WSC 2006 Abstracts |
Logistics, Transportation, and Distribution Track
Monday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Rail Simulation
Chair: Nicolas
Lowes (University of Texas at Austin)
Simulation Services to Support the Control Design
of Rail Infrastructures
Elisangela Mieko Kanacilo and Alexander
Verbraeck (Delft University of Technology)
The design of rail infrastructure is a difficult task.
Many parties are involved, and the tasks range from stakeholder issues to very
detailed technical questions, such as control design. Simulation studies are
often applied during infrastructure control system design, but the application
of simulation is quite hard. One of the problems is the lack of flexibility in
linking to information systems and databases. Another problem is that there
are many potential users of the models, while most simulation systems can only
be used by one user at a time. In addition, the tightly coupled structure of
models makes model reuse and model maintenance hard. To overcome these
problems, a service oriented simulation architecture is proposed for rail
infrastructure modeling. The object-oriented simulation libraries that have
been created within this architecture have been tested in a real project to
estimate rail infrastructure capacity, and proved to work well.
Passenger Travel Behavior Model in Railway Network
Ting Li (RSM Erasmus University)
Transportation planners and public transport operators
alike have become increasingly aware of the need to diffuse the concentration
of the peak period travel. Differentiated pricing is one possible method to
even out the demand and reduce peak load requirement. An evaluation of the
potential effectiveness of strategies directed to flatten the demand
distribution requires an understanding of the underlying factors that drive
travel behavior (e.g., time-shifting, route change, mode change) with regard
to price and service. In this paper, we present a Passenger Railway Network
Simulation model with the intention of linking supply and demand. The
objective is to evaluate the differentiated pricing impact on the passenger
travel behavior, and consequently on the overall network performance, both
financially and operationally. This paper focuses on the design and modeling
approach of the Travel Behavior Model.
A Simulation Study for Designing a Rail Terminal
in a Container Port
Byung Kwon Lee (Pusan National University),
Jeong Hoon Seo (Research Center of Ubiquitous Port Logistics ), Soon Oh Park
(VMS Solutions, Ltd.) and Bong Joo Jung and Kap Hwan Kim (Pusan National
Rail terminals in port container terminals play an
important role for transshipping containers between rail wagons and port
container terminals. This paper addresses a case study for designing a new
rail terminal which is planned to be constructed in a port container terminal.
A design process including an analytical calculation and a simulation study
was proposed. The analytical approach was used to estimate the facility size
and the simulation was used to evaluate proposed design alternatives in more
detail. Design parameters were the number of transshipment lanes, the number
of cranes, and the traffic flows inside the rail terminal
Monday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Transportation Simulation I
Chair: Michael Hunter (Georgia Institute of
A Comparison of Transportation Network
Resilience Under Simulated System Optimum and User Equilibrium
Pamela M Murray-Tuite (Virginia Tech)
Resilience is a characteristic that indicates system
performance under unusual conditions, recovery speed, and the amount of
outside assistance required for restoration to its original functional state.
Resilience is important for daily events, such as vehicle crashes, and more
extreme events, such as hurricanes and terrorist attacks. Transportation
resilience has ten dimensions: redundancy, diversity, efficiency, autonomous
components, strength, collaboration, adaptability, mobility, safety, and the
ability to recover quickly. This paper examines the influence of the system
optimal and user equilibrium traffic assignments on the last four dimensions.
No widely accepted measurement of resilience is available for transportation
systems; this paper presents multiple metrics for the four examined
contributing components that will aid future development of a single measure
of resilience. An application of these measures to a test network found that
user equilibrium results in better adaptability and safety while system
optimum yields better mobility and faster recovery.
