WSC 2006 Abstracts |
Computational Systems Biology Track
Monday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Keynote I: Software in Systems
Chair: Adelinde Uhrmacher (University of Rostock, Germany)
Innovation in Software for Systems Biology. Is There
Herbert M Sauro (Keck Graduate Institute)
Software for systems biology has been under development
since the 1950s and has accelerated considerably in the last five years.
However, much of the development has been repetitive and there has been little
genuine innovation. In this talk I wish to briefly discuss the history of
software provision in systems biology and will try to address the question why
the academic community has found it so difficult to innovate. In many cases
the software developed today is little different in functionality from the
first packages that were written in the 1950s. Ironically is it industry that
seems to be taking the lead. In particular, Microsoft is funding new
theoretical developments at their systems biology centers and MathWorks has
developed a substantial dynamics software package (SimBiology 2.0) for their
Matlab product.
Monday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Exploiting Data Exchange and Data Base
Technology for Computational Biology
Chair: Lena Stromback (Linkoping
University, Sweden)
Development and Implementation of the PSI MI
Standard for Molecular Interaction
Samuel Kerrien and Henning
Hermjakob (European Bioinformatics Institute)
The pool of molecular interaction data is growing fast
but nevertheless remains fragmented. Combining together data coming from
heterogeneous sources is a crucial step towards a deeper understanding of the
cell machinery. The Proteomics Standard Initiative offers mature standards
(PSI-MI) to facilitate the exchange and analysis of Molecular Interaction
data. After introducing the details of the latest version of the PSI-MI data
model, we will present the implementation of PSI-MI in the IntAct project,
which offers a platform for management and analysis of interaction data.
Finally we will give some insight into realistically using molecular
interaction data as a foundation for other research.
A Corpus-Driven Approach for Design, Evolution
and Alignment of Ontologies
Thomas Waechter (Biotec, Dresden
University of Technology), He Tan (Linköpings Universitet), Andre Wobst
(Biotec, Dresden University of Technology), Patrick Lambrix (Linköpings
Universitet) and Michael Schroeder (Biotec, Dresden University of Technology)
Bio-ontologies are hierarchical vocabularies, which are
used to annotate other data sources such as sequence and structure databases.
With the wide use of ontologies their integration, design, and evolution
becomes an important problem. We show how textmining on relevant text corpora
can be used to identify matching ontology terms of two separate ontologies and
to propose new ontology terms for a given term. We evaluate these approaches
on the GeneOntology.
A Method for Comparison of Standardized
Information Within Systems Biology
Lena Strömbäck (Department of
Computer and Information Science, Linköpings Universitet, Sweden)
Standards and standardized data representation to allow
efficient exchange of information is an important topic within systems
biology. Within this area there is currently a rapid development of new
standards as well as a need for import of datasets into various computer tools
for further analysis. As the number of available standards within systems
biology is large, tools for comparison and translation of standards are of
high interest. In this paper we present a method for comparison of standards.
We illustrate how the method works by providing an analysis of the three
standards SBML, PSI MI and BioPAX. The analysis gives information on how
similar the three standards are and it also gives pointers on how to build
tools to aid a user in the analysis of a standard.
Monday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Parameter Estimation and Optimization
Chair: Helena Szczerbicka (University of Hannover, Germany)
Nonuniform Sampling for Global Optimization of
Kinetic Rate Constants in Biological Pathways
Steven H. Kleinstein
(Yale University School of Medicine), Dean Bottino, Anna Georgieva, and Ramesh
Sarangapani (Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation) and G. Scott Lett (The
BioAnalytics Group, LLC)
Global optimization has proven to be a powerful tool
for solving parameter estimation problems in biological applications, such as
the estimation of kinetic rate constants in pathway models. These optimization
algorithms sometimes suffer from slow convergence, stagnation or
misconvergence to a non-optimal local minimum. Here we show that a nonuniform
sampling method (implemented by running the optimization in a transformed
space) can improve convergence and robustness for evolutionary-type
algorithms, specifically Differential Evolution and Evolutionary Strategies.
Results are shown from two case studies exemplifying the common problems of
stagnation and misconvergence.
