WSC 2005 Final Abstracts |
Simulation-Based Scheduling Track
Tuesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Scheduling and Control
Kristin Thoney (NC State University)
Simulation Optimization Decision Support System
for Ship Panel Shop Operations
Allen G. Greenwood, Travis W. Hill,
Jeffery W. Miller, Clayton T. Walden, Sucharith Vanguri, Burak Eksioglu, and
Pramod Jain (Mississippi State University)
Simulation is a powerful tool that is used to
understand and analyze the effect of changes on real systems. However,
developing and using simulation models requires high-level engineering skills.
The objective of this research is to put state-of-the-art problem-solving
technologies into the hands of decision makers, e.g. planners and supervisors.
This paper presents a Decision Support System (DSS) that utilizes
discrete-event simulation models and heuristic optimization, yet permits
effective use without detailed knowledge of the methodologies. The system is
developed for the Panel Shop at Northrop Grumman Ship Systems’ (NGSS)
Pascagoula Operations; the shop is considered the bottleneck for the shipyard.
This system focuses on two key opportunities for improvement: sequencing panel
production and resource allocation among steps in the production processes.
The DSS is designed to be reused in similar operations at other shipyards and
portions of the DSS may be used to apply simulation optimization to most
Simulation-Based Scheduling for Parcel
Consolidation Terminals: A Comparison of Iterative Improvement and Simulated
Douglas L. McWilliams (Purdue University)
This research explores the application of a
simulation-based scheduling algorithm to generate unload schedules for
processing feeder trailers in a parcel consolidation terminal. The study
compares the performance of iterative improvement and simulated annealing to
produce quality schedules. The paper reports the results from a number of
experimental test problems.
Performance Analysis of a Configured to Order
Business with a Variable Product Configuration Recipe
Ghosh, Tom Ervolina, and Young M. Lee (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center) and
Barun Gupta (IBM Integrated Supply Chain Group)
We study a complex Configured To Order (CTO) business
operating under variable product configuration recipes and high component
commonality within product Bills of Materials. In particular we conduct a
series of simulation experiments to compare certain supply chain designs and
investigate how their performance changes with changing variability of product
configurations. The results indicate that under higher variability and
component commonality conditions a supply chain design that lays more emphasis
on tracking the evolution of component demands and inventory positions
performs better.
Tuesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Chair: Jon Marvel
(Gettysburg College)
Planning and Control for a Warranty Service
Amir Messih (Eaton Corporation) and Silvanus T. Enns
(University of Calgary)
A warranty service facility for industrial products
that also provides internal support by reworking production defects is
considered. An important concern is the evaluation of policies for how
technicians with flexible skills should be moved between the service facility
and adjacent production facility. Relevant measures include warranty cycle
times and the overall technician utilization levels. An approach is developed
that allows incoming warranty work loads to be monitored using control charts.
Workload information is then used in simulating behavior using different
“flexing” policies. As well, warranty cycle times are monitored using control
charts. Results indicate the approach is of practical interest and can be
effectively implemented.
Decision Support System for Fisheries
Tu H. Truong, Brian J. Rothschild, and Farhad Azadivar
(University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth)
This paper presents a decision support system that is
oriented toward fisheries policy and management decisions. The important
current issues involve the development of an optimal harvesting plan for the
fishing industry. A simulation optimization has been built to assist
authorities in scheduling for a fleet of hundreds of vessels in terms of time
and location of fishing, as well as amount and target species to be fished.
Marine fisheries are highly complex and stochastic. A simulation model,
therefore, is required. Simulation-based optimization utilizes the simulation
model in obtaining the objective function values of a particular fishing
schedule. A Genetic Algorithm is used as the optimization routine to determine
the optimal fishing schedule, subject to fleet capacity and conservation
requirements. The decision support system is then applied to the real
situation in the Northeastern U.S.
Validating the Capacity Planning Process and
Flowline Product Sequencing Through Simulation Analysis
Jon H.
Marvel (Gettysburg College), Mark A. Schaub (Mark Schaub Consulting) and Gary
Weckman (Ohio University)
This article illustrates the integration of discrete
event simulation into the capacity planning process of a tier two automobile
supplier. In this application, the capacity planning process is able to
generate a feasible schedule for the 30% of the product line which generates
80% of the business. The schedule is “feasible” based on the ability to
produce sufficient inventory to cover customer demand. The capacity planning
process was unable to develop a schedule for the production of the remaining
70% of the product line or take into account shortages in customer supplied
materials used in the production process. Simulation is used to validate the
capacity planning process as well as generate a feasible schedule for the
remaining products during the planning period as well as: evaluating the plan
for customer supplied materials; identifying potential areas for improvement
in the production process and determining material storage requirements for
the facilities planner.
