WSC 2002 Final Abstracts |
Construction Engineering and Project Management
Monday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Chair: Dan Halpin
(Purdue University)
Lean Construction and Simulation
Daniel W.
Halpin and Marc Kueckmann (Purdue University)
This paper explores the relationship between simulation
and the emerging topics of Lean Thinking and lean construction. The ideas
which have motivated the evolution of lean construction concepts are
presented. The use of simulation as a means of evaluating the benefit of using
lean construction techniques is discussed. Two examples of lean thinking based
re-design of common construction processes are described and evaluated using
construction process simulation. The paper is designed to promote
consideration of the similarities between simulation based process improvement
and process re-design related to the application of the principles of lean
Optimal Construction Project
Simaan AbouRizk and Yasser Mohamed (University of Alberta)
The nature of the construction industry combined with
the lack of appropriate techniques and technologies suitable for construction
work are among the main reasons for inadequate industry performance.
Researchers need to develop a better understanding of the construction
industry and develop approaches and technologies that will enable construction
companies to do a better job in estimating, planning, and control. A
production-based framework is proposed in this paper to address some of the
challenges in managing construction projects. The framework is based on a
number of components, which collectively represent an integrated approach for
planning and execution of construction projects. This paper focuses on the
simulation component of the framework and highlights the features currently
available in Simphony as a leading construction simulation platform. It also
addresses the main challenges and requirements for extending its capabilities
to fit within the envisioned framework.
Special Purpose Simulation Modeling of Tower
Bradford J.A. Appleton and John Patra (PCL Construction
Inc.) and Yasser Mohamed and Simaan AbouRizk (University of Alberta)
Historically, simulation tools have only been used and
understood by the academic community. Special Purpose Simulation (SPS)
techniques have introduced computer modeling to the industry, resulting in
reduced model development time and a user-friendly environment. This paper
describes the special purpose simulation template, which is based on the tower
crane operations performed by PCL Constructors Inc. On-site management of the
tower crane resource is based on prioritized work tasks that need to be
performed within a set period of time. Traditional SPS modeling techniques use
‘relationship logic links’ to represent the logic contained in the modeled
system. As the number of work tasks increases for the tower crane resource,
the model complexity using traditional simulation techniques becomes
unmanageable, resulting in limited acceptance by industry practitioners. The
tower crane template uses ‘priority rating logic’ to replace the ‘relationship
logic links’. Evaluation of the tower crane operations at the Electrical and
Computer Engineering Research Facility (ECERF), being constructed in Edmonton,
is used to illustrate the advantages of using the ‘priority rating logic’
modeling approach for tower crane operations. The simulation model analyzes
the ECERF tower crane production cycle yielding outputs for total duration,
crane utilization, and lift activity hook-time
Monday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Chair: Simaan Abourizk
(University of Calgary)
Simulation-Based Analysis of Handling Inbound
Containers in a Terminal
Sgouris P. Sgouridis (Private Practice)
and Demos C. Angelides (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
The continuing growth of marine container transport, as
well as, the complexity in the analysis of terminal port operations has
created an ideal area for applying computer simulation. This paper focuses on
the handling of incoming containers transported on trucks in an
"All-Straddle-Carrier" system. All major processes are reproduced by the
simulation model. Input data includes parameters of space, speed and arrival
frequency in a generic format, so as the model is adjustable to any situation.
Analyzing the model for periods of model time ranging from a day to a week can
give insight to the service level provided by any given port configuration.
The simulated system can be used as a planning and a process improvement tool.
In the development of the simulation model an object-oriented environment is
used. It proves quite effective, resulting in a reliable and adjustable model.
Application of Simulation Models in Airport Facility
Naren Doshi and Robert Moriyama (Greater Toronto Airports
Lester B. Pearson – Toronto International Airport is
undertaking a $4.4B development program comprising a new 390,000 sq. m.
terminal building (replacing two aging terminals), three new runways, cargo
facilities, a central utilities plant, and an expanded road system and parking
facilities. This activity is proceeding while the airport continues to operate
and while requirements evolve in response to rapid changes in the airline
industry. The airport has used and continues to use airport simulation models
to assist in the development of program requirements and to validate design.
For example, computer models have been used to generate population estimates
to determine impacts on HVAC requirements and to simulate queuing at check-in
counters and pre-board security screening points. This paper will discuss
calibration methods and the application of simulation results in the design
process. Finally, the impact of the changed environment since September 11,
2001 on airport design will be discussed.
