WSC 2006 Abstracts |
Modeling Methodology A Track
Monday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Conceptual Modeling
Stewart Robinson (Warwick Business School, UK)
Conceptual Modeling for Simulation: Issues and
Research Requirements
Stewart Robinson (University of Warwick)
It is generally recognized that conceptual modeling is
one of the most vital parts of a simulation study. At the same time, it also
seems to be one of the least understood. A review of the extant literature on
conceptual modeling reveals a range of issues that need to be addressed: the
definition of conceptual model(ling), conceptual model requirements, how to
develop a conceptual model, conceptual model representation and communication,
conceptual model validation, and teaching conceptual modeling. It is clear
that this is an area ripe for further research, for the clarification of ideas
and the development of new approaches. Some areas in which further research
could be carried out are identified.
Process Modelling Support for the Conceptual
Modelling Phase of a Simulation Project
Cathal Heavey (University
of Limerick) and John Ryan (Dublin Institute of Technology)
While many developments have taken place around
supporting the model coding task of simulation, there are few tools available
to assist in the conceptual modelling phase. Several authors have reported the
advantages of using process modelling tools in the early phases of a
simulation project. This paper provides an overview of process modelling tools
in relation to their support for simulation, categorizing the tools into
formal method and descriptive methods. A conclusion from this review is that
none of the tools available adequately support the requirements gathering
phase of simulation. This is not surprising as none of the process modelling
tools were developed for explicit support of simulation. The paper then
presents results of research into developing a new process modelling method
for simulation.
What Can Be Done to Automate Conceptual Simulation
Ming Zhou (Indiana State University)
Conceptual modeling is a critical step that directly
affects the quality and efficiency of simulation projects. However, current
technology can hardly support the process and most practice demonstrated an ad
hoc and inefficient approach. Automation can help improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of conceptual simulation modeling. However there are a number of
issues must be addressed, including the formalization of model concepts,
representation of modeling knowledge, and interaction between user and
computer system. This paper presents a discussion of these issues based on the
research by the authors, and propose suggestions for the design and
development of a robust computerized modeling environment that aims to improve
conceptual simulation modeling process.
Monday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
DEVS Modeling
Chair: Adelinde
Uhrmacher (University of Rostock, Germany)
A Simulation Algorithm for Dynamic Structure DEVS
Gabriel Wainer and Hui Shang (Carleton University)
Real-Time System (RTS) correctness and timeliness are
critical. Modeling and Simulation techniques have been widely used for testing
particular conditions on these systems. Recently, the DEVS formalism has been
successfully used as a framework for RTS validation. Nevertheless, we need to
address dynamic adaptation to dynamic changes in the environment. Dynamic
Structure DEVS focuses on the possibility to change system structure
dynamically according to the system real requirements, which is useful for RTS
(in which sometimes it is impossible to interfere with the running of the
system, and auto-adaptation is needed). We present a new algorithm derived
from the DSDE and the dynDEVS formalisms. We use the DSDE formal
specifications, and parts of the dynDEVS simulation algorithms.
Applying DEVS Modeling for Discrete Event Multiple
Model Control of a Time Varying Plant
Gabriel Wainer and Alexander
Campbell (Carleton University)
In recent years, we have developed a Modeling and
Simulation-Driven Engineering methodology for engineering embedded Real-Time
systems. This approach relies on the use of the DEVS formalism for developing
components of real-time embedded systems using incremental development. Here,
we show how to apply these techniques for an application in hybrid control.
The model defines a discrete-event controller for a time varying plant based
on multiple model control. Our discrete event approach permitted us to define
such application, seamlessly integrating discrete event and continuous
components. The approach allows secure, reliable testing, analysis of
different levels of abstraction in the system, and model reuse. The common
problem of "controller wind-up" or "parameter estimation bursting" can be
avoided when performing this proposed form of discrete event adaptive control.
