WSC 2007 Final Abstracts |
Manufacturing Applications Track
Monday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Productivity Improvement
Charles McLean (National Insitute of Standards and
Manufacturing Process Management Using a Flexible
Modeling and Simulation Approach
Duilio Curcio, Francesco Longo,
and Giovanni Mirabelli (University of Calabria)
The focus of this paper is a manufacturing system
placed in Calabria (Italy) which produces high pressure hydraulic hoses. The
objective is to implement a simulator to be used both for carrying out
specific analysis devoted to increase system efficiency and for supporting the
manufacturing process management (implementation of all the features required
for using real time the simulator). After the modeling phase, the simulation
model has been validated comparing simulation results with real system
performances. In this paper the authors test tool potentials investigating
system behavior under different scenarios obtained varying manufacturing
departments configuration. The utilization degree of each manufacturing
department and its daily production measure system performance.
Application of Design of Experiments on the
Simulation of a Process in an Automotive Industry
Jose Arnaldo
Barra Montevechi (Universidade Federal de Itajuba) and Alexandre Ferreira de
Pinho, Fabiano Leal, and Fernando Augusto Silva Marins (Universidade Estadual
The objective of this article is to apply the Design of
experiments technique along with the Discrete Events Simulation technique in
an automotive process. The benefits of the design of experiments in simulation
include the possibility to improve the performance in the simulation process,
avoiding trial and error to seek solutions. The methodology of the conjoint
use of Design of Experiments and Computer Simulation is presented to assess
the effects of the variables and its interactions involved in the process. In
this paper, the efficacy of the use of process mapping and design of
experiments on the phases of conception and analysis are confirmed.
Productivity Improvement in Appliance
Charles Harrell (Brigham Young University) and Bruce
Gladwin (ProModel Corporation)
Simulation can be a useful tool when analyzing complex
manufacturing systems to help sort through cause-and-effect relationships and
gain a better understanding of what is actually causing a particular problem
in the system. Once cause-and-effect relationships are identified, changes for
improvement can be made more intelligently and then verified using simulation.
This paper describes an application in which simulation was used to identify
the bottleneck of a dishwasher tub manufacturing line. Engineers were then
able to determine and verify a solution to the bottleneck which resulted in an
annual cost savings of $275,000.
Monday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Lean Manufacturing
Chair: Charles
Standridge (Grand Valley State University)
Using Multicriteria Modeling and Simulation to
Achieve Lean Goals
Gerald W. Evans and Suraj M. Alexander
(University of Louisville)
Lean principles require the identification of an ideal
system state along with an associated policy to achieve that state. This paper
discusses the use of multi-criteria models in conjunction with optimization
procedures and simulation in order to identify an ideal system state and
associ-ated policy. An illustration involving the determination of a
replenishment policy for a distribution system is described.
"Pull" Replenishment Performance as a Function of
Demand Rates and Setup Times Under Optimal Settings
Silvanus T.
Enns (University of Calgary)
The problem of optimizing decision variables in a
single-stage replenishment loop with capacity-constrained batch processing is
examined. Simulation and response surface methods are used to model total
inventory and delivery performance for a continuous-review reorder point
system and a single-card Kanban system. Performance tradeoff curves based on
optimal settings are created using non-linear optimization. The area under
these curves is used as a single response for comparison. If tradeoff curves
are experimentally replicated, main and interaction effects can also be
statistically analyzed. Results show that under time-varying demand the
reorder point system performs slightly better. Improvements in performance
with setup time reduction are similar for both systems.
