WSC 2002 Final Abstracts |
Modeling Methodology B Track
Monday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
XML-Based Modeling and Simulation
Chair: Paul A. Fishwick (University of Florida)
Meta-Models are Models Too
Vangheluwe (McGill University) and Juan de Lara (Universidad Autónoma de
We introduce multi-formalism modelling and
meta-modelling to facilitate computer assisted modelling and simulation of
complex systems. Formalisms are modelled in their own right, at a meta-level,
within an appropriate formalism. This approach is implemented in the
interactive tool AToM3. AToM3 is used to describe formalisms commonly used in
the simulation of dynamical systems, as well as to generate custom tools to
process models expressed in the corresponding formalism. The Finite State
Automata (FSA) formalism is used to demonstrate the concepts - in particular,
simulation of FSA models. The issue of a neutral model exchange and re-use
format is addressed in the context of meta-modelling. Core XML is proposed as
a standard external format. Thanks to the power of the meta-modelling
approach, DTD, XMLSchema, and XSLT specifications may be replaced by models,
externally represented in core XML, in appropriate formalisms (Entity
Relationship for syntax and Graph Grammar for transformation respectively).
Web Service Technologies and their Synergy with
Senthilanand Chandrasekaran, Gregory Silver, John A.
Miller, Jorge Cardoso, and Amit P. Sheth (University of Georgia)
The World Wide Web has had a huge influence on the
computing field in general as well as simulation in particular (e.g.,
Web-Based Simulation). A new wave of development based upon XML has started.
Two of the most interesting aspects of this development are the Semantic Web
and Web Services. This paper examines the synergy between Web service
technology and simulation. In one direction, Web service processes can be
simulated for the purpose of correcting/improving the design. In the other
direction, simulation models/components can be built out of Web services. Work
on seemlessly using simulation as a part of Web service composition and
process design, as well as, on using Web services to re-build the JSIM
Web-based simulation environment is highlighted.
Using XML for Simulation Modeling
A. Fishwick (University of Florida)
XML represents a new way of organizing the World Wide
Web, using markup languages. Whereas HTML is used for presentation-specific
content, XML builds upon its SGML lineage to separate content from
presentation, and provide a semantic labeling for elements that comprise a
document. With XML, the concept of "document" is broadened to include an
encapsulation of information and knowledge, and not only a flat medium. This
suggests that XML can be used for model specification and computer simulation.
With this in mind, we have used XML to create two modeling specification
languages: MXL and DXL. We begin by overviewing XML, discussing MXL and DXL,
and then showing an example of how the languages are employed in the modeling
process, and can be used with a variety of presentations.
Monday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Open Source Initiatives for Simulation
Chair: Richard A. Kilgore (ThreadTec)
Next Generation Simulation Environments Founded on
Open Source Software and XML-Based Standard Interfaces
Wiedemann (HTW Dresden)
During the 2001 Winter Simulation Conference, the
OpenSML-project was presented and started. The OpenSML-project is based on the
Simulation Modeling Language (SML™) and is an open source, web-based,
multi-language simulation development project guided by a consortium of
industrial, academic and government simulation consultants, practitioners and
developers. For the simulation community, the open source movement represents
an opportunity to improve the quality of common core simulation functions,
improve the potential for creating reusable modeling components from those
core functions, and improve the ability to merge those components using XML,
HLA and other simulation community standards. This paper extends the
OpenSML-project by using universal, language independent XML-descriptions and
code generators for converting OpenSML-models to programs in Java, VisualBasic
or C++. This would be the first time a simulation model could be transferred
between different platforms without manual changes.
Multi-Language, Open-Source Modeling Using the
Microsoft .Net Architecture
Richard A. Kilgore (OpenSML and
ThreadTec, Inc.)
This presentation reports on the opportunities and
limitations Microsoft .Net architecture for supporting the development of a
common, open-source, multi-language platform for simulation software support.
