WSC 2002 Final Abstracts |
Applications in Logistics, Transportation, and Distribution Track
Monday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Manufacturing Supply Chain
Chair: Enver Yücesan (INSEAD)
Modeling Computer Assembly Operations for Supply Chain
Sanjay Jain and Ngai Fong Choong (Virginia Tech) and
William Lee (Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology)
Factory operations have been modeled for years to
understand the relationship between the different design and policy factors
and the performance measures of interest. The increasing awareness of the need
to manage factories as a link in the supply chain places a corresponding
requirement for an enhanced approach for factory modeling. This paper
describes the modeling of a computer assembly factory for supply chain
integration by including aspects of inbound and outbound logistics and
relevant business processes. Lessons are drawn based on the experience.
AI-Based Optimization for Fleet Management in Maritime
Agostino Bruzzone, Alessandra Orsoni, Roberto Mosca, and
Roberto Revetria (University of Genoa)
This paper outlines the features of an automated
Decision Support System (DSS) developed to optimize the logistics of maritime
transportation for a large chemical company. The paper focuses on the design
and implementation of an optimization module to complement a DSS architecture
including dynamic databases, decision heuristics, and dynamic process
simulation, for the systematic generation of cost-effective fleet
configurations capable of meeting the company's production requirements.
Investigation of Influence of Modeling Fidelities on
Supply Chain Dynamics
Jayendran Venkateswaran and Young-Jun Son
(The University of Arizona) and Boonserm Kulvatunyou (NIST)
In this paper, a three-echelon supply chain model is
analyzed to determine strategies to reduce the supply chain system dynamics.
Uniqueness of this research stems from the use of multiple models with varying
degrees of detail representing the same supply chain. The significance of a
detailed supply chain model on the quality of result is made clear. Factors
employed to build an abstract to a detailed model include: transportation and
production delay, demand at the retailer, and production and transportation
capacity. It is shown that the system dynamics itself varies with increasing
detail in the model. In addition, it is examined to see if a strategy found
effective in improving the system dynamics with an abstract model is effective
with a detailed model. It is established that the strategy found to be the
most effective on an abstract model is not always the best strategy for the
real supply chain.
Monday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Transportation Applications of
Chair: Sirish Joshi (Perseco)
Simulation Reduces Airline Misconnections: A
Case Study
Suna Hafizogullari, Prathi Chinnusamy, and Cenk Tunasar
With most major airlines operating a hub-and-spoke
system and partnering with other airlines to offer code share flights, more
and more passengers are required to make at least one connection before
reaching their final destination. These trends in the airline industry have
increased the percentage of transfer passengers. In order to minimize the
number of missed connections and offer customers a seamless journey, airlines
must maintain time limits in which domestic and international transfer
passengers can reach their connecting gates at the airports. This paper
focuses on how simulation is used to evaluate an airline’s minimum connect
time criteria with respect to the design and operational policies at its hub
airports. We consider a case study of Delta Air Lines’ new planned
state-of-the-art facility at John F. Kennedy International Airport to
illustrate the significant role simulation played in the planning stages of an
airport design.
Simulation Building Blocks for Airport Terminal
Alexander Verbraeck and Edwin Valentin (Delft University
of Technology)
Airports are an ideal application area for simulation.
The processes are in a continuous state of change, are complex and stochastic,
involve many moving objects, and require a good performance that can be
measured in several different performance indicators. Within airports, but
also between airports, the same kind of questions are answered over and over
again. Often, however, new simulation models are built for each question, if
possible copying some parts of previous models. Structured reuse of simulation
components is rarely seen. This paper shows an approach for airport terminal
modeling that departs from the assumption that reusable simulation building
blocks can form the core of a powerful airport modeling tool, which is able to
answer different questions at airports better and faster than traditional
models. The building blocks have been implemented in the commercially
available simulation language eM-Plant. Several studies carried out with this
library were very successful.
The Application of Distributed Simulation in
TOMAS: Redesigning a Complex Transportation Model
Mark B.
