WSC 2002 Final Abstracts |
Modeling Methodology A Track
Tuesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Optimization and Response Surfaces
Chair: Agostino G. Bruzzone (University of Genoa)
An Optimization-Based Multi-Resolution Simulation
Darren T. Drewry (Duke University) and Paul F.
Reynolds, Jr. and William R. Emanuel (University of Virginia)
The need for new approaches to the consistent
simulation of related phenomena at multiple levels of resolution is great.
While many fields of application would benefit from a complete and
approachable solution to this problem, such solutions have proven extremely
difficult. We present a multi-resolution simulation methodology which uses
numerical optimization as a tool for maintaining external consistency between
models of the same phenomena operating at different levels of temporal and/or
spatial resolution. Our approach follows from previous work in the disparate
fields of inverse modeling and spacetime constraint-based animation. As a case
study, our methodology is applied to two environmental models of forest canopy
processes that make overlapping predictions under unique sets of operating
assumptions, and which execute at different temporal resolutions. Experimental
results are presented and future directions are addressed.
On the Response Surface Methodology and Designed
Experiments for Computationally Intensive Distributed Aerospace
Paul Stewart (University of Sheffield ), Peter J.
Fleming (University of Sheffield) and Sheena A. MacKenzie (QinetiQ Ltd.)
Distributed real-time simulation is the focus of
intense development, with complex systems being represented by individual
component simulations interacting as a coherent model. The real-time
architecture may be composed of physically separated simulation centers.
Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) and Freeware Real-time software exists to
provide data communication channels between the components, subject to
adequate system bandwidth. However if the individual models are too
computationally intensive to run in real time, then the performance of the
real-time simulation architecture is compromised. In this paper, model
representations are developed from dynamic simulation by the response surface
methodology (RSM), allowing complex systems to be included in a real-time
environment. A Permanent Magnet AC (PMAC) motor drive simulation with model
reference control for a more electric aircraft application is examined as a
candidate for inclusion in a real-time simulation environment.
Gaussian Radial Basis Functions for Simulation
Miyoung Shin (Electronics and Telecommunication
Research Institute) and Robert G. Sargent and Amrit L. Goel (Syracuse
This paper presents a novel approach for developing
simulation metamodels using Gaussian radial basis functions. This approach is
based on some recently developed mathematical results for radial basis
functions. It is systematic, explicitly controls the underfitting and
overfitting tradeoff, and uses a fast computational algorithm that requires
minimal human involvement. This approach is illustrated by developing
metamodels for the M/M/1 queueing system.
Tuesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Parallel and Distributed Systems
Chair: Paul F. Reynolds (University of Virginia)
Load Sharing in Heterogeneous Distributed
Helen D. Karatza (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) and
Ralph C. Hilzer (California State University, Chico)
Load sharing is key to the efficient operation of
distributed systems. This paper investigates load sharing policies in a
heterogeneous distributed system, where half of the total processors have
double the speed of the others. Processor performance is examined and compared
under a variety of workloads. Two job classes are considered. Programs of the
first class are dedicated to fast processors, while second class programs are
generic in the sense that they can be allocated to any processor. The
objective is to find a policy that results in good overall performance while
maintaining the fairness of individual job classes. Simulation results
indicate that the performance of the best method depends on system load.
UML based Modeling of Performance Oriented Parallel
and Distributed Applications
Sabri Pllana and Thomas Fahringer
(University of Vienna)
In this paper we introduce a novel approach for
modeling performance oriented distributed and parallel applications based on
the Unified Modeling Language (UML). We utilize the UML extension mechanisms
to customize UML for the domain of performance oriented distributed and
parallel computing. A set of UML building blocks is described that model some
of the most important constructs of message passing and shared memory parallel
paradigms which can be used to develop models for large and complex parallel
and distributed applications. We illustrate our approach by modeling a
parallel many-body physics application that combines message passing and
shared memory parallelism.
Simulation Analysis of RLC Timers in UMTS
Xiao Xu, Yi-Chiun Chen, Hua Xu, and Eren Gonen (Motorola,
Inc.) and Peijuan Liu (Northwestern University)
Radio Link Control (RLC) is the layer two protocol used
in 3G UMTS cellular systems for flow control and error recovery. Due to the
complexity of the protocol and the multitude of parameter configurations
available, it is extremely difficult to model RLC analytically. Therefore we
present a simulation model to study RLC performance in UMTS systems. We focus
on the impacts of the poll prohibit timer and the poll timer on RLC
throughput, goodput and delay. Our simulation results provide some insight
into the optimization of these two timer values.
