WSC 2001 Final Abstracts |
Software/Modelware Tutorials Track
Monday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Chair: Aparna Gupta
(Rensselaer Polytechnic University)
The Arena Product Family: Enterprise Modeling
Roderick J. Swets and Glenn R. Drake (Rockwell Software)
This paper introduces the Arena suite of products for
modeling, simulation, and optimization highlighting product architecture and
technology features that are targeted toward successful deployment of
simulation and Arena throughout an enterprise.
Monday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Chair: Brett Peters
(Texas A&M University)
The AutoMod Product Suite Tutorial
Stanley (Brooks Automation, AutoSimulations Division)
Whether designing a new system or modifying an existing
one, engineers want to take the guesswork out of finding the best possible
solution. While there are many analysis methods for designing industrial
systems, simulation remains the method that provides the highest level of
confidence that a system will perform. A well-written simulation model can be
a valuable tool in the design, analysis, and operation of manufacturing and
other complex systems. The AutoMod Product Suite from Brooks
Automation, AutoSimulations Division has been used on 1000s of projects to
help engineers and managers make the best decisions possible.
Monday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Chair: Jeffrey Smith
(Auburn University)
The Extend Simulation Environment
Krahl (Imagine That, Inc.)
The Extend simulation environment provides an
integrated structure for building simulation models and developing new
simulation tools. This environment supports simulation modelers on a wide
range of levels. Model builders can use Extend’s pre-built modeling components
to quickly build and analyze systems without programming. Simulation tool
developers can use Extend’s built-in, compiled language, ModL, to develop new
reusable modeling components. All of this is done within a single,
self-contained software program that does not require external interfaces,
compilers, or code generators.
Tuesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
ProModel / MedModel
Chair: Bala
Ram (North Carolina A&T State University)
Simulation Modeling and Optimization Using ProModel
Charles R. Harrell (Brigham Young University) and Kevin
C. Field (PROMODEL Corporation)
The ProModel Optimization Suite is a powerful yet
easy-to-use simulation tool for modeling all types of manufacturing systems
ranging from small job shops and machining cells to large mass production,
flexible manufacturing systems, and supply chain systems. ProModel is a
Windows based application with an intuitive graphical interface and
object-oriented modeling constructs that eliminate the need for programming.
It combines the flexibility of a general-purpose simulation language with the
convenience of a data-driven simulator. The ProModel Optimization Suite
includes an optimization tool called SimRunner that performs sophisticated
“what-if” analysis by running automatic factorial design of experiments on the
model, providing the best answer possible. This paper provides an overview of
the ProModel Optimization Suite and presents its modeling, analysis, and
optimization capabilities.
Healthcare Simulation Modeling and Optimization
Using MedModel
Charles R. Harrell (Brigham Young University) and
Victor Lange (PROMODEL Corporation)
MedModel is a simulation tool that allows healthcare
engineers, managers and clinicians to quickly examine very complex operational
and planning issues. Unlike static tools, such as spreadsheets, MedModel makes
it easy to replicate the complex interactions within and between departments.
These interactions quickly create problems that are simply too complex for
traditional tools to answer properly. MedModel has a wealth of specific
functions to accurately duplicate actual health system behavior. This paper is
an examination of how capable this tool is in answering complex healthcare
planning questions.
Tuesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Micro Saint
Chair: Catherine
Harmonosky (Penn State University)
Simulation Interoperability with the Micro Saint
Simulation Software and COM Services
Daniel W. Schunk and Wendy K.
Bloechle (Micro Analysis & Design)
In today’s high tech world the need for
interoperability among programs has never been more necessary. If a user were
able to utilize different program’s strengths in unison, then the ability for
programs to work together would greatly expand current software’s ability to
analyze. In response to this request, COM Services was added to the most
recent release of Micro Saint. This paper will feature an example of how to
apply interoperability to the Micro Saint simulation software as well as
present some examples of how to further utilize COM Services.
Tuesday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
SDI Supply Chain Builder
Gabriel A. Wainer (Carleton University)
SDI Supply Chain Builder: Simulation from Atoms to the
Richard A. Phelps, David J. Parsons, and Andrew J.
