WSC 2007 Final Abstracts |
Military Applications Track
Monday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Military Keynote
Chair: J.A.
Hamilton, Jr. (Auburn University)
Military Keynote Address
John C. Deal
(BAE Systems Inc.)
Military keynote address delivered by John C. Deal,
Vice President of the Systems Engineering Electronics and Integrated Solutions
Operating Group at BAE Systems Inc.
Monday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
UAV Simulation
Chair: Yan Gu
(Georgia Institute of Technology)
Validating a Network Simulation Testbed for Army
Stephen Samuel Hamilton and Timothy Schmoyer (United States
Military Academy) and John Hamilton (Auburn University)
Auburn University, through the Army's Aviation and
Missile Research, Development and Engineering Center (AMRDEC) has been
supporting the Unmanned Systems Initiative (USI) program in three research
areas related to unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). A major element in this work
is the development of a high fidelity modeling and simulation testbed to
support the USI program. This paper describes the testbed and the verification
and validation of the testbed.
Simulation-aided Path Planning of
Farzad Kamrani and Rassul Ayani (Royal Institute of Technology
The problem of path planning for Unmanned Aerial
Vehicles (UAV) with a tracking mission, when some a priori information about
the targets and the environment is available can in some cases be addressed
using simulation. Sequential Monte Carlo Simulation can be used to assess the
state of the system and target when the UAV reaches the area of responsibility
and during the tracking task. This assessment of