Tuesday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Virtual Worlds
Chair: George W.
Zobrist (University of Missouri, Rolla)
Experiencing Virtual Factories of the
Anthony P. Waller (Lanner Group) and John Ladbrook (Ford
Motor Company)
This paper explains the latest project work being
undertaken at the Ford Motor Company in the generation of simulation models
from spreadsheet interfaces and in particular the latest advances in the
automatic creation of virtual reality worlds based on these model layouts. The
ease of creation is the key to the use of the third dimension but being able
to visualise a facility more accurately overcomes obstacles to understanding
and discussion. The paper explains the technical process involved in creating
these worlds using the WITNESS VR simulation package from the Lanner Group.
VRML Clients Linked through Concurrent
Lee A. Belfore, II (Old Dominion University) and Sudheer
Battula (YnotLearn, Inc.)
Internet based virtual reality offers the opportunity
to render content in three dimensions. In addition, the Internet provides a
medium to support collaborative activities. In this work, we describe how
collaborative capabilities are integrated into the Interactive Land use VRML
Application (ILUVA). ILUVA is a VRML based application that supports highly
interactive functionality, live updates, and the dynamic generation of VRML
content. The collaborative functions have been added in the context of an
Internet chat session in which multiple users may participate from the
Internet. In addition to the usual functions supported by chat applications,
user information sharing is supported. The union or intersection of sessions
from different users may be produced and reviewed in the world.
Simulation based Optimization in Fishery
Farhad Azadivar (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth),
Tu Truong (Kansas State Univeristy) and Kevin D.E. Stokesbury and Brian J.
Rothschild (University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth)
The sea scallop resource of Georges Bank supports one
of the largest commercial fisheries in the United States. The objective of
this research was to develop a technique to examine different management
strategies for the sea scallop resource of Georges Bank and compare these
strategies to the optimal. A simulation model followed the sea scallop
population dynamics using information from recent photographic surveys and
studies on spatial and temporal life history parameters, such as growth,
natural mortality, spawning, and fishing activities. Stochastic simulation
technique was used to describe the influence of the highly variable marine
environment. Genetic Algorithm technique was used to develop harvest strategy
in the area for optimal utilization by maximizing long term fishing yield.
Simulation and Genetic Algorithm are combined to solve the optimization
problem. Simulation returns performance measure for any given and Genetic
Algorithm provides the search process to obtain the optimum management policy.
Tuesday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Methods for Special Applications
Chair: Martha Centeno (Florida International
Incorporating Biology into Discrete Event Simulation
Models of Organ Allocation
Jennifer Kreke, Andrew J. Schaefer,
Derek C. Angus, Cindy L. Bryce, and Mark S. Roberts (University of Pittsburgh)
We describe a discrete event simulation model of the
national liver allocation system. This model differs from previous modeling
efforts in that it considers the natural history of the disease independently
of any particular patient priority scheme, thus allowing an unbiased appraisal
of various allocation schemes. We provide the basic structure of the model,
which consists of patient and organ generators, a survival module, and a
disease progression module. The model provides various outputs such as patient
survival, financial cost, and the number of wasted organs. We describe our
model of patient survival with and without a transplant. We discuss some
difficulties estimating model parameters due to a lack of appropriate medical
data, and how these difficulties were overcome. We close with conclusions and
directions for further research.
A Recursive Method for Traffic Management through a
Complex Path Network
Michael Norman (Brooks-PRI Automation, Inc.)
This paper describes an algorithm for determining the
best route for a vehicle through a path network where multiple path
intersections offer different possible routes to a destination. A simple
function is called recursively to build temporary path for evaluation and
selection. A sample model using the algorithm is used to illustrate its
application and demonstrate potential benefits.
Cell-DEVS Quantization Techniques in a Fire Spreading
Alexandre Muzy, Eric Innocenti, Antoine Aiello, and
Jean-François Santucci (University of Corsica) and Gabriel Wainer (Carleton
We present the use of the CD++ tool to model and
simulate forest firespread. A semi-physical fire spread model is implemented
using the Cell-DEVS formalism. The use of Cell-DEVS enables proving the
correctness of the simulation engines and permits to model the problem even by
a non-computer science specialist. The high level language of CD++ reduces the
algorithmic complexity for the modeler while allowing complex cellular timing
behaviors. Different Cell-DEVS quantization techniques are used and developed
to decrease execution time. The study is realized regarding time improvement
and trades-off between model evolution, simulation time and incurred error.
