WSC 2005 Final Abstracts |
Simulation Education Track
Tuesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Panel: Simulation Across
Chair: Charlie Standridge (Grand Valley State University)
Introducing Simulation Across the
Charles R. Standridge (Grand Valley State University),
Martha A. Centeno (Florida International University), Björn Johansson
(Chalmers University of Technology) and Ingolf Ståhl (Stockholm School of
How to introduce simulation is a fundamental
educational issue in a variety of disciplines including industrial engineering
and operations management as well as product design and manufacturing. This
panel will discuss, compare, and contrast various perspectives and experiences
concerning introducing simulation to undergraduate and graduate students.
Topics considered by the panel include the fundamental purposes of a first
simulation course, modeling and analysis assignments that are given,
examination topics, laboratory content, and term project experiences.
Tuesday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Teaching Simulation
Young-Jun Son (The University of Arizona)
Using Discrete Event Simulation in the Teaching of
Decision Analysis
Ingolf Ståhl (Stockholm School of Economics)
In this paper we discuss how Discrete Event Simulation
(DES) was used in a course on Decision Analysis (DA). Against the background
of the characteristics of the students and the purpose of the course, we
discuss various types of problems and methods that were found suitable to
include in the course, in order to show the place of DES in DA. We present a
number of simple GPSS programs that have been used in the course and proved
effective in promoting the students’ understanding of DA.
Should Transient Analysis be Taught?
C. Court, Jennifer L. Pittman, and Huong T.L. Pham (University of Oklahoma)
The authors present the results of experiments
performed to identify the pitfalls of performing 'bad' transient analysis when
estimating steady-state parameters via the method of independent replications.
The intention was to demonstrate to students that failure to delete transient
data may lead to confidence intervals that underestimate steady-state
parameters. Two types of systems are analyzed: M/M/1/GD/∞/∞ systems and an
M/M/s/GD/∞ /∞ optimization problem. These systems are chosen since they are
typically taught in an undergraduate stochastic operations research course
where a closed-form solution of the steady-state parameter exists.
Surprisingly, the results prove to support the opposite of our original
intention--regardless of run length, ignoring transient analysis often leads
to the same level of coverage at greater precision, or provides no gain in
coverage to justify the effort of performing transient analysis. Thus, we now
pose the question--should transient analysis be taught?
Assessing Simulation Learning in Higher
Brian Hollocks (Bournemouth University)
System simulation may be used as a valuable exemplar of
modeling in degree programs across a range of disciplines. This paper
describes and discusses an approach to assessing learning in that domain,
relating it to Bloom’s and Biggs’ taxonomies. It uses a mini-project, scenario
concept, evaluated through oral examination. The scenario text and grading
plan are included in the paper. The approach is found to usefully
differentiate across the full range of student
Tuesday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Teaching Simulation Beyond the
Traditional Classroom
Chair: Catherine Harmonosky (Penn State
Simulation and Gaming as a Support Tool for Lean
Manufacturing Systems - A Case Example From Industry
Durk-Jouke van
der Zee and Jannes Slomp (University of Groningen)
In this article we illustrate how simulation and gaming
can be used to support lean manufacturing systems. More in particular we study
a case example from industry – a manual assembly line for mail-inserting
systems – for which we have developed a simulation game. This paper focuses on
the development steps of the simulation game. The objective of the game is to
support the introduction of lean principles in an existing assembly line. The
simulation game can be used to demonstrate applicability of a lean control
concept at the assembly line and to train workers to make appropriate control
decisions within this concept. In this paper, we indicate a definite need for
the development of this game. The systematic way in which it is developed, the
use of a general simulation language in the design phase, and its usefulness
may stimulate the introduction of simulation games in more industrial
Transitioning Students From Simulation Mechanics
To Simulation as a Process Improvement Tool: A Multi-Media Case Study
Scott R. Schultz (Mercer University) and Christopher D.
