WSC 2003 Final Abstracts |
Simulation Education Track
Tuesday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Teaching the Classics of Simulation to
Beginners, Panel
Chair: Ingolf Ståhl (Stockholm School of Economics)
Teaching the Classics of Simulation to Beginners
Ingolf Ståhl (Stockholm School of Economics), Henry Herper
(Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg), Raymond R. Hill (Wright State
University), Catherine M. Harmonosky (Penn State University), Joan M. Donohue
(University of South Carolina) and W. David Kelton (University of Cincinnati)
In order to get more people to use and understand
simulation, improved teaching of simulation to beginners is important. The
panel members share their experience in teaching the classic systems of
simulation, used for several decades, to novice students.
Tuesday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Simulation Textbooks – Old and New,
Chair: Tom Schriber (University of
Simulation Text Books – Old and New
Thomas J. Schriber (University of Michigan), Ingolf Ståhl
(Stockholm School of Economics), Jerry Banks (Independent Consultant), Averill
M. Law (Averill Law & Associates), Andrew F. Seila (University of Georgia)
and Richard G. Born (Northern Illinois University)
In order to get more people to use simulation, improved
teaching of simulation is important. In this context, textbooks and, more
generally, teachware play a critical role. The panel looks at some of the
older and successful textbooks as well as textbooks and teachware that are
quite new and in some cases are still under development.
Wednesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Introductory Teaching of
Chair: Richard Born (Northern Illinois University)
Teaching Discrete Event Simulation to Business
Students: The Alpha and Omega
Richard G. Born (Northern Illinois
Managers of businesses worldwide are only beginning to
realize the economic and improved decision-making value of discrete-event
simulation. In order to accelerate the rate at which business managers employ
simulation, such a course needs to be taught to more business students than is
currently being done. This, in turn, implies the need for an improvement in
the teaching of simulation to beginners, so that these fledglings will
encourage fellow students to take a course in simulation because it provides
business value, practicality, and promotes the idea that simulation is fun.
The manner in which simulation is introduced during the first week of class as
well as how the course is summed up during the last week of class are,
perhaps, the most critical points in student learning. This paper, therefore,
focuses on activities that the author uses during the first and last weeks of
his simulation courses for business students.
Modeling and Simulation in High School Education –
Two European Examples
Henry Herper (Otto-von-Guericke University of
Magdeburg) and Ingolf Ståhl (Dept. of Managerial Economics)
Discrete simulation is a suitable application area for
several disciplines in high schools. One such discipline is Computer Science.
Other disciplines are e.g. mathematics and business. The main principles of
modeling information can be practiced in a suitable simulation project. For
the implementation of the model on the computer, two different versions of
Integrated Development Systems for GPSS have been developed mainly for the
purpose of use in high schools. In Germany the version is WinGPSS, dedicated
to Windows, and in Sweden WebGPSS, first implemented on the Web. Both systems
use the same micro-GPSS simulator kernel. The paper discusses the goals with,
and the experience gained from, the use of these GPSS versions in high
schools. Some of the most recent developments of WinGPSS and WebGPSS are also
Designing Simulation Projects
Melanie L.
Hatch and Donald L. Byrkett (Miami University)
Simulation projects provide a useful way to tie
together the expected learning outcomes in a simulation class. Designing a
good project is a challenging task and simulation instructors are always on
the lookout for interesting ideas. This paper provides simulation instructors
with two interesting simulation applications, a supply chain project and a web
site design project. The supply chain problem is based on a real company
problem and the web site design problem is based on a textbook problem. Each
application is described in detail and links are provided so that other
simulation instructors can access handouts and possible solutions. The authors
also provide some insights about simulation project
Wednesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Perspectives on Simulation in
Education and Training
Chair: Ray Paul (Brunel University)
Simulation Education is No Substitute for
Intelligent Thinking
Ray J. Paul, Tillal Eldabi, and Jasna Kuljis
(Brunel University)
In this paper we are going to challenge this view of
simulation, to the extent that most textbooks’ contents will be found to be
secondary to the missing necessary primary material. This presents a critique
of the current teaching practices of Simulation. The paper then advocates that
(simulation) education has four general objectives, which are to teach
students how to learn, how to think creatively, how to problem solve, and how
to be professionals. These four objectives of education may not be possible to
teach. In the words of Oscar Wilde "Education is an admirable thing, but it is
well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be
taught". So an education in simulation requires that students be put into
learning situations that enable them to learn the requisite knowledge
concerning the four objectives. Who can provide such an education?
Simulation Models as an Aid for the Teaching and
Learning Process in Operations Management
Leonardo Chwif and Marcos
Ribeiro Pereira Barretto (Unifieo)
As the focus of the teaching-learning process moves
from teaching to learning, the need for a better understanding by teachers of
the psychology of learning increases in relevance. Many studies have proved
the differences between students’ learning styles which leads to the need for
different approaches to be adopted when teaching a subject. This article
offers a brief review of learning styles to show how games can be applied,
particularly in Operations Management. It also proposes a taxonomy for games
in Operations Management to finally focus on its application to DOSM –
Didactic Operation Simulation Model. After formally defining DOSM, some
practical models are shown. These experiments showed its effectiveness as an
instructional technique to "teaching around the cycle".
Virtual Environments for the Training of
Maintenance and Service Tasks
Eberhard Bluemel, Axel Hintze,
Torsten Schulz, Marco Schumann, and Stefan Stuering (Fraunhofer Inst. for
Factory Operation & Automation)
This paper presents an interactive, virtual reality
based training environment specifically developed to support training of
maintenance procedures of complex technical equipment. The architecture of the
system will briefly be described. Moreover, the paper explains the different
training modes that allow for adapting the training environment to the
trainee's knowledge and determine the level of interactivity. A short glimpse
is given to the scenario author's work. Finally, an example scenario will be
described to demonstrate a practical application of the training environment.