Finally, based on experimentations, interesting perspectives are defined to
develop new quantization techniques.
Wednesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Chair: Boleslaw K.
Szymanski (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
An Examination of Implementation in Extend, Arena, and
Sid Redman and Sarah Law (The Boeing Company)
This paper provides an examination of different
modeling situations implemented in Extend, Arena, and Silk and demonstrates
how the implementation of the software impacts the results and whether these
behaviors can be modified. The modeler being more informed of the methods
implemented can work within the software to more accurately produce the
desired outcome. The methods may not be obvious and often impact the model.
This impact may or may not be significant enough to bring attention to it. It
ends by concluding that the assumptions in the software should be visible to
the modeler to aid in model verification and validation.
Why Initial Conditions are
Bruce Gunn and Saeid Nahavandi (Deakin University)
Most simulation textbooks assume that a model can be
started in an empty state and the final output will not be affected, so long
as the “warm-up period” is excluded from the analysis. In this paper we test
this assumption, using a discrete-event model of a existing manufacturing
facility. Using a series of model runs with no initial Work in Progress (WIP)
and another series of simulation runs with a realistic initial level of WIP,
the results can be compared and contrasted. While the results show similar
shaped profiles in terms of throughput and lead time, the differences between
the curves has important practical implications.
Guidelines for Designing Simulation Building
Edwin C. Valentin and Alexander Verbraeck (Delft University
of Technology)
Instinctively, it seems better to support decision
making by simulation studies carried out with domain specific simulation
building blocks, than by simulation studies that start without the knowledge
captured in these building blocks. However, only a limited number of project
examples using simulation building blocks exist, which showed improved results
as a result of the use of building blocks. We identified a number of
requirements to overcome the problems in complex simulation studies. We
believe that these requirements can be met by using building blocks and by
carrying out the simulation studies in a predefined way. First of all a good
building block architecture should be developed that supports the complexities
in simulation studies. In this paper we will describe a design approach that
in our point of view results in a usable set of building blocks. A proof of
concept of the design approach and the architecture are given using a case for
passenger modeling at airports.
Wednesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Chair: Herb
Schwetman (Mesquite Software, Inc.)
Simulation Prototyping
Ingolf Ståhl
(Stockholm School of Economics)
A simulation model is successful if it leads to policy
action, i.e., if it is implemented. Studies show that for a model to be
implemented, it must have good correspondence with the mental model of the
system held by the user of the model. The user must feel confident that the
simulation model corresponds to this mental model. An understanding of how the
model works is required. Simulation models for implementation must be
developed step by step, starting with a simple model, the simulation
prototype. After this has been explained to the user, a more detailed model
can be developed on the basis of feedback from the user. Software for
simulation prototyping is discussed, e.g., with regard to the ease with which
models and output can be explained and the speed with which small models can
be written.
An Efficient Importance Sampling Method for Rare Event
Simulation in Large Scale Tandem Networks
Lei Wei and Honghui Qi
(University of Central Florida)
In this paper, we present a variance minimization (VM)
procedure for rare event simulation in tandem queueing networks. We prove that
the VM method can produce zero variance. The VM method is suitable to compute
optimal importance sampling (IS) parameters for small scale tandem networks.
For large scale tandem networks we propose a sub-optimal IS (SOIS) method,
which projects the optimal biased transition probabilities of the
corresponding small scale system into those of a large scale system. In other
words, we establish an efficient IS method for a large scale system by zooming
into a small scale system and then projecting our findings into the large
scale system. The numerical results show that our SOIS method can produce
accurate results with very short CPU time, while many other methods often
require much longer.
Performance Analysis of Real-Time DEVS
Ezequiel Glinsky (Universidad de Buenos Aires) and Gabriel
Wainer (Carleton University)
The CD++ toolkit was developed to implement the
theoretical concepts specified by the DEVS formalism. CD++ has been recently
enhanced to support real-time simulation, where events have to be processed in
a timely manner. A synthetic benchmarking tool is used to test several models
with different workloads, complexities, structures and sizes. Additionally,
experiments were carried out under different scenarios to analyze the behavior
in such conditions. Some problems and limitations were detected in particular
cases. Lately, a flattened simulation technique has been introduced in the
toolkit. The experiments presented in this work show that the flattened
simulator is more efficient than the hierarchical