WSC 2006 Abstracts |
Monday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Utilizing Health Resources
Chair: Jeff Joines (North Carolina State
Simulation of a Multiple Operating Room Surgical
Brian T Denton, Ahmed S. Rahman, Heidi Nelson, and Angela C.
Bailey (Mayo Clinic)
Outpatient surgery scheduling involves the coordination
of several activities in an uncertain environment. Due to the very customized
nature of surgical procedures there is significant uncertainty in the duration
of activities related to the intake process, surgical procedure, and recovery
process. Furthermore, there are multiple criteria which must be traded off
when considering how to schedule surgical procedures including patient
waiting, operating room (OR) team waiting, OR idling, and overtime for the
surgical suite. Uncertainty combined with the need to tradeoff many criteria
makes scheduling a complex task for OR managers. In this article we present a
simulation model for a multiple OR surgical suite, describe some of the
scheduling challenges, and illustrate how the model can be used as a decisions
aid to improve strategic and operational decision making relating to the
delivery of surgical services.
Simulation Analysis of an Outpatient
Department of Internal Medicine in a University
Apputantiri Kankanamge Athula Wijewickrama (University of
Sri Jayewardenepura) and Soemon Takakuwa (Nagoya University)
Soaring health care costs and greater emphasis on
preventative medicine have compelled researchers to examine new ways to reduce
costs and improve efficiency in outpatient services. Extended waiting times
for treatment in the outpatient department followed by short consultations has
long been a complaint of patients. This issue is becoming increasingly
important in Japan with its progressively aging society. In this context, a
discrete event simulation model was developed to examine doctor schedule mixes
(DSMs) and various appointment schedules (ASs) in a mixed-patient type
environment in an outpatient department of internal medicine of a university
hospital. It could identify some of the best DSMs by integrating a simulation
model into an optimization program. Combining one DSM found via an
optimization program with some ASs, the patient waiting time could be reduced
drastically without adding extra resources.
The Use of Simulation to Determine Maximum Capacity
in the Surgical Suite Operating Room
Sarah M. Ballard and Michael
E. Kuhl (Rochester Institute of Technology)
Utilizing ambulatory care units at optimal levels has
become increasingly important to hospitals from both service and business
perspectives. With the inherent variation in hospitals due to unique
procedures and patients, performing capacity analysis through analytical
models is difficult without making simplifying assumptions. Many hospitals
calculate efficiency by comparing total operating room minutes available to
total operating minutes used. This metric both fails to account for the
required non-value added tasks between surgeries and the delicate balance
necessary between having patients ready for surgery when an operating room
becomes available, which can result in increased waiting times, and maximizing
patient satisfaction. We present a general methodology for determining the
maximum capacity within a surgical suite through the use of a discrete-event
simulation model. This research is based on an actual hospital concerned with
doctor/resource acquisition decisions, patient satisfaction improvements, and
increased productivity.
Monday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Emergency Department Operations
Chair: Michael Kuhl (Rochester Institute of
Modeling Emergency Care in Hospitals: A Paradox -
The Patient Should Not Drive the Process
Andrew Hay (Hospital
Navigator) and Edwin Valentin and Rienk Ate Bijlsma (Systems Navigator)
The objective in the creation of domain specific
discrete event simulation environments is to facilitate model development in
the chosen domain. In the creation of such environments, there has been a
tendency to adopt a factory based world view. In this paper, we describe an
approach to the creation of a generic modeling environment in the healthcare
domain that breaks away from the conventional entity driven request for
resource. Our approach has enabled us to create models of emergency care in
four UK NHS hospitals that reflect more realistically the way emergency care
is actually delivered. It appears, paradoxically, that in simulating emergency
care, it is best if the patient does not come first.
Understanding Accident and Emergency Department
Performance Using Simulation
Murat M Gunal and Michael Pidd
(Lancaster University)
As part of a larger project examining the effect of
performance targets on UK hospitals, we present a simulation of an Accident
and Emergency (A&E) Department. Performance targets are an important part
of the National Health Service (NHS) performance assessment regime in the UK.
Pressures on A&Es force the medical staff to take actions meeting these
targets with limited resources. We used simulation modelling to help
understand the factors affecting this performance. We utilized real data from
patient admission system of an A&E and presented some data analysis. Our
particular focuses are the multitasking behaviour and experience level of
medical staff, both of which affect A&E performance. This performance
affects, in turn, the overall performance of the hospital of which it is part.
Simulation Model for Improving the Operation of
the Emergency Department of Special Health Care
Toni Petteri
Ruohonen (University of Jyväskylä)
This paper presents a simulation model which describes
the operations in the Emergency Department of Special Health Care at the
Central Hospital of Jyväskylä, Finland. It can be used to test different
process scenarios, allocate resources and perform activity based cost
analysis. By using the simulation model we demonstrate a new operational
method, which makes the operation of the Emergency Department of Special
Health Care more effective. This operational method is called the triage-team
method and it has been studied from two different points of view. The results
showed that this method improves the operation of the Emergency Department of
Special Health Care substantially (over 25 %), if it is implemented properly
and includes all the necessary tasks.
Monday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Health Policy Analysis
Stephen Roberts (North Carolina State University)
Modeling Tuberculosis in Areas of High HIV
Georgina Rosalyn Hughes and Christine Susan Mary Currie
(University of Southampton) and Elizabeth Corbett (London School of Hygiene
and Tropical Medicine)
We describe a discrete event simulation model of
tuberculosis (TB) and HIV disease, parameterized to describe the dual
epidemics in Harare, Zimbabwe. TB and HIV are the leading causes of death from
infectious disease among adults worldwide and the number of TB cases has risen
significantly since the start of the HIV epidemic, particularly in Sub-Saharan
Africa, where the HIV epidemic is most severe. There is a need to devise new
strategies for TB control in countries with a high prevalence of HIV. This
model has been designed to investigate strategies for reducing TB transmission
by more efficient TB case detection. The model structure and its validation
are discussed.
Incorporating Human Behavior in Healthcare
Simulation Models
Sally Brailsford, Jennifer Sykes, and Paul Harper
(University of Southampton)
For many years, simulation has been used to evaluate
the outcomes from medical interventions designed to improve patients' health.
However in practice these outcomes can be greatly affected by patient
behavior. For example, patients may not complete a course of a prescribed
medication because they find the side-effects unpleasant. A study designed to
evaluate this medication which ignores such behavioral factors may give
unreliable results. In this paper we discuss some of the issues involved in
incorporating human factors in simulation models, and we describe two models
for screening for different diseases which have attempted to include
behavioral factors.
Use of Simulation to Determine Resource
Requirements for End-stage Renal Failure
Ruth Davies (University of
All Western countries are taking increasing numbers of
patients onto their renal programs. Physicians now accept older and sicker
patients than they would have done in the past. A discrete event simulation
describes patient arrivals and the transfer between different modalities of
treatment for different age and risk groups in order to project future demands
for treatment. At the national level the only significant uncertainty arises
from the expected number of new patients, which is on an upward trajectory and
has not yet reached the level of most other European countries or the USA. At
a local level the uncertainties are much greater because of the inherent
randomness in smaller populations. In these smaller populations, simpler
modeling methods that only take account of new arrivals, transplant and death
rates may be equally valuable, providing the standard deviations of the
estimates can be calculated.