WSC 2002 Final Abstracts |
Future of Simulation Track
Tuesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Simulation Standards
Swee Leong (National Institute of Standards and
A Framework for Standard Modular
Charles McLean and Swee Leong (National Institute of
Standards and Technology)
The primary reason for building manufacturing
simulations is to provide support tools that aid the manufacturing
decision-making process. Simulations are typically a part of a case study
commissioned by manufacturing management to address a particular set of
problems. The objectives of the case study determine the types of simulation
models, input data, and output data that are required. Neutral model libraries
and interface data standards could simplify the simulation analyst’s job and
significantly improve the simulation case study process. This paper describes
a proposed framework for simulation standards development. The framework is
comprised of four major component elements: 1) industry sector, 2)
hierarchical level of the manufacturing organization, system, or process, 3)
simulation case study area, and 4) manufacturing model and data types.
Proposed Standard Processes for Certification of
Modeling and Simulation Applications
Osman Balci (Virginia Tech)
and Said D. Saadi (Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division)
Certification of modeling and simulation (M&S)
applications is becoming more commonly practiced as M&S applications are
used more and more for military training, analysis, complex system design
evaluation, M&S-based acquisition, problem solving, and critical decision
making. Certification is a very complex process, involves the measurement and
evaluation of hundreds of qualitative and quantitative elements, mandates
subject matter expert evaluation, and requires the integration of disparate
measurements and evaluations. Planning, managing, and conducting such
measurements and evaluations require structured standard processes and should
not be performed in an ad hoc manner. The need for standard processes for
unbiased, fair, cost effective, and consistent M&S certification is
undeniable. This paper presents a scheme for practicing M&S accreditation
and certification and proposes standard M&S certification processes.
The Simulation Professional Certification Program: A
Status Report
Ralph Rogers (Old Dominion University) and Vince
Amico and Mark Yerkes (University of Central Florida)
Under the auspices of the National Training Systems
Association, a program was developed to establish organizations and processes
whereby professional certification for the modeling and simulation industry
may be conducted in a consistent and dependable way. The Modeling and
Simulation Professional Certification Commission (MSPCC) was envisioned with
the mission to develop and provide the professional certification. The
Implementation Group was formed to define and implement the MSPCC and
establish the Modeling and Simulation Professional Certification Board
(MSPCB), an element of the Commission. This paper provides a status report on
the efforts of the Commission and the Board to establish and certification
program for modeling and simulation professionals.
Tuesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Future of Simulation Software
Chair: Averill Law (Averill M. Law and Associates,
The Current and Future Status of Simulation Software
Robert Diamond (Imagine That, Inc.), Charles R. Harrell
(PROMODEL Corporation), James O. Henriksen (Wolverine Software Corporation),
William B. Nordgren (Flexsim Software Products, Inc.), C. Dennis Pegden
(Rockwell Software), Matthew W. Rohrer (Brooks-PRI Automation), Anthony P.
Waller (Lanner Group) and Averill M. Law (Averill M. Law & Associates,
In this panel, principal members of seven leading
simulation software companies discuss two important questions concerning the
current and future status of simulation software.
Tuesday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
What's Virtually Possible
Dave Goldsman (Georgia Institute of Technology)
What’s Virtually Possible?
Wayne J. Davis
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
This paper continues a sequence of papers discussing
futuristic simulation needs and capabilities. These papers focus upon complex
systems that evolve by the concurrent execution of processing tasks under the
guidance of sophisticated control structures. This paper first provides a
detailed state description for such systems from both the perspective of the
entities that are being processed in the system and the controllers that
manage the task execution. The interrelationship between these two
perspectives is next explored. The paper demonstrates the entity-based
perspective mainly focuses upon the events that have or should occur in the
physical world. The controllers manage when these events will occur by
characterizing the feasible alternatives that exist for executing their
assigned tasks within a virtual world of future responses.
Tuesday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Supply Chain Opportunities
Chair: Jerry Banks (Independent Consultant)
Panel Session: Opportunities for Simulation in Supply
Chain Management
Jerry Banks (Independent Consultant), Steve
Buckley (IBM Research), Sanjay Jain (Virginia Tech), Peter Lendermann
(Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology) and Mani Manivannan (Vector
It has become a matter of survival that many companies
improve their supply chain efficiency. This presents an opportunity for
simulation. However, there are many challenges that must be overcome for
simulation to be a contributor to play an effective role. Four contributors
discuss the opportunities that they see for simulation to play a meaningful
role in the area of supply chain management.
Wednesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Real-Time Control
Alexander Verbraeck (Delft University of Technology)
The Extended Use of Simulation in Evaluating
Real-Time Control Systems of AGVs and Automated Material Handling
Corné Versteegt and Alexander Verbraeck (Delft University
of Technology)
Control systems for logistic and transport systems are
among the most complex control systems in existence. Currently control systems
are only fully tested at the shop floor after commissioning. This means a lot
of costly failures occur at the startup stages of control systems. The goal of
this paper is to describe the extended role that simulation can play in
evaluating of fully automated logistic systems and their control systems
before commissioning. We followed a three-step approach in evaluating both
logistic and logistic control systems. A simulated control system was used to
control simulated, emulated, and real prototypes of logistic resources. Three
different simulation packages have been used; Simple++, AutoMod, Arena. The
control system was implemented in all three simulation packages to control
logistic resources at the Connekt TestSite. The TestSite is a special
laboratory for testing new technologies in logistic automation.
Implementation of a Simulation-Based Control
Architecture for Supply Chain Interactions
Sreeram Ramakrishnan,
Seungyub Lee, and Richard A. Wysk (Pennsylvania State University)
Techniques based on discrete-event simulation have been
widely used for network analysis and policy optimization in the domain of
supply chain management. Previous researchers have developed and implemented
architectures for simulation-based control for shop floor. A more detailed and
high-fidelity simulation model is used for control purposes as opposed to that
used for analytical purposes alone. This paper discusses the issues related to
implementing a simulation based control architecture for actively controlling
supply chain interactions.
The Possible Role of a Backbone Architecture in
Real-Time Control and Emulation
Csaba Attila Boer (Erasmus
University Rotterdam) and Alexander Verbraeck and Hans P.M. Veeke (Delft
University of Technology)
The complexity of technical systems that need to be
designed and researched is gradually increasing. In order to be competitive
and to satisfy the demands of the market, thorough analyses and early risk
assessment of the systems are required. System investigation might involve
some changes that might entail the redesigning or even redeveloping of some
parts of the system. Modifications are usually expensive, time consuming and
risky. Consequently, there is a need for methods that examine the possible
effects of the modifications before investing in the alteration of the system.
There are four methods that are used to study the behavior of a system:
simulation, emulation, real-time control and prototyping. In this paper we
discuss an approach for a distributed architecture that supports these four
testing methods and the interaction between them.
Wednesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Equipment Interface
Alexander Verbraeck (Delft University of Technology)
The Relationship between Simulation and
Ian McGregor (Brooks-PRI Automation, Inc.)
This paper aims to explain how simulation and emulation
are interrelated, and why they are of benefit to Automatic Material Handling
Systems (AMHS) projects at different times and in different ways. More
specifically, the paper documents current thinking on the use of simulation
models to provide feedback to industrial control systems in order to test
their logical operation prior to commissioning. The concept of what is meant
by emulation in this context is defined, and the differences and similarities
between emulation and simulation are detailed. Several emulation case studies
are described to illustrate the use of a simulation model in this domain, and
an overview of the technical background to emulation is included to aid
understanding of how this is achieved. The paper concludes with a discussion
of where emulation is most usefully applicable, how current standards have
allowed its ready adoption to date, and possible areas of future development.
Improving the Quality of Controls and Reducing
Costs for On-Site Adjustments with Emulation: An Example of Emulation in
Baggage Handling
William Rengelink (TBA Nederland) and Yvo A.
Saanen (Delft University of Technology)
Extending or changing systems that are in operation
24/7 should disturb the operation as little as possible. Therefore, the
extensions or changes should have been thoroughly tested in advance under
conditions comparable to operational conditions. Baggage handling systems is
typically an area to which these requirements apply. Control software is one
of the main components for baggage handling systems, at high and low level.
Software is often the reason for system failure. Therefore, a need exists for
tools that support testing without involving the real equipment on site. By
using a simulation environment for emulating baggage handling equipment it was
possible to test the low level control software without involving any real
baggage handling equipment. The simulation environment enabled detailed tests
and provided insight into the behaviour of the PLC for our client. This
approach saved significant lead time in the project and reduced the required
time for testing on-site.