Prediction of In Vitro Hepatic Biliary Excretion Using
Stochastic Agent-Based Modeling and Fuzzy Clustering
Sheikh-Bahaei (University of California, Berkeley and San Francisco) and C.
Anthony Hunt (University of California, San Francisco)
We present a method for estimating parameter values for
an agent-based model of in silico hepatocytes (ISH). Further, we make the
estimation method available to the model, itself, to enable it to reasonably
anticipate (predict) the biliary transport and excretion properties of a new
compound based on the acceptable parameter values for previously encountered
compounds. We use Fuzzy c-Means (FCM) classification algorithm to determine
the degree of similarity between previously tuned compounds and the new
compound. Specifically, a set of simulation parameters for enkephalin was
predicted using the tuned parameter values of salicylate, taurocholate, and
methotrexate. The FCM classification uses the physicochemical properties of
the compounds.
Tuesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Keynote II: Comprehensive Modelling
Chair: Adelinde Uhrmacher (University of Rostock,
Comprehensive and Realistic Modeling of Biological
David Harel (The Weizmann Institiute of Science)
In comprehensive modeling the main purpose is to
understand an entire biological system in detail, utilizing in the modeling
effort all that is known about the system, and to use that understanding to
analyze and predict behavior in silico. In realistic modeling the main issue
is to model the behavior of actual elements, making possible totally
interactive and modifiable realistic executions/simulations that reveal
emergent properties. I will address the motivation for such modeling and the
philosophy underlying the techniques for carrying it out, as well as the
crucial question of when such models are to be deemed valid, or complete. The
examples I will present will be from among the biological modeling efforts my
group has been involved in: T cell development in the thymus, lymph node
behavior, embryonic development of the pancreas, the C. elegans reproduction
system and a generic cell model.
Tuesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Modularity and Composition
Chair: Marta Kwiatkowska (University of Birmingham,
The Role of Composition and Aggregation in
Modeling Macromolecular Regulatory Networks
Clifford A. Shaffer,
Ranjit Randhawa, and John J. Tyson (Virginia Tech)
Today's macromolecular regulatory network models are
small compared to the amount of information known about a particular cellular
pathway, in part because current modeling languages and tools are unable to
handle significantly larger models. Thus, most pathway modeling work today
focuses on building small models of individual pathways since they are easy to
construct and manage. The hope is someday to put these pieces together to
create a more complete picture of the underlying molecular machinery. While
efforts to make large models benefit from reusing existing components,
unfortunately, there currently exists little tool or representational support
for combining or composing models. We have identified four distinct modeling
processes related to model composition: fusion, composition, aggregation, and
SBW - a Modular Software Framework for Systems
Frank Thomas Bergmann and Herbert Martin Sauro (Keck
Graduate Institute)
A large number of software packages are available to
assist researchers in systems biology. In this paper, we describe the current
state of the Systems Biology Workbench (SBW), a modular framework that
connects modeling and analysis applications, enabling them to reuse each
other's capabilities. We describe how users and developers will perceive SBW
and then focus on currently available SBW modules. The software, tutorial
manual, and test models are freely available from the Computational and
Systems Biology group at Keck Graduate Institute. Source code is available
from SourceForge. The software is open source and licensed under BSD.
Modeling and Analysis of Biological Processes by
Mem(brane) Calculi and Systems
Nadia Busi (Dipartimento di Scienze
dell'Informazione, Universitā di Bologna) and Claudio Zandron (Dipartimento di
Informatica, Sistemistica e Comunicazione, Universitā di Milano-Bicocca)
In recent years, the modeling and analysis techniques
developed in the area of formal languages and of concurrent process calculi
have been successfully applied to the field of Systems Biology. In this
setting, Brane Calculi and Membrane Systems are two of the most prominent
approaches for the modeling of the behaviour of biological membranes. Membrane
Systems have been introduced by Gh. Paun as a class of distributing parallel
computing devices of a biochemical type, while Brane Calculi are a family of
process calculi, based on a set of biologically inspired primitives of
membrane interaction. In this paper we model the behaviour of a biological
process - namely, the LDL Cholesterol Degradation Pathway - in both Brane
Calculi and Membrane Systems. We also provide a brief discussion on the
application of analysis techniques to this case study.
