WSC 2003 Final Abstracts |
Business Process Modeling/Reengineering Track
Monday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
The Role of Special Agents in Today’s
Chair: Craig Robertson (Accenture)
Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation of Store
Performance for Personalized Pricing
Cem Baydar (Accenture Tech
In this paper, a simulation-based approach of
optimizing a grocery store’s performance is discussed. Currently, most of the
grocery stores provide special discounts to their customers under different
loyalty card programs. We believe that a more determined approach such as
personalized pricing could enable retailers to optimize their store
performance. The objective of this paper is to determine the feasibility of
personalized pricing to optimize store performance and compare it with the
traditional product-centered approach. Each customer is modeled as an agent
and his/her shopping behavior is obtained from transaction data using factors
such as customer’s product consumption rate, brand loyalty and price
sensitivity. Then, the overall shopping behavior is simulated and the store
performance is optimized. The results showed that personalized pricing
outperforms the traditional product-centered approach significantly. It is
expected that successful implementation of this work will impact grocery
retail significantly by increasing the customer satisfaction and profits.
Combining Agent-Based Supply Net Simulation
and Constraint Technology for Highly Efficient Simulation of Supply Networks
Using APS Systems
Hartwig Baumgaertel and Ulrich John
(DaimlerChrysler AG)
This paper introduces an approach for highly efficient
simulation of supply networks in which several nodes use advanced planning and
scheduling (APS) systems. APS systems increasingly become part of bigger
companies IT landscape. Today, APS systems communicate only with the ERP
system they sit on top of. If APS systems would be able to communicate with
each other, qualitatively new processes for planning collaboration in supply
nets could emerge. Simulation is accepted to be an useful approach for support
of business process design. Design of planning processes which should exploit
APS systems requires simulation systems with integrated APS functionality. We
augmented an existing, agent-based simulation system by an APS component which
we developed based on finite domain (FD) constraint technology. In this paper,
we present our simulation system with special focus on the APS component, and
results of a simulation experiment which was used for the proof of concept.
Simulating Agent Intelligence as Local Network
Dynamics and Emergent Organizational Outcomes
James K. Hazy and
Brian F. Tivnan (The George Washington University)
We build upon our previous work (Hazy and Tivnan 2003)
to represent organizations as a network of agents, tasks, resources and
knowledge (Krackhardt and Carley 1998) to explore the emergent effects of
agent interactions on organizational outcomes. To do this, we define agents in
the context of their position in the network, describe the agent’s symbolic
representation of its position in the network, and develop a probabilistic
function associated with each agent that acts locally to change the network.
We conclude with a brief overview of our research in this area to date and the
usefulness of this network representation.
Monday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
The Process of Process Reengineering
Chair: Kishore Swaminathan (Accenture)
Visualization of Probabilistic Business
Lev Virine and Lisa Rapley (Schlumberger Ltd.)
One of the main challenges in the modeling of business
problems is to provide the modeler and the user with meaningful visual tools.
The business model is usually presented by different types of flow charts and
diagrams. If the modeling process is simplified in how it is represented to
the user, it improves understanding, as well as, helps to interpret the result
of the analysis. This paper discusses a proposed methodology for business
modeling and how this process can be applied to real world problems. The
formal iterative modeling process includes a Probabilistic Model Description,
Domain Model Diagram, and diagrams to define model’s calculation logic,
sensitivity analysis tools, decision trees, and other tools. The paper also
discusses benefits of the unification of specification for the visualization
tools. The described methodology is used in decision and risk analysis
application Decision Tool Kit.
