WSC 2003 Final Abstracts |
Modeling Methodology A Track
Monday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Foundations of Multi-Paradigm Modeling
and Simulation
Chair: Adelinde Uhrmacher (University of Rostock)
Computer Automated Multi-Paradigm Modelling:
Meta-Modelling and Graph Transformation
Hans Vangheluwe (McGill
University) and Juan de Lara (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Computer Automated Multi-Paradigm Modelling based on
Meta-Modelling and Graph Transformation is presented. The syntax of a class of
models of interest is graphically meta-modelled in an appropriate formalism.
From this abstract syntax, an interactive, visual modelling environment is
generated. As the abstract syntax of all models is graph-like, graph rewriting
is used to perform model transformation. Graph Grammar models thus allow for
model transformation specification. Graph rewriting provides a rigourous basis
for specifying and analyzing model transformations such as simplification,
simulation, and code generation. AToM3, A Tool for Multi-formalism and
Meta-Modelling, is introduced. Meta-modelling and graph transformation
concepts are introduced through a simple reactive system example: a Timed
Automata model of a traffic light. Meta-modelling, generating the visual
modelling environment, and modelling transformations as graph grammars, as
well as executing them, are performed in AToM3. The model transformations
include simulation, transformation into Timed Transition Petri Nets, and code
A Meta-Theoretic Approach to Modeling and
Mamadou K. Traoré (Université Blaise Pascal)
We aim at building a methodological framework that
integrates various methods and key concepts in a more coherent Modeling and
Simulation architecture. The required flexibility for such a framework can be
achieved by modeling the modeling process itself. The essence of this process
lies in refining successive abstraction levels, each level into a lower one.
The traversal of these abstraction levels, from the highest level (the more
abstract) to the lowest one (the more detailed) involves two aspects: (1)
System knowledge reside at different levels of a specification hierarchy; (2)
many formalisms are often required for knowledge specification. As
multi-formalism modeling provides a powerful means to deal with many
formalisms, we show that modeling in addition the specification hierarchy
provide the means to support many modeling processes. Both means are combined
in a common meta-theoretic approach to enhance flexibility of the integrative
A Port Ontology for Automated Model
Vei-Chung Liang (Carnegie Mellon University) and
Christiaan J.J. Paredis (Georgia Institute of Technology)
We study the concept of ports and we define an ontology
for representing them. Ports define the locations of interaction at the
boundaries of components or sub-systems; they can be used across different
disciplines for both product modeling and simulation. They are therefore a
convenient abstraction that allows simulation modelers to modularize and
encapsulate their system descriptions such that configurations of port-based
product models can be used to generate multiple simulation models at different
levels of abstraction. However, to combine system models effectively across
different disciplines, the representation of the ports needs to be unambiguous
yet flexible, so that it can accommodate the differences in vocabulary and
approach of all the disciplines. We provide an overview of how a port
ontology, defined in the web ontology language, OWL, can capture both
syntactic and semantic information such that automated modelers can reason
about the system configuration and corresponding simulation models.
Monday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Hybrid Dynamic Systems
Hans Vangheluwe (McGill University)
Mode Transition Behavior in Hybrid Dynamic
Pieter J. Mosterman (The MathWorks, Inc.)
Physical system modeling benefits from the use of
implicit equations because it is often an intuitive way to describe physics.
Model abstraction may lead to efficient models with idealized component
behavior that switches between modes (e.g., a diode may be on or off) based on
inequalities (e.g., voltage > 0). In an explicit representation, the
combination of these local mode switches leads to a combinatorial explosion of
the number of global modes. It is shown how an implicit formulation of these
mode switches circumvents the combinatorial problem. This leads to the use of
differential and algebraic equations (DAE) for each of the modes. In case
these DAEs are of high index, jumps in generalized state variables may occur.
In combination with the inequalities that define mode switching, this leads to
rich and complex mode transition behavior. An overview of this mode switching
behavior and an ontology is presented.
Relating Chi to Hybrid Automata
Bert van
Beek, Nick G. Jansen, Koos E. Rooda, Ramon R.H. Schiffelers, Ka L. Man, and
Michel A. Reniers (Eindhoven University of Technology)
A hybrid automaton is one of the most popular formal
models for hybrid system specification. The Chi language is a hybrid formalism
for modeling, simulation and verification. It consists of a number of
operators that operate on all process terms, including differential algebraic
equations. This paper relates the two formalisms by means of a formal
translation from a hybrid automaton model to a Chi model, and a comparison of
the semantics of the two models in terms of their respective transition
systems. The comparison is illustrated by means of three examples: a
thermostat, a railroad gate controller, and dry friction.