Simulation Modeling and Optimization of Stockyard
Layouts for Precast Concrete Products
Ramesh Marasini and Nashwan
Dawood (School of Science and Technology, University of Teesside)
Stockyard is a hob of information that reflects the
production, stock and sales of precast concrete products. The stockyard layout
plays an important role in storage and retrieval of the products. Stockyard
layout planning offers a complex task as large number of products are involved
with different handling and storage requirements, and large stock is
inevitable due to seasonality of demand. The major issues in planning
stockyard layout include the proper design of stockyard space with roads and
aisle networks and dynamic allocation of products to storage locations. A
prototype "SimStock", an integrated process simulation model, was developed
for planning and optimization of stockyard layouts for precast concrete
products. The development of the prototype, its capacities and strengths with
a case study are discussed.
Monday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Chair: Iris Tommelein
(University of California, Berkeley)
Lead Time Reduction via Pre-Positioning of Inventory in
an Industrial Construction Supply Chain
Kenneth D. Walsh (San Diego
State University), James C. Hershauer (Department of Management), Tobi A.
Walsh (Department of Supply Chain Management), Iris D. Tommelein (Construction
Engineering and Management Program) and Anil Sawhney (Del E. Webb School of
Lead time reduction is a key concern of many industrial
buyers of capital facilities given current economic conditions. Supply chain
initiatives in manufacturing settings have led owners to expect that dramatic
reductions in lead time are possible in all phases of their business,
including the delivery of capital materials. Further, narrowing product
delivery windows and increasing pressure to be first-to-market create
significant external pressure to reduce lead time. In this paper, a case study
is presented in which an owner entered the construction supply chain to obtain
and pre-position key long-lead materials. The materials were held at a
position in the supply chain selected to allow some flexibility for continued
customization, but dramatic reduction in the time-to-site. Simulation was used
as a tool to consider time-to-site tradeoffs for multiple inventory locations
so as to better match the needs of the construction effort.
Contributors to Lead Time in Construction Supply
Chains: Case of Pipe Supports Used in Power Plants
Roberto J.
Arbulu and Iris D. Tommelein (U.C. Berkeley), Kenneth D. Walsh (San Diego
State University) and James C. Hershauer (Arizona State University)
This paper describes process models that characterize
the design phase in the supply chain of pipe supports used in power plants.
The models are used to study how production system design factors such as
batching, uncertainty, and multitasking throughout this phase hamper supply
chain performance. These factors all cause an increase in lead time. The
models build on the STROBOSCOPE discrete-event simulation engine and
illustrate several deterministic and probabilistic simulation scenarios
including different batch sizes, uncertainty levels, and allocation
percentages of shared resources. Based on the analysis of the simulation
results, this paper recommends performance improvements not just in the supply
chain of pipe supports but generally in the delivery of capital projects.
Process Mapping of Residential Foundation Slab
Construction Processes
Howard Bashford, Anil Sawhney, and André
Mund (Arizona State University) and Kenneth Walsh (San Diego State University)
With the purpose of mapping residential foundation slab
construction processes, the authors collected the necessary process mapping
information. After the completion of the process mapping for several common
residential foundation slab construction processes, the team then used the
process maps to identify potential process improvements and documented these
in new, revised process maps. The residential foundation slab construction
process mapping effort coupled with process simulation demonstrated the
existence of opportunities for residential foundation slab construction
process improvements. This has motivated the homebuilder partners to further
pursue the issue by developing a residential foundation slab construction
process to a stage where several prototype foundation slabs can be built. This
report provides information on all steps accomplished and all issues involving
the process mapping effort.
Tuesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Chair: Julio Martinez
(Virginia Polytechnic University)
Evaluation of Policies for the Maintenance of
Bridges Using Discrete-Event Simulation
Srinath Devulapalli
(Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University) and Julio C. Martinez
and Jesus M. de la Garza (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)
The complexities and costs associated with preserving
the nation's bridge infrastructure demand innovative approaches to analysis of
data and prediction of future bridge conditions. Several Bridge Management
systems (BMS) have come into existence following the ISTEA act of 1991. The
policy analysis module of BMS systems developed is restricted to analytical
methods. With the availability of modern infrastructure, realistic simulation
models are being developed in several fields. This leads to the question of
whether reasonably realistic and practical discrete event simulation (DES)
based policy analysis tools can be developed? A DES model was developed for
the Salem district of Virginia using a simulation package, STROBOSCOPE. This
simulation model can be used to simulate the bridge network behavior under
different policies and observe the impact on the health of the network making
it a useful tool for decision-making. The tool can enable the formulation and
testing of different bridge maintenance policies.