Simulation for Business Processes and Information
Systems Design
Ray J. Paul and Alan Serrano (Brunel University)
Business Process (BP) literature promotes the value of
business processes as essential gearwheels that help organizations to reach
their goals. Similarly, many process design approaches claim that Information
Technology (IT) is a major enabler of business process, a view also shared by
the Information Systems (IS) community. Despite this, BP and IS approaches do
not provide clear guidance on how to assess the benefits that a given IS
design may bring to the BP prior the IS implementation. Nor is clear
indication of which modeling techniques could be used to assess such
relationship. This paper uses the insights gained during a UK funded research
project, namely ASSESS-IT, that aimed to depict the dynamic relationships
between BP and IT to propose an alternative framework to develop BP simulation
models that depict the dynamic behavior of the relationships between BP and
Integration of Discrete Event Simulation Models
with Framework-Based Business Applications
Peter Lendermann,
Nirupam Julka, Lai Peng Chan, and Boon Ping Gan (Singapore Institute of Mfg.
Simulation models and business application software as
they are used for decision support in enterprise management are both
representations of an enterprise’s actual operations. This paper describes a
unified simulation and application framework where it is possible to represent
the entire performance process along a supply chain in a unified business
model, improve its performance with discrete event simulation technology, and
then generate and implement the corresponding business application software
from the same unified model, based on a so-called framework-based application
technology which allows implementation of changes derived from simulation
analysis with minimal effort and time. This enables a company to optimise not
only operational processes such as shopfloor or warehouse operations but also
business processes such as planning, order management and scheduling through
Monday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Customer Relations Management: Call
Center Operations
Chair: Pierre L'Ecuyer (University of Montreal)
Modelling and Simulation of a Telephone Call
Juta Pichitlamken, Alexandre Deslauriers, Pierre L'Ecuyer,
and Athanassios N. Avramidis (Université de Montréal)
We consider a system with two types of traffic and two
types of agents. Outbound calls are served only by blend agents, whereas
inbound calls can be served by either inbound-only or blend agents. Our
objective is to allocate a number of agents such that some service requirement
is satisfied. We have taken two approaches in analyzing this staffing problem:
We developed a simulation model of the call center, which allows us to do a
what-if analysis, as well as continuous-time Markov chain (CTMC) queueing
models, which provide approximations of system performance measures. We
describe the simulation model in this paper.
Routing Heuristics for Multi-Skill Call
Ger Koole and Auke Pot (Vrije Universiteit) and Jérôme
Talim (Carleton University)
We give an approximation method for analyzing the
performance of call centers with skill-based routing, for both blocking and
delay systems. We use this method to determine optimal skill sets for call
center employees.
Fluid Approximations for a Priority Call Center
with Time-Varying Arrivals
Ahmad D. Ridley and Michael C. Fu
(University of Maryland, College Park) and William A. Massey (Princeton
We model a call center as a preemptive-resume priority
queue with time-varying arrival rates and two priority classes of customers.
The low priority customers have a dynamic priority where they become high
priority if their waiting-time exceeds a given service-level time. The
performance of the call center is measured by the mean number in system for
the two customer classes. A fluid approximation is proposed to estimate the
mean number in system for each class. The quality of the approximation is
tested by comparing it with a stochastic simulation model of the system.
Finally, using the fluid approximations, we discuss how to compute the mean
number in system for each class and estimate the overall staffing level, or
number of agents.
Tuesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Customer Relations Management: Service
Chair: Cem Baydar (Accenture)
Using Simulation to Approximate Subgradients of
Convex Performance Measures in Service Systems
Július Atlason and
Marina A. Epelman (University of Michigan) and Shane G. Henderson (Cornell
We study the problem of approximating a subgradient of
a convex (or concave) discrete function that is evaluated via simulation. This
problem arises, for instance, in optimization problems such as finding the
minimal cost staff schedule in a call center subject to a service level
constraint. There, subgradient information can be used to significantly reduce
the search space. The problem of approximating subgradients is closely related
to the one of approximating gradients and we suggest and compare how three
existing methods for computing gradients via simulation, i.e., finite
differences, the likelihood ratio method and infinitesimal perturbation
analysis, can be applied to approximate subgradients when the variables are
discrete. We provide a computational study to highlight the properties of each
Simulation's Role in Baggage Screening at
the Airports: A Case Study
Suna Hafizogullari, Gloria Bender, and
Cenk Tunasar (TransSolutions)
The Aviation and Transportation Security Act passed by
Congress in November, 2001 required the nation’s airports to perform 100%
checked baggage screening by December 31, 2002. To determine the impact of
this requirement on its operations, Lambert St. Louis International Airport
(STL) requested TransSolutions to evaluate the equipment and facility
requirements to meet 100% checked baggage screening for all airlines serving
STL. Discrete event simulation models were developed to evaluate passenger
service levels for each alternative option considered, relative to the airport
performance metric that 95% of all passengers in the peak hour would wait no
longer than additional 10 minutes for baggage screening. Various protocols
with different machine requirements were tested, and the “Drop-and-Go” option
was chosen as the most viable alternative. This paper discusses how simulation
was used to help the airport’s decision making process.