Models for Continuous and Hybrid System
Mariana C. D'Abreu (Universidad de Buenos Aires) and
Gabriel A. Wainer (Carleton University)
The DEVS formalism was defined as a method for modeling
and discrete event systems. DEVS theory evolved and it was recently upgraded
in order to permit modeling of continuous and hybrid systems. Here, we present
a first experience on the use of two of the existing methods for defining
continuous variable DEVS models (namely, the QDEVS and the GDEVS formalisms),
to develop continuous and hybrid systems simulations. We show how to model
these dynamic systems under the discrete event abstraction. Examples of model
simulations with their execution results are included. An experimental
analysis on quantization methods within models is also presented.
Monday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Simulation of Large Scale Networks I
Chair: Richard Fujimoto (Georgia Institute of
Simulation of Large Scale Networks Using
David M. Nicol, Jason Liu, and Michael Liljenstam (University
of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) and Guanhua Yan (Dartmouth College)
Some applications of simulation require that the model
state be advanced in simulation time faster than the wall-clock time advances
as the simulation executes. This "faster than real-time" requirement is
crucial, for instance, when a simulation is used as part of a real-time
control system, working through the consequences of contemplated control
actions, in order to identify feasible (or even optimal) decisions. This paper
considers the issue of faster than real-time simulation of very large
communication networks, and how this is accomplished using our implementation
(in C++) of the Scalable Simulation Framework (SSF). Our tool (called iSSF)
uses hierarchical levels of abstraction, and parallelism, to achieve speedups
of nearly four orders of magnitude, enabling real-time execution rates on
large network models. We quantify the effects that choice of hierarchical
abstraction has on the simulation time advance rate, and show analytically and
empirically how changing the abstraction mix affects performance.
Modelling Differentiated Services in Conservative
Roger Curry, Rob Simmonds, and Brian Unger (University of
This paper explains how DiffServ has been implemented
in an IP network simulator using an asynchronous conservative parallel
discrete event simulation (PDES) kernel. DiffServ provides Quality of Service
(QoS) functionality for IP networks and is designed to provide greater
scalability and lower overhead than previous IP based QoS schemes. The paper
explains the DiffServ components that have been implemented, focusing on the
implementation of the preemptive network buffers required to provide DiffServ
functionality. Certain optimisations possible for non-preemptive network
buffers are not possible here; the paper explores which will work in the
preemptive case. In particular, exploiting lookahead is more difficult leading
to reduced performance in some cases. Optimisation schemes are described for
two different preemptive buffering strategies and performance results
demonstrating the costs of using these buffers are presented.
Staged Simulation for Improving Scale and
Performance of Wireless Network Simulations
Kevin Walsh and Emin
Gün Sirer (Cornell University)
This paper describes staged simulation, a technique for
improving the run time performance and scale of discrete event simulators.
Typical wireless network simulations are limited in speed and scale due to
redundant computations, both within a single simulation run and between
successive runs. Staged simulation proposes to reduce the amount of redundant
computation within a simulation by restructuring discrete event simulators to
operate in stages that precompute, cache, and reuse partial results. This
paper presents a general and flexible framework for staging, and identifies
the advantages and trade-offs of its application to wireless network
simulations. Experience with applying staged simulation to the ns2 simulator
shows that it can improve execution time by an order of magnitude in typical
scenarios and make feasible the simulation of large scale wireless networks.
Tuesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Simulation of Large Scale Networks
Chair: Bolesaw Szymanski (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Large-Scale Network Simulations with
George F. Riley (Georgia Institute of Technology)
When designing a network simulation environment
intended specifically for modeling large-scale topologies, a number of issues
must be addressed by the simulator designer. Memory requirements for network
simulation engines can grow quadratically with the size of the simulated
topology and can easily exceed available memory on modern workstations. The
number of outstanding simulation events grows linearly with the number of
packets in flight being modeled, and can lead to performance bottlenecks when
managing a sorted event list of millions of events. Tracking the results of
the simulation using a packet-level log file can result in excessive usage of
disk space. We discuss the design of the Georgia Tech Network Simulator
(GTNetS) with emphasis on how GTNetS addresses these issues. We give results
from performance experiments showing the reduction in memory and event list
size as a result of our design decisions.
