WSC 2005 Final Abstracts |
Homeland Security/Emergency Response Track
Monday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Simulation for Emergency Management
Chair: Sanjay Jain (The George Washington
Responding to Terrorist Attacks and Natural
Disasters: A Case Study Using Simulation
Pavel Albores and Duncan
Shaw (Aston Business School)
The heightened threat of terrorism has caused
governments worldwide to reconsider their plans for responding in the
immediate aftermath to large-scale catastrophic incidents. This paper
discusses the use of discrete event simulation modeling to understand how a
Fire Service might position its resources before an attack takes place, to
best respond to a combination of different attacks at different locations if
they happen. Two models are built for this purpose. The first model deals with
mass decontamination of a population following biological or chemical attack –
aiming to study resource requirements (vehicles, equipment and manpower)
necessary to meet performance targets. The second model deals with the
allocation of resources across regions – aiming to study cover level and
response times, analyzing different allocations of resources, both centralized
and decentralized. Contributions to theory and practice are outlined.
Modeling an Emergency Operations Center with
Margaret L. Loper and Bart Presnell (Georgia Tech Research
The Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA) operates
the State Operations Center, which is the centralized hub for all
communications regarding state operations, with respect to emergency response.
The Center provides three primary functions: Request for Information, Request
for Assistance, and Media Relations. The Center has responsibility for the
entire process of servicing an emergency, from instigation to communication to
execution to ending service for the emergency. To accomplish this, the Center
is set up like a production facility, which follows a well-defined process
articulated in a plan. In this project, we worked with GEMA to develop a
simulation of the Center. The simulation, called GEMASim, models the
information flow among people working within the Center, as well as the flow
of information coming into and leaving the Center. Data is presented on the
initial experiments with GEMASim using two different scenarios.
Integrated Simulation and Gaming Architecture for
Incident Management Training
Sanjay Jain (The George Washington
University) and Charles R. McLean (National Institute of Standards and
The simulation-based training systems that are
available or under development today for incident management are typically
focused on macro level sequence of events. A few systems targeted at
individual responders are under development using a gaming environment.
Separate uses of such systems provide disparate experiences to decision makers
and individual responders. There is a need to provide common training
experiences to these groups for better effectiveness. This paper presents a
novel approach integrating gaming and simulation systems for training of
decisions makers and responders on the same scenarios preparing them to work
together as a team. An integrated systems architecture is proposed for this
purpose. Major modules in gaming and simulation subsystems are defined and
interaction mechanisms established. Research and standards issues for
implementation of the proposed architecture are discussed.
Monday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Simulation for Response
Chair: K.
White (University of Virgina)
Training First Responders to Nuclear Facilities
Using 3-D Visualization Technology
Robert L. Sanders and Joseph E.
Lake (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
The development of an advanced visualization and
simulation tool for first responder exercises and education is presented. This
tool exploits cutting edge computer graphics, physics-based effects modeling,
virtual reality, and gaming technologies to establish a system that can
eventually be used for the administrative planning and training of first
responders in homeland security, homeland defense, and combating terrorism
First Responder Information Flow Simulation: A
Tool for Technology Assessment
C. Donald Robinson and Donald E.
Brown (University of Virginia)
New information technology is becoming available for
first responders at a rapid rate. Often this new technology comes with not
only new capabilities but also a high price tag. Policy makers and emergency
managers need a way to assess which portfolio of technologies achieves the
greatest benefit at a minimal cost. Assessing these technologies in a real
world setting not only takes a long time but is also often cost-prohibitive.
Thus, using computer simulation to assess the benefits of new technologies
would yield significant insight into the usefulness of new technologies in a
cost and time-efficient manner. A computer simulation combining an agent-based
architecture and GIS information called Disaster Response Information Flow and
Technology Simulator (DRIFTS) is developed to model the information flow in a
disaster setting. DRIFTS, combined with a response surface methodology, can be
used to assess different types of information technologies for disaster
A Survey of Data Resources for Simulating Patient
Flows in Healthcare Delivery Systems
K. Preston White, Jr.
(University of Virginia)
Modeling and simulation studies of patient flows in
healthcare systems have been reported consistently in these Proceedings for
over a decade. Our ongoing research in this area is motivated by our desire to
develop models which will illuminate the causes and remedies for repeated
area-wide ambulance diversions experienced in a metropolitan hospital system.
