WSC 2002

WSC 2002 Final Abstracts

Software/Modelware Tutorials A Track

Monday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM

Chair: David T. Sturrock (Rockwell Software)

The Arena Product Family: Enterprise Modeling Solutions
Judy Rathmell and David T. Sturrock (Rockwell Software)

This paper introduces the Arena suite of products for modeling, simulation, and optimization highlighting product architecture and technology features that are targeted toward successful deployment of simulation and Arena throughout an enterprise.

Monday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM

Chair: Matthew W. Rohrer (Brooks-PRI Automation)

Simulating Reality Using AutoMod
Matthew W. Rohrer and Ian W. McGregor (Brooks-PRI Automation)

Decision making in industry has become more complicated in recent years. Customers are more demanding, competition is more fierce, and costs for labor and raw materials continue to rise. Managers need state-of-the-art tools to help in planning, design, and operations of their facilities. Simulation provides a virtual factory where ideas can be tested and performance improved. The AutoMod product suite from Brooks-PRI Automation has been used on thousands of projects to help engineers and managers make the best decisions possible. With the release of AutoMod 11.0 in 2002, AutoMod now supports hierarchical model construction. This new architecture allows users to reuse model objects in other models, decreasing the time required to build a model. Composite models are just one of the latest advances that make AutoMod one of the most widely used simulation software packages.

Monday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Non-Item based Tools

Chair: David J. Parsons (Simulation Dynamics)

Non-Item based Discrete-Event Simulation Tools
Richard A. Phelps, David J. Parsons, and Andrew J. Siprelle (Simulation Dynamics, Inc.)

Discrete event simulation has traditionally been defined by items (or entities). This modeling paradigm has served the simulation industry well, but falls far short for many industries in which the parts / pieces mindset simply does not accurately portray their particular processes. For the last ten years Simulation Dynamics has been working with industries where the item paradigm falls short as a descriptive tool. This work has led to the development of a revolutionary set of simulation tools built on the Extend simulation engine.

Tuesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Micro Saint

Chair: Wendy Bloechle (Micro Analysis & Design)

Micro Saint Modeling and the Human Element
Daniel W. Schunk, Wendy K. Bloechle, and Ron Laughery (Micro Analysis & Design, Inc.)

With new technologies emerging daily, one of the largest problems companies currently face is the challenge of upgrading slow, outdated systems. While it is common to consider things like cost efficiency and automation in new systems, companies often overlook the human element in their system redesign. By factoring in the human element, companies can avoid having to make costly adjustments to their system because of unexpected human error. Task network modeling is one approach to modeling human performance in complex systems. Micro Saint is a modeling environment that supports task network modeling and human performance modeling. This paper will discuss how to model the human element using Micro Saint along with a brief case study.

Tuesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM

Chair: Charles R. Harrell (Brigham Young University)

Simulation Modeling Using Promodel Technology
Charles R. Harrell (Brigham Young University) and Rochelle N. Price (PROMODEL Corporation)

PROMODEL’s simulation modeling products are powerful yet easy-to-use simulation tools for modeling all types of systems and processes. ProModel is designed to model manufacturing systems ranging from small job shops and machining cells to large mass production, flexible manufacturing systems, and supply chain systems. Other simulation products available from PROMODEL Corporation include MedModel, ServiceModel, Innovate, and ProModel PI (for process improvement). PROMODEL products are Windows based applications with intuitive graphical interfaces and object-oriented modeling constructs, eliminating the need for programming. They combine the flexibility of a general-purpose simulation language with the convenience of data-driven simulators. This paper provides an overview of ProModel and presents its modeling, analysis, and optimization capabilities.

Tuesday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM

Chair: Averill M. Law (Averill M. Law & Associates)

How the Expertfit Distribution-Fitting Software can make your Simulation Models more Valid
Averill M. Law and Michael G. McComas (Averill M. Law & Associates)

In this paper, we discuss the critical role of simulation input modeling in a successful simulation study. Two pitfalls in simulation input modeling are then presented and we explain how any analyst, regardless of their knowledge of statistics, can easily avoid these pitfalls through the use of the ExpertFit distribution-fitting software. We use a set of real-world data to demonstrate how the software automatically specifies and ranks probability distributions, and then tells the analyst whether the "best" candidate distribution is actually a good representation of the data. If no distribution provides a good fit, then ExpertFit can define an empirical distribution. In either case, the selected distribution is put into the proper format for direct input to the analyst’s simulation software.

Tuesday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM

Chair: Doug Shannon (TRW)

The Extend Simulation Environment
David Krahl (Imagine That, Inc.)

The Extend simulation environment provides the tools for all levels of modelers to efficiently create accurate and credible models. Extend’s modern, advanced design and rich feature set reduce the amount of time developing, validating, verifying, and analyzing simulation models. Model builders can use Extend’s pre-built modeling components to quickly build and analyze systems with little or no programming. Simulation tool developers can use Extend’s builtin, compiled language, ModL, to develop new reusable modeling components. All of this is done within a single, self-contained software program that does not require external interfaces, compilers, or code generators.

Wednesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Credibility Assessment

Chair: James D. Arthur (Virginia Tech)

A Collaborative Evaluation Environment for Credibility Assessment of Modeling and Simulation Applications
Osman Balci, Robin J. Adams, David S. Myers, and Richard E. Nance (Orca Computer, Inc.)

Credibility assessment of modeling and simulation (M&S) applications is becoming increasingly more important as M&S applications are used more and more for complex system design evaluation, M&S-based acquisition, problem solving, military training, and critical decision making. M&S credibility assessment is a very complex process, involves the measurement and evaluation of hundreds of qualitative and quantitative elements, mandates subject matter expert evaluation, and requires the integration of disparate measurements and evaluations. Planning and managing such measurements and evaluations require a unifying methodology and should not be performed in an ad hoc manner. We have developed such a methodology, which can be used for credibility assessment of any kind of M&S application. To provide computer-aided assistance in applying our methodology and to enable collaborative evaluations by geographically dispersed people, we have developed a Web-based client/server software system. This tutorial introduces our software system, which can be used at "" or "".

Wednesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM

Chair: Jean O'Reilly (Frontstep, Inc.)

Introduction to AweSim
Jean O'Reilly (Frontstep, Inc.)

AweSim® is a general-purpose simulation system which takes advantage of the latest in Windows® technology to integrate programs and provide componentware. AweSim includes the Visual SLAM® simulation language to build network, subnetwork, discrete event, and continuous models. Network models require no programming yet allow user-coded inserts in Visual Basic or C. Discrete event and continuous models can be created using the object-oriented technology of Visual Basic, C or Visual C++ and can be combined with network models. This tutorial will demonstrate the process of using AweSim’s componentware, describe examples of user interfaces that allow integration with other applications, and present a sample model.

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