Introducing Variable Ports and Multi-Couplings
for Cell Biological Modeling in DEVS
Adelinde M. Uhrmacher, Jan
Himmelspach, Mathias Röhl, and Roland Ewald (University of Rostock)
Motivated by the requirements of molecular biological
applications, we are suggesting an extension of the DEVS formalism. Starting
with dynDDEVS, a reflective variant of Devs which supports dynamic behavior,
composition, and interaction pattern, we develop rho-DEVS. Dynamic ports and
multi-couplings are introduced whose combination allows models to reflect
significant state changes to the outside world and enabling or disabling
certain interactions at the same time. An abstract simulator describes the
operational semantics of the developed formalism, and the Tryptophan operon
model illustrates the developed ideas and concepts.
Monday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Simulation Methodologies
Ralf Mayer (Mitre Corporation, USA)
A Case Study of the Development and Use of a
Mana-Based Federation for the Studying U.S. Border Operations
Beeker and Ernest Page (The MITRE Corporation)
A federation approach is used to expand the geographic
extent of MANA (Map Aware Non-uniform Automata), a cellular-automaton based
agent simulation, in order to support a study of investment strategies for
border protection along a portion of the southern U.S. border. The Federation
is implemented using the Department of Defense (DoD) High Level Architecture
(HLA). Federation performance is optimized using HLA Data Distribution
Management (DDM) services and through a bypass of the normal HLA mechanisms
for ownership transfer. Analysis of the running federation indicates that
overhead due to federation processing is minimal - less than 6% of the total
federation runtime (94% of the runtime is due to processing in the MANA
A Non-Fragmenting Partitioning Algorithm for
Hierarchical Models
Roland Ewald, Jan Himmelspach, and Adelinde M.
Uhrmacher (University of Rostock)
The simulation system James II is aimed at supporting a
range of modeling formalisms and simulation engines. The partitioning of
models is essential for distributed simulation. A suitable partition depends
on model, hardware, and simulation algorithm characteristics. Therefore, a
partitioning layer has been created in James II which allows to plug in
partitioning algorithms on demand. Three different partitioning algorithms
have been implemented. In addition to the well known Kernighan-Lin algorithm
and a geometric approach, a partitioning algorithm for hierarchically
structured models has been developed whose performance is evaluated.
Enhancement of Memory Pools Toward a
Multi-Threaded Implementation of the Joint Integrated Mission Model
David Wayne Mutschler (Naval Air Systems Command)
The Joint Integrated Mission Model (JIMM) is a legacy
real-time discrete-event simulator. Its initial single-threaded implementation
employed a memory pool to speed up run-time performance and easily checkpoint
simulation state. Unfortunately, when JIMM started migrating to a
multi-threaded implementation, this legacy memory pool was quickly identified
as a bottleneck. This problem is addressed by dividing the memory into large
chunks managed by a global controller but where thread-specific memory
managers handled lower level memory allocation. This paper will focus on the
legacy memory pool in JIMM and enhancements necessary for an efficient
multi-threaded implementation.
Tuesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Panel: Simulation Project
Chair: Robert Sargent (Syacuse University, USA)
The Simulation Project Life-Cycle: Models and
Robert G. Sargent (Syracuse University), Richard E. Nance
(ORCA Computer, Inc.), C. Michael Overstreet (Old Dominion University),
Stewart Robinson (University of Warwick) and Jayne E. Talbot (Virtual
Technology Corporation)
This panel session will discuss various issues
regarding simulation life-cycle models. Simulation life-cycles models have
received little attention and it is hoped that this panel session will general
interest in this topic and some new ideas for these types of models.
Tuesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Chair: Cathal
Heavey (University of Limerick, Ireland)
Grid Enabled Sequential Design and Adaptive
Wouter Hendrickx, Dirk Gorissen, and Tom Dhaene
(University of Antwerp)
Metamodeling is emerging as a valuable new tool in
simulation: complex computer codes can be approximated by surrogate models
(analytic, neural network, SVM, etc.) which can easily be evaluated
on-the-fly. Adaptive modeling and sequential design further improve the
performance of metamodeling frameworks. Gridcomputing quickly replaces regular
cluster computing when it comes to complex calculations. Several efforts use
grid computing to facilitate the exploration of simulator outputs. This
contribution combines adaptive modeling and sequential design with
distributed, grid-based techniques into one metamodeling framework.