In this paper we summarize our background research on the sources of data
available to calibrate patient-flow simulation models, including time series
for patient admission, discharge, diagnoses, length-of-stay, and inpatient
census for emergency departments and hospitals. Specifically, we review the
input analyses reported for various prior simulation studies, including data
capture and technical difficulties in reducing data for model calibration. We
also suggest alternative sources of data that could prove especially useful in
simulation studies of mass ambulance diversions, as well as heavy, area-wide
patient loads that might be associated with emergency responses.
Monday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Medical Response Simulation
Chair: Kevin Taaffe (Clemson University)
Multiple Fidelity Simulation Optimization of
Hospital Performance Under High Consequence Event Scenarios
R, Schenk, Ning Zheng, and Theodore T. Allen (The Ohio State University) and
Deng Huang (Scientific Forming Technologies Corporation)
In optimizing systems, experimental models are often
available with different levels of cost and different levels of “fidelity” or
trustworthiness, a fact that can be exploited. For example, a highly detailed
model might be made for a few possible configurations, supplemented by a large
number of rough models that are less expensive to construct. The purpose of
this paper is to illustrate the application of a recently proposed Multiple
Fidelity Sequential Kriging Optimization (MFSKO) method to derive the optimal
resource allocation for disaster preparedness of a hospital. The system is
evaluated via discrete event simulations of two sophistication levels. The
MFSKO method integrates multiple fidelity data, including real-world data, in
search for the global optima with less total evaluation cost. Kriging
meta-models are generated as by-products of the optimization.
Hospital Evacuation: Issues and
Kevin M. Taaffe, Rachel Kohl, and Del Kimbler (Clemson
Hospital evacuation is a difficult process that
requires a robust strategy and careful execution. In the past, threats leading
to possible evacuation were primarily natural disasters. In recent years the
broadened nature of threats, including hazardous material spills and terrorist
incidents, has complicated this already complex problem. Its importance
continues to grow, but there is still no consistent approach to tackle this
problem. Plan development and evaluation are crucial to the plan’s refinement,
which leads to successful response when an evacuation threat occurs. This
research describes the issues inherent in planning and evaluation along with
the complexities of constructing appropriate models for emergency preparedness
and evacuation.
A Simulation Model of a Helicopter Ambulance
Ersan Gunes and Roberto Szechtman (Naval Postgraduate
We study two different operational scenarios for a
regional air ambulance service-company which has bases in northern California.
Two of these bases serve the land areas encompassed roughly in a circular area
of radius 100 miles centered in Gilroy and Salinas, respectively; with a large
part of their coverage areas reachable from either base. The base in Salinas
currently operates one helicopter only from Thursday to Monday, whereas the
base in Gilroy operates one helicopter 24/7. The company is considering
extending the operation of one helicopter to 24/7 for its Salinas base. In
this paper we analyze the operational impacts of that extension, and develop a
framework that can be applied towards the study of the ambulance assignment
problem faced by small operators.
Tuesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Physical Security Simulation
Chair: Russell Wooten (TSA/DHS)
A Conceptual Architecture for Static Features in
Physical Security System Simulation
Volkan Ustun, Haluk Yapicioglu,
Skylab Gupta, and Abishek Ramesh (Auburn University)
The aim of this paper is twofold: First, to propose a
data model that enables the user to model a physical facility at different
levels of detail and explicitly incorporate interactions among the components
of the facility. Second to suggest a methodology for line-of-sight, which is
the primary factor in recognition of threats in physical security settings.
Simulation of Imperfect Information in Vulnerability
Modeling for Infrastructure Facilities
Dean A. Jones (Sandia
National Laboratories) and Mark A. Turnquist and Linda K. Nozick (Cornell
A model of malicious intrusions in infrastructure
facilities is developed that uses a network representation of the system
structure together with Markov models of intruder progress and strategy.
Simulation is used to analyze varying levels of imperfect information on the
part of the intruders in planning their attacks. This provides an explicit
mechanism to estimate the probability of successful breaches of physical
security, and to evaluate potential means to reduce that probability.
Planning for Terrorist-caused
Russell R. Vane (General Dynamics Advanced Systems)
This paper provides a framework for assessing
hypothesized/simulated emergencies in order to provide quick protection for
the populace and infrastructure; and also to protect first responders. These
challenges – the need to respond quickly and safely – are the focus for how we
must sense, represent, and act upon these progressively revealed events. And
this must be done continually. In general, hypergame theory provides an
approach to pre-planning, situational discovery and model updating to help
friendly leadership to decide what to do next in any adversarial scenario.