Human Fatigue Risk Simulations in 24/7
Rainer Guttkuhn, Udo Trutschel, Anneke Heitmann, Acacia
Aguirre, and Martin Moore-Ede (Circadian Technologies, Inc.)
A Circadian Alertness Simulator (CAS) is presented as
an interactive tool for assessing sleep behavior and fatigue risk in the 24/7
operations. The simulation model uses as input sleep-wake data and information
about individual sleep characteristics (short vs. long sleeper, morning type
vs. evening type, napper vs. non-napper). The validation of the CAS model was
based on a figure of merit function reflecting the model’s ability to minimize
the difference between reported and predicted sleep data. The purpose of the
alertness model is the assessment of work schedules in terms of fatigue risk.
Tuesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Process Improvement
Eleazer Martin (BestSys)
Optimization of a Telecommunications Billing
Mark Schouwenaar and Eleazer Martin (BestSys)
To remain competitive in a turbulent and rapidly
evolving market, telecommunication companies have found it necessary to invest
large sums of money on the latest technologies and IT infrastructure. These
investments have been a serious drain on the financial resources of these
companies who are now seeking ways to pare costs and regain their financial
footing. This new reality is increasingly forcing companies to focus on
improving processes in order to increase profitability. Process simulation is
proving to be a useful tool in helping these companies attain higher levels of
efficiency in business critical processes by revealing inefficiencies and
redesigning processes. This paper seeks to illustrate the method used to
obtain substantial savings in the billing system of Telenor (Norway’s largest
telecom company), through the use of simulation.
One Size Fits All? Segmenting Customer base for
Maximum Returns
Roar Grønhaug and Eleazer Martin (BestSys) and
Per-Åge Bæra (Telenor)
Large corporations can achieve significant cost savings
by developing and employing a sophisticated and continuously updated, billing
and credit policy. Days of sale outstanding (DSO) is a major cost driver for
corporations with large revenues, as this leads to an increased risk of
default, increased dunning and collection costs, a non-optimal billing
procedure with attendant costs and perhaps most importantly, an increase in
the order-to-cash cycle time and the significant increase in hidden costs this
implies. Segmentation of the customer base according to behavior and risk
combined with the design of bespoke billing and credit policies suited to the
behavior and risk associated with each segment, can lead to a significant
decrease in the costs mentioned above. This paper illustrates the work done at
Norway’s largest telecommunication operator, Telenor, to address these issues
using the continuous simulation methodology as well as other econometric
Simulations on .Net Using Highpoint's HighMAST™
Simulation Toolkit
Peter C. Bosch (Highpoint Software Systems, LLC)
This paper describes the philosophy, architectures and
key features of a new .Net-based simulation object model and toolkit called
HighMAST™ (Highpoint Modeling and Simulation Toolkit). HighMAST™ is a set of
class libraries built on top of Microsoft’s .Net platform. It was built to
take advantage of the object-oriented flavor and extensive integration
plumbing ingrained in the .Net framework. It supports “active entity”, “block
based”, “workflow oriented” and several other types of simulation
architectures in both the discrete-time and continuous domains. And it enables
developers to approach their simulation frameworks or applications in a wide
range of languages including such inexpensive and available languages as C#
and VB.Net.