WSC 2005 Final Abstracts |
Aerospace and Military Applications Track
Tuesday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Aerospace M & S Applications
Chair: Perkath Benjamin (Knowledge Based Systems
Toward Effective Depot Transformation: Leveraging
Simulation to Enhance Transition Planning
Perakath Benjamin and
Michael Graul (Knowledge Based Systems Inc), Michael Painter (knowledge Based
Systems Inc) and Frank Boydstun (Oklahoma Air Logistics Center)
The goal of depot transformation is variability
elimination over the production life-cycle. Forced to “ride the bike while we
fix it,” the depot must transform the current batch and queue production style
to a lean, cellular paradigm. Major challenges include transforming the
infrastructure, work force, facilities, and supply chain. Further, unlike
manufacturing production where the “work content” in a production item has
been engineered from the ground up, work content for a repair item is highly
variable and creates a ripple effect across the production system. This paper
describes depot-MRO transformation according to a series of carefully designed
transitions that mitigate variability and provide the modeling needs and
requirements that, if met, would enable effective modeling and analysis of MRO
production scenarios, providing engineers with a Transformation Design
Assistant [TDA] for designing and testing production control strategies. TDA
components are currently employed at OC-ALC, NASA-KSC, and within UH-60 MRO
A Strategy for Autogeneration of Space Shuttle
Ground Processing Simulation Models for Project Makespan
Michael G. Madden, Roberta Wyrick, and Dale E. O'Neill
(United Space Alliance)
Space Shuttle Processing is a complicated and highly
variable project. The planning and scheduling problem, categorized as a
Resource Constrained – Stochastic Project Scheduling Problem (RC-SPSP), has a
great deal of variability in the Orbiter Processing Facility (OPF) process
flow from one flight to the next. Simulation Modeling is a useful tool in
estimation of the makespan of the overall process. However, simulation
requires a model to be developed, which itself is a labor and time consuming
effort. With such a dynamic process, often the model would potentially be out
of synchronization with the actual process, limiting the applicability of the
simulation answers in solving the actual estimation problem. Integration of
TEAMS model enabling software with our existing schedule program software is
the basis of our solution. This paper explains the approach used to develop an
auto-generated simulation model from planning and schedule efforts and
available data.
A Discrete Event Simulation Model for Assembling
the International Space Station
Grant R. Cates (NASA) and Mansooreh
Mollaghasemi (University of Central Florida)
In late 2002 and early 2003, a discrete event
simulation (DES) model was used to help NASA assess the viability of achieving
a politically important goal. The goal was to complete the assembly of the
International Space Station through the milestone known as United States Core
Complete by February 19th, 2004. The analysis provided by the DES model was
subsequently shown to be consistent with NASA’s official assessments regarding
the completion date for U.S. Core Complete. The success of this DES model has
led to further improvements in modeling NASA’s project to assemble the
International Space Station.
Tuesday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Simulation in Aerospace I: Hardware and
Man in the Loop
Chair: Cary Peaden (Nasa Kennedy Space Control)
Modeling and Parameter Estimation of Spacecraft
Fuel Slosh Mode
Keith Schlee, James Ristow, and Sathya Gangadharan
(Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University), Jim Sudermann and Charles Walker
(NASA) and Carl Hubert (Hubert Astronautics)
The nutation (wobble) of a spinning spacecraft in the
presence of energy dissipation is a well-known problem in dynamics and is of
particular concern for space missions. Its rate of growth is characterized by
the Nutation Time Constant (NTC). For analytical prediction of the NTC this
fuel slosh is often modeled using simple mechanical analogs such as pendulums
or rigid rotors coupled to the spacecraft. Identifying model parameter values
which adequately represent the sloshing dynamics is the most important step in
obtaining an accurate NTC estimate. Currently, the identification of the model
parameters is a laborious trial-and-error process in which the equations of
motion for the mechanical analog are hand-derived, evaluated, and their
results are compared with the experimental results. The current research is an
effort to automate the process of identifying the parameters of the slosh
model using a MATLAB/SimMechanics based computer simulation of the
experimental setup.
Estimating the Effects of Stress During
Operational Conditions
Jon French (Embry Riddle Aeronautical
University) and Jeff Miller (Micro Analysis and Design, Inc)
The Physiological Stress Index (PSI) was developed to
provide a rational means for estimating the physiological and behavioral
impact of exposure to physical stressors, in this case extreme temperatures
and fatigue related to insufficient sleep. Stress can be life threatening and
certainly threatens mission effectiveness. It is often derived from
combinations of sources such as overheating and lack of sleep, particularly on
individuals involved in physically demanding activities such as shipboard
firefighting. The PSI was used as a performance modifying adjunct to existing
discrete event simulation models designed to estimate shipboard manning
requirements given various operational scenarios. Additionally, the PSI was
used to estimate the most effective work rest cycles and recovery time
required before selected crewmembers could be returned to duties involving
significant levels of physical exertion.