A New Metric for Measuring Metamodels Quality-of-Fit
for Deterministic Simulations
Husam A. Hamad (Yarmouk University)
Metamodels are used to provide simpler prediction means
than the complex simulation models they approximate. Accuracy of a metamodel
is one fundamental criterion that is used as the basis for accepting or
rejecting a metamodel. Average-based metrics such as root-mean-square error
RMSE and R-square are often used. Like all other average-based statistics,
these measures are sensitive to sample sizes unless the number of test points
in these samples is adequate. We introduce in this paper a new metric that can
be used to measure metamodels fit quality, called metamodel acceptability
score MAS. The proposed metric gives readily interpretable meaning to
metamodels acceptability. Furthermore, initial studies show that MAS is less
sensitive to test sample sizes compared to average-based validation measures.
Meta-Level Control Architecture for Massively
Multiagent Simulations
Shohei Yamane (Department of Social
Informatics, Kyoto University)
Various situations in a massively multi-agent
simulation will emerge in a simulation or the period of the simulation will
become too long. These situations cause problems for system operators in that
each action scenario becomes too complex to maintain and a simulation costs
very long time. Therefore, flexible control of the simulation, such as
changing simulation speed and switching agents' action scenarios, is required.
We propose a meta-scenario description language and a meta-level control
architecture. The meta-scenario description language describes how to control
simulations and agents based on an extended finite state machine. Meta-level
control architecture achieves control on the basis of meta-scenarios provided
by a meta-scenario interpreter, which controls interpreters of agents' action
scenarios and the simulation environment. In addition, our proposed
architecture does not lose scalability of massively multi-agent systems for
some applications.
Tuesday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Formal Methods and Validation
Chair: Gabriel Wainer (Carleton University, Canada)
Analyzing Static and Temporal Properties of
Simulation Models
Mamadou Kaba Traoré (LIMOS CNRS UMR 6158, Blaise
Pascal University)
This paper shows how a simulation model can be
specified so that its static and temporal properties can be formally analyzed.
The approach adopted is based on the integration of Formal Methods (FMs) and
the DEVS paradigm. FMs are known to allow symbolic manipulation and reasoning,
while DEVS is known as being a well-establish Modeling and Simulation
(M&S) framework. Combining them makes it possible to develop rigorous
proofs of the properties of simulation models as regard to design and use
requirements. This paper focuses on the so-called atomic specification. Static
aspects of the model are captured with the Z formalism, while dynamic aspects
are expressed in first order logic. The specification is supported by the
Z/EVES tool. A case study is exhibited.
A Neural Network Approach to the Validation of
Simulation Models
Jurgen Martens, Karl Pauwels, and Ferdi Put
(Catholic University of Leuven)
We tackle the problem of validating simulation models
using neural networks. We propose a neural-network-based method that first
learns key properties of the behaviour of alternative simulation models, and
then classifies real system behaviour as coming from one of the models. We
investigate the use of multi-layer perceptron and radial basis function
networks, both of which are popular pattern classification techniques. By a
computational experiment, we show that our method successfully allows to
distinguish valid from invalid models for a multiserver queueing system.
A Prescriptive Technique for V&V of Simulation
Models When No Real-Life Data Are Avaiable
Leonardo Chwif and Paulo
Sérgio Muniz Silva (Unifieo) and Lúcio Mitio Shimada (PETROBRAS)
Verification and Validation (V&V) is a key process
to guarantee that any model represents adequately a given system. Although no
one can guarantee a 100% valid model, it is possible to increase model
confidence by the utilization of V&V techniques. There are many V&V
techniques which have a descriptive nature (they tell us what to do but not
how to do it). There are also prescriptive techniques, that tell us how to do
it, but in simulation practice they are underused. The main goal of this paper
is based on Kleijnen (1999) procedure. It is to propose a prescriptive V&V
technique that is simple enough for practical application and, because of its
procedural nature, it could be easily built into any simulation software, thus
enabling the automation of the V&V process. This approach was also applied
to some test problems confirming its feasibility.
