WSC 2002 Final Abstracts |
Military Applications Track
Monday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Military Keynote
Chair: Mark
Grabau (Accenture)
Military-Based Virtual Systems
Kenneth Mark Bryden (Iowa State University)
This paper discusses how the military can and should
move into the world of virtual systems engineering. In the past engineering
designs were first done on paper, reviewed using scale models, and finalized
in the full scale products. In the future all aspects of product design,
manufacture, and repair will be done in virtual space. The ability to make
changes "on-the-fly" and without "cutting metal" can save money and time, and
will result in better designs. On-line collaboration, rapid access to a broad
range of tools and experts, and realization of the results into a format that
can be quickly and easily understood will enable a decision maker to more
fully understand the implications of a particular decision. These tools have
broad application in both industrial and military decision making.
Monday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Campaign Analysis
Chair: James W.
Harris (Air Force Studies and Analyses Agency)
Representation of Historical Events in a Military
Campaign Simulation Model
John Herington and Andrew Lane (Defence
Science and Technology Laboratory) and N. Corrigan and J. A. Golightly (CORDA
DSTL has sponsored the development and use of several
campaign level models of military operations. The models are required to
provide insight into force assessment, procurement decisions of future
concepts and for investigations into potential doctrinal developments. COMAND
is a theatre level stochastic representation of the naval-air (maritime)
campaign which runs on a desktop PC under Windows NT. COMAND also contains a
simple representation of the joint force influence on the land campaign. As
part of the process to establish the validation status of COMAND, an attempt
was made to replicate the 1982 Falkland Islands Campaign. This attempt was
largely successful, and provided much information on the strengths and
weaknesses of the model.
The Sortie Generation Rate Model
James W.
Harris, Jr. (Air Force Studies and Analyses Agency)
This paper presents a sortie generation rate (SGR)
model and describes how to use it as a commander’s tool. The SGR model was
initially developed to generate War Mobilization Plan Volume 5 (WMP-5) sortie
rates, but proved to be an expedient commander’s tool for planning options.
Previously, developing sortie rates required three models, Regional Conflict
Model (RCM), Logistics Composite Model (LCOM), and ACC Flyer. Each model
required its own input data and they were located in different agencies of the
Air Force. The RCM model is no longer supported, LCOM requires large amounts
of input data, and ACC Flyer uses output of LCOM as part of its input. The SGR
model requires little data and it is a one step process, which runs on a
laptop computer. The SGR model uses constraints and events to capture the
sortie rate process from a macro level without significantly detailed input.
Tuesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
William Murphy (IITRI)
MultiUAV: A Multiple UAV Simulation for
Investigation of Cooperative Control
S. J. Rasmussen (Veridian) and
P. R. Chandler (AFRL/VACA)
This paper describes MultiUAV, a simulation that is
capable of simulating multiple unmanned aerospace vehicles which cooperate to
accomplish a predefined mission. The simulation was constructed using the
Mathwork’s Simulink simulation software. Construction of the simulation
satisfied the need for a simulation environment that researchers can use to
implement and analyze cooperative control algorithms. The simulation is
implemented in a hierarchical manner with intervehicle communication
explicitly modeled. During construction of MultiUAV, issues concerning memory
usage and functional encapsulation were addressed. MultiUAV includes plotting
tools and links to an external program for post-simulation analysis. Each of
the vehicle simulations include six-degree-of-freedom dynamics and embedded
flight software. The embedded flight software consists of a collection of
managers (agents) that control situational awareness and responses of the
vehicles. Managers included in the simulation are: Tactical Maneuvering,
Sensor, Target, Cooperation, Route and Weapons.
Modeling Considerations for Wide Area Search
Munition Effectiveness Analysis
David R. Jacques (Air Force
Institute of Technology)
There are currently several wide area search munitions
in the research and development phase within the Department of Defense.
Progress on the individual technologies is promising, but there are
insufficient analytical tools for evaluating the effectiveness of these
concept munitions. This paper examines some of the modeling aspects of wide
area search munitions with Autonomous Target Recognition (ATR) capability. The
unique aspect of the munition problem is that a search agent is lost whenever
an attack is executed. This significantly impacts the overall effectiveness in
a multi-target/false target environment. ATR measures of performance will be
introduced, and described in terms of a confusion matrix for the sensor. The
single munition/single target and general multi-munition/multi-target cases
will be discussed, and a simple application will be used to validate the
modeling constructs.