While the paper supporting the presentation focuses on the underlying
foundation within the .Net architecture, the conference presentation
represents an important milestone in the OpenSML project corresponding to the
first release of a common library supporting the C#, VB.Net and Java/J#
A Web-Ready HiMASS: Facilitating Collaborative,
Reusable, and Distributed Modeling and Execution of Simulation Models with
Thorsten S. Daum (HiMASS) and Robert G. Sargent (Syracuse
We investigate the use of XML as an open,
cross-platform, and extendable file format for the description of hierarchical
simulation models, including their graphical representations, initial model
conditions, and model execution algorithms. We present HiMASS-x, an
XML-centered suite of software applications that allows for cross-platform,
distributed modeling and execution of hierarchical, componentized, and
reusable simulation models.
Monday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Improving the Model Development
Chair: Richard Nance (Virginia Tech)
Model Testing: Is it Only a Special Case of
Software Testing?
C. Michael Overstreet (Old Dominion University)
Effective testing of software is an important concern
in the software engineering community. While many techniques regularly used
for testing software apply equally well to testing the implementations of
simulation models, we believe that testing simulations often raises issues
that occur infrequently in other types of software. We believe that many code
characteristics that commonly occur in simulation code are precisely those
that the software testing community has identified as making testing
challenging. We discuss many of the techniques that software engineering
community has developed to deal with those features and evaluate their
applicability to simulation development.
What Use is Model Reuse: Is There a Crook at the End
of the Rainbow?
Ray J. Paul and Simon J.E. Taylor (Brunel
The emergence of new technologies in simulation
modelling such as the World Wide Web has fostered debate on the reuse of
models. In this paper we present a case for model reuse and the pot of gold
that it promises. We then discuss model reuse from the viewpoint of simulation
modelers who use COTS simulation packages and suggest that model reuse may in
fact cost more than developing new models as candidates for reuse as trust
must be established through thorough testing. An alternative to this is put
forward that suggests that a Grab-and-Glue, Run, Reject, Reply (G2R3) approach
is a more appropriate use of model reuse as it emphasizes the intellectual
process of problem understanding rather than model correctness as an means to
Expanding our Horizons in Verification, Validation,
and Accreditation Research and Practice
Osman Balci, Richard E.
Nance, and James D. Arthur (Virginia Tech) and William F. Ormsby (Naval
Surface Warfare Center)
Many different types of modeling and simulation
(M&S) applications, consisting of a combination of software, hardware, and
humanware, are used in dozens of disciplines under diverse objectives
including acquisition, analysis, education, entertainment, research, and
training. Certification of sufficient accuracy of an M&S application by
conducting verification, validation, and accreditation (VV&A) requires
multifaceted knowledge and experience, and poses substantial technical and
managerial challenges for researchers, practitioners, and managers. The
challenges can only be met by using a very broad spectrum of approaches and
expanding our horizons in VV&A. This paper presents 13 strategic
directions to meet those challenges. The strategic directions provide
guidelines for successful VV&A research and
Tuesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Network Modeling and Simulation
Chair: David M. Nicol (Dartmouth College)
On Standardized Network Topologies for Network
George F. Riley (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Simulation has become the evaluation method of choice
for many areas of computer networking research. When designing new or revised
transport protocols, queuing methods, routing protocols, (just to name a few),
a common approach is to create a simulation of a small to moderate scale
topology and measure the performance of the new methodology as compared to
existing methods. We demonstrate that simulation results using this approach
can lead to very misleading, and even incorrect, results. The interaction
between the large number of variables in these simulations can lead to results
that vary widely from between different simulation topologies. We give
empirical evidence showing different conclusions when the same comparisons are
done using differing topologies. We argue the need for a standardized taxonomy
of simulation topologies that capture a significant and realistic range of
values for the various variables that impact the performance of a simulated
A Motion Environment for Wireless Communications
Systems Simulations
Nathan J. Smith and Trefor J. Delve (Motorola
We describe the environment and motion systems used in
a parallel, discrete event large scale wireless simulator. The simulator is
capable of supporting user motion on multiple environment types (different
types of streets, buildings etc.) and provides a unified and intuitive
interface to users whilst being efficient for the systems that make use of it.
