WSC 2007 Final Abstracts |
Monday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Applying Simulation to Health Care
Chair: Georgina Mellor (University of Southampton)
Can Health Care Benefit From Modeling and
Simulation in the Same Way as Business and Manufacturing Has?
Kujlis, Ray J. Paul, and Lampros Stergioulas (Brunel University)
It has been increasingly recognized that the
application of simulation methods can be instrumental in addressing the
multi-faceted challenges health care is facing at present and more importantly
in the future. But the application of these methods seems not to be as
widespread as in other sectors, where such methods when used as part of their
core operation, reap significant benefits. This paper examines the potential
use of modeling and simulation in health care, drawing the parallels and
marking the mismatches from the business and manufacturing world. Methods from
the latter sectors will be reviewed with the intention to assess their
potential usefulness to healthcare. To focus this discussion, we propose and
discuss seven axes of differentiation: patient fear of death; medical
practitioners (for example approach to healing, investigation by
experimentation and finance); healthcare support staff; health care managers;
political influence and control; ‘society’s view’; and utopia.
Towards a Framework for Healthcare
Tillal Eldabi and Terry Young (Brunel University)
The changing needs of healthcare provision around the
world are forcing service designers and decision makers to adopt new tools in
design and evaluation of processes. Apart from the pressure to deliver better
services from constrained resources, the increasing use of metrics to monitor
and manage care delivery, also means that service providers require a clearer
idea of how a service improve-ment will perform prior to implementation. In
turn, this opens up an opportunity for a much greater use of simulation and
modeling techniques, provided they can be set within an appropriate framework.
This paper discusses and describes a research project aimed at conducting
pilot work for developing a framework that facilitates joined up thinking and
enables integrative modeling. An approach to achieving such an end is
described and progress to date is reported. Since this is an ongoing project,
some of the latest results are presented at the conference.
Interconnected DES Models of Emergency, Outpatient,
and Inpatient Departments of a Hospital
Murat M. Gunal and Michael
Pidd (Lancaster University)
National Health Service (NHS) performance targets in
England have put pressure on hospital management to reduce waiting times. The
stochastic nature of emergency patient arrivals creates problems for capacity
planning for elective patients. We present a whole hospital model which can be
used at policy level to investigate cause and effect relations, such as
effects of increased emergency arrival volumes on elective waiting times. A
typical general hospital can be abstracted in three main units; Accident and
Emergency (A&E) department, outpatient clinics, and inpatient units. In
real life these units are coupled and share hospital resources. We developed
three discrete event simulation (DES) models for each unit to form a whole
hospital DES model. We present our models conceptually and our main discussion
is on the level of detail in these three models.
Monday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Clinical Models
Chair: Michael
Pidd (Lancaster University)
A Discrete Event Model of Clinical Trial
Enrollment at Eli Lilly and Company
Bernard M. McGarvey, Nancy J.
Dynes, Burch C. Lin, Wesley H. Anderson, James P. Kremidas, and James C. Felli
(Eli Lilly and Company)
Clinical trials constitute large, complex, and resource
intensive activities for pharmaceutical companies. Accurate prediction of
patient enrollment would represent a major step forward in optimizing clinical
trials. Currently models for patient enrollment that are both accurate and
fast are not available. We present a discrete event model of the patient
enrollment process that is accurate and uses relatively small CPU times. This
model is now being used on a regular basis to predict the enrollment of
patients for large trials with around 13,000 patients and has led to
significant reduction in the time it takes to make these predictions.
Important Factors in Screening for Colorectal
Reza Yaesoubi and Stephen Dean Roberts (North Carolina State
A complex, stochastic simulation model of Colorectal
Cancer (CRC) is examined through factor screening to determine which factors
in the model are important. The factor screening employs a Resolution IV 2k
Fractional Factorial experimental design. The factors are examined in terms of
their impact on cost, quality-adjusted life years (QALY), and cost per QALYs.
Out of 72 factors, eight factors were determined to be most important and
observed as "driving factors" in the CRC model. Surprisingly these factors
were consistently important for all outcomes. However the limitations of the
experimental design may have constrained the important factors to factors
related only to the natural history of the disease and therefore subject to
minimal control.
Roles for Autonomous Physiologic Agents; an
Oxygen Supply and Demand Example
Meyer Katzper (SIA)
In the study of physiologic systems control, lumped
parameter and differential equation techniques are standard approaches.
Application of these techniques to the study of oxygen supply to tissues is
discussed. It is then proposed that progress in dealing with heterogeneous
physiologic systems is likely to proceed from the techniques of agent based
modeling in the form of autonomous physiologic agents.
Tuesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Health Services
Chair: Stephen
Roberts (North Carolina State University)
Targeted Strategies for Tuberculosis in Areas of
High HIV Prevalence: A Simulation Study
Georgina Mellor and
Christine S. M. Currie (University of Southampton), Elizabeth Corbett (London
School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) and Russell C. H. Cheng (University
of Southampton)
We describe the analysis of a discrete event simulation
model of tuberculosis (TB) and HIV disease, parameterized to describe the dual
epidemics in Harare, Zimbabwe. The HIV epidemic in Sub-Saharan Africa is
particularly severe and has led to a significant rise in TB cases. We use the
model to evaluate new strategies for improved detection of TB cases in a high
HIV prevalence setting. The structure of the model and its validation will be
discussed, but the paper will focus on the analysis of the model output.
Improving Primary Care Access Using
Simulation Optimization
Hari Balasubramanian, Ritesh Banerjee, and
Melissa Gregg (Mayo Clinic) and Brian T. Denton (North Carolina State
Primary care providers (PCPs) provide the majority of
care patients receive during their lifetime. We consider the problem of
determining the size and composition of physician panels in primary care. A
physician's panel consists of a set of patients and each patient belongs to
one of many different health-related categories. Using real data collected at
the Mayo Clinic at Rochester, we propose a multi-period metaheuristic
simulation optimization model for determining the panel design of a set of
physicians working in a primary care environment. The model seeks to maximize
patient visits to their own providers, reduce waiting times, and minimize
An Approach to Hospital Planning and Design Using
Discrete Event Simulation
Ian William Gibson (Bovis Lend Lease)
Recent reports have established the need for change in
the US health system. Building projects can play an important role in enabling
change to support organizational objectives. The current major investment in
hospital construction in the US provides an opportunity to improve health
service. Planning and design of hospitals generally uses benchmarks and
experience without rigorous analysis of processes, resources and facility
requirements. This paper considers an improved approach to planning and design
of hospitals by using Discrete Event Simulation (DES) to enable improvement in
the quality and productivity of health services and an improved workplace for
Tuesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Outpatient and ED Models
Chair: Murat Gunal (Lancaster University)
Bi-criteria Evaluation of an Outpatient Surgery
Procedure Center Via Simulation
Todd R. Huschka (Mayo Clinic),
Brian T. Denton (North Carolina State University) and Serhat Gul and John W.
Fowler (Arizona State University)
Surgical services require the coordination of many
activities, including patient check-in and surgical preparation, surgery, and
recovery after surgery. Each of these activities requires the availability of
resources including staff, operating rooms, and intake and recovery beds.
Furthermore, each of these activities has substantial uncertainty in their
duration. The combination of a complex resource constrained environment, and
uncertainty in the duration of activities, creates challenging scheduling
problems. In this study we report on a discrete event simulation model of an
outpatient surgical suite, and investigate the impact of several sequencing
and scheduling heuristics on competing performance criteria.
"See and Treat" or "See" and "Treat" in an
Emergency Department
Ruth M. Davies (University of Warwick)
"See and Treat" in an Emergency Department combines the
process of patient assessment with treatment in the expectation that it will
increase patient throughput and decrease queuing. This paper describes an
evaluation of the flow of minor emergencies in an Emergency Department in the
UK that had partially implemented "See and Treat" and was planning to
reorganize the department yet again to reseparate the activities of assessment
and treatment. A discrete event simulation indicated that the proposed system
in which "See" and "Treat" were separated improved patient throughput and was
likely to be more cost-effective. There were difficulties in obtaining
credible data for the analysis, though this was mitigated by using the same
distributions, for the analysis of both of the systems. With increasing
pressure to introduce industrial concepts, such as Lean, to the health sector,
simulation provides a means of assessing expensive and disruptive changes
before implementation.
Modeling of Patient Flows in a Large-scale
Outpatient Hospital Ward by Making Use of Electronic Medical
Soemon Takakuwa (Nagoya University) and Daisuke Katagiri
(Daifuku Co., Ltd.)
All departments of an outpatient hospital ward of
Nagoya University hospital were simulated to examine patient flows and
congestion. The method of gathering the required data on times for all
outpatients and their routes is described in the performing simulation,
especially by making use of the electronic medical records. An outpatient
visits one or more clinical departments and/or one or more test/inspection
rooms, the reception area, and the payment department. In this procedure, a
series of data of terminal units and of test/inspection terminals was used to
obtain the required input data for performing simulation as well as the
electronic medical records. It was found that the proposed procedure was quite
effective to perform a simulation of a large-scale hospital to examine patient
flows by applying an actual case.