VISSIM: A Multi-parameter Sensitivity
Nicholas E. Lownes and Randy B. Machemehl (The University
of Texas at Austin)
Traffic microsimulation is increasingly a preferred
method of traffic analysis for today’s transportation professionals. The
importance of properly calibrating these traffic simulations is evidenced by
the adoption of microsimulation calibration standards by several state and
federal transportation authorities. A component of the calibration process is
the calibration of the simulation for capacity. Capacity is a high-level
measurement that is a function of many lower-level user-defined input
parameters. VISSIM utilizes psychophysical car following models that rely on
ten user-defined parameters to represent freeway driving behavior. Several
VISSIM driver behavior parameters have been shown to have a significant impact
on roadway capacity. This paper seeks further understanding of the performance
of the VISSIM traffic microsimulator by investigating the impact of driver
behavior parameter combinations on a measure of freeway capacity. This paper
is intended to provide insight useful for manual calibration of VISSIM
microsimulation or the development of calibration algorithms.
An Investigation of Real-time Dynamic Data Driven
Transportation Simulation
Michael Hunter, Richard Fujimoto, Wonho
Suh, and Hoe Kyoung Kim (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Widespread deployment of sensors in roadways and
vehicles is creating new challenges in effectively exploiting the wealth of
real-time transportation system data. However, the precision of the real-time
data varies depending on the level of data aggregation. For example,
minute-by-minute data are more precise than hourly average data. This paper
explores the ability to create an accurate estimate of the evolving state of
transportation systems using real-time roadway data aggregated at various
update intervals. It is found that simulation based on inflow data aggregated
over a short time interval is capable of providing a superior representation
of the real world over longer aggregate intervals. However, the perceived
improvements are minimal under congested conditions and most pronounced under
un-congested conditions. In addition, outflow constraints should be considered
during congested flow periods, otherwise significant deviation from the real
world performance may arise.
Monday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Supply Chain I
Chair: Pamela
Murry-Tuite (Virginia Tech)
Linking Strategic Objectives to Operations: Towards a
More Effective Supply Chain Decision Making
Changrui Ren, Jin Dong,
Hongwei Ding, and Wei Wang (IBM China Research Laboratory)
Supply chain managers today face an unremitting
challenge to their capabilities in both the volume and complexity of factors
to be reconciled. In order to achieve more effective decision making, it is
very necessary to link strategic objectives to operational actions. However,
little is available to guide managers in translating a set of objectives into
operations so far. This paper presents a comprehensive methodology to address
this gap. In this methodology, strategic objectives are translated into
performance metrics by qualitative strategy map and metric network firstly,
and then quantitative techniques such as system dynamics simulation and
optimization are adopted to take managers through the stages of strategy
mapping, action evaluation and decision making. A case study, supported by a
software tool, is carried out throughout the paper to illustrate how the
method works.
Evaluating Refinery Supply Chain Policies and
Investment Decisions Through Simulation-Optimization
Lee Ying Koo
and Yuhong Chen (National University of Singapore), Arief Adhitya (Institute
of Chemical and Engineering Sciences) and Rajagopalan Srinivasan and Iftekhar
A Karimi (National University of Singapore)
The dynamic, non-linear, and complex nature of a supply
chain with numerous interactions among its entities are best evaluated using
simulation models. The optimization of such system is not amenable to
mathematical programming approaches. The simulation-optimization method seems
to be the most promising. In this paper, we look at a refinery supply chain
simulation and attempt to optimize the refinery operating policies and
capacity investments by employing a genetic algorithm. The refinery supply
chain is complex with multiple, distributed, and disparate entities which
operate their functions based on certain policies. Policy and investment
decisions have significant impact on the refinery bottom line. To optimize
them, we develop a simple simulation-optimization framework by combining the
refinery supply chain simulator called Integrated Refinery In Silico (IRIS)
and genetic algorithm. Results indicate that the proposed framework works well
for optimization of supply chain policy and investment decisions.
Use of Federated Object Modeling to Develop a
Macro-System Model
Mark F. Ruth (National Renewable Energy
Laboratory) and Keith B. Vanderveen and Timothy J. Sa (Sandia National
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is working on
technology that could change our transportation fuel from gasoline to
hydrogen. To assist in that effort, we are developing a macro-system model
(MSM) that will link existing or developmental component models together to
analyze crosscutting hydrogen issues. The MSM uses a federated simulation
framework that extends the High Level Architecture (HLA). In this initial
phase, three existing models have been linked to analyze two primary issues.
