WSC 2001 Final Abstracts |
Monday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Fluid Models
Chair: Stephen D.
Patek (University of Virginia)
An Empirical Validation of a Duality Model of TCP and
Queue Management Algorithms
Sanjeewa Athuraliya and Steven H. Low
In this paper we validate through simulations a duality
model of TCP and active queue management (AQM) proposed earlier. In this
model, TCP and AQM are modeled as carrying out a distributed primal-dual
algorithm over the Internet to maximize aggregate source utility. TCP
congestion avoidance algorithms, such as Reno and Vegas, iterate on source
rates, the primal variable. AQM algorithms, such as RED and REM, iterate on
marking probability, the dual variable.
Deterministic Fluid Models of Congestion Control
in High-Speed Networks
Sanjay Shakkottai and R. Srikant (University
of Illinois at Urbana Champaign)
Congestion control algorithms, such as TCP or the
closely-related additive increase-multiplicative decrease algorithms, are
extremely difficult to simulate on a large scale. The reasons for this include
the complexity of the actual implementation of the algorithm and the
randomness introduced in the packet arrival and service processes due to many
factors such as arrivals and departures of sources and uncontrollable short
flows in the network. To make the simulation tractable, often deterministic
fluid approximations of these algorithms are used. These fluid approximations
are in the form of deterministic delay differential equations. In this paper,
we ignore the complexity introduced by the window-based implementation of such
algorithms and focus on the randomness in the network. We justify the use of
deterministic models for proportionally-fair congestion controllers under a
limiting regime where the number of sources in a network is large.
Fluid Model for Window-Based Congestion Control
Richard J. La (Motorola Inc.)
We study the stability of two queueing delay-based
congestion control algorithms, the (p,1)-proportionally fair algorithm and the
global optimization algorithm. We linearize the systems around the intended
operating point and show that these algorithms are stable within a range of
feedback delay. Based on these linearized systems we study the impact of
various (cascade) compensators on the system. We show that the PID control
improves the transient behavior of the system. We simulate both the linearized
system and non-linear system and illustrate the validity of the analysis and
improvement in the system behavior with compensators.
Monday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Fluid Simulation
Chair: David M.
Nicol (Dartmouth College)
Discrete Event Fluid Modeling of TCP
M. Nicol (Dartmouth College)
The bulk of Internet traffic is carried using variants
of the TCP protocol. A realistic simulation-based performance study of any
distributed application run over the Internet (e.g. reliable multicast) must
therefore account for the impact that TCP background traffic has upon
application behavior. Because TCP flows are shaped by other TCP flows, it is
difficult to model TCP and its impact on other traffic other than by
explicitly simulating it. This adds a significant computational burden to the
simulation. This paper describes how we use fluid-based models of TCP to
reduce the computational workload of simulating background TCP traffic. In
particular we describe how a number of significant aspects of TCP can be
described within a fluid formulation, how fluid models give rise to specific
challenges that must be addressed by modeler and simulation kernel, and how we
have addressed these in the DaSSF simulator.
On the Impact of Concurrent Downloads
Liu, Weibo Gong, and Prashant Shenoy (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
Concurrent downloads accelerate information access
speed for individual web users. The speed-up comes from multiple connections
launched for one subject download, which leads to unfairness at user level. In
this paper, we study the impact of concurrent downloads on the network.
Particularly, we investigate the fairness between users who employ different
downloading concurrency. We also discuss how concurrent downloads affect the
transient behavior of the network.
On Improving the Performance of
Simulation-Based Algorithms for Average Reward Processes with Application to
Network Pricing
Enrique Campos-Náñez and Stephen D. Patek
(University of Virginia)
We address performance issues associated with
simulation-based algorithms for optimizing Markov reward processes.
Specifically, we are concerned with algorithms that exploit the regenerative
structure of the process in estimating the gradient of the objective function
with the respect to control parameters. In many applications, states which
initially have short expected return-times may eventually become infrequently
visited as the control parameters are updated. As a result, unbiased updates
to the control parameters can become so infrequent as to render the algorithm
impractical. The performance of these algorithms can be significantly improved
by adapting the state which is used to mark regenerative cycles. In this
paper, we introduce such an adaptation procedure, give initial arguments for
its convergence properties, and illustrate its application in two numerical
examples. The examples relate to the optimal pricing of communication network
resources for congestion-controlled traffic.