Modeling Signal Latency Effects Using
Shane Dougherty (Det 1 28 TS/F-22) and Raymond R. Hill and
James T. Moore (Air Force Institute of Technology)
Recent military operations have showcased the abilities
of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), particularly in their ability to
effectively perform those tasks too dangerous for manned aircraft. We examine
non-autonomous operations of an UAV in those instances where the vehicle is
used for laser target designation in support of precision guided munitions
with non-line-of-sight command and control of the UAV. Non-line of sight UAV
control requires a satellite communications link which involves a level of
signal delay, or signal latency. This latency may impact the accuracy of the
laser designation and thus the accuracy of the guided weapon. A simulation
model is defined, built, and used to address the signal latency impacts of our
defined UAV targeting scenario.
Tuesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Logistics 1
Chair: Mike Payne
Closed-Loop, Simulation-Based, Systems Engineering
approach to Life Cycle Management of Defense Systems
Sean Connors,
Julie Gauldin, and Marshall Smith (Clockwork Solutions)
Assessing the life-cycle impacts of operations and
maintenance decisions made for new or aging systems requires an accurate
ability to measure and respond to uncertainty. Maintenance and parts
requirements forecasts for fielded military systems are traditionally
performed through historical repair and supply demand models. These models
work well once several years of steady state weapon system operation has been
accomplished, but tend to depend on a stable and somewhat regular operations
and support structure. Predictions based on data that capture the cyclic
trends that tend to occur as the fleet endures standard operations, scheduled
maintenance, and average component failure rates work best when components are
relatively new. Aging systems comprised of component populations of varying
ages can be adversely affected by change or the failure to change the
traditional maintenance and support concepts. The right action for a new
system may result in adverse impacts when considering older systems.
Simulation of Transportation
David Goldsman and Sebastien Pernet (Georgia Institute of
Technology) and Keebom Kang (Naval Postgraduate School)
In this paper, we discuss issues concerning the
simulation of transportation systems. In particular, we demonstrate a number
of implementation tricks that are designed to make the modeling and coding
processes more efficient and transparent. We present examples involving the
simulation of commercial airline and military sealift operations.
An Analysis of STOM (Ship to Objective Maneuver) in Sea
based Logistics
Keebom Kang and Kenneth H. Doerr (Naval
Postgraduate School), Kyle A. Bryan (U.S. Strategic Command (J411)) and
Gregorio Ameyugo (NATO Research and Technology Organisation )
Operational Maneuver From the Sea (OMFTS) and its
implementing concept, Sea Based Logistics (SBL) stress the need for
logistically supporting forces ashore directly from a sea base. This study
analyzes the capability of a current LHD-class amphibious ship to sustain a
force deployed ashore through direct Ship-To-Objective Maneuver (STOM) of
replenishment and logistics support. We have developed a simulation model that
can evaluate performance of STOM operations using an LHD-class amphibious ship
as a sea base. Results indicate a substantial increase in the number of
aircraft, and reliability of those aircraft, and/or a substantial reduction in
sustainment requirements are needed in order to successfully accomplish the
scenarios used in this study. The results of this study could support the
design of future LHD-class ships.
Tuesday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Logistics 2
Chair: Keebom Kang
(Naval Postgraduate School)
Applications of Simulation in Logistics Combat
Gregory H. Graves (U.S. Army Combined Arms Support
Command) and Jeffrey L. Higgins (TRADOC Combat Developments Engineering
As the Army undergoes a transformation from the
logistics intensive organizations that currently comprise the force to a more
agile and sustainable force, changes in logistics concepts and organizations
are inevitable. Because much of the Army’s future equipment and most future
organizations are still in the conceptual stages, these elements must be
modeled. Simulation provides a valuable tool for not only modeling the
structure or attributes of a future system, but also for comparing alternative
concepts for how systems should be employed and equipped. In this paper, we
present three applications of how simulation was used within the U.S. Army
Combined Arms Support Command in the design and analysis of current and
emerging logistical systems in the Army.