Tuesday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Epidemic Models
Chair: Douglas
Roberts (Research Triangle Institute)
A Hybrid Epidemic Model: Combining the Advantages
of Agent-based and Equation-based Approaches
Georgiy V. Bobashev,
D. Michael Goedecke, and Feng Yu (RTI International) and Joshua M. Epstein
(Brookings Institution)
Agent-based models (ABMs) are powerful in describing
structured epidemiological processes involving human behavior and local
interaction. The joint behavior of the agents can be very complex and tracking
the behavior requires a disciplined approach. At the same time, equation-based
models (EBMs) can be more tractable and allow for at least partial analytical
insight. However, inadequate representation of the detailed population
structure can lead to spurious results, especially when the epidemic process
is beginning and individual variation is critical. In this paper, we
demonstrate an approach that combines the two modeling paradigms and
introduces a hybrid model that starts as agent-based and switches to
equation-based after the number of infected individuals is large enough to
support a population-averaged approach. This hybrid model can dramatically
save computational times and, more fundamentally, allows for the mathematical
analysis of emerging structures generated by the ABM.
A Stochastic Equation-Based Model of the Value of
International Air-Travel Restrictions for Controlling Pandemic
D. Michael Goedecke, Georgiy V. Bobashev, and Feng Yu (RTI
International air travel can be an important
contributing factor to the global spread of infectious diseases, as evidenced
by the outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome in 2003. Restrictions on
air travel may therefore be one response to attempt to control a widespread
epidemic of a disease such as influenza. We present results from a stochastic,
equation-based, global epidemic model which suggest that air travel
restrictions often provide only a slight delay in the epidemic. This delay may
give valuable time in which to implement other disease control strategies;
however, if other strategies are not implemented, the use of travel
restrictions alone may lead to a more severe epidemic than if they had not
been imposed. Our results also indicate that the particular network of cities
chosen for modeling can have a great influence on the model results.
A Flexible, Large-scale, Distributed Agent Based
Epidemic Model
Jon Parker (Brookings Institution)
We describe a distributed agent based epidemic model
that is capable of easily simulating several hundred million agents. The model
is adaptable to shared-memory and distributed-memory architectures. Several
problems are addressed to enable the distributed simulation: allocation of
agents to available compute nodes, periodic synchronization of compute nodes,
and efficient communication between compute nodes. We assert that our modeling
scheme is easily adaptable to different hardware environments and does not
require large investments in performance tuning or special case coding.
Tuesday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Spatial Epidemic Models
Georgiy Bobashev (Research Triangle Insitute)
Simulating Pandemic Influenza Risks of U.S.
Catherine Dibble, Stephen Wendel, and Kristofor Carle
(University of Maryland)
We describe the spatial Agent-Based Computational
Laboratory that we have developed to study the pandemic influenza risks of US
cities. This research presented a series of interesting challenges, from the
uncertainty surrounding the future epidemiological characteristics of a
human-transmission H5N1 strain of pandemic influenza, to the need to provide
timely decision-support despite modeling a country with a population of 300
million individuals. In order to provide time-sensitive policy analyses, we
implemented a light-and-fast agent-based model of the spatial and temporal
spread of pandemic influenza, which uses a novel compression technique to
analyze large numbers of agents. We assessed the impact of parameter
uncertainty and of stochastic behavior via very large numbers of simulations.
To facilitate this, we developed a parallel job controller that tests
combinations of disease scenarios, and a platform-independent job-submission
application that harnesses the computational resources of high-performance
computing environments ranging from local clusters up through TeraGrid
A Teragrid-enabled Distributed Discrete Event
Agent-based Epidemiological Simulation
Douglas Roberts and Diglio
A. Simoni (RTI International)
We discuss design issues related to the transformation
of a mature Agent-Based Model (ABM) for computational epidemiology into a
“grid-aware” version. EpiSims is a distributed discrete event ABM that has
been in production for nearly a decade. Working under a grant from the
National Science Foundation and the NIH (NIGMS) funded MIDAS project, we are
reengineeriing EpiSims to run as a single job on multiple Linux clusters on
the NSF T
Utilizing Model Characteristics to Obtain Efficient
Parallelization in the Context of Agent-based Epidemilogical
Steven Naron (Independent Consultant) and Segev Wasserkrug
(IBM Research)
There exist many problem agnostic frameworks and
algorithms for parallel simulation. However, creating parallel simulation
models that take advantage of characteristics specific to either the problem
domain or specific model can create significant performance benefits. This
article provides an overview of general frameworks and algorithms for
paralleling simulation execution, and also demonstrates two ways in which
assumptions underlying the implementations of epidemiological models can be
used to enable such parallelization in an efficient manner. These examples are
based on planning and developing agent-based models activities carried out as
part of the NIH's MIDAS (Models of Infectious Disease Agent Study) family of
Wednesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Hospital Strategic Management
Chair: Hari Balasubramanian (Mayo Clinic)
Simulating the Patient Move: Transitioning to a
Replacement Hospital
Marshall Ashby, Martin Miller, David M.
