Implantation of Gasoline Stream Simulation Model
in Petrobras Refinery: Problems, Possibilities and
Guilherme Aquino Barbosa, Marcelo Oliveira Souza, Ana Chan,
Guilherme Julio Barbosa, Eliahu Rosenbaum, Claudio Duarte Limoeiro, Mario
Jorge Lima, and Claudio Rodrigo Beal (Petrobras)
The use of simulation models within PETROBRAS is
becoming an important tool for supporting strategic decision. Companys
refineries have great potential for financial gains that may be achieved
through product stock reduction, certification time improvement, and other
measures. This article deals specifically with the application of a simulation
model for assessing a PETROBRAS refinery storage facility to evaluate
modernization investments, load increase, and feasibility of new undertakings,
taking into account parameters such as service level, tanks occupation, and
logistics costs, among others, and considering different scenarios. Along this
study, consequential gains were achieved, such as: process improvement,
standardization of procedures, and eradication of bottlenecks.
300mm Time Constrained Queue Loop
Erik Hertzler and David Van Sickle (Intel Corporation)
In semiconductor processing there are some portions of
the processing line where the time between a wafer leaving an operation and
being processed at some subsequent operation must be managed or else process
defects may occur that can negatively impact the resulting wafer. These time
constrained process loops are commonly referred to as "Queue Loops" because
wafers are held in queue until there is high confidence the wafers can be
processed through the loop within the predetermined process timeframe. The
problem in building this confidence resides in being able to synchronize
production capacity within each loop while being careful to balance between
factory favorable cycle-time and cost effective toolset capacity. A simulation
modeling methodology was developed to identify the trade-offs between time
through a loop measured in cycle-time and synchronized toolset capacity.
Discrete Event Simulation In Sasol (Petrochemical
Marlize Meyer (Sasol)
Discrete event simulation, and in this case ArenaŽ, is
a tool not traditionally used in continuous environments for design purposes.
At Sasol, a petrochemical company, ArenaŽ is used in a continuous environment
during design of modifications to existing plants and for the identification
of infrastructure constraints in fuel blending scenarios. In these areas the
value of ArenaŽ is to evaluate the required changes in the integrated
environment dynamically. Interactions between plants can be considered and the
influence of integrated operation on planned throughput can be cal-culated.
The impact of failures and scheduled maintenance in the plant modifications
can be estimated and any ad-justment to infrastructure or plant capacity can
be made before money is invested. This presentation discusses examples where
ArenaŽ is used in fuel blending and where ArenaŽ is used to calculate plant
throughput given historic variation, plant availability and interactions
between several plants.