The first issue we will examine will be the combined price of hydrogen
production and delivery and the second will be a comparison of energy
requirements and air emissions for multiple hydrogen production / delivery
pathways (i.e., hydrogen produced from different feedstocks and transported
via different means). Future work will involve linking other models to allow
us to better analyze transition issues and making the MSM available to the
hydrogen analysis community.
Tuesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Supply Chain II
Chair: Jorge
Pica (Lockheed Martin)
Observations on Material Flow in Supply
Silvanus T. Enns (University of Calgary) and Pattita
Suwanruji (Bantrel Company)
This paper summarizes one group of recent simulation
studies comparing replenishment strategies. Time-phased planning, implemented
using DRP and MRP logic, continuous-review reorder point (ROP) and single-card
Kan-ban (KBN) systems are considered. These differ in terms of decision-making
information, logic and integration requirements. Experimental results have
been statistically analyzed and explained using simple stochastic models.
Steps have also been taken to evaluate which strategies are most suitable
under various demand patterns, levels of uncertainty and capacity constraints.
Results show that DRP/MRP is superior under time-varying demand, regardless of
whether or not capacity constraints are present. With no capacity constraints
and level demand, ROP is superior to KBN, in part because it considers
backorder information. With capacity constraints behavior is complicated by
queuing effects. Under level demand, KBN may slightly outperform ROP, given
assumptions of equal lot sizes, order placement delays and transportation
An Object-Oriented Framework for Simulating
Multi-Echelon Inventory Systems
Manuel Rossetti, Mehmet Miman,
Vijith Varghese, and Yisha Xiang (University of Arkansas)
In this paper, we discuss the design and use of an
object-oriented framework for simulating multi-echelon inventory systems. We
present a context for how the framework can be used through its application on
two examples. In addition, we describe the design by examining the major
conceptual artifacts within the object-oriented model. The framework is built
on a Java Simulation Library (JSL) and permits easy modeling and execution of
simulation models. The results and discussion indicate the flexibility and
power of modeling with the framework. In addition, we summarize our future
research efforts to model complex supply chains.
Earth to Orbit Logistics and Supply Chain Modeling
and Simulation for NASA Exploration Systems
Mohamed Sam Fayez
(Productivity Apex, Inc.), Mansooreh Mollaghasemi (University of Central
Florida), Dayana Cope, Assem Kaylani, and Mike Callinan (Productivity Apex,
Inc.) and Edgar Zapata (NASA Kennedy Space Center)
As exploration operations expand further into space,
NASA must enhance its understanding and capability of the increasingly complex
“supply chain” management of materials, people, information, and knowledge
from sources (somewhere on Earth) to destinations (somewhere in space, e.g.
LEO, GEO, Moon, Mars, etc.) and vice versa. Without the ability to understand,
define, model, and simulate the supply chain to estimate, project, and affect
decision making relevant to the supply chain performance, NASA will find it
increasingly difficult to effectively manage this complex supply chain and to
work as an informed collaborator with its supply chain partners in the
planning, execution, and management of a successful space exploration mission.
This paper describes an ongoing project on “the first ever application of 21st
century space exploration supply chain modeling, simulation and analysis”.
Tuesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Supply Chain III
Chair: Jorge
Pica (Lockheed Martin)
Multi-Location Transshipment Problem with
Capacitated Production and Lost Sales
Deniz Ozdemir (Universidad
Autonoma de Nuevo Leon), Enver Yucesan (INSEAD) and Yale T. Herer (Technion)
We consider coordination among stocking locations
through replenishment strategies that explicitly take into account lateral
transshipments, i.e., transfer of a product among locations at the same
echelon level. The basic contribution of our research is the incorporation of
supply capacity into the traditional emergency transshipment model. We
formulate the capacitated production case as a network flow problem embedded
in a stochastic optimization problem. We develop a solution procedure based on
infinitesimal perturbation analysis (IPA) to solve the stochastic optimization
problem numerically. We analyze the impact on system behavior and on stocking
locations' performance when the supplier may fail to fulfill all the
replenishment orders and the unmet demand is lost. We find that depending on
the production capacity, system behavior can vary drastically. Moreover, in a
production-inventory system, we find evidence that either capacity flexibility
(i.e., extra production) or transshipment flexibility is required to maintain
a certain level of service.