Siprelle (Simulation Dynamics, Inc.)
The SDI Supply Chain Builder Product Suite is a
high-level simulation toolset that provides solutions to enterprise problems.
The product suite contains four specific elements for enterprise modeling: SDI
Supply Chain Builder for supply/distribution chains, SDI Plant Builder for
multi-stage plants driven by schedules, Extend+Industry for high-speed,
high-volume production line modeling, and the SDI DataFramework for high-speed
data import and export. These elements can be expanded for use in modeling of
smaller projects such as a single packaging line to large-scale projects such
as a worldwide supply chain.
Tuesday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Chair: Daniel Finke (Penn
State University)
CSIM19: A Powerful Tool for Building System
Herb Schwetman (Mesquite Software, Inc.)
CSIM19 is the latest version of the system modeling
toolkit from Mesquite Software. CSIM19 offers many features that enable a
modeler to develop robust and realistic models of complex systems. These
models represent the system as a collection of processes and resources; in
most cases the processes mimic the behavior of the entities of the system as
they compete for use of the system’s resources. This paper presents CSIM19 and
the new features in CSIM19. These features include new capabilities for
managing processes at facilities, enhanced handling of messages at mailboxes,
and performance improvements. Using the OptQuest optimization package with
CSIM19 is also discussed. The talk concludes with an extended example.
Wednesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Expert Fit
Chair: Terrence
Sisira Perera (Sheffield Hallam University)
How the ExpertFit Distribution-Fitting Software Can Make
Your Simulation Models More Valid
Averill M. Law and Michael G.
McComas (Averill Law & Associates)
In this paper, we discuss the critical role of
simulation input modeling in a successful simulation study. Two pitfalls in
simulation input modeling are then presented and we explain how any analyst,
regardless of their knowledge of statistics, can easily avoid these pitfalls
through the use of the ExpertFit distribution-fitting software. We use a set
of real-world data to demonstrate how the software automatically specifies and
ranks probability distributions, and then tells the analyst whether the “best”
candidate distribution is actually a good representation of the data. If no
distribution provides a good fit, then ExpertFit can define an empirical
distribution. In either case, the selected distribution is put into the proper
format for direct input to the analyst’s simulation software.
Wednesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Silk and Taylor ED
Charles R. Standridge (Grand Valley State University)
SML and Silk for Java-Based, Object-Oriented
Richard A. Kilgore (ThreadTec)
The Simulation Modeling Language (SML™) is an open
source, web-based, simulation development project to be guided by a consortium
of industrial, academic and government simulation consultants, practitioners
and developers. SML represents an attempt to coordinate the global development
of open source simulation software libraries in a number of programming
languages to foster industry standards and collaboration. Open source SML will
encourage the simulation-related development of emerging technologies and
standards like XML and generally enhance the quality, flexibility and validity
of simulation models and improve simulation language design. This paper
describes the SML software, the goals of the SML organization and relates the
origins, philosophy and procedures of the open source movement to the
objectives and needs of the simulation community.
Taylor Enterprise Dynamics
William B.
Nordgren (Enterprise Dynamics (formerly F&H Simulations))
Taylor Enterprise Dynamics (Taylor ED) is an
object-oriented software system used to model, simulate, visualize, and
monitor dynamic-flow process activities and systems. Atoms are Taylor ED’s
smart objects and model building resources. In addition to Taylor ED’s
standard atom libraries, users can create new atoms themselves. Taylor ED’s
object-oriented architecture provides users with the ability to enhance and
increase the functionality of the Taylor ED software system. It also provides
simulation experts with a platform on which to create new simulation software
programs for specific industries or for specific applications. Historically,
Taylor ED has been used to model manufacturing, warehousing, and material
handling processes. The software is being used more and more to model,
simulate, and visualize service and data flow processes. In addition to these
traditional uses, Taylor ED is also used to monitor flow processes in
real-time. This paper briefly describes the uses and benefits of Taylor ED.