Modeling and Simulation Best Practices for
Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Luiz Felipe Perrone (Bucknell University),
Yougu Yuan (Dartmouth College) and David M. Nicol (University of Illinois,
This paper calls attention to important practices in
the modeling and the simulation of wireless ad hoc networks. We present three
case studies to highlight the importance of following well-established
simulation techniques, of carefully describing experimental study scenarios,
and, finally, of understanding assumptions sometimes unstated in the framework
of a simulator. The first case addresses the initial transient problem
inherent to mobility and traffic generation sub-models. We quantitatively
demonstrate how these transients can affect the simulation. Our second case
illustrates the fact that strong scientific contributions can only be made via
simulation studies when the models used are unambiguously specified. The
example we use are simulations with and without a model for the ARP protocol.
Finally, our third case discusses the importance of understanding the
simulation tool and any default values used for model parameters. The example
used relates to the use of the limited interference model.
Development of an Internet Backbone Topology for
Large-Scale Network Simulations
Michael Liljenstam and Jason Liu
(Dartmouth College) and David M. Nicol (University of Illinois,
A number of network simulators are now capable of
simulating systems with millions of devices, at the IP packet level. With this
ability comes a need for realistic network descriptions of commensurate size.
This paper describes our effort to build a detailed model of the U.S. Internet
backbone based on measurements taken from a variety of mapping sources and
tools. We identify key attributes of a network design that are needed to use
the model in a simulation, describe which components are available and which
must be modeled, and discuss the pros and cons of this approach as compared to
synthetic generation. As for attributes that we have to model, we also briefly
discuss some measurement efforts that can potentially provide the missing
pieces, and thus improve the fidelity of the model. Finally, we describe the
resulting network model of the U.S. Internet backbone, which is being made
publicly available.
Tuesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Simulation of Large Scale Networks
Chair: George Riley (Georgia Institute of Technology)
ROSS.Net: Optimistic Parallel Simulation
Framework for Large-Scale Internet Models
David Bauer, Garrett
Yaun, Christopher D. Carothers, Murat Yuksel, and Shivkumar Kalyanaraman
(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
ROSS.Net brings together the four major areas of
networking research: network modeling, simulation, measurement and protocol
design. ROSS.Net is a tool for computing large scale design of experiments
through components such as a discrete-event simulation engine, default and
extensible model designs, and a state of the art XML interface. ROSS.Net reads
in predefined descriptions of network topologies and traffic scenarios which
allows for in-depth analysis and insight into emerging feature interactions,
cascading failures and protocol stability in a variety of situations.
Developers will be able to design and implement their own protocol designs,
network topologies and modeling scenarios, as well as implement existing
platforms within the ROSS.Net platform. Also using ROSS.Net, designers are
able to create experiments with varying levels of granularity, allowing for
the highest-degree of scalability.
Loosely-Coordinated, Distributed, Packet-Level
Simulation of Large-Scale Networks
Boleslaw K. Szymanski and Yu Liu
(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
The complexity and dynamics of the Internet is driving
the demand for scalable and efficient network simulation. In this paper, we
describe a novel approach that partitions the networks into domains and
simulation time into intervals. Each domain is simulated independently of and
concurrently with the others with only local domain information over the same
simulated time interval. At the end of each interval, global routing
information, packet delays and drop rates for each inter-domain flow are
exchanged between domain simulators. When the exchanged information converges
to the value within a prescribed precision all simulators progress to the next
simulated time interval. This approach allows the parallelization with
infrequent synchronization, and achieves significant simulation speedups. Such
a solution supports simulations of large-scale networks on distributed
machines with modest memory size.
An Improved Computational Algorithm for Round-Robin
Jorge R. Ramos and Vernon Rego (Purdue University) and
Janche Sang (Cleveland State University)
We present an efficient algorithm for effecting
round-robin service in discrete-event simulation systems. The approach
generalizes and improves upon a previous approach in which a single arrival
and a single departure event is considered and handled at a time; further, the
previous approach is already an improvement over naive round-robin scheduling
currently in use in simulation libraries. The prior proposal offered a
run-time complexity of O(n^2), because the processing of each event required
an entire traversal of the job pool. We propose a generalized algorithm which
includes the previous case and also accommodates burst arrivals and batch
departures, further reducing run-time complexity to O(n log n). This is
achieved through a detailed but efficient computation of multiple departure
times, while simultaneously obviating the need for a job pool update with each
departure. Empirical results are presented to compare performance with
previously proposed algorithms.