Module-Based Modeling of Production-Distribution
Systems Considering Shipment Consolidation
Xiaohua Wang and Soemon
Takakuwa (Nagoya University)
A module-based modeling method was developed to analyze
the production-distribution systems by using a discrete event simulation with
ARENA. Excel VBA was also adopted to automatically generate the simulation
programs. Using the proposed method, one can quickly create a multistage,
multi-item supply chain system such as serials, convergent, divergent or
general networks, for analyzing the performance of a supply chain. Both
inventory control and shipment consolidation policy were considered in this
study. A number of outputs can be used as a performance measure in the
decision making; for example, transportation costs, inventory level and costs,
and the fill rate. An actual application model was generated using the
proposed method. The result shows that the module-based method is a powerful
tool for modeling the supply chain systems.
A Simulation Framework for Real-Time
Management and Control of Inventory Routing Decisions
Jarugumilli, Scott E. Grasman, and Sreeram Ramakrishnan (University of
We consider a logistics network where a single
warehouse distributes a single item to multiple retailers. Retailers in the
network participate in a Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) program with the
warehouse, where the warehouse is responsible for tracking and replenishing
the inventory at various retailer locations. The information update occurs
every time a vehicle reaches a location and the decision on the delivery
quantity and the next location to visit is made. For a small increase of
locations in the network, the state space for the solution increases
exponentially, making this problem NP-hard. Thus, we propose a solution
methodology where in the size of the state space is reduced at each stage. In
this work, we use simulation to develop the framework for the real-time
control and management of inventory and routing decisions, given this
Tuesday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Transportation Simulation II
Chair: Pamela Murray-Tuite (Virginia Tech)
Application of Stochastic Optimization Method for an
Urban Corridor
Ilsoo Yun and Byungkyu "Brian" Park (University of
This paper presents a stochastic traffic signal
optimization method that consists of the CORSIM microscopic traffic simulation
model and a heuristic optimizer. For the heuristic optimizer, the performance
of three widely used optimization methods (i.e., genetic algorithm, simulated
annealing and OptQuest Engine) was compared using a real world test corridor
with 12 signalized intersections in Fairfax, Virginia, USA. The performance of
the proposed stochastic optimization method was compared with an existing
signal timing optimization program, SYNCHRO, under microscopic simulation
environment. The results indicated that the genetic algorithm-based
optimization method outperforms the SYNCHRO program as well as the other
stochastic optimization methods in the optimization of traffic signal timings
for the test corridor.
A Systems Approach to Scalable Transportation
Network Modeling
Kalyan Perumalla (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Emerging needs in transportation network modeling and
simulation are raising new challenges with respect to scalability of network
size and vehicular traffic intensity, speed of simulation for optimization,
and fidelity of behavior for accurate capture of phenomena. Parallel execution
is warranted to sustain the required detail, size and speed. However, few
parallel simulators exist for such applications, partly due to the challenges
underlying their development. Moreover, many simulators are based on
time-stepped models, which can be computationally inefficient. Here an
approach is presented to designing a simulator with memory and speed
efficiency as the goals from the outset, and, specifically, scalability via
parallel execution. The design makes use of discrete event modeling techniques
as well as parallel simulation methods. Our simulator, called SCATTER, is
being developed, incorporating such design considerations. Preliminary
performance results are presented on benchmark road networks, showing
scalability to one million vehicles simulated on one processor.
A Framework for New Generation Transportation
Daiheng Ni (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
This paper discussed the evolution and future trend of
simulation in general domain and in transportation. Some challenges facing
transportation modeling and simulation were identified. As an effort to
address these challenges, a framework of new generation transportation
simulation was developed. The framework is envisioned to be multi-scale in
resolution, parallel in execution, and driven by objects. The paper further
discussed strategies of transportation simulation at a nanoscopic level which
offers a level of modeling detail beyond the state-of-the-art.
