WSC 2006 Abstracts |
Monday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Bayesian Methods
Chair: Tuba
Aktaran-Kalayci (University at Buffalo)
Bayesian Ideas and Discrete Event Simulation: Why,
What and How
Stephen E. Chick (INSEAD)
Bayesian methods are useful in the simulation context
for several reasons. They provide a convenient and useful way to represent
uncertainty about alternatives (like manufacturing system designs, service
operations, or other simulation applications) in a way that quantifies
uncertainty about the performance of systems, or about inputs parameters of
those systems. They also can be used to improve the efficiency of discrete
optimization with simulation and response surface methods. Bayesian methods
work well with other decision theoretic tools, and can therefore provide a
link from traditional operations-level experiments to higher-level managerial
decision-making needs, in addition to improving the efficiency of computer
Monday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Advanced Design of Experiments
Chair: Christos Alexopoulos (Georgia Tech)
White Noise Assumptions Revisited: Regression
Metamodels and Experimental Designs in Practice
Jack P.C. Kleijnen
(Tilburg University)
Classic linear regression metamodels and their
concomitant experimental designs assume a univariate (not multivariate)
response and white noise. By definition, white noise is normally (Gaussian),
independently (implying no common random numbers), and identically (constant
variance) distributed with zero mean (valid metamodel). This advanced tutorial
tries to answer the following questions: (i) How realistic are these classic
assumptions in simulation practice? (ii) How can these assumptions be tested?
(iii) If assumptions are violated, can the simulation's I/O data be
transformed such that the analysis becomes correct? (iv) If such
transformations cannot be applied, which alternative statistical methods (for
example, generalized least squares, bootstrapping, jackknifing) can then be
Monday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Inside Simulation Software
Kirk Benson (US Army)
Inside Discrete-Event Simulation Software: How
it Works and Why it Matters
Thomas J. Schriber (Ross School of
Business (Wyly 5733)) and Daniel T. Brunner (Kiva Systems, Inc.)
This paper provides simulation practitioners and
consumers with a grounding in how discrete-event simulation software works.
Topics include discrete-event systems; entities, resources, control elements
and operations; simulation runs; entity states; entity lists; and entity-list
management. The implementation of these generic ideas in AutoMod, SLX, and
Extend is described. The paper concludes with several examples of “why it
matters” for modelers to know how their simulation software works, including
coverage of SIMAN (Arena), ProModel, and GPSS/H as well as the other three
Tuesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Random Variate Generation
Chair: Dave Goldsman (Georgia Tech)
Black-Box Algorithms for Sampling from Continuous
Josef Leydold (University of Economics and B.A.
Vienna) and Wolfgang Hörmann (University for Economics and B.A. Vienna)
For generating non-uniform random variates, black-box
algorithms are powerful tools that allow drawing samples from large classes of
distributions. We give an overview of the design principles of such methods
and show that they have advantages compared to specialized algorithms even for
standard distributions, e.g., the marginal generation times are fast and
depend mainly on the chosen method and not on the distribution. Moreover these
methods are suitable for specialized tasks like sampling from truncated
distributions and variance reduction techniques. We also present a library
called UNU.RAN that provides an interface to a portable implementation of such
Tuesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Rare Event Simulation
Seong-Hee Kim (Georgia Tech)
Splitting for Rare-Event
Pierre L'Ecuyer and Valérie Demers (DIRO, Université de
Montréal) and Bruno Tuffin (IRISA/INRIA)
Splitting and importance sampling are the two primary
techniques to make important rare events happen more frequently in a
simulation, and obtain an unbiased estimator with much smaller variance than
the standard Monte Carlo estimator. Importance sampling has been discussed and
studied in several articles presented at the Winter Simulation Conference in
the past. A smaller number of WSC articles have examined splitting. In this
paper, we review the splitting technique and discuss some of its strengths and
limitations from the practical viewpoint. We also introduce improvements in
the implementation of the multilevel splitting technique. This is done in a
setting where we want to estimate the probability of reaching B before
reaching (or returning to) A when starting from a fixed state not in B, where
A and B are two disjoint subsets of the state space and B is very rarely
attained. This problem has several practical applications.
Tuesday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Model Composability
Melike Meterelliyoz (Georgia Tech)
Model Composability
Hessam S.
Sarjoughian (Arizona State University)
Composition of models is considered essential in
developing heterogeneous complex systems and in particular simulation models
capable of expressing a system's structure and behavior. This paper describes
model composability concepts and approaches in terms of modeling formalisms.
These composability approaches along with some of the key capabilities and
challenges they pose are presented in the context of semiconductor supply
chain manufacturing systems.
Tuesday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Mathematics of Simulation
Chair: Ray Popovic (Fannie Mae)
Gradient-Based Simulation
Sujin Kim (Purdue Univeristy)
We present a review of methods for simulation
optimization. In particular, we focus on gradient-based techniques for
continuous optimization. We demonstrate the concepts and techniques using the
multidimensional newsvendor problem. We also discuss mathematical techniques
and results that are useful in verifying and analyzing the simulation
optimization procedures.
Wednesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Advanced Output Analysis
Chair: Bruce Schmeiser (Purdue University)
A Comprehensive Review of Methods for
Simulation Output Analysis
Christos Alexopoulos (Georgia Institutre
of Technology)
This paper reviews statistical methods for analyzing
output data from computer simulations. Specifically, it focuses on the
estimation of steady-state system parameters. The estimation techniques
include the replication/deletion approach, the regenerative method, the batch
means method, and methods based on standardized time series.
Wednesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Ranking and Selection
Laurel Travis (Virginia Tech)
Ranking and Selection Procedures for
Kirk C. Benson (Center for Army Analysis) and David
Goldsman and Amy R. Pritchett (Georgia Institute of Technology)
We present sequential ranking and selection statistical
procedures that determine the best simulated model configuration among
competing alternatives. The best in this context denotes the largest expected
value of a given performance metric. In order to run the procedures
efficiently, we give algorithms using batched observations, which under
certain conditions, exhibit the characteristics necessary for the appropriate
application of ranking and selection procedures. We present empirical results
that indicate that the sequential procedures are quite parsimonious, in terms
of the number of required observations.