Tuesday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Visualization for Modeling and
Chair: Paul Fishwick (University of Florida)
A Taxonomy of Visualization Techniques for
Simulation in Production and Logistics
Sigrid Wenzel, Jochen
Bernhard, and Ulrich Jessen (Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow &
Simulation has become one of the most important
techniques with regard to manufacturing and logistics systems. During modeling
and experimenting simulation input and output data have to be presented to
different target groups which range from simulation experts and factory
planners to representatives of company management, and for different tasks and
specific purposes. Different kinds of visualization techniques are used to
present the simulation data, from static techniques as charts and layout plans
to dynamic techniques as 2-D or 3-D animation as well as Virtual or Augmented
Reality. But often, non-expressive and non-effective visualizations prevent
the understanding of simulation output. This paper presents a taxonomy of
visualization techniques for simulation in production and logistics and
outlines how to use this taxonomy as a base for decision support to select the
right visualization technique for specific target groups.
Visualization Methods for Time-Dependent Data – An
Wolfgang Müller (PH Ludwigsburg) and Heidrun Schumann
(University of Rostock)
Visualization has been successfully applied to analyse
time-dependent data for a long time now. Lately, a number of new approaches
have been introduced, promising more effective graphs especially for large
datasets and multi-parameter data. In this paper, we give an overview on the
visualization of time-series data and the available techniques. We provide a
taxonomy and discuss general aspects of time-dependent data. After an overview
on conventional techniques we discuss techniques for analysing time-dependent
multivariate data sets in more detail. After this, we give an overview on
dynamic presentation techniques and event-based visualization.
Problems of Visualization of Technological
Pavel Slavik, Marek Gayer, Frantisek Hrdlicka, and Ondrej
Kubelka (Czech Technical University in Prague)
This paper deals with problems of visualization of
dynamic phenomena. An effort to develop new visualization schemes has been
described. The main idea is to extend approaches used in the case of
visualization of phenomena of static nature into an environment where dynamic
phenomena are investigated and visualized. We introduced the “level of detail”
approach in time scaling in the environment of dynamic processes where time
plays a primary role. In the case of visualization of dynamic phenomena the
users are looking for specific dynamic patterns that should help them to
understand in a better way the nature of dynamic processes under
investigation. A new approach that should meet these requirements has been
developed. This approach has been verified by means of two systems used for
simulation and visualization of technological processes that are of a dynamic
Tuesday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Next Generation Modeling I
Chair: Wolfgang Müller (PH Ludwigsburg)
RUBE: A Customized 2D and 3D Modeling Framework
for Simulation
Paul Fishwick, Jinho Lee, Minho Park, and Hyunju
Shim (University of Florida)
We present a system called RUBE, which allows a modeler
to customize model components and model structure in 2D and 3D. RUBE employs
open source tools to assist in model authoring, allowing the user to visualize
models with different metaphors. For example, it is possible to visualize an
event graph as a city block, or a Petri network as an organically-oriented 3D
machine. We suggest that such flexibility in visualization will allow existing
model types to take on forms that may be more recognizable to modeling
sub-communities, while employing notation as afforded by inexpensive graphical
hardware. There is also a possibility to create model types using entirely new
Information Visualization Supporting Modelling and
Evaluation Tasks for Climate Models
Thomas Nocke and Heidrun
Schumann (University of Rostock), Uwe Böhm (University of Potsdam) and Michael
Flechsig (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research)
Information visualization exploits the phenomenal
abilities of human perception to identify structures by presenting abstract
data visually, allowing an intuitive exploration of data to get insight, to
draw conclusions and to interact directly with the data. The specification,
analysis and evaluation of complex models and simulated model data can benefit
from information visualization techniques by obtaining visual support for
different tasks. This paper presents an approach that combines modelling and
visualization functionality to support the modelling process. Based on this
general approach, we have developed and implemented a framework that allows us
to combine a variety of models with statistical and analytical operators as
well as with visualization methods. We present several examples in the context
of climate modelling.
Issues Using COTS Simulation Software Packages for
the Interoperation of Models
Michael D. Ryde and Simon J.E. Taylor
(Brunel University)
This paper intends to examine the interoperation of
simulation models from the viewpoint of a simulation engineer who uses
standard tools and methods to create these models. The paper will look at the
models in the context of COTS (Commercially available Off-The Shelf)
simulation packages with a view to applying Distributed Simulation (DS) theory
to the subject. By studying current methods employed which enable COTS
simulation packages to interoperate, this paper will discuss the tools
currently used and examine their appropriateness. The paper will also suggest
how an example COTS simulation package could be modified to provide the
necessary functions and interoperability required to allow full distributed
Wednesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Next Generation Modeling II –
Chair: Helena Szczerbicka (University of Hannover)
Experiencing Natural Phenomena with Virtual,
Constructed and Mathematical Models
Stephan Diehl and Carsten Görg
(Saarland University)
In this paper we discuss how different kinds of models
can be combined in an educational setting to enable students to experience
natural phenomena, here earthquakes. Different tools enable students to
manipulate virtual models, construct physical models and formulate
mathematical models. Ideally, the modelling processes and the resulting models
complement each other to some degree. Virtual and physical models can then be
driven by real data as well as mathematical models of the phenomena.