This is achieved by making use of a hierarchical environment description. With
this approach, users can provide different levels of detail as required,
whilst the motion systems have a simple interface to interrogate the
environment. As there is a close coupling between the environment and the RF
data required by the wireless simulator (which is considerable in size), this
too is represented in a hierarchical manner. This allows a more efficient use
of system memory with only the data that is required being loaded.
A Scalable Simulator for TinyOS
Luiz Felipe Perrone and David M. Nicol (Dartmouth
Large clouds of tiny devices capable of computation,
communication and sensing, goal of the Smart Dust project, will soon become a
reality. Hardware miniaturization is shrinking devices and research in
software is producing applications that allow devices to communicate and
cooperate toward a common goal. Success on the software front hinges on the
design of algorithms that can scale up with system size. Given that the number
of individual cooperating devices will reach high orders of magnitude
(hundreds of thousands or even millions), debugging and evaluating the
software in such a large system can reap much benefit from simulation. This
paper describes the design of a scalable and flexible simulator which allows
for the direct execution, at source code level, of applications written for
TinyOS, the operating system that executes on Smart Dust. This simulator also
provides detailed models for radio signal propagation and node mobility.
Tuesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Panel Discussion on Distributed
Simulation and Industry: Potentials and Pitfalls
Chair: Philip A. Wilsey
(University of Cincinnati)
Distributed Simulation and Industry: Potentials and
Simon J. E. Taylor (Brunel University), Agostino Bruzzone
(University of Genoa), Richard Fujimoto (Georgia Institute of Technology),
Boon Ping Gan (Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology), Steffen
Straßburger (DaimlerChrysler) and Ray J. Paul (Brunel University)
This panel paper presents the views of five researchers
and practitioners of distributed simulation. Collectively we attempt to
address what the implications of distributed simulation are for industry. It
is hoped that the views contained herein, and the presentations made by the
panelists at the 2002 Winter Simulation Conference will raise awareness and
stimulate further discussion on the application of dis-tributed simulation
methods and technology in an area that is yet to benefit from the arguable
economic benefits that this technique promises.
Tuesday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Parallel and Distributed Simulation
Chair: James D. Arthur (Virginia Tech)
Distributed Spatio-Temporal Modeling and
Thomas Schulze (Otto-von-Guericke University), Andreas
Wytzisk and Ingo Simonis (University of Muenster) and Ulrich Raape (Fraunhofer
Institute for Factory Operation/Automation)
The objective of upcoming research in the field of
geo-processing is to evolve interoperability standards to develop flexible and
scalable controlling and simulation services. In order to overcome the
limitations of proprietary solutions, efforts have been made to support
interoperability among simulation models and geo information systems (GIS).
Existing standards in the domain of spatial information and spatial services
define geoinformation (GI) in a more or less static way. Though time can be
handled as an additional attribute, its representation is not explicitly
specified. In contrast, as the standard for distributed heterogeneous
simulation, the High Level Architecture (HLA) provides a framework for
distributed time-variant simulation processes but HLA is lacking in supporting
spatial information. A web-based Distributed spAtio-temporaL Interoperability
architecture DALI integrating these initiatives will be presented here. The
long term goal of this DALI Architecture is making standardized off-the-shelf
GI and simulation services usable for highly specialized simulation and
controlling applications.
Managing External Workload with BSP Time
Malcolm Yoke Hean Low (University of Oxford)
This paper describes an extension to the existing BSP
Time Warp dynamic load-balancing algorithm to allow the management of
interruption from external workload. Experiments carried out on a
manufacturing simulation model using different partition strategies with and
without interruption from external workload show that significant performance
improvement can be achieved with external workload management.
Fast Cell Level ATM Network
Xiao Zhong-e, Rob Simmonds, and Brian Unger (University
of Calgary) and John Cleary (University of Waikato)
This paper presents performance results for cell level
ATM network simulations using both sequential and parallel discrete event
simulation kernels. Five benchmarks are used to demonstrate the performance of
the simulation kernels for different types of model. The results demonstrate
that for the type of network models used in the benchmarks, the TasKit
simulation kernel is able to outperform all of the other kernels tested both
sequentially and in parallel. For one benchmark TasKit is shown to outperform
a conventional sequential simulation kernel by a factor of 3. For the same
benchmark TasKit is shown to outperform the best of the other parallel kernels
tested by a factor of 6. The paper explains how this performance advantage is
achieved and cautions that additional research into automatic model
partitioning will be essential to make this technology accessible to the
general simulation community.