Duinkerken, Jaap A. Ottjes, and Gabriel Lodewijks (Delft University of
This paper describes the application of distributed
discrete event simulation in the study of an automated container terminal. The
new model was developed to continue the study of large and complex logistic
systems. In a previous study, a stand-alone model of the terminal was used
that included all the characteristics of container handling between the ships
and the container stack. A new distributed simulation model was developed by
decomposing the original model into a distributed structure of communicating,
small sub models. It is shown that with relative little effort and hardly any
programming overhead, a complex stand-alone model can be decomposed into
small, easy to understand sub models. The new distributed structure improves
the transparency and maintainability of the simulation model, while
guaranteeing the original benefits of the stand-alone model and the required
reproducibility of the experiments.
Traffic Simulation Application to Plan Real-Time
Distribution Routes
Oscar Franzese (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
and Shirish Joshi (Perseco)
This paper studies the effect of real-time information
on optimal routes employed by distribution vehicles that supply goods from
distribution centers to the stores in any retail environment. This methodology
uses simulation models to mimic actual traffic conditions as functions of
times of the day along the distribution routes to suggest meta-optimal routes
over the ones provided by the routing algorithms. This yields optimized routes
based on the times of the day in addition to aiding the planner in sequencing
the routes to increase driver productivity and decrease operat-ing costs.
Tuesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Advanced Aviation Concepts via
Chair: Lisa Ann Schaefer (The MITRE Corporation)
Techniques to Enhance Performance of an Existing
Aviation Simulation
David Carnes and Frederick Wieland (The MITRE
Facing a need to run large aviation models more quickly
than the one to two days currently required, the MITRE Corporation undertook
an effort to reduce the execution time of one such simulation. Only solutions
requiring minimal changes to the code base were considered. This paper
describes the approaches taken to increase the speed of the original
sequential simulation by employing more efficient algorithms and parallel
processing technology. Specifically, an implementation of a new technique for
parallel proximity detection provided an 80% reduction in the time spent
checking for conflicts. In addition, implementation of a thread pool that
enables the movement of multiple aircraft in parallel resulted in a 10%-15%
reduction in the overall execution time of the simulation.
Research Flight Simulation of Future Autonomous
Aircraft Operations
Mario S.V. Valenti Clari, Rob C.J. Ruigrok,
Bart W.M Heesbeen, and Jaap Groeneweg (National Aerospace Laboratory NLR)
A key element in the development and innovation of
future aviation concepts and systems is research flight simulation. Research
flight simulation is applied when the performance and perception of human
pilots is a key measure of the overall assessment. This paper will give an
overview of the research simulation set-up of the National Aerospace
Laboratory (NLR), Amsterdam, the Netherlands, which is used for the
human-in-the-loop evaluation of future operational concepts. Special attention
is given to the research topic of Airborne Separation Assurance; often
referred to as Free Flight. The presented set-up has proven to be a flexible
evaluation tool for assessing human-in-the-loop performance when operating in
a simulated future autonomous aircraft environment.
A Simulation Study to Investigate Runway Capacity
Using TAAM
Massoud Bazargan, Kenneth Fleming, and Prakash
Subramanian (Embry - Riddle Aeronautical Uinversity)
This study outlines a method to evaluate runway layouts
using simulation, to aid in the airport planning and decision making process.
As a sample study, the maximum throughput capacities of proposed expansion
alternatives at Philadelphia International Airport (PHL), constrained at
varying levels, are identified. The objective is to compare these ultimate
airport capacities achievable for each of the different layouts to estimate
their respective efficiencies in terms of runway system utilization. TAAM
(Total Airspace and Airport Modeller) is used to simulate each proposed
alternative given its capabilities for modeling at a very high level of detail
and closely representing reality in terms of applicable separation standards
and air traffic control procedures.
Decision Support for Advanced Aviation
Lisa A. Schaefer, Leonard A. Wojcik, Thomas P. Berry, and
Craig R. Wanke (The MITRE Corporation)
This paper describes The MITRE Corporation Center for
Advanced Aviation System Development (CAASD) research towards simulation of
advanced aviation concepts. Research activities are aimed toward improving
tactical and strategic decision making methods in the near and long term. We
describe how CAASD simulation capabilities assist in determining how to
achieve our goals for improving tactical and strategic decision making. For
the long term, our simulation capabilities are becoming more agent-based.
Tuesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Simulation Applications in the
Automotive Industry
Chair: Shang-Tae Yee (General Motors R&D)
Simulation Anywhere Any Time: Web-Based Simulation
Implementation for Evaluating Order-to-Delivery Systems and
Soundar R.T. Kumara, Yong-Han Lee, Kaizhi Tang, and Chad
Dodd (The Pennsylvania State University) and Jeffrey Tew and Shang-Tae Yee (GM
R&D Center, Enterprise Systems Lab.)
GM Enterprise Systems Laboratory (GMESL) has developed
a stand-alone single user simulation program for evaluating and predicting
Order-to-Delivery (OTD) systems and processes. In order for more people to be
able to access this simulator, to share the simulation results, and to analyze
simulation collaboratively, we have designed, developed and implemented an
Internet-based three-tiered client/server framework, which consists of the
three tiers: database, execution and user interface. The corresponding
components are: database server, execution server, and web based user
interface. The relational database server enables users to interact with the
persistent data sets for simulation study and maintains data integrity. The
multi-agent based execution server guarantees stable user responsiveness by
virtue of multi-agent’s flexible architecture, accordingly achieving a high
level of processing scalability. Finally the web-based graphical user
interface helps users to easily conduct the simulation study from anywhere at
any time, and the visual simulation analysis tool helps users to make
decisions effectively.
Establishment of Product Offering and Production
Leveling Principles via Supply Chain Simulation under Order-to-Delivery
Shang-Tae Yee (General Motors R&D)
In support of the order-to-delivery (OTD) business
initiative, a simulation framework has been developed at GM R&D. The OTD
simulation program is aimed at simulating the behavior of the OTD supply chain
using detailed inputs associated with demand, supply, and production
processes. Early capture of customer demand fluctuation enables GM to
effectively reduce aggregate mismatch between production and sales and
appropriate time series models have been suggested to capture demand patterns
based on actual data. The vehicle model and option mix with a given demand
variation influences the performance of the OTD supply chain and provides a
means to establish certain principles determining the extent of product
offering and the scope of production leveling. Analyzing the impact of the
model and option mix on primary supply chain performance measures, such as
customer wait time, condition mismatch, and parts usage, capacitates reduction
of the mismatch between demand and production and stabilizes supply chain
Sequencing Production on an Assembly Line Using
Goal Chasing and User-Defined Algorithm
Arvind Mane, Saeid
Nahavandi, and Jingxin Zhang (Deakin University)
An Australian automotive component company plans to
assemble and deliver seats to customer on just-in-time basis. It plans to
assemble various seat types on one assembly line. Mixed-Model sequencing is
very important if a company has to assemble seats in just-in-time environment.
Toyota Motor Company’s goal chasing algorithm I and a user-defined algorithm
are used sequence seats on assembly line. Discrete event simulation software
is used to model the assembly operations of seat plant. Both algorithms are
programmed to generate a sequence for the seat plant. Model results show both
algorithms can sequence seats on the assembly line and each algorithm has its
advantages and disadvantages.
Tuesday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Warehousing and Inventory Management
Chair: Luis Rene Contreras (University of Texas at El Paso)
A Simulation Tool to Determine Warehouse Efficiencies
and Storage Allocations
Joseph G. Macro and Reino E. Salmi (Macro
Solutions, Inc.)
Using ProModel simulation language, a universal
warehouse storage simulation model has been developed. Applications of the
model have been executed with success to analyze the storage capacity and rack
efficiency of a medium volume, low stock-keeping unit (SKU) warehouse and a
medium volume, large SKU warehouse. The model is scaleable and can be modified
to simulate any warehouse configuration, including selective racks, bulk floor
storage, push-back, flow-through, drive-in and drive-through racks.
A Simulation Model to Validate and Evaluate
the Adequacy of an Analytical Expression for Proper Safety Stock
Eduardo Saggioro Garcia and Caio Fiuza Silva (Department of
Industrial Engineering / UFRJ) and Eduardo Saliby (COPPEAD / UFRJ)
The purpose of this paper is to validate and test the
adequacy of an analytical expression to calculate proper safety stock levels
using simulation techniques. The model refers to a periodic review system and
a lot-4-lot replenishment policy, with randomness in forecast errors and in
order fulfillment. The simulation model is formulated in a spreadsheet
environment using MS Excel® and @Risk®. The percentage of periods without
stockout is computed and compared to the theoretical value expected by the
assumptions inherent to the analytical expression.