Tuesday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Construction Industry Scheduling
Chair: Haiyan Xie (University of Arkansas at Little
A Framework for Integration Model of
Resource-Constrained Scheduling Using Genetic Algorithms
Kim and Ralph D. Ellis (University of Florida)
The objective of this paper is to present an optimal
algorithm for a resource allocation model, which would be implemented into a
framework for the development of an integration model. Unlike present
heuristic-based resource allocation models, the model does not depend solely
on a set of heuristic rules, but adopts the concept of future float to set the
order of priority when activities compete for resources. The model determines
the shortest duration by allocating available resources to a set of activities
simultaneously. Genetic algorithms (GAs) are adopted to search optimal
solutions. The results obtained from a case example indicate that the model is
capable of producing optimal scheduling alternatives, compared to a single
solution that is produced by either the total float model or the least impact
Resource Allocation and Planning for Program
Kabeh Vaziri, Linda K. Nozick, and Mark A. Turnquist
(Cornell University)
Much of the project scheduling literature treats task
durations as deterministic. In reality, however, task durations are subject to
considerable uncertainty and that uncertainty can be influenced by the
resources assigned. The purpose of this paper is to provide the means for
program managers (who may have responsibility for multiple projects) to
optimally allocate resources from common resource pools to individual tasks on
several competing projects. Instead of the traditional use of schedules, we
develop control policies in the form of planned resource allocation to tasks
that capture the uncertainty associated with task durations and the impact of
resource allocation on those durations. We develop a solution procedure for
the model and illustrate the ideas in an example.
Tuesday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Factory Scheduling
Kristin Thoney (NC State University)
Assessing Risk in a Job Schedule: Integrating
a Scheduling Heuristic and a Simulation Model to a
Kusuma Rojanapibul and Juta Pichitlamken (Kasetsart
Deterministic scheduling algorithms are often applied
to problems in stochastic settings perhaps because they are already hard to
solve even without considering stochastic characteristics. We are interested
in assessing the measure of risk in performance measures (e.g., makespan) when
these algorithms are used in probabilistic environment. We design an
easy-to-use Microsoft Excel program that integrates a Visual Basic Application
(VBA) subroutine which performs scheduling procedures, with an Arena
simulation model that imitates the stochastic production environment. Our
program suggests a job schedule, its associated performance measures and the
corresponding prediction intervals. At the moment, we only consider the
m-machine permutation flowshop problem with the makespan (or completion time)
Minimizing the Total Weighted Completion Time on
Unrelated Parallel Machines with Stochastic Times
Jean-Paul M.
Arnaout and Ghaith Rabadi (Old Dominion University)
This paper addresses the problem of batch scheduling in
an unrelated parallel machine environment with sequence dependent setup times
and an objective of minimizing the weighted mean completion time. Identical
jobs are batched together and are available at time zero. Processing time of
each job of a batch is determined according to both the machine it will be
assigned to and the batch group to which the job belongs. The jobs’ processing
times and setup times are stochastic for better depiction of the real world.
This is a NP-hard problem and in this paper, a solution heuristic is developed
and compared to existing ones using simulation. The results and analysis
obtained from the computational experiments proved the superiority of the
proposed algorithm PMWP over the other algorithms presented.
A Simulation Based Learning Meachanism for
Scheduling Systems
Ihsan Sabuncuoglu (Bilkent university) and
Gokhan Metan (Lehigh University)
A simulation based learning mechanism is proposed in
this study. The system learns in the manufacturing environment by constructing
a learning tree and selects a dispatching rule from the tree for each
scheduling period. The system utilizes the process control charts to monitor
the performance of the learning tree which is automatically updated whenever
necessary. Therefore, the system adapts itself for the changes in the
manufacturing environment and works well over time. Extensive simulation
experiments are conducted for the system parameters such as monitoring (MPL)
and scheduling period lengths (SPL) on a job shop problem with objective of
minimizing average tardiness. Simulation results show that the performance of
the proposed system is considerably better than the simulation-based
single-pass and multi-pass scheduling algorithms available in the literature.