Tuesday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Modeling Very Large Scale Systems
Chair: Lee Schruben (University of California,
One-to-One Modeling and Simulation of Unbounded
Systems: Experiences and Lessons
Rohyt V. Belani, Saumitra M. Das,
and David Fisher (Carnegie Mellon University)
Conventional computer modeling and simulation have
focused on computer objects that represent elements of the real world. In this
paper we present a new approach to modeling and simulation in which authors
describe the characteristics of the world being simulated without specifying
how they are to be represented as computer objects. This approach is enabled
by the Easel modeling and simulation system (EMSS). Furthermore, this approach
does not assume global visibility and centralized control, which are
inherently inaccurate assumptions for unbounded systems (in which participants
have incomplete or imprecise information about the system as a whole). Because
this approach allows models to be one-to-one with the real world, models
should be more accurate and simulations more realistic. The discussion
includes the challenges faced in the modeling and simulation process of the
distance vector IP routing protocol over a large-scale communications network,
and the language features intended to address these problems.
Using Simulation Modeling to Assess Rail Track
Infrastructure in Densely Trafficked Metropolitan Areas
Maged M.
Dessouky and Quan Lu (University of Southern California) and Robert C.
Leachman (University of California, Berkeley)
We present a simulation modeling methodology to assess
the rail track infrastructure in highly dense traffic areas. We used this
model to determine the best trackage configuration to meet future demand in
the Los Angeles-Inland Empire Trade Corridor Region. There are three major
challenges in modeling a rail network in a densely trafficked metropolitan
area. They are: (1) complex trackage configurations, (2) various speed limits,
and (3) non-fixed dispatching timetables and routes between the origin and
destination. Our proposed model has the ability to handle the above
complexities in order to determine the best use of the rail capacity.
Furthermore, our methodology is general enough so that it can be applied to
other large scale rail networks.
Building Complex Models with LEGOs (Listener Event
Graph Objects)
Arnold H. Buss and Paul J. Sánchez (Naval
Postgraduate School)
Event Graphs are a simple and elegant
language-independent way of representing a Discrete Event Simulation (DES)
model. In this paper we propose an extension to basic Event Graphs that
enables small models to be encapsulated in reusable modules called Listener
Event Graph Objects (LEGOs). These modules are linked together using a design
pattern from Object Oriented Programming called the "listener pattern" to
produce new modules of even greater complexity. The modules generated in this
way can themselves be linked and encapsulated, forming a hierarchical design
which is highly scalable. These concepts have been implemented in Simkit, a
freely available simulation package implemented in
Wednesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Methods and Tools for Aerospace
Operations Modeling and Simulation
Chair: Perakath Benjamin (Knowledge
based Systems)
New Perspectives Towards Modeling Depot
Frank Boydstun (Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center), Michael
Graul and Perakath Benjamin (Knowledge Based Systems, Inc.) and Michael
Painter (Knowledge Based Systems, Inc..)
There are subtle, and yet critical and unique
differences that distinguish the depot maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO)
domain from production manufacturing. These differences motivate the need for
more efficient ways to capture the essence of the depot MRO domain dynamics.
The authors provide an informal characterization of the depot MRO by
highlighting some of the major differences. Along with this characterization,
they propose a set of principles governing the physics of depot MRO operation.
Finally, they describe the nature of idealizations needed to model and
simulate this domain and a vision for future technologies that could more
adequately and directly address these needs.
