WSC 2005 Final Abstracts |
Construction Engineering and Project Management
Tuesday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Construction Engineering I
Chair: Simann AbouRizk (University of Alberta)
Simulation of Multiple-drift Tunnel Construction
with Limited Resources
Photios G. Ioannou (University of Michigan)
and Veerasak Likhitruangsilp (Chulalongkorn University)
Construction work is often performed with limited
resources. The optimal dynamic allocation of resources at simulation runtime
sometimes requires that non-critical tasks be held back deliberately and not
be allowed to start so that resources will be available to perform more
critical activities later. This is an important issue that has escaped
rigorous investigation. For certain projects it may be more expedient to model
work at the activity level and not the resource level and embed the routing of
resources into precedence relationships. The Hanging Lake Tunneling Project is
presented as an example where the estimation of tunnel advance rates for all
tunneling alternatives is performed at the activity level and where the
allocation of limited resources is encapsulated in tunneling plans particular
to the tunneling alternative being analyzed.
The Use of Simulation for Productivity Estimation
Based on Multiple Regression Analysis
Seungwoo Han (Georgia
Southern University) and Daniel W. Halpin (Purdue University)
Productivity estimation has been fundamental subject
investigated in academia and industry. There are two common methods for
estimation of productivity: (1) deterministic and (2) simulation methods. The
deterministic method does not reflect actual conditions, such as randomness of
work duration, whereas simulation method can overcome this limitation.
However, the user without a background in simulation may struggle with
implementation due to the difficulty of modeling. The presented productivity
estimation model in this research was created using multiple regression
analysis with data generated by WebCYCLONE. The model representing the
mathematical relations between conditions and productivity allows planners or
site personnel to estimate productivity by simply entering input data
reflecting actual site conditions. In academia, the research methodology
utilized in this research provides a framework for the user to establish other
application models for estimating or evaluating the performances of new
Modeling Scheduling Uncertainty in Capital
Construction Projects
Nathan D. Boskers (Springwood Developments
Inc.) and S. M. AbouRizk (University of Alberta)
Capital infrastructure projects with long-term
implementation time frames are generally uncertain in nature. Engineers and
planners attempting to estimate the costs of such projects often resort to
using contingencies based on their experience without proper modeling of the
uncertainty of costs, durations, or economic conditions. This paper presents a
simulation-based model for assessing uncertainty associated with these
projects. In particular the model accounts for expected fluctuations in the
costs and durations of various work packages and, most significantly, it
accounts for the inflation of costs over time based on when the work packages
occur. The model uses Monte Carlo simulation techniques to account for time
and cost and uses non-stationary time series modeling techniques to predict
inflation rates. The model is implemented as a special purpose simulation
template available in the public domain.
Wednesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Construction Engineering II
Chair: Ming Lu (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
System Dynamics Approach for Error and Change
Management in Concurrent Design and Construction
SangHyun Lee (MIT)
and Feniosky Pena-mora (UIUC)
Errors and changes, particularly in concurrent design
and construction, require a careful approach to their management, since they
can generate unanticipated impacts on construction performance, which is often
related to softer aspects of management (e.g., fatigue). Focusing on this
issue, this paper explores the use of system dynamics in identifying multiple
feedback processes and softer aspects of managing errors and changes. Applying
the developed model into the design-build highway project in Massachusetts,
this paper concludes that the system dynamics approach can be an effective
tool in the understanding of complex and dynamic construction processes and in
supporting the decision making process of making appropriate policies to
improve construction performance.
Intelligent Preemption in Construction of a Manmade
Island for an Airport
Photios G. Ioannou and Vineet R. Kamat
(University of Michigan)
This paper presents the simulation model and 3D
animation for a project involving large-scale undersea land reclamation for
the construction of a manmade island for an airport. The model illustrates how
intelligent preemption can be dynamically used at simulation runtime to
enforce the operational policies of a tug boat that guides barges loaded with
earth into the island for unloading and then out into the sea after unloading
is complete. The example also investigates the repeated stalling of the
otherwise continuous unloading operations due to the need to share the narrow
island entrance channel with watercraft supporting other construction
activities. The solution to this problem is outlined conceptually using the
activity-scanning modeling paradigm. The solution is described in detail using
a simulation model developed in STROBOSCOPE and a 3D animation created using
Comparing Promodel and Sdesa in Modeling Construciton
Ming Lu and Lap-Chi Wong (Hong Kong Polytechnic
The research presented applies the PROMODEL alongside a
simplified discrete-event simulation approach (SDESA) and its software
platform resulting from in-house construction research for modeling typical
construction operations. The characteristics and modeling needs for
construction and manufacturing systems are compared in general. A simple
earth-moving operation and a real site operation integrating concreting and
waste handling practices serve as case studies to illustrate the features,
advantages, and limitations of PROMODEL and SDESA. It is found that SDESA can
adequately, precisely depict the construction operations with much less
learning and modeling efforts compared with PROMODEL. Particular comparisons
between the two methodologies are made on (1) resource transit times, (2)
activity priorities, (3) resource utilization rates, and (4) basic model
structures (i.e. production-line vs. vehicle-loop).
Wednesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Construction Engineering III
Chair: Gunnar Lucko (The Catholic University of
Reviving a Mechanistic View of CPM Schedules in the
Age of Information Technology
Gunnar Lucko (The Catholic University
of America)
This paper argues for reviving a more mechanistic view
of CPM scheduling. It first reviews the clarity of displaying both the time
and logic information of schedules in the graphics outputs of scheduling
software used in construction practice. While such software offers an
abundance of features, the true nature of schedules may remain hidden behind
graphics defaults. Two methods introduced in the literature, fenced bar charts
and a mechanical model, are then brought forth as examples of techniques
supporting an intuitive structural understanding of schedules. Both stress the
equal importance of activities and logic links for displaying schedules.
Comparisons between these mechanistic methods and scheduling software are
drawn and recommendations for achieving optimum graphical representations of
schedules are provided. Eventually, a revised approach that acknowledges the
complexity of schedules and the need for their unambiguous display can
contribute to reducing errors and to an overall improved use of CPM
Representation and Analysis of Spatial Resources in
Construction Simulation
Cheng Zhang, Amin Hammad, and Tarek M.
Zayed (Concordia University) and Gabriel Wainer (Carleton University)
Space is one of the resources that may cause crucial
problems during construction. Discrete event simulation has been widely used
in construction to allocate resources and improve productivity or mitigate
conflicts. However, simulation research that provides an explicit method to
investigate possible space conflicts is still limited. This paper suggests a
cell-based method to represent space resources in construction simulation,
which enables conflict analysis and visual display of the worksite and the
occupation of spaces. Different simulation models are compared to identify
their limitations in space representation.
Determination of Process Durations on Virtual
Construction Sites
Hans-Joachim Bargstädt and Arno Blickling
(Bauhaus University Weimar)
The paper analyses the application of 3D gaming
technologies in the simulation of processes associated with human resources
and machinery on construction sites in order to determine process costs. It
addresses the problem of detailing in process simulation. The authors outline
special boundary conditions for the simulation of cost-relevant resource
processes on virtual construction sites. The approach considers different
needs for detailing in process simulation during the planning and building
phase. For simulation of process costs on a construction site (contractors`
view) the level of detail has to be high. A prototype for determination of
process durations (and hereby process costs) developed at the Bauhaus
University Weimar is presented as a result of ongoing researches on detailing
in process simulation. It shows the method of process cost determination on a
high level of detail (game between excavator and truck) through interaction
with the virtual environment of the site.