Measuring Manufacturing Throughput using Takt Time
Analysis and Simulation
Jun Duanmu and Kevin Taaffe (Clemson
This paper is motivated by a case study performed at a
company that manufactures two main types of customized products. In an effort
to significantly increase their throughput capability, the company created a
new production scheme based on takt time calculations. To achieve a smooth
flow of production, they desired low Work In Process (WIP) inventory in order
to make all components move simultaneously. However, the order of operations
in key shared resources implies that a simple takt time calculation cannot
provide enough information in determining achievable throughput. The process
includes several parallel assembly lines that converge to common resources. In
certain cases, these components are joined into one unit; in other cases the
components split again for further customization. We attempt to improve
throughput using a combination of takt time and simulation by understanding
how each stage of the system interacts with other stages.
Monday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Automation and Material Handling
Chair: Jun Duanmu (Clemson University)
Modeling and Simulation of Hard Disk Dive Final
Assembly Using a HDD Template
Ahad Ali (Lawrence Technological
University) and Robert De-Souza (The Logistics Institute - Asia Pacific)
A HDD template is designed and developed for modeling
and simulation for final assembly of hard disk drive (HDD) manufacturing using
Arena. The designed HDD template is a high flexibility and good performance at
an internal supply chain level and self-development and improves the system
performance significantly. It is developed the intelligent based dynamic
machine knowledge, which can capture dynamic based activities with fuzzy
system. The study shows how modeling and simulation tools can be used and
integrated to implement highly automated systems for industrial processes and
deal with flexible products. In such context we designed and developed a
prototype for the final assembly of hard disk drive with dynamic and static
Evaluation of Operational Policies in
the Design Phase of Material Handling Networks
Ardavan Asef-Vaziri
(California State University, Northridge)
We compare quality of solution and solution times of
alternative operational dispatching policies that are integrated into the
design phase of a material handling network for automated guided vehicle
systems. Exact formulations describe the problem of optimal concurrent design
of the unidirectional loop track layout along with the locations of the pickup
and drop-off stations. The objective is to minimize the total loaded and empty
vehicle trip distances, which is the main driver of the fleet size of the
vehicles. A primary interest of our work is to illustrate the superiority of
the shortest-trip-distance-first (STDF) over the first-come-first-served
(FCFS) when integrated into the design phase. We also show that optimization
under STDF in the design phase produces the best solution for
first-encountered-first-served (FEFS) in the operation phase. The findings of
the optimization models in the design phase are supported by the outcomes of
the simulation model in the operation phase.
Simulation of Continuous Behavior Using Discrete
Tools: Ore Conveyor Transport
Marcelo Moretti Fioroni and Luiz
Augusto G. Franzese (Paragon Tecnologia), Jose Furia, Luciano de Toledo
Perfetti, Donizeti Leonardo, and Nilson Laudelino da Silva (Companhia
Siderurgica Paulista) and Caio Eduardo Zanin (Paragon Tecnologia)
The modeling of systems mixing discrete and continuous
behavior is a challenge for model builders. Sometimes, the continuous part is
important, but small near the complex decision making situation involved, and
the requirement to learn new tools to model that continuous part is an
obstacle that delays the project. This paper presents a technique to model
continuous behavior using just discrete modeling elements. The technique was
applied to model the conveyor network of a great steelmaking company in
Brazil, and the results proved that this technique is valid.
Tuesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Resource Planning
Chair: Gerald
Evans (University of Louisville)
Establishing Man-machine Ratio Using
Hoay Hoon Ong (Intel Technology Sdn. Bhd.)
Effective use of machines and headcounts is essential
in manufacturing for high return of investment from expensive resources in
today competitive business environment. It is thus crucial to establish
optimal man-machine ratio to gain high resource utilization and output. In
this paper, we discuss the deficiency of traditional static methods and how
simulation can be applied to overcome this deficiency in order to establish
optimal man-machine ratio. In addition, we discuss using simulation to
facilitate decision making on headcount movement from non-constraint tool to
constraint tool to boost productivity of constraint tool, and ultimately
increase overall factory output.