Ferrin, and Tanner Flynn (FDI Simulation)
One of the more complex maneuvers a hospital system can
perform is moving an entire patient population from an old facility to a
replacement facility. All patients must be transported via ambulance or van to
a new replacement hospital. This requires massive resources, permits,
cooperation of local government, and often assistance from neighboring
hospitals. This study utilized simulation to determine optimal resources,
routing, and timing for the movement of almost 600 inpatients from two
different facilities to a new replacement facility. Potential resource
constraints of specialized move teams, ambulances, and other staffing
constraints were explored to predict and reduce the likelihood of
complications during the two day patient move.
Maximizing Hospital Finanacial Impact and
Emergency Department Throughput with Simulation
David M. Ferrin and
Martin Miller (FDI Simulation) and Diana McBroom (Carondelet St. Mary’s
Carondelet St. Mary's Hospital (Tucson, Arizona), the
Ascension Health Operations Resource Group and FDI Simulation team worked
collaboratively to improve hospital flow and increase access to care by
implementing process improvements based on simulation that reduced the
Emergency Center (EC) length of stay by 7%, increased the EC monthly volume by
5%, increased the inpatient daily census by 20% and improved the hospital net
operating margin by 1.3% above budget. This paper demonstrates simulation's
unique ability to direct improvement efforts for maximum impact operationally,
financially and for the best benefit of the patient.
Merging Six Emergency Departments Into One: A
Simulation Approach
Martin Miller, David M. Ferrin, Marshall Ashby,
and Tanner Flynn (FDI Simulation) and Niloo Shahi (LAC+USC Healthcare Network)
Simulation of existing systems can reinforce a Subject
Matter Expert’s gut feelings. However, it is more difficult to develop
intuition for proposed systems, particularly when considering the
consolidation of multiple systems. This paper discusses the use of simulation
to determine the operational ramifications of combining six Emergency
Departments into one of the largest in the country. Each of these six existing
Emergency Departments serve a different type of patient population and each
maintains their own independent processes. This hospital required all
Emergency Departments to effectively function using the same floor space,
processes and ancillary services, such as testing facilities, waiting rooms,
and registration. Healthcare planners need to understand the ramifications of
sharing resources among multiple departments and the operational impact of
high volume systems. This project explored these challenges to find key
bottlenecks and mitigation strategies using
Wednesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Improving Health Care Operations
Chair: Andrew Seila (University of Georgia)
Comparing Simulation Alternatives Based on Quality
Joshua Bosire and Shengyong Wang (Binghamton
University (SUNY)), Tejas Gandhi (Virtua Health) and Krishnaswami Srihari
(Binghamton University (SUNY))
Computed Tomography (CT) is one of the fastest growing
diagnostic imaging procedures. Rapid advances in imaging technologies in
conjunction with their widening adoption are some of the issues that are
compelling healthcare providers to restructure their systems as they seek to
offer a higher quality of care to a growing volume of patients. This paper
presents the application of simulation to facilitate the planning of a new CT
facility for a hospital. The objective of the study was to evaluate how
patient experience would be impacted by proposed design options. Waits for
service were utilized as a parameter to quantify the patients’ quality
expectations, and hence the satisfaction derived from the healthcare services
received. This study was also intended to clarify whether an additional
CT-scan unit was a necessity to improving the patients’ experience.
Effect of Coupling between Emergency Department and
Inpatient Unit on the Overcrowding in Emergency Department
Michael Wilhelm Kolb, Taesik Lee, and Jordan Peck (MIT Park Center for Complex
Emergency Department (ED) overcrowding has become a
common problem in the United States as well as other developed nations,
threatening the safety of patients who rely on timely emergency treatment.
Volume of high-acuity patients and the volume of patients that are later
admitted to the inpatient unit (IU) are factors reported as major causes of ED
overcrowding. These two factors can be interpreted to represent the strength
of the interaction between an ED and its associated IU. In addition to
confirming the observations reported in previous studies, we were able to use
discrete event simulation to characterize the relationship between IU
utilization and ED crowding: it was found that the sensitivity of ED
overcrowding with respect to IU utilization depends on the degree of coupling
between the two units. Our findings have potential implications in guiding a
hospital's effort to optimize their system.