WSC 2007 Final Abstracts |
Tuesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Aggregating Subsystem Models
Chair: Jerry Banks (Independent Consultant)
Clinic: Aggregating Subsystem Models Into an
Automotive Total Plant Throughput Model
Jeffrey Scott Miller, Randy
Combs, Earnest Foster, and Jeffrey Tew (General Motors), D. J. Medeiros
(Pennsylvania State University) and Onur M. Ulgen (Production Modeling
This paper presents problems encountered within the
simulation modeling community of General Motors when they are faced with the
requirement to verify all new plant designs for their entire global
manufacturing enterprise. Given that the body shop, paint shop, and general
assembly areas of an automotive plant are modeled independently in two
different simulation packages, we desire this clinic session to address issues
encountered when attempting to model the entire plant with one simulation
package. Obtaining accurate total plant throughput from this one model
representation is of interest. The paint shop, in particular, is modeled in a
3D simulation package and its results need to be represented correctly in
terms that are interoperable with a 2D simulation package.
Tuesday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Correlated Inputs
Chair: John
Carson II ()
Clinic: Correlated Inputs in an Automotive Paint
Shop Fire Risk Simulation
Debra Elkins (General Motors R&D
Center), Chris LaFleur (General Motors Corporate Risk Management), Earnest
Foster and Jeffrey Tew (General Motors R&D Center), Bahar Biller (Carnegie
Mellon University) and James R. Wilson (North Carolina State University)
General Motors (GM) has developed a first
proof-of-concept simulation model to explore impacts of various fire events in
automotive paint shop operations. The approach uses a chronological event tree
structure to assess effectiveness of various fire protection options to reduce
the potential for significant property damage and loss of production
capability. For confidentiality purposes, GM has disguised the numerical data
presented in this case study. GM is seeking advice from the simulation
community on modeling questions related to input distribution modeling, and
correlation structure among input random variables.