Generic Simulation Models of Reusable Launch
Martin J. Steele (National Aeronautics & Space
Administration), Mansooreh Mollaghasemi (Productivity Apex, Inc.), Ghaith
Rabadi (Old Dominion University) and Grant Cates (National Aeronautics and
Space Administration)
Analyzing systems by means of simulation is necessarily
a time consuming process. This becomes even more pronounced when models of
multiple systems must be compared. In general, and even more so in today's
fast-paced environment, competitive pressure does not allow for waiting on the
results of a lengthy analysis. That competitive pressure also makes it more
imperative that the processing performance of systems be seriously considered
in the system design. Having a generic model allows one model to be applied to
multiple systems in a given domain and provides a feedback mechanism to
systems designers as to the operational impact of design decisions.
Modeling the Space Shuttle
Grant R. Cates
and Martin J. Steele (NASA), Mansooreh Mollaghasemi (University of Central
Florida) and Ghaith Rabadi (Old Dominion University)
We summarize our methodology for modeling space shuttle
processing using discrete event simulation. Why the project was initiated,
what the overall goals were, how it was funded, and who were the members of
the project team are identified. We describe the flow of the space shuttle
flight hardware through the supporting infrastructure and how the model was
created to accurately portray the space shuttle. The input analysis
methodology that was used to populate the model elements with probability
distributions for process durations is described in the paper. Verification,
validation, and experimentation activities are briefly summarized.
Toolkit for Enabling Adaptive Modeling and
Simulation (TEAMS)
Perakath Benjamin, Michael Graul, and Madhav
Erraguntla (Knowledge Based Systems, Inc.)
This paper describes the architecture of a Toolkit for
Enabling Adaptive Modeling and Simulation (TEAMS). TEAMS addresses key
technical problems associated with Space Transportation System operations
process modeling and analysis. TEAMS facilitates collaborative and distributed
spaceport operations analysis. Functions supported by TEAMS include (i)
knowledge management, (ii) operations modeling, and (iii) operations analysis.
Key innovations include (i) a process-centered approach that maximizes re-use
of domain knowledge for rapid operations analysis model development, (ii)
open-architecture, distributed plug and play architecture that allows for mass
customization and rapid deployment of TEAMS, and (iii) novel, simulation-based
optimization mechanisms. A TEAMS prototype has been developed and demonstrated
at Kennedy Space Center.
Wednesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Reusing Simulation Components
Chair: Hessam S. Sarjoughian (Arizona State
Simulation Software and Model Reuse: A
Michael Pidd (Lancaster University)
Is it really true that simulation models and simulation
software should always be regarded as candidates for reuse or is it better to
be selective? What are the obstacles to simulation software and model reuse?
Can these be surmounted and, if so, at what cost? There is a range of levels
at which simulation software may be reused, a range of costs to be borne and
range of benefits that may be achieved. It is crucial to consider the issue of
validity when considering model reuse and this needs to be a fundamental part
of any reuse strategy. There may be circumstances in which reuse is economic,
especially when a small, low-fidelity model will suffice.
COST: A Component-Oriented Discrete Event
Gilbert Chen and Boleslaw K. Szymanski (Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute)
COST (Component-Oriented Simulation Toolkit) is a
general-purpose discrete event simulator. The main design purpose of COST is
to maximize the reusability of simulation models without losing efficiency. To
achieve this goal, COST adopts a component-based simulation worldview based on
a component-port model. A simulation is built by configuring and connecting a
number of components, either off-the-shelf or fully customized. Components
interact with each other only via input and output ports, thus the development
of a component becomes completely independent of others. The component-port
model of COST makes it easy to construct simulation components from scratch.
Implemented in C++, COST also features a wide use of templates to facilitate
language-level reuse.
Generalizing: Is it Possible to Create All-Purpose
Glenn P. Rioux (U.S. Navy) and Richard E. Nance
(Virginia Tech)
The title poses the essential question addressed
herein: Is it possible to construct simulations that permit use in application
domains with widely ranging objectives? The question is raised in a tentative
explanation of what is entailed in an answer. Beginning with a taxonomy based
on simulation objectives, we identify differences among the categories with
respect to what is attendant in realizing different objectives and in using
associated methodologies and tools. The closing summary highlights the
importance of producing an answer or eliminating the question.