Paintshop Production Line Optimization Using
Response Surface Methodology
Berna Dengiz (Baskent University) and
Onder Belgin (National Productivity Center of Turkey)
This paper deals with the problem of determining the
optimum number of workstations to be used in parallel and workers at some
stations using simulation optimization approach in a paint shop line of an
automotive factory in Ankara, Turkey. In the optimization stage of the study
Response Surface Methodology (RSM) is used to find the optimum levels of
considered factors. Simulation model and optimization stage integration is
used both to analyse the performance of the current paint shop line and
determine the optimum working conditions, respectively, with reduced cost,
time and effort.
A Test Implementation of the Core Manufacturing
Simulation Data Specification
Marcus Johansson (Chalmers University
of Technology), Swee Leong (National Institute of Standards and Technology),
Bjorn Johansson and Anders Skoogh (Chalmers University of Technology), Frank
Riddick (National Institute of Standards and Technology), Par Klingstam (Volvo
Car Corporation) and Y. Tina Lee and Guodong Shao (National Institute of
Standards and Technology)
This paper describes an effort of testing the Core
Manufacturing Simulation Data (CMSD) information model as a neutral data
interface for a discrete event simulation model developed using Enterprise
Dynamics. The implementation is based upon a model of a paint shop at a Volvo
Car Corporation plant in Sweden. The model is built for a Swedish research
project (FACTS), which focuses on the work procedure of developing new and
modified production systems. FACTS has found standardized simulation data
structures to be of high interest to achieve efficient data collection in
conceptual stages of production development programs. For the CMSD-development
team, implementations serve as an approach to validate the structures in CMSD
and to gather requirements for future enhancements. CMSD was originally
developed to support job shops, but the results of this implementation
indicate a good possibility to extend CMSD to also support flow shops.
Tuesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Warehousing and Distribution
Chair: S.T. Enns (University of Calgary)
Modeling and Simulation of Retrieving
Chin Yung Shih (University of Sao Paulo) and Jose Hamilton
Chaves Gorgulho Junior (Federal University of Itajuba)
This paper presents a model of Parts Distribution
Center (PDC), developed in Arena 5.0, which aims at providing information
about the total time of the retrieving process as the system is working under
unexpected situations. This time is influenced by several variables such as
shelves dimensions, routing velocity and mass of the parts. Elaborated
solutions are presented to model those variables emphasizing the route, which
is considered as the main factor that influences the process time. The results
obtained in simulations make understandable the dynamic system and are also
capable of supporting managers in decisions such as estimating the required
number of employees responsible to order consolidation.
Determining Safety Stocks in the Presence of
Workload-dependent Lead Times
Seza Orcun (Purdue University), Sila
Cetinkaya (Texas A&M University) and Reha Uzsoy (Purdue University)
Most classical stochastic inventory models assume that
replenishment lead times are independent of the amount of orders placed. This
assumption is clearly problematic in capacitated production systems, where
queueing models show that mean cycle time is a nonlinear increasing function
of resource utilization. We use a simulation environment created for rapid
prototyping of supply chains to examine the problem of setting safety stocks
in environments with workload-dependent lead times. We show that even when
extensive historical data is used, conventional approaches to setting safety
stocks fail to provide the desired service level when lead times are
load-dependent, and suggest directions for future research.
A Hybrid Inventory Control System Approach Applied
to the Food Industry
David Claudio, Jie Zhang, and Ying Zhang (The
Pennsylvania State University)
The appropriate production and inventory control policy
is a key factor for modern enterprises' success in competitive environment. In
the food industry, most of food manufacturers adopt the make-to-order policy
to improve their punctuality and flexibility, while some scholars provided
other different opinions. This study provides a hybrid policy combining a
make-to-order push strategy with priority with a make-to-stock pull strategy.
In this policy, the pull strategy is considered for the regular demands while
customers who tell their demand needs in advance are treated with a push
strategy and are given a higher priority than those who don't share
information. Through a set of simulation experiments by AutoMod model, this
policy is proved to be of great efficiency, effectiveness and applicability.