Improving the Development Process for Eukaryotic
Cell Cycle Models with a Modeling Support Environment
Nicholas A.
Allen, Clifford A. Shaffer, Marc T. Vass, Naren Ramakrishnan, and Layne T.
Watson (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University)
Biological pathway modelers attempt to describe
cellular processes and regulatory networks with continuous and discrete models
of the cell cycle. Previous practice has been to develop these models largely
by hand, and then to validate models primarily by comparing time series plots
versus the observed experimental results. This paper reports our experiences
in designing and building a modeling support environment (MSE) for cell cycle
models. We describe improvements to the development process for cell cycle
models by (a) identifying the key elements of the existing modeling process,
(b) applying simulation methodology to construct a revised modeling process,
and (c) building and testing software that supports the revised modeling
Modeling Control in Manufacturing
Durk-Jouke van der Zee (University of Groningen)
A significant shortcoming of traditional simulation
languages is the lack of attention paid to the modeling of control structures,
i.e., the humans or systems responsible for manufacturing planning and
control, their activities and the mutual tuning of their activities. Mostly
they are hard coded and dispersed throughout the model. Consequently, not only
realism but also modeling flexibility and modularity is harmed. In recognition
of this fact we consider a framework for simulation modeling that explicitly
represents control structures. The framework is meant to serve as a conceptual
basis for extending capabilities of simulation models, tools and libraries in
analyzing manufacturing systems. It does so by capturing key-abstractions of
the manufacturing field in terms of classes and their relationships. To study
the practical relevance of the framework its concepts were implemented in an
object-oriented simulation language and applied to a case example.
Wednesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Next Generation Modeling III –
Chair: James Arthur (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
Simulation for Testing Software Agents – An
Exploration based on JAMES
Jan Himmelspach, Mathias Röhl, and
Adelinde M. Uhrmacher (University of Rostock)
Agents are software systems aimed at working in dynamic
environments. Simulation systems can be used to provide virtual environments
for testing agents. The software to be tested, the objective of the simulation
study, and the stage of the agent software development influences both: the
environmental models used for testing and the mechanisms that synchronize the
execution of agents and simulation. A clear distinction between model and
simulation layer, and a modular design of the simulation system support the
required flexibility. Based on the simulation system James (a Java based Agent
Modeling Environment for Simulation) and two agent applications we will
explore, how interfaces between virtual environments and software agents can
be explicitly specified at the modeling level and suitable mechanisms for
synchronization might be chosen on demand.
A Multi-Paradigm Simulator for Simulating Complex
Adaptive Supply Chain Networks
Surya Dev Pathak, David M. Dilts,
and Gautam Biswas (Vanderbilt University)
This paper introduces a multi-paradigm dynamic system
simulator based on discrete time and discrete event formalism for simulating a
supply chain as a complex adaptive system. Little is known about why such a
diversity of supply chain structures exist. Simulating dynamic supply chain
networks over extended periods using the multi-paradigm dynamic system
simulator allows us to observe the emergence of different structures. The
simulator is implemented using a software agent technology, where individual
agents represent firms in a supply chain network. In this paper, we present an
example scenario run on the simulator and the preliminary results that have
been observed. This multi-paradigm tool provides a valuable investigation
instrument for real life supply chain problems.
SPADES – A Distributed Agent Simulation Environment
with Software-in-the-Loop Execution
Patrick F. Riley (Carnegie
Mellon University) and George F. Riley (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Simulations are used extensively for studying
artificial intelligence. However, the simulation technology in use by and
designed for the artificial intelligence community often fails to take
advantage of much of the work by the larger simulation community to produce
distributed, repeatable, and efficient simulations. We present the System for
Parallel Agent Discrete Event Simulation, (SPADES), which is a simulation
environment for the artificial intelligence community. SPADES focuses on the
agent as a fundamental simulation component. The thinking time of an agent is
tracked and reflected in the results of the agents' actions by using a
software-in-the-loop mechanism. SPADES supports distributed execution of the
agents across multiple systems, while at the same time producing repeatable
results regardless of network or system load. We discuss the design of SPADES
and give experimental results. SPADES is flexible enough for a variety of
application domains in the artificial intelligence research community.