Using Simulation for Launch Team Training and
Cary J. Peaden (NASA)
This paper describes some of the history and uses of
simulation systems and processes for the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration’s (NASA’s) training and evaluation of launch, mission control,
and mission management teams. It documents some of the types of simulations
that are used at Kennedy Space Center (KSC) today. It provides an initial
baseline and some recommendations for further research into simulation for
launch team training and evaluation in the near future. A theme of this paper
is that the use of simulation for the training and evaluation of launch teams
is very important, and NASA should learn from and expand on these types of
simulations especially as it prepares to develop new launch vehicles and
processes under the Exploration program.
Wednesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Simulation in Aerospace II:
Distributed Simulations
Chair: Martin Steele (Nasa Kennedy Space
Distributed Web-based Expert System for Launch
Jorge Bardina (NASA) and Rajkumar Thirumalainambi (SAIC)
The simulation and modeling of launch operations is
based on a representation of the organization of the operations suitable to
experiment of the physical, procedural, software, hardware and psychological
aspects of space flight operations. The virtual test bed consists of a weather
expert system to advice on the effect of weather to the launch operations. It
also simulates toxic gas dispersion model, and the risk impact on human
health. Since all modeling and simulation is based on the internet, it could
reduce the cost of operations of launch and range safety by conducting
extensive research before a particular launch. Each model has an independent
decision making module to derive the best decision for launch.
Usability Study of the Virtual Test Bed and
Distributed Simulation
Jeffrey W. Dawson, Ping Cheng, and Yanshen
Zhu (University of Central Florida)
Improving the usability of a Distributed Simulation
System (DSS) test bed is the focus of this paper. An introduction to the field
of usability is given, followed by a discussion of the characteristics of
DSSs. Then the usability of DSSs is considered. The Virtual Test Bed (VTB), a
sample DSS we have improved the usability of, is described. The methodology
used to improve the VTB’s usability is given. With the goal of improving
usability for end users, prototyping of a graphical user interface is
discussed; both software and paper prototypes are considered. Lessons learned
provide insights into problems we encountered. Research on important aspects
of DSSs that affect usability is reflected in a table that summarizes key
issues. Our anticipated future research in this area is also discussed.
Supporting the Vision for Space with Discrete Event
Grant R. Cates (NASA) and Mansooreh Mollaghasemi
(University of Central Florida)
On January 14, 2004 President George W. Bush announced
a new Vision for Space Exploration. This vision called for NASA to complete
the assembly of the International Space Station by 2010 and retire the Space
Shuttle immediately thereafter. A discrete event simulation (DES) based tool
has been built to assess the viability of NASA accomplishing all of the Space
Shuttle missions required to assemble the Space Station by the end of the
decade. This paper describes this DES tool i.e. the Manifest Assessment
Simulation Tool (MAST).
Wednesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Why System Dynamics? Lessons Learned
from Applications
Chair: Phillip Meade (NASA Kennedy Space Center)
Using System Dynamics for Safety and Risk
Management in Complex Engineering Systems
Nicolas Dulac, Nancy
Leveson, David Zipkin, Stephen Friedenthal, and Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
This paper presents a new approach to modeling and
analyzing organizational culture, particularly safety culture. We have been
experimentally applying it to the NASA manned space program as part of our
goal to create a powerful new approach to risk management in complex systems.
We describe the approach and give sample results of its applications to
understand the factors involved in the Columbia accident and to perform a risk
analysis of the new Independent Technical Authority (ITA) structure for NASA,
which was introduced to improve safety-related decision-making.
Health Systems: A Dynamic System—benefits From
System Dynamics
Patrick Koelling and Michael J. Schwandt (Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State University)
Operations researchers, industrial engineers, and
simulation analysts have applied their knowledge and skills to the health care
system for a long time. This complex system needs their help today more than
ever. The ever-growing need to understand and improve system performance
challenges researchers to apply all the tools at their disposal. One of these
tools that is getting increased attention is system thinking, with its
application partner system dynamics. This paper presents a glimpse into the
system thinking world as it is currently applied in the health care arena, and
provides some thoughts on new directions for application. While there are
other very useful tools, such as optimization and discrete-event simulation,
that are effectively used for health care application, they should not always
be the tools of choice, and suggestions are made for when system dynamics may
be more appropriate for a particular application.
A Spatio Temporal Simulation Model for Evaluating
Delinquency and Crime Policies
Sergio E. Quijada and Juan F. Arcas
(Military Polytechnique Academy), Cristian Renner (University of the Andes)
and Luis Rabelo (University of Central Florida)
System Dynamics as an arena building technique has been
useful for a variety of disciplines; however, it has limitations when we want
to show a geographical representation of the models under study. We propose a
methodology which allows the use of census information from a city to feed a
Geographic Information System (GIS), based on layer vectors. The objects
located at coordinates X.Y.Z become the entry parameters for the simulation
implemented into System Dynamics. The simulation outputs close an analysis
cycle, by mean of new layers which are represented in the GIS. Consequently,
the simulation provides feedback for vectorial representation. The technique
was successfully used to simulate the best strategies to reduce criminality
rates in a large city.