Integrating Simulation Modeling and Equipment
Condition Diagnostics for Predictive Maintenance Strategies – A Case
Luis Rene Contreras, Chirag Modi, and Arunkumar Pennathur
(University of Texas at El Paso)
This paper presents results from a case study in
predictive maintenance at a distribution warehouse. A simulation model was
built with ARENA 5.0 for integrating predictive maintenance strategies with
production planning strategies, for a conveyor system. Equipment health was
monitored using condition-based parameters such as temperature and vibration
for mechanical and electrical components such as rollers, electrical motors,
and gearboxes. This diagnostic information was then integrated with a
simulation model to simulate various equipment breakdown and failure
conditions. Integration of condition-based monitoring of conveying equipment
with a simulation model of the distribution system has provided a useful
analytical tool for management to reduce production downtime due to unplanned
maintenance activities. In this instance, downtime was reduced by more than
50% and work in process inventory was reduced by more than 65%.
Tuesday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Maufacturing Supply Chain Applications
Chair: Jeffrey A. Joines (North Carolina State University)
Decision Support Tool – Supply
Christian Wartha and Momtchil Peev (ARC Seibersdorf Research)
and Andrei Borshchev and Alexei Filippov (XJ Technologies)
We present a recently developed Decision Support Tool -
Supply Chain (DST-SC). This is a specialized domain oriented tool, which is an
extension of the general purpose, UML-RT Hybrid Simulation kernel of AnyLogic
by XJ Technologies. DST-SC allows high degree of flexibility with respect to
the supply chain functionality being modeled, has the ability to handle large
complex problems, and offers highly reusable model components, offering at the
same time ease of use by non-experts in simulation. Typical features of DST-SC
are interoperability with third-party software (DB, GIS, PPS),
platform-independence as well as potential for concurrent use by a
geographically distributed group.
Capacity and Backlog Management in Queuing-Based
Supply Chains
Edward G. Anderson and Douglas J. Morrice (The
University of Texas at Austin)
In this paper, we model and analyze a type of two-stage
serial supply chain often found in service sector and make-to-order
manufacturing industries. The chain holds no finished goods inventory at
either stage. Rather, processing occurs only after an order is received and
backlogs are managed solely by adjusting capacity. We model this supply chain
using a tandem queuing model. Our analysis considers the impact of changes in
first stage lead-time and capacity adjustment time on backlog, waiting time,
and capacity variances at both stages. The results can be used to support the
argument for better coordination across stages in these types of supply
Supply Chain Multi-Objective Simulation
Jeffrey A. Joines, Deepak Gupta, Mahmut Ali Gokce,
Russell E. King, and Michael G. Kay (North Carolina State University)
A critical decision companies are faced with on a
regular basis is the ordering of products and/or raw materials. Poor decisions
can lead to excess inventories that are costly or to insufficient inventory
that cannot meet its customer demands. These decisions may be as simple as
"How much to order" or "How often to order" to more complex decision
forecasting models. This paper addresses optimizing these sourcing decisions
within a supply chain to determine robust solutions. Utilizing an existing
supply chain simulator, an optimization methodology that employs genetic
algorithms is developed to optimize system parameters. The performance measure
that is optimized plays a very important role in the quality of the results.
The deficiencies in using traditionally used performance measures in
optimization are discussed and a new multi-objective GA methodology is
developed to overcome these limitations.
Wednesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Manufacturing Supply Chain
Applications 2
Chair: Brett Marc Duarte (Arizona State University)
Logistic Simulator for Steel Producing
Steven C. Hamoen and Dirk-Jan Moens (Incontrol Enterprise
The logistic processes in most steel producing plants
are very complex. To assist the decision makers in steel producing plants,
Incontrol Enterprise Dynamics have developed for and in cooperation with SMS
Demag in Germany, a simulator that can be used to rapidly model any steel
plant. The Steel Plant Simulator has been built using the software package
Enterprise Dynamics® and allows for rapid insight into the influences of
layout changes, process and speed parameters, length of production runs,
changes in planning and type of products that are being produced. The
Simulator incorporates a dynamic scheduler to create a realistic production
planning. Results include production Gantt charts, time-path diagrams,
utilization figures and production statistics.
