRICOM)
Scalability and input domain explosion make it
impossible to exhaustively test simulation systems. Improved methods such as
statistical usage testing are needed to provide quantitative support for test
planning and test management. This paper describes the challenges and the
state of the practice of testing simulation systems. A brief introduction to
statistical usage testing is provided. An approach to developing an abstract
usage model structure appropriate for testing military simulation systems is
suggested and illustrated. This approach supports the creation and analysis of
test scenarios that are flexible enough to handle a wide range of uses in
military simulations.
Wednesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Simulation Analysis
Raymond Hill (AFIT)
Applications of Discrete Event Simulation Modeling to
Military Problems
Raymond R. Hill and J. O. Miller (AFIT) and
Gregory A. McIntyre (JWARS)
The military is a big user of discrete event simulation
models. The use of these models range from training and wargaming their
constructive use in important military analyses. In this paper we discuss the
uses of military simulation, the issues associated with military simulation to
include categorizations of various types of military simulation. We then
discuss three particular simulation studies undertaken with the Air Force
Institute of Technology’s Department of Operational Science focused on
important Air Force and Army issues.
Generic Models in the Advanced IRCM Assessment
David P. Forrai (JE Sverdrup) and James J. Maier (AFRL/IFEB)
The Advanced IRCM Assessment Model (AIRSAM) simulates
an infrared (IR) guided missile engaging an aircraft equipped with infrared
countermeasures (IRCM). Analysts currently use AIRSAM to predict the most
likely IRCM response by an aircraft when engaged. The analyst often attempts
to determine responses using IRCM or threat systems that are not characterized
in detail. For AIRSAM to be an effective simulation for this purpose, the
models for IRCMs and threat systems must allow the user to adjust operational
parameters to match the IRCMs or threat systems of interest. Much of our work
over the past nine years has involved developing generic models with
associated configuration tools to provide the user with this flexibility. This
paper will highlight some of those generic models.
Study of an Ergodicity Pitfall in Multitrajectory
John B. Gilmer, Jr. and Frederick J. Sullivan (Wilkes
Multitrajectory Simulation allows random events in a
simulation to generate multiple trajectories. Management techniques have been
developed to manage the choices of trajectories to be continued as
combinatorial explosion and limited resources prevents continuing all of them.
One of the seemingly most promising methods used trajectory probability as a
criterion, so that higher probability trajectories were preferentially
continued, resulting in a more even distribution of (surviving) trajectory
probabilities, and better than stochastic approximation to a reference
outcome. It was also found that this management technique introduced a failed
ergodicity assumption. The higher and lower probability trajectories behave
differently to a significant extent. The effect is to limit the number of
trajectories which can usefully be applied to the problem, such that
additional runs would fail to converge further toward the definitive reference
outcome set. This may be a useful model for understanding other simulation
modeling limitations.
Wednesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Economics and Security Issues in
Chair: Paul Sanchez (Naval Postgraduate School)
Modes of Simulation Practice in Business and the
Stewart Robinson (Warwick Business School)
Modelling human interaction and decision-making within
a simulation presents a particular challenge. This paper describes a
methodology that is being developed known as 'knowledge based improvement'.
The purpose of this methodology is to elicit decision-making strategies via a
simulation model and to represent them using artificial intelligence
techniques. Further to this, having identified an individual's decision-making
strategy, the methodology aims to look for improvements in decision-making.
The methodology is being tested on unplanned maintenance operations at a Ford
engine assembly plant.
The Economic Effects of Reusability on Distributed
Mary Ewing (University of Alabama in Huntsville)
This paper examines whether the ability to reuse a
simulation, in whole or in part, results in tangible cost savings on the
overall economics of the original simulation. Specific target simulations are
those created for the US Army using the mandated High Level Architecture
framework for reusability. A hypothetical model was developed to determine if
a simulation created for the High Level Architecture could produce
quantitative cost savings due to its reusability while keeping other cost
parameters constant. It was discovered that actual cost data and percentages
of reusability for existing Army simulations were difficult to assess.
Further, it was discovered that the economics of reusability had never been
addressed from a consistent viewpoint. From a purely hypothetical, economic
standpoint, reusability proves itself to be a strong economic argument for the
use of the High Level Architecture framework or some similar architecture.
Security Issues in High Level Architecture Based
Distributed Simulation
Asa Elkins (Integrated Data Systems),
Jeffery W. Wilson (Department of the Navy) and Denis Gracanin (Virginia Tech)
The United States Department of Defense (DoD) has, over
the past several years, emphasized the need to employ simulation based
acquisition (SBA) in engineering and development. Distributed simulation
introduces an information assurance challenge and details of a simulation must
be guarded from unauthorized access. The High Level Architecture (HLA) and its
Run-Time Interface (RTI) do not define support of mandatory access controls
(MACs) or discretionary access controls (DACs) required to provide necessary
protection levels. We review of some current MLS approaches for HLA/RTI
simulations to illustrate the deficient Multi-Level Secure (MLS) components in
HLA and present options for a secure HLA interface built at the network layer.
An initial implementation of a proposed solution is presented. We discuss
experimental results, limitations of our implementation and future research