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WSC 2003 Final Abstracts |
Monday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Distributed Simulation and
Chair: Richard Nance (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State Univ.)
Distributed Simulation with COTS Simulation
Csaba Attila Boer (Erasmus University of Rotterdam) and
Alexander Verbraeck (Delft University of Technology)
Connecting COTS (Commercial-off-the-Self) simulation
packages entails various difficulties. First of all, commercially available
simulation packages hide the access to some internal data that is needed to
connect to other simulation models in the distributed simulation study. Next,
the data sharing between simulation models is complicated. In order to carry
out distributed simulation studies applying COTS simulation packages, we have
to exactly define the interfacing and data transfer mechanisms. In this paper
we present a theoretical description of different solutions for interfacing
and transferring data between various simulation models. These mechanisms have
been implemented and tested, and applied in a project in order to prove their
practical usage.
Time Management Issues in COTS Distributed
Simulation: A Case Study
Simon J.E. Taylor (Brunel University ),
Jon Sharpe (Brunel University) and John Ladbrook (Ford Motor Company)
Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) simulation packages are
widely used in industry. Several international groups are currently
investigating techniques to integrate distributed simulation facilities in
these packages. Through the use of a case study developed with the Ford Motor
Company, this paper investigates time management issues in COTS simulation
packages. Time management is classified on the basis of the ordering of events
that are externally produced to a federate and the ordering of these with
events that occur within a COTS simulation package federate. Several
approaches to the latter are discussed and one approach is presented as the
most effective. Finally the paper presents a bounded buffer problem and
proposes the classification of information sharing with respect to the
certification of solution.
Synchronization and Management of Shared State in
HLA-Based Distributed Simulation
Boon Ping Gan and Malcolm Yoke
Hean Low (Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology) and Junhu Wei,
Xiaoguang Wang, Stephen John Turner, and Wentong Cai (Nanyang Technological
The HLA Runtime Infrastructure can support a
conservative simulation protocol for its time management service. However, the
performance of conservative simulation protocols is very much dependent on
lookahead that one can extract out of a simulation model. The most
conservative value has to be taken in order to ensure the causality
constraint. In this paper, we propose two algorithms, pullRO and pushRO, that
allow one to replace some of the timestamp order (TSO) messages (possibly
those causing zero lookahead values) with receive order (RO) messages. This
removes the time constraint that these messages impose on the lower bound
timestamp calculation, which in turn will improve the time advancement rate of
federates. The algorithms still ensure the causality constraint and a
middleware approach is used to preserve the semantics of the RTI APIs. The
performance of the two algorithms is compared against a baseline model where
no TSO messages are replaced.
Monday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Parallel Distributed Simulation and
Modeling Methods
Chair: Steffen Strassburger (Daimler Chrysler AG)
Causal Order based Time Warp: A Tradeoff of
Yi Zeng, Wentong Cai, and Stephen J. Turner (Nanyang
Technological University)
The optimistic synchronization paradigm, Time Warp,
allows logical processes to advance aggressively. In the circumstances where
the violation of the local causality constraint (LCC) is prone to occurring,
this optimism may introduce substantial rollbacks and, as a consequence,
significant overhead in recovering from erroneous computations. In this paper,
a new approach, COBTW, is proposed, where the happen before relation is
employed to capture the potential violations of LCC and causal order is
applied to regulate the advancement of logical processes. Due to the
difference between causal order and time-stamp order, there are discrepancies
between them. Solutions to remove the discrepancies are proposed. Experiments
conducted in a cluster and an emulated WAN suggest that COBTW reduces
rollbacks caused by violations of LCC and empirically results in better
performance, in comparison with the Time Warp protocol.
An Algorithm for Fully-Reversible Optimistic
Parallel Simulation
Michael D. Peters and Christopher D. Carothers
(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Typically, large-scale optimistic parallel simulations
will spend 90% or more of the total execution time forward processing events
and very little time executing rollbacks. In fact, it was recently shown that
a large-scale TCP model consisting of over 1 million nodes will execute
without generating any rollbacks (i.e., perfect optimistic execution is
achieved). The major cost involved in forward execution is the preparation for
a rollback in the form of state-saving. Using a technique called "reverse
computation", state-saving overheads can be greatly reduced. Here, the
rollback operation is realized by executing previously processed events in
reverse. However, events are retained until GVT sweeps past. In this paper, we
define a new algorithm for realizing a continuum of reverse computation-based
parallel simulation systems, which enables us to relax the computing of GVT
and potentially further reduces the amount of memory required to execute an
optimistic simulation.
SyncSim: A Synchronous Simple Optimistic
Simulation Technique based on a Global Parallel Heap Event
Sushil K. Prasad and Zhiyong Cao (Georgia State University)
We developed and implemented two highly optimized
optimistic discrete event simulation techniques based on an efficient and
scalable Parallel Heap data structure as a global event queue. The primary
results are (i) the design of an optimistic simulation algorithm, namely
SyncSim, which does not rely on traditional state and message saving data
structures, but employs only one backup state per state variable, (ii) a
demonstration, through implementation of SyncSim, of an optimistic technique
which overcomes the two main mutually conflicting and unbounded overheads of
the existing optimistic simulation algorithms: SyncSim bounds the additional
space requirements to just one copy per state variable and drastically limits
the number of rollbacks encountered. Furthermore, SyncSim beats the highly
optimized traditional simulator simglobal on a wide variety of large networks
on an Origin-2000 computer. The algorithm SyncSim could form a basis for a
good parallelizing engine attachable relatively easily to an existing serial
Monday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Commercial-off-the-Shelf Distributed
Simulation, Panel
Chair: Alexander Verbraeck (Technical University
HLA-CSPIF Panel on Commercial Off-the-Shelf
Distributed Simulation
Simon J.E. Taylor (Brunel University), Boon
Ping Gan (Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology), Steffen
Straßburger (Fraunhofer Inst. for Factory Operation & Automation) and
Alexander Verbraeck (Technical University Delft)
Commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) simulation packages are
widely used in many areas of industry. Several research groups are attempting
to integrate distributed simulation principles and techniques with these
packages to potentially give us COTS distributed simulation. The High Level
Architecture – COTS Simulation Package Interoperation Forum (HLA-CSPIF) is a
group of researchers and practitioners that are studying methodological and
technological issues in this area. This panel paper presents the views of four
members of this forum on the technical problems that must be overcome for this
emerging field to be realized.
Tuesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Simulation and Verification I
Chair: Pieter Mosterman (The MathWorks, Inc.)
From Simulation to Verification (and
Harald Rueß and Leonardo de Moura (SRI International)
Symbolic evaluation is the execution of software and
software designs on inputs given as symbolic or explicit constants along with
constraints on these inputs. Efficient symbolic evaluation is now feasible due
to recent advances in efficient decision procedures and symbolic model
checking. Symbolic evaluation can be applied to partially implemented
descriptions and provides wider coverage and greater assurance than testing
and traditional simulation alone. Unlike full formal verification, symbolic
evaluation can be used in a partial manner that is more likely to succeed and
yield some degree of assurance. Its main advantage is that it can be used
within a smooth spectrum of analyses ranging from refutation based on
explicit-state simulation to full-blown verification.
Design Environments for Complex
Corrado Priami (University of Trento)
The paper describes an approach for modeling complex
systems by hiding as much formal details as possible from the user, still
allowing verification and simulation of the model. The interface is based on
UML to make the environment available to the largest audience. To carry out
analysis, verification and simulation we automatically extract process
algebras specifications from UML models. The results of the analysis is then
reflected back in the UML model by annotating diagrams. The formal model
includes stochastic information to handle quantitative parameters. We present
here the stochastic pi-calculus and we discuss the implementation of its
probabilistic support that allows simulation of processes. We exploit the
benefits of our approach in two applicative domains: global computing and
systems biology.
Formal Analysis of Air Traffic Management Systems:
The Case of Conflict Resolution and Recovery
Ricky Butler (National
Aeronautics & Space Administration), Jeffrey Maddalon (NASA) and Alfons
Geser and César Muñoz (National Institute of Aerospace)
New air traffic management concepts distribute the
responsibility for traffic separation among the several actors of the
aerospace system. As a consequence, these concepts move the safety risk from
human controllers to the on-board software and hardware systems. One example
of the new kind of distributed systems is air traffic conflict detection and
resolution. Traditional methods for safety analysis such as human-in-the-loop
simulations, testing, and flight experiments may not be sufficient in this
highly distributed system: the set of possible scenarios is too large to have
a reasonable coverage. This paper proposes a paradigm shift for the safety
analysis of avionics systems where formal methods drive the development of
critical systems. As a case study of this approach, we report the mechanical
verification of an algorithm for air traffic conflict resolution and recovery.
Tuesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Simulation and Verification II
Chair: Harald Ruess (Stanford Research Institute International)
Event-Triggered Environments for Verification of
Real-Time Systems
Darren Cofer (Honeywell Laboratories) and Murali
Rangarajan (Honeywell)
The growing complexity and the safety-critical
requirements of the embedded software in avionics systems present many
challenges to current test-based verification technology. The use of formal
verification methods can increase design assurance by exploring a larger range
of system behaviors and fault conditions than can feasibly be covered by
testing or simulation. However, one of the most challenging tasks faced in any
formal verification activity is the construction of an adequate model for the
environment with which the analyzed system interacts. For real-time systems
where the timing characteristics are critical to correct performance this task
is even more difficult. In this paper we discuss how an event-triggered model
of time (as found in discrete event simulations) can be used as the basis for
the environment needed to verify real-time avionics software.
From Timed Automata to DEVS Models
Giambiasi, Jean-Luc Paillet, and Frédéric Châne (Université Aix-Marseille III)
In this paper, we present the formal transformation of
Timed Input/Output Automata into simulation models, expressed in the DEVS
formalism. This transformation takes place in an approach of a validation of
high-level specifications by simulation. The validation is based on the
simulation of a coupled model built with the system to be controlled and the
control specifications. An example of this approach is given in the paper.
Simulating Quantum Computing: Quantum
Kareem S. Aggour (GE Global Research), Michael J. Simon
(Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company) and Renee Guhde and Melvin K. Simmons
(GE Global Research)
Quantum Computing (QC) research has gained a lot of
momentum recently due to several theoretical analyses that indicate that QC is
significantly more efficient at solving certain classes of problems than
classical computing. While experimental validation will ultimately be
required, the primitive nature of current QC hardware leaves practical testing
limited to trivial examples. Thus, a robust simulator is needed to study
complex QC issues. Most QC simulators model ideal operations, and thus cannot
predict the actual time required to execute an algorithm or quantify the
effects of errors in the calculation. We have developed a novel QC simulator
that models physical hardware implementations. This simulator not only allows
the accurate simulation of quantum algorithms on various hardware
implementations, but also takes an important step towards providing a
framework to determine their true performance and vulnerability to errors.