Monday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Chair: David M. Nicol
(Dartmouth College)
Towards High Performance Modeling of the 802.11
Wireless Protocol
Jason Liu, David M. Nicol, L. Felipe Perrone, and
Michael Liljenstam (ISTS Dartmouth College)
The IEEE 802.11 standard is a widely used protocol for
wireless communications. It is a moderately complex algorithm involving
collision detection, dynamic backoffs, channel reservations, and
acknowledgments. Detailed simulation of 802.11 requires some care, and
considerable execution time. We are interested in developing a rapidly
executable model of 802.11's effect on network behavior. Our interest in this
derives from investigations into routing algorithms for large scale ad-hoc
networks, executing on parallel architectures. As our interest is in routing
and not the MAC layer, a rapidly executed model of 802.11 will accelerate
simulations focused on routing issues while giving us ``good enough''
estimates of packet latency, throughput, and loss.
Use of DaSSF in a Scalable Multiprocessor Wireless
Simulation Architecture
Trefor J. Delve and Nathan J. Smith
(Motorola Labs)
The problem of efficient load distribution and scaling
of large-scale wireless communication system simulation on multiprocessor
architectures (both shared memory and cluster arrangements) is considered. A
flexible architecture based upon DaSSF, the Dartmouth Scalable Simulation
Framework discrete event engine, is presented and evaluated. The architecture
is designed to deal with the computationally intensive aspects of radio
communication simulation in a distributed environment. Results are presented
that show how the architecture scales on a shared memory multiprocessor SGI
Origin with increasing problem size and available processors.
Simulating Networks of Wireless Sensors
Park, Andreas Savvides, and Mani B. Srivastava (University of California Los
Recent advances in low-power embedded processors,
radios, and micro-mechanical systems (MEMs) have made possible the development
of networks of wirelessly interconnected sensors. With their focus on
applications requiring tight coupling with the physical world, as opposed to
the personal communication focus of conventional wireless networks, these
wireless sensor networks pose significantly different design, implementation,
and deployment challenges. In this paper, we present a set of models and
techniques that are embodied in a simulation tool for modeling wireless sensor
networks. Our work builds up on the infrastructure provided by the widely used
ns-2 simulator, and adds a suite of new features and techniques that are
specific to wireless sensor networks. These features introduce the notion of a
sensing channel through which sensors detect targets, and provide detailed
models for evaluating energy consumption and battery lifetime.
Tuesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Communications and Network
Chair: Stephen D. Patek (University of Virginia)
Benefits From Semi-Asynchronous Checkpointing for
Time Warp Simulations of a Large State PCS Model
Andrea Santoro and
Francesco Quaglia (Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica)
Checkpointing overhead is a major obstacle for the
effectiveness of Time Warp parallel discrete event simulators.
Semi-asynchronous checkpointing is a recent solution to tackle this obstacle
for Time Warp simulations on distributed memory systems based on Myrinet. In
this solution, checkpoint operations are offloaded from the host CPU and are
charged to a DMA engine on board of Myrinet network cards. In this paper we
report an empirical evaluation of the benefits from semi-asynchronous
checkpointing for Time Warp simulations of a large state Personal
Communication System (PCS) model. PCS simulation models are typically
characterized by high communication locality among the LPs hosted by the same
machine, therefore the hardware on board of the Myrinet cards is typically
underutilized if used to support exclusively communication. We show that the
execution speed of Time Warp simulations of a large state PCS model can be
increased when semi-asynchronous checkpointing is adopted.
Satellite Communications Representation in Network
Kenneth Y. Jo (Defense Information Systems Agency)
This paper presents methodologies to represent
satellite communications (SATCOM) behaviors in network simulation. This paper
is based on tasks being performed for generic network warefare simulation that
employs traditional network simulation models. The methodologies also include
the integration issues of SATCOM tools and the network simulation models. We
first characterize space segments and assets involved in warfare operations
and exercises, and then analyze system behaviors to measure space-link
performance design results. The techniques adopted in effect will augment
traditional network models with SATCOM capabilities through specialized
satellite analysis models. The SATCOM tools produce detailed satellite orbit
characteristics and radio frequency (RF) performance analyses for puvlic and
commercial satellites with multiple microwave bands. Automated interface
mechanisms between the SATCOM and network simulation models are being
developed to provide more interactive model collaboration.
Experiences Parallelizing a Commercial Network
Hao Wu, Richard M. Fujimoto, and George Riley (Georgia
Institute of Technology)
Most current approaches to parallel simulation focus on
building new parallel simulation engines that require the development of new
models and software. An alternate, emerging approach is to extend sequential
simulators to execute on parallel computers. We describe a methodology for
realizing parallel simulations in this manner. This work is specifically
concerned with parallelization of commercial simulators where source code for
some or all of the sequential simulator is not available. We describe our
experiences in applying this methodology to realize a parallel version of the
OPNET simulator for modeling computer networks. We show significant speedup
can be readily obtained for some OPNET models if proper partitioning
strategies are applied and the simulation attributes are tuned appropriately.
However, we observe that substantial modifications to other OPNET models are
needed to achieve efficient parallel execution because of their extensive use
of global variables and zero lookahead events.