Tuesday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Manufacturing and Transport Systems
Chair: Daiheng Ni (University of Massachusetts)
Simulating the Operational Control of Free
Ranging AGVs
Mark B Duinkerken, Tiemen Ter Hoeven, and Gabriel
Lodewijks (Delft University of Technology)
Most transport systems using automated guided vehicles
(AGVs) are centrally controlled and use fixed, pre-defined routes. Incidents
cannot be handled as part of the common routine. Instead of using fixed path
layouts, new trajectory planners for AGVs are developed that utilize the
complete available space. To accommodate the increased flexibility, new
operational controllers must be able to adapt to small deviations and
incidents. In this paper an operational controller is presented that aims to
satisfy two conflicting goals. First, the controller directs an AGV along a
pre-planned trajectory with high accuracy. Second, the controller will avoid
conflicts with static and dynamic obstacles. These conflicts are caused by
small deviations between planned and realized paths, as well as by incidents
like equipment failure. A simulation model is built to study the performance
of this controller. The quality is compared to a PI-controller without
collision avoidance characteristics.
Comparison of Routing Strategies for AGV
Systems Using Simulation
Mark B Duinkerken, Gabriel Lodewijks, and
Jaap A Ottjes (Delft University of Technology)
In automated transport systems, the origin-destination
combinations are normally connected through a fixed layout, not representing
the shortest path. The flexibility of these systems is limited and often the
infrastructure is not optimally used. With the introduction of more powerful
onboard computers and advanced sensor technology, the positioning and
navigating possibilities of AGVs increased. However the routes, although
virtual, are still fixed. A new step ahead would be to determine each path
dynamically. This would use the free ranging capacities of AGVs to its full
potential. In this paper, the benefits of the dynamic free ranging approach
are investigated; a simulation model on the strategic level is presented that
compares several common fixed layouts with the shortest connection approach.
Naturally, the avoidance of collisions plays a central role. It is concluded
that dynamic free ranging has high potential in terms of transport capacity of
the resulting system.
Fast Creation of Realistic and Efficient Free Path
Network Within a Simulation Model of a Shop Floor and a Supply Chain
Michal Stec (Simulate First)
Good animation is invaluable to understanding and
verifying the processes in a simulation model. In a shop floor and a supply
chain simulation model, animation refers to animating movements of workers,
forklifts or trucks entities between nodes. The large (thousands) number of
possible connections in a complex model of at least 100 nodes requires a new
approach to this undertaking. Instead of drawing separately connections
between each and every node, a free path integrated network is needed that
spans all nodes. This paper describes a technique developed for Arena
(Rockwell Software) that builds automatically a realistic and integrated
network among hundreds of nodes in a matter of minutes, giving the modeler
practically unlimited field for further enhancement as far as the movement
logic is concerned. Above that the created network "knows" the distances and
shortest directions between each and every pair of nodes and navigates the
free path object accordingly.
Wednesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Transport and Data Collection
Chair: Jorge Pica (Lockheed Martin)
Assessment of Transport Infrastructure Projects by
the Use of Monte Carlo Simulation: The CBA-DK Model
Kim Bang
Salling and Steen Leleur (Centre for Traffic and Transport - Technical
University of Denmark)
This paper presents the Danish CBA-DK software model
for assessment of transport infrastructure projects. The assessment model is
based on both a deterministic calculation following the cost-benefit analysis
(CBA) methodology in a Danish manual from the Ministry of Transport and on a
stochastic calculation, where risk analysis (RA) is carried out using Monte
Carlo Simulation (MCS). After a description of the deterministic and
stochastic calculations emphasis is paid to the RA part of CBA-DK with
considerations about which probability distributions to make use of.
Furthermore, a comprehensive assessment of the set of distributions are made.
Finally conclusions and a perspective are presented.
An Object-Oriented Framework for Simulating
Automatic Data Collection Systems
Manuel Rossetti and Bradley Hobbs
(University of Arkansas) and Paul Faas (Air Force Research Laboratory)
In this paper, we discuss the design and use of a
prototype object-oriented framework for simulating automatic data collection
systems within their operational contexts. We motivate the purpose of the
framework and how the framework can be used through the use of a simple
scenario on an airbase. In addition, we overview the design by examining the
major conceptual artifacts within the object-oriented model. The framework is
built on a Java Simulation Library (JSL) and permits easy modeling and
execution of simulation models. The results and discussion indicate the
flexibility and power of modeling with the framework. Finally, we summarize
our future research efforts to model more complicated automatic collection
systems which include health monitoring systems within the Air Force’s new
sense and respond logistics paradigm.