Comparison of Simulation-Driven Construction Operations
Visualization and 4D CAD
Vineet R. Kamat and Julio C. Martinez
(Virginia Tech)
Several recent research efforts in visualizing
construction are rooted in scheduling. They involve linking activity-based
construction schedules and 3D CAD models of facilities to describe
discretely-evolving construction "product" visualizations called 4D CAD. The
focus is on communicating what component(s) are built where and when. The
construction processes or operations actually involved in building them are
usually implied. Ongoing research at Virginia Tech focuses on designing
automated, simulation-driven methods to visualize, in addition to evolving
construction products, the operations and processes that are performed in
building them. In addition to what is built where and when, the effort is
concerned with visualizing who builds it and how by depicting the interaction
between involved machines, resources, and materials. This paper expounds the
differences in concept, form, and content between 4D CAD and dynamic 3D
visualization of operations simulations. An example of a structural steel
framing operation is presented to elucidate the comparison.
Optimization of the Waste Management for
Construction Projects Using Simulation
Mala Chandrakanthi, Janaka
Y. Ruwanpura, Patrick Hettiaratchi, and Bolívar Prado (University of Calgary)
Growth in construction activities increases the amount
of construction waste generated. Recycling of construction waste is an
important component of environmentally responsible construction, as it reduces
the amount of waste directed to landfills. In addition, it enhances the
resource recovery for future construction work. A model is presented in this
paper to predict waste generation rates, as well as to determine the economic
advantages of recycling at construction sites. A future advanced version of
the model can be applied to any construction site to; determine the amount of
daily waste generation, resource and time requirement for sorting and
transporting of recyclables. The model, therefore, is a valuable tool for
construction managers interested in asserting the viability of recycling
Tuesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Chair: D. Angelides
(Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
Simulation based Project Selection Decision
Analysis Tool
Gary Powers (Nova Chemicals Ltd.), Janaka Y.
Ruwanpura (University of Calgary), Garry Dolhan (EVANS Consoles Inc. ) and
Martin Chu (University of Calgary)
Project Selection is the process of evaluating
individual projects, to choose the right project based on an analysis so that
the objectives of the company will be achieved. It involves a thorough
analysis including the most important financial aspect to determine the most
optimum project among all the alternatives. Some projects have high
uncertainty, and therefore simulation based project selection decision
analysis could evaluate the projects with a greater confidence. The model
presented in the paper shows a special purpose simulation tool for project
selection based on influences that govern the project selection process. A
graphical and hierarchical approach is adopted for the non-simulation experts
to use the model to derive the expected results for project selection process
and decision making under uncertain conditions.
Project Management – Critical Path Method (CPM) and
PERT Simulated with ProcessModel
LeRoy F. Simmons (Loyola College)
ProcessModel simulation allows the activity times of a
project to be represented by a variety of distributions and further the
resulting project time may also be represented by a variety of distributions.
This is a significant improvement over the traditional methods of CPM and
PERT. Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) takes the CPM network and
adds distributions to represent the activity times of the project. CPM assumes
the activity times to be constant, which is not likely in the real world. PERT
assumes the activity times of the project to be distributed as Beta
distributions and the resulting project time to be a Normal distribution. This
is better than assuming them to be constant, but these assumptions are
needlessly restrictive. This paper demonstrates how simulation with
ProcessModel can remove these needless restrictions.
Selecting Earthmoving Equipment Fleets Using Genetic
Mohamed Marzouk and Osama Moselhi (Concordia University)
This paper presents an application of simulation
optimization in construction utilizing genetic algorithms. The paper focuses
on the use of genetic algorithms (GA) as a tool for optimizing the total cost
of earthmoving operations accounting for available equipment models to
contractors and their corresponding quantities. The developed genetic
algorithm has a powerful computational utility that increases its efficiency.
The fitness of generated chromosomes is calculated utilizing a simulation
engine dedicated for earthmoving operations which is dynamically linked to the
developed genetic algorithm. The impact of the algorithm’s control parameters
on its conversion is also examined. A numerical example is presented to
illustrate the capabilities of the developed algorithm in selecting
near-optimum fleet configurations.