Tuesday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Agent Based Simulation
Maria Hybinette (University of Georgia, USA)
Efficient Agent-Based Simulation Framework for
Multi-Node Supercomputers
Toshihiro Takahashi and Hideyuki Mizuta
(Tokyo Research Laboratory, IBM Research)
In recent years the importance of a large-scale
Agent-Based Simulation(ABS) that can handle large complex systems is
increasing. We developed a large-scale ABS framework on BlueGene, which is a
multi-node supercomputer. The ABS processes the agents' communications. When
the number of transmissions among the agents is large, the transmission costs
seriously affect the performance of the simulation. It is possible to reduce
the amount of transmission among the nodes by clustering the agents which
communicate heavily with each other. Assuming that an agent is a graph node,
and that a data transmission between agents is a graph edge, this problem can
be formulated as a Maximum-Flow and Minimum-Cut Problem. In this paper we
present an efficient algorithm to find an approximate solution. Our algorithm
is reliable, simple, and needs little computation. We demonstrate its
beneficial effects with some experiments.
SASSY: A Design for a Scalable Agent-Based
Simulation System Using a Distributed Discrete Event
Maria Hybinette, Eileen Kraemer, Yin Xiong, Glenn
Matthews, and Jaim Ahmed (The University of Georgia)
The PDES literature offers a rich set of techniques for
distributed and efficient simulation. However, there is a growing need for
simulators that support agent-based applications, and PDES systems are not
always well suited for these applications. Example agent-based applications
include simulation of biological systems such as ants and bees, multi-robot
systems and battlefield simulations. The robotics research community has
developed agent-based simulators that provide useful APIs for agent
applications. However, such simulators have performance limitations, and they
do not scale well. Our approach is to provide middleware between an
agent-based API and a PDES simulation kernel. The result is a simulation
system that offers an agent-based API for the programmer to a high performance
PDES system. Here we describe our design and initial implementation of SASSY,
the Scalable Agents Simulation System. We describe our initial implementation
and compare the design with related approaches.
Multi-Agent Learning Model with
Haiyan Qiao, Jerzy Rozenblit, Ferenc Szidarovszky, and
Lizhi Yang (University of Arizona)
Decision problems with the features of prisoner's
dilemma are quite common. A general solution to this kind of social dilemma is
that the agents cooperate to play a joint action. The Nash bargaining solution
is an attractive approach to such cooperative games. In this paper, a
multi-agent learning algorithm based on the Nash bargaining solution is
presented. Different experiments are conducted on a testbed of stochastic
games. The experimental results demonstrate that the algorithm converges to
the policies of the Nash bargaining solution. Compared with the learning
algorithms based on a non-cooperative equilibrium, this algorithm is fast and
its complexity is linear with respect to the number of agents and number of
iterations. In addition, it avoids the disturbing problem of equilibrium
Wednesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Modeling Methodologies for
Manufacturing and Business
Chair: Mike Pidd (Lancaster University,
Assessment of the NIST Shop Data Model as a
Neutral File Format
Greg Harward (ProModel Corporation) and Charles
Harrell (Brigham Young University)
This paper evaluates the shop data model (SDM) being
developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in
terms of its viability as a neutral file format (NFF) for the discrete-event
simulation (DES) of manufacturing systems. ProModel simulation software served
as the test case for this evaluation. Observations are also provided regarding
the challenges that simulation vendors might encounter when implementing the
proposed NIST SDM. This paper shows that the NIST SDM doesn’t pose any
limitations which would prevent it from syntactically representing a
manufacturing simulation model, however, it is not without certain challenges
and difficulties. While only 28% of the ProModel data elements are currently
supported by the SDM, future enhancements to the SDM should allow the
information model to serve as a foundation upon which a common information
model and NFF for the DES industry could be built.