Geiger (University of Central Florida)
Many undergraduate Industrial Engineering programs
offer a course in discrete event simulation. While students often grasp the
theory behind simulation and can perform the mechanics of model building and
analysis, they often have difficulty formulating creative, viable process
improvement ideas, which is a need of today’s industrial employers. In this
paper, a novel multimedia case-based teaching approach is presented that
addresses this need. These multimedia cases are presented as course learning
modules to the students. The components of the case-based learning modules
include not only the requisite problem background, summary and relevant data,
but they also include additional streaming video of the real-world process
being studied, actual engineering drawings and still photos of the product and
process, and a base simulation model. It is these additional components of the
proposed multimedia teaching approach that help “bring the factory to the
student” and better prepare graduates for the national workforce.
A Simulation Model for Facilitators of Tony Rizzo’s
Bead Game
Dave B. Roggenkamp (University of Detroit Mercy), Dave
Park (Ford Motor Company) and Omer Tsimhoni (University of Michigan)
As the culmination of a simulation course at the
University of Michigan, we simulated the physical structure and outcomes of
Tony Rizzo’s Bead Game. The game is a pedagogic tool to teach the effects of
multitasking in a multiproject environment. During the game, time constraints
limit the scope of the activity. Since the outcomes are fairly dramatic, many
participants have a difficult time believing that the results they witnessed
are truly representative of "typical" outcomes. The simulation model of the
game was conceived as an opportunity to provide a more robust example of
outcomes including the ability to demonstrate probabilistic distributions as
well as potential extensions to the parameters of the game. In practice, the
simulation model was effective in duplicating the observed game outcomes.
Additionally, the model provides a starting point for potential further
research in organizational throughput in a multi-project environment such as
research or new product development.
Wednesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Simulation as a Tool for Teaching
Supply Chain Concepts
Chair: Catherine Harmonosky (Penn State
Combining Hands-On, Spreadsheet and Discrete Event
Simulation to Teach Supply Chain Management
Jeffrey Adams, Jerry
Flatto, and Leslie Gardner (University of Indianapolis)
This paper describes the effect of combining hands-on
simulation with spreadsheets and discrete event simulations. These tools
enhance the student learning process of supply chain management principles.
Active, hands-on learning is one of the most effective types of learning but
is very time consuming. Supplementing it with computer simulation enhances the
hands-on learning to cover more material in less time making an efficient and
effective learning experience.
Training for Today’s Supply Chains: An Introduction
to the Distributor Game
Stijn-Pieter A. van Houten and Alexander
Verbraeck (Delft University of Technology) and Sandor Boyson and Thomas Corsi
(R.H. Smith School of Business)
In this paper we present the Distributor Game, which is
the first of a series of management games developed for today’s supply chain
challenges such as globalization, increasing importance of the customer role
and mass customization. The learning objective for players of the Distributor
Game is centered around globalization and the real-time supply chain. The
decision making processes of the distributors in the game are controlled by
human players. To confront the human players with a complex and dynamic
environment, suppliers and markets are represented by computer-controlled
actors. After playing the game for the first time with 32 MBA students, it was
evaluated using a detailed questionnaire, the results clearly showed the value
of the game. Further research will focus on software services to make game
instantiation easier and to enhance the support for development and use of
simulation-based supply chain management games.
From Simulation to Gaming: An Object-Oriented
Supply Chain Training Library
Alexander Verbraeck and Stijn-Pieter
A. van Houten (Delft University of Technology)
The development of web-enabled interactive training
simulations is far from easy, especially when all models have to be developed
from scratch for each training game. Actually, one would like to be able to
reuse parts of existing, off-line simulation models in an interactive setting.
The challenge is how to set-up simulation models or simulation libraries that
are developed for off-line simulations in such a way that they can be reused
for on-line situations, and adapted for different educational settings. Using
a supply chain context as an example, this paper shows how libraries of
simulation components can be applied both for off-line simulation studies and
for on-line training. The paper also describes the other functionality that is
needed to create a generally applicable component library for supply chain
training simulations.