Evaluation of Army Corps Artillery Ammunition
Supply Systems via Simulation
Ihsan Sabuncuoglu (Bilkent
University) and Durdu Hakan Utku (Turkish Military Academy)
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the evaluation
of different alternatives for the implementation of Turkish army corps
artillery ammunition supply system. The objective is to see whether the
alternative systems operate properly and to select the best system design. We
find that the first alternative system cannot supply the units for all phases
of an eight-day battle time while the second, the third, and the fourth
systems can supply and yield better results. The third system is less costly
than the second and the fourth systems. However, it has the drawback of too
many vehicles in the convoy (i.e., congestion) which makes it susceptible to
the enemy long distance and air assaults. The fourth system is the best of all
from the point of the performance it yields; but, it costs more compared to
the other systems.
Using Simulation to Understand Interim Brigade Combat
Team (IBCT) Munitions Logistics
Todd S. Bertulis (US Total Army
Personnel Command) and J. O. Miller (Air Force Institute of Technology)
Today, military leaders have limited options when
reacting to the wide range of current threats existing in our world. These
threats demand forces able to deploy rapidly while possessing combat
capabilities to stabilize a hostile area quickly. The Army’s answer to this
requirement is the Interim Brigade Combat Team (IBCT). Logistically supporting
the IBCT will require the Army to develop organizations that exploit available
technologies automating support activities, enhancing situational awareness,
and minimizing the overall logistics footprint. The unit responsible for
supporting the IBCT is the Brigade Support Battalion, which establishes an
ammunition transfer point (ATP) for the storage and distribution of ammunition
stocks throughout the IBCT area. This study employs an Arena 5.0
discrete-event simulation model to explore the performance of the ATP over a
set of operating conditions. This set of operating conditions was selected
with a statistical design of experiments using two different sets of
transportation assets and ATP personnel as factors.
Tuesday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Agent Modeling
Chair: Raymond
Hill (Air Force Institute of Technology)
Models of Defeat
Gary King, Brent Heeringa,
David Westbrook, Joe Catalano, and Paul Cohen (University of Massachusetts,
Coalition operations are increasingly effects-based,
which means they apply force only as necessary to achieve political and
psychological effects. Capture the Flag is a wargaming environment that
includes intelligent, autonomous adversaries. Our planner previously focused
on two goals: occupying objectives and attrition. But attrition is a means to
the defeat of one's enemies, not an end in itself. For Capture the Flag to
plan for defeat, it needs a model of defeat. We model the "capacity for
conflict" as a leaky bucket: when a unit's bucket is full, it has no more
capacity for conflict and it capitulates. Flow into and out of the bucket is
modulated by several factors including attrition and heroism. The model is
inherently dynamical, so it exhibits the time-dependent behaviors one observes
in real conflicts; for example, identical attacks will have different effects
on capitulation as a function of their timing.
The Use of Agent-Based Models in Military Concept
Jeffrey R. Cares (Alidade Consulting)
Modeling and simulation of military operational
concepts has historically been exceedingly difficult and costly. This is in
part due to the inherent complexity of military operations. This paper
discusses a method of analysis, Agent-Based Modeling, which brings an
appropriate level of complexity to the task of evaluating military operational
concepts. Techniques for military concept development are addressed and a
potential case study is presented.
Reducing Training Costs through Integration of
Simulations, C4I Systems, and Expert Systems
Mark Whelan, John
Loftus, David Perme, and Richard Baldwin (Gestalt, LLC)
The Department of Defense doctrine of "train as you
would fight" exemplifies the military’s focus on training as a key component
in the preparation of today’s warfighter. The positive result of implementing
this doctrine has been clearly demonstrated. The costs of implementing
training programs, however, have been high. Simulations have historically
supported this training by augmenting and supplementing real world scenarios
and data. The incorporation of these tools is often problematic as the
simulations may not have been designed for integration with operational
Command, Control, Communication, Computer, and Intelligence (C4I) systems that
are used in training events. These integrations are too often manual. The
integration of simulations and C4I systems through the use of software tools
and intelligent agent technologies results in significant cost reductions and
allows for increased flexibility and effectiveness of training.
Wednesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Weapon and Communication Systems
Chair: Joe Stewart (MITRE)
Virtual Life Assessment of Electronic Hardware Used
in the Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle (AAAV)
Ricky Valentin,
Jeremy Cunningham, Michael Osterman, Abhijit Dasgupta, and Michael G. Pecht
(University of Maryland) and Dinos Tsagos (Office of Naval Research)
This paper presents the use of techniques for
simulating product qualification as well as for product testing of electronic
hardware to be used in the United States Marine Corp’s Advanced Amphibious
Assault Vehicle. The goal of integrating "up-front" virtual life assessment
into the development environment is to increase overall product reliability
and decrease overall product cost by decreasing build-test-fix time and
promoting optimized tradeoff analysis early in the design stage. Relevant
problems included: the positioning of a large microcircuit near the center of
the board, weakness to shock loading, and life expectancies of around six (6)
to eight (8) years. Failure in the form of electrical opens and/or increased
circuit resistance due to thermo-mechanical and random vibration induced
fatigue of solder interconnects was predicted as the dominant wearout failure
mechanism. A weeklong qualification test is proposed to verify the virtual
life assessment results of the life cycle loads.