Tuesday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Verification and Simulation
Chair: Celine Kuttler (University of Trento Centre for Computional and
Systems Biology, Italy)
Symbolic Modeling of Signal Transduction in
Pathway Logic
Carolyn Talcott (SRI International)
Pathway Logic is a step towards a vision of
symbolic systems biology. It is an approach to modeling cellular
processes based on formal methods. In particular, formal executable models of
processes such as signal transduction, metabolic pathways, and immune system
cell-cell signaling are developed using the rewriting logic language Maude and
a variety of formal tools are used to query these models. An important
objective of Pathway logic is to reflect the ways that biologists think about
problems using informal models, and to provide bench biologists with tools for
computing with and analyzing these models that are natural. In this paper we
describe the Pathway Logic approach to the modeling and analysis of signal
transduction, and the use of the Pathway Logic Assistant tool to browse and
query these models. The Rac1 signaling pathway is used to illustrate the
Simulation and Verification for Computational
Modelling of Signalling Pathways
Marta Zofia Kwiatkowska, Gethin
Norman, David Parker, Oksana Tymchyshyn, John Heath, and Eamonn Gaffney
(University of Birmingham)
Modelling of the dynamics of biochemical reaction
networks typically proceeds by solving ordinary differential equations or
stochastic simulation via the Gillespie algorithm. More recently,
computational methods such as process algebra techniques have been
successfully applied to the analysis of signalling pathways. One advantage of
these is that they enable automatic verification of the models, via model
checking, against qualitative and quantitative temporal logic specifications,
for example, "what is the probability that the protein eventually degrades"?
Such verification is exhaustive, that is, the analysis is carried out over all
paths, producing exact quantitative measures. In this paper, we give an
overview of the simulation, verification and differential equation approaches
to modelling biochemical reaction networks. We discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of the respective methods, using as an illustration a fragment
of the FGF signalling pathway.
Executable Biology
Jasmin Fisher and
Thomas A. Henzinger (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL))
Computational modeling of biological systems is
becoming increasingly common as scientists attempt to understand biological
phenomena in their full complexity. Here we distinguish between two types of
biological models -mathematical and computational- according to their
different representations of biological phenomena and their diverse potential.
We call the approach of constructing computational models of biological
systems Executable Biology, as it focuses on the design of executable
computer algorithms that mimic biological phenomena. We give an overview of
the main modeling efforts in this direction, and discuss some of the new
challenges that executable biology poses for computer science and biology. We
argue that for executable biology to reach its full potential as a mainstream
biological technique, formal and algorithmic approaches must be integrated
into biological research, driving biology towards a more precise engineering
Tuesday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Complexity Reduction
Irina Surovtsova (EML- Research GmbH, Germany)
Approaches to Complexity Reduction in a
Systems Biology Research Environment (SYCAMORE)
Irina Surovtsova,
Sven Sahle, Juergen Pahle, and Ursula Kummer (EML-Research gGmbH)
Due to the complexity of biochemical reaction networks,
so-called complexity reduction algorithms play a crucial role for making
simulations efficient and for dissecting biochemical networks into meaningful
subnetworks for analysis. Here, different approaches are presented, which we
are developing in the context of a computational research environment for
systems biology (SYCAMORE). These approaches are based on time-scale
decomposition, sensitivity analysis, and hybrid simulation methods.
Complexity Reduction of Biochemical
Ravishankar Rao Vallabhajosyula (Keck Graduate Insitute)
and Herbert Martin Sauro (Keck Graduate Institute)
This paper discusses two broad approaches for reducing
the complexity of large cellular network models. The first approach involves
exploiting conservation and time-scale separation and allows the dimension of
the model to be significantly reduced. The second approach involves
identifying subnetworks that carry out well defined functions and replacing
these with simpler representations. Examples include identification of
functional subnetworks such as oscillators or bistable switches and replacing
these with a simplified mathematical construct. This enables complex networks
to be rationalized as a series of hierarchical modules and greatly simplifies
our ability to understand the dynamics of complex networks.
Wednesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Simulation Tools for Systems
Chair: Hebert Sauro (Keck Graduate Institute, USA)
Simulation of Biochemical Networks Using COPASI-- a
Complex Pathway Simulator
Stefan Hoops (Biochemical Networks
Modeling Group, Virginia Bioinformatics Institute), Sven Sahle and Ralph
Gauges (Bioinformatics and Computational Biochemistry, EML Research),
Christine Lee (Biochemical Networks Modeling Group, Virginia Bioinformatics
Institute), Juergen Pahle and Natalia Simus (Bioinformatics and Computational
Biochemistry, EML Research), Mudita Singhal, Liang Xu, and Pedro Mendes
(Biochemical Networks Modeling Group, Virginia Bioinformatics Institute) and
Ursula Kummer (Bioinformatics and Computational Biochemistry, EML Research)
Simulation and modeling is becoming one of the standard
approaches to understand complex biochemical processes. Therefore, there is a
big need for software tools that allow access to diverse simulation and
modeling methods as well as support for the usage of these methods. Here, we
present a new software tool that is platform independent, user friendly and
offers several unique features. In addition, we discuss numerical
considerations and support for the switching between simulation methods.
CellDesigner: A Modeling Tool for Biochemical
Akira Funahashi, Yukiko Matsuoka, and Akiya Jouraku
(Kitano Symbiotic Systems Project, JST), Norihiro Kikuchi (Mitsui Knowledge
Industry Co.,Ltd.) and Hiroaki Kitano (Kitano Symbiotic Systems Project, JST)
Understanding of logic and dynamics of gene-regulatory
and biochemical networks is a major challenge of systems biology. To
facilitate this research topic, we have developed CellDesigner, a modeling
tool of gene-regulatory and biochemical networks. CellDesigner supports users
to easily create such networks using solidly defined and comprehensive
graphical representation (SBGN: Systems Biology Graphical Notation).
CellDesigner is SBML compliant, and is SBW-enabled software so that it can
import/export SBML described documents and can integrate with other
SBW-enabled simulation/analysis software packages. CellDesigner also supports
simulation and parameter search, which is supported by integration with SBML
ODE Solver, enabling us to simulate through our sophisticated graphical user
interface. We could also browse and modify existing SBML models with
references to existing databases. CellDesigner is implemented in Java, thus it
runs on various platforms such as Windows, Linux, and MacOS X. CellDesigner is
freely available via the Web.
Think Simulation - Think Experiment: The Virtual
Cell Paradigm
Ion I Moraru, James C Schaff, and Leslie M Loew
(University of Connecticut Health Center)
The Virtual Cell modeling and simulation framework is
the product of interdisciplinary research in biology that applies the diverse
strengths and experiences of individuals from engineering, the physical
sciences, the biological sciences, and mathematics. A key feature is the
separation of layers (core technologies and abstractions) representing
biological models, physical mechanisms, geometry, mathematical models and
numerical methods. This reduces software complexity, allowing independent
development and verification, but most importantly it clarifies the impact of
modeling decisions, assumptions, and approximations. The result is a
physically consistent, mathematically rigorous, spatial modeling and
simulation framework for cell biology. The Virtual Cell has a rich,
interactive user interface which connects to remote services providing
scalable access to a modeling database and a large dedicated cluster for
shared computation and storage. In addition to new modeling capabilities,
future developments will emphasize data and tool interoperability,
extensibility, and experimentally oriented model analysis tools.
Wednesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Panel Discussion: Challenges for
Modeling and Simulation in Computional Biology
Chair: Hebert Sauro (Keck
Graduate Institute, USA)
Challenges for Modeling and Simulation Methods
in Systems Biology
Herbert M. Sauro (Virginia Tech), Adelinde M.
Uhrmacher (University of Rostock), David Harel (The Weizmann Institute of
Science), Michael Hucka (California Institute of Technology), Marta
Kwiatkowski (University of Birmingham), Pedro Mendes (Virginia Bioinformatics
Institute), Clifford A. Shaffer (Virginia Tech), Lena Strömbäck (Linköpings
universitet) and John J. Tyson (Virginia Tech)
Systems Biology is aimed at analyzing the behavior and
interrelationships of biological systems and is characterized by combining
experimentation, theory, and computation. Dedicated to exploring current
challenges, the panel brings together people from a variety of disciplines
whose perspectives illuminate diverse facets of Systems Biology and the
implied challenges for modeling and simulation methods.