A Proposed Multiagent Model for Bus Crew
Abdul Samad Shibghatullah, Tillal Eldabi, and Jasna
Kuljis (Brunel University)
Bus crew scheduling is a complex problem to solve
because of the large number of resources that need to be managed, complexity
of allocating crew shifts, rising cost of crew and unpredictability of traffic
and crew availability. This causes a difficulty to maintain an optimal
schedule. Existing systems are excellent in producing optimal or near optimal
schedules. However, to maintain such optimality for day-to-day operations,
crew scheduling systems need to extend their capabilities by enabling crew
reassignment, a feature that is not currently available in currently existing
automated scheduling systems. The aim of this research is to model the crew
reassignment process using agents and simulate agents’ behavior in order to
establish ways of automating management of unpredictable events. The model
should assist supervisor in managing everyday bus operations. The paper
presents agents analysis and design using Gaia methodology.
Wednesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Air Transportation and Maritime
Chair: Michael Hunter (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Airspace Geometry and 4D Flight Proximity Detection
for Simulation of the National Airspace System
Paul T. R. Wang and
Richard E. Snow (The MITRE Corporation)
The authors present uncomplicated and well established
equations that can be used in simulation or real-world applications to
determine key crossing points and aircraft proximity when the trajectory and
speed of aircraft pairs are known. These equations, in closed form, were
developed for computing the minimum distance between two aircraft within the
four-dimensional (4D) space-time domain. The 4D flight proximity information
can be used in simulation to evaluate large numbers of scheduled routes over a
limited airspace for controller workload assessment. Also, it can be used to
detect potential separation violations and impacts of traffic flow management
(TFM) strategies. An example of computing the distance between two flights in
4D is presented. Sample aircraft proximity landscape in 4D space-time
simulation with MATLAB code is also provided.
Estimating Operational Benefits of Aircraft
Navigation and Air Traffic Control Procedures Using an Integrated Aviation
Modeling and Evaluation Platform
Ralf H. Mayer (The MITRE
Complex constraints generally define the performance of
air transportation systems. These constraints include aircraft operational
characteristics, airline operating procedures, and Air Traffic Control (ATC)
requirements. The operational variability that is present in complex air
transportation systems and their components typically demands a Monte Carlo
approach when modeling system performance metrics. However, the inherent
variability is generally not known a priori. This calls for a separate model
validation approach that yields estimates of system variability and validates
baseline model performance. This paper reports on an integrated aviation
modeling platform that was developed for comparing and evaluating proposed
aircraft flight operations and ATC procedures. It integrates both an
agent-based Monte Carlo modeling environment and a data-driven model
validation capability. The capabilities are outlined, the validation approach
is described, and examples are presented of performance metrics quantifying
operational benefits of air navigation procedures that are currently being
implemented at major U.S. airports.
The Northwest Passage: A
Saran Somanathan, Peter Flynn, and Jozef Szymanski
(University of Alberta)
Shipping from Yokohama to New York and St. Johns,
Newfoundland is simulated by VSLAM for two routes: the Panama Canal, using
fast and slow bluewater ships, and the Northwest Passage, using identically
sized fast and slow Canadian Arctic Class (CAC) 3 ships. Each route is broken
into a series of logical legs, and environmental conditions and wait times are
assigned. Ice conditions are modeled from historical records. Average speed
through the Northwest Passage shows little seasonal variation. Round trips per
year are higher through the Northwest Passage for all cases in this study. The
required freight rate (RFR) to recover all costs including capital recovery,
is calculated for fast ships. RFR is lower for fast ships from St. Johns to
Yokohama using the Northwest Passage, and higher for fast ships from New York
to Yokohama. Possible future thinning of Arctic ice may improve the economics
of the Northwest Passage.