Simulating Crisis Communications
William S.
Murphy, Jr. (Illinois Institute of Technology Research Institute (IITRI)) and
Mark A. Flournoy (United States Marine Corps)
This paper addresses the need for simulation of voice
and data communication demands during civil and military crisis events.
Modeling of federal, state, and local civilian agencies in addition to
military forces can lead to better planning and execution decisions during the
crisis. The need has become particularly acute following recent terrorists
attacks on the United States. Preliminary crisis communication modeling
capabilities exist in the Network Warfare Simulation (NETWARS) software that
has been successfully used to model networks supporting the military's
Operation Enduring Freedom. We will examine the software's features,
limitations, and potentials.
Modeling the Wireless Network Architecture of Land
Fernando Maymi, John Surdu, Andrew Hall, and Ryan
Beltramini (United States Military Academy)
The United States Army is designing and implementing a
revolutionary advance in the combat power of individual infantrymen on the
battlefield: Land Warrior. In Land Warrior, each soldier becomes a node in a
wireless local area network (WLAN). In order to account for likely losses of
line of site between soldiers, the On Demand Multicast Routing Protocol
(ODMRP) is used. The purpose of this research was to construct a simulation
study to determine whether the communications architecture of Land Warrior was
sufficiently scalable to use in large Army units. This paper describes the
input analysis conducted to determine probability distributions used to
generate message traffic. This paper also describes the development of the
simulation model used to determine the scalability of the Land Warrior
communications architecture.
Wednesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Plebes, Dogs, and Robots
Chair: Eric J. Gottlieb (Orion International Technologies, Inc.)
Simulation Analysis of the United States Military
Academy Reception Day
Dominik Nogic (United States Army) and
Michael Nowatkowski (Dept. Systems Engineering, USMA)
Each June approximately 1200 new cadets (NCs) are
welcomed to the United States Military Academy (USMA) during Reception Day
(R-Day). Amid the mass shuffling of bodies and the yelling of the upperclass
cadet cadre, all 1200 NCs must completely in process. Changes are made to the
in processing system in attempt to make it more efficient. However, the effect
of these changes can only be gauged once a year during the following R-Day. In
an attempt to expedite the refinement process, the R-Day administrators
approached our design team to create a simulation model that could be used to
analyze the effect of proposed changes to the system prior to R-Day 2002.
Using ProModel® simulation software, our team created a simulation of the in
processing system and conducted a statistical analysis of the results in order
to recommend improvements to the structure of the system.
Simulating without Data
Dean S. Hartley,
III (Hartley Consulting)
As a general rule, simulation requires detailed data to
properly represent a problem. Occasionally, a problem may be successfully
solved using only reasonable approximations to the data. This paper describes
such a situation. The Army’s health services conceived the Personal
Information Carrier (PIC) as a replacement for the “dog tag.” The concept was
to support portable personal health records. The problem was to determine the
contents of the records to be stored in the PIC.
The Umbra Simulation Framework as Applied to Building
HLA Federates
Eric J. Gottlieb (Orion International Technologies,
Inc.) and Michael J. McDonald, Fred J. Oppel, J. Brian Rigdon, and Patrick G.
Xavier (Sandia National Laboratories)
Sandia’s Umbra modular simulation framework was
designed to enable the modeling of robots for manufacturing, military, and
security system concept evaluation. Umbra generalizes data-flow-based
simulation to enable modeling of heterogeneous interaction phenomena via a
multiple worlds abstraction. This and other features make Umbra particularly
suitable for developing simulation federates. Umbra’s HLA interface library
utilizes DMSO’s HLA Run Time Infrastructure 1.3-Next Generation (RTI 1.3-NG)
software library to federate Umbra-based models into HLA environments.
Examples draw on a first application that provides component technologies for
the US Army JPSD’s Joint Virtual Battlespace (JVB) simulation environment for
Objective Force concept analysis.