Modelling and Simulation of Human Decision-Making in
Manufacturing Systems
Gert Zülch (University of Karlsruhe -
ifab-Institute of Human and Industrial Engineering)
The simulation of manufacturing processes mainly
focuses on the structure of machinery resources and the flow of material, but
the inclusion of the personnel in the simulation model is only slowly gaining
in importance. When personnel resources are modelled, merely the operative
tasks are represented. However, as a result of modern manufacturing concepts,
worker decisions at a workshop level are becoming more and more important.
This article deals with various concepts for the modelling of human decisions
in manufacturing systems, namely from human decision makers as passive
resources over the modelling of decisions based on global rules to the
modelling of active decision makers with individual, locally valid
decision-making rules. Each of these various types of modelling will be
elucidated using an application example.
A Dynamic Business Model for Component-Based
Simulation Software
Stephan Onggo, Didier Soopramanien, and Mike
Pidd (Lancaster University Management School)
Firms, investors, venture capitalists, market analysts
and the government, amongst others, are interested in the future evolution and
dynamics of a market as it defines their role/participation or future
role/participation. This paper proposes a business model showing how the
interactions of various actors in the market influence the "demand" and
"supply" interaction for an application based software; more specifically
component based simulation. In the process we also show how the main
stakeholders may gain some financial benefits by adopting the component-based
simulation for business decisions in the long run. We identify four main
stakeholders: component users, component providers, certification providers,
and repository providers. A system dynamic model is built to show the
interaction between the two main stakeholders.
Wednesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Modeling Methodologies for Specific
Chair: Navonil Mustafee (Brunel Univesity, UK)
A Data-Integrated Nurse Activity Simulation
Durai Sundaramoorthi, Victoria C. P. Chen, Seoung B. Kim, Jay
M. Rosenberger, and Deborah F. Buckley-Behan (The University of Texas at
This research develops a data-integrated approach for
constructing simulation models based on a real data set provided by Baylor
Regional Medical Center (Baylor) in Grapevine, Texas. Tree-based models and
kernel density estimation were utilized to extract important knowledge from
the data for the simulation. Classification and Regression Tree model, a data
mining tool for prediction and classification, was used to develop two tree
structures: a) a regression tree, from which the amount of time a nurse spends
in a location is predicted based on factors, such as the primary diagnosis of
a patient and the type of nurse; and b) a classification tree, from which
transition probabilities for nurse movements are determined. Kernel density
estimation is used to estimate the continuous distribution for the amount of
time a nurse spends in a location. Merits of using our approach for Baylor's
nurse activity simulation are discussed.
Using Anecdotal Information to Model the Availability
of an Existing Dynamometer System
Valerie G. Caryer Cook
(DaimlerChrysler / Lawrence Technological University)
Low-volume, custom-built or specialty equipment, by
nature, has little statistically significant data to predict system
availability over the equipment life. Their unique constructions are often
costly to purchase and install, and are equally costly to maintain. This paper
presents a practical method to estimate the availability of custom-built
equipment, using a custom 4wd NVH dynamometer system as an example. The
proposed method models the availability of an existing custom-built system
using anecdotal component information based on interviews with field service
personnel. The interview data is used to create estimated probability density
functions for the major components of the system. Component probability
density functions are assembled into a system model based on a derived system
reliability function. This technique provides a low-cost, quick, model of
system availability over time which can be used to assess the risk and cost
effectiveness of system maintenance strategies.
Computational Investigation of Quasirandom Sequences
in Generating Test Cases for Specification-Based Tests
Hongmei Chi
(Florida A&M University)
This paper presents work on generation of
specification-driven test cases based on quasirandom (low-discrepancy)
sequences instead of pseudorandom numbers. This approach is novel in software
testing. This enhanced uniformity of quasirandom sequences leads to faster
generation of test cases covering all possibilities. We demonstrate by
examples that quasirandom sequences can be a viable alternative to
pseudorandom numbers in generating test cases. In this paper, we present a
method that can generate test cases from a decision table specification more
effectively via quasirandom numbers. Analysis of a simple problem in this
paper shows that quasirandom sequences achieve better data than pseudorandom
numbers, and have the potential to converge faster and so reduce the
computational burden. The use of different quasirandom sequences for
generating test cases is presented in this paper.