Development of Distributed Simulation Model for the
Transporter Entity in a Supply Chain Process
Richard J. Linn,
Chin-Sheng Chen, and Jorge A. Lozan (Florida International University)
Transporter is a critical part of Supply Chain
integration. An international transporter process involves multiple ground
pickup and delivery operations, package sorting and palletizing, airport
operations and air transport. This paper describes a successful two-machine
implementation of a distributed simulation model for an international
transportation system in a supply chain network operation using Run Time
Infrastructure of High Level Architecture software developed by the Defense
Modeling and Simulation Office, the Distributed Manufacturing Simulation
Adapter developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and
ARENA simulation tool. By incorporating the capabilities provided by these
tools, it was successful to establish the information flow exchange between
the machines where one machine houses transporter while the other has
suppliers, customers, and distribution centers located in different parts of
world. This research tool attempts to facilitate the development of
distributed simulations so they can be used to analyze and solve manufacturing
related problems.
Parameterization of Fast and Accurate Simulations for
Complex Supply Networks
Brett Marc Duarte, John W. Fowler, Kraig
Knutson, Esma Gel, and Dan Shunk (Arizona State University)
More efficient and effective control of supply networks
is conservatively worth billions of dollars to the world economy. Adopting an
approach by which the basic disciplines of Industrial Engineering, Control
Engineering, System Simulation and Business Re-Engineering are integrated into
one comprehensive system has been known to produce impressive results. This
paper discusses a modular approach to develop a discrete event simulation
model that has the appropriate level of abstraction to capture the inherent
complexities that exist in a supply chain and is yet simple, fast and produces
results of high fidelity. It discusses a method to parameterize each module by
finetuning a few parameters to make it represent an entire factory, a
warehouse or a transportation link.
Wednesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Manufacturing Supply Chain
Applications 3
Chair: Gloria J. Giacaman (Universidad Católica del
Multi-Agent Simulation of Purchasing Activities in
Mark J.R. Ebben, Luitzen de Boer, and Corina E. Pop
Sitar (University of Twente)
In this paper we present a Multi-Agent simulation model
to investigate purchasing activities in an organizational environment. The
starting point is the observation that the majority of purchasing activities
in organizations is usually performed without any involvement of the
organization’s purchasing department. The purpose of the experiments is to
investigate if and how certain factors determine the degree to which
Purchasing professionals become involved in the purchasing of Non-Product
Related (NPR) items and services. Among the factors investigated are:
corporate purchasing policies, available information, and the nature of the
various purchasing activities. Preliminary results show that the behavior of
the multi-agent simulation model is an acceptable representation of reality.
Furthermore, the results show the limits of a Purchasing department’s added
value and the important role of organizational learning in that respect. The
paper provides directions for further research.
Efficient Simulations of Supply
Dieter Armbruster, Daniel Marthaler, and Christian Ringhofer
(Arizona State University)
High volume production flows are modeled by nonlinear
hyperbolic partial differential equations representing conservation laws.
These models have Little's law explicitly built into the formulation.
Borrowing from concepts in gas dynamics and vehicular traffic models we derive
several prototypical equations representing linear as well as re-entrant
factories. Multiple products, dispatch policies and control actions can be
modeled. Standard hydrodynamic codes provide very fast simulations of these
models allowing us to link them together to form efficient supply chain
Simulation of the Material Transporting and Loading
Process in Pedro de Valdivia Mine
Gloria J. Giacaman, Rodrigo P.
Medel, and Jorge A. Tabilo (Universidad Católica del Norte)
This paper describes the application of simulation
techniques in the forecast behavior of a material handling system, which takes
place in Pedro de Valdivia Nitrate Mine in Chile. The main goal of the study
was to determine the way a change in the size of loading and carrying fleets
would affect the total production of the system which is measured in term of
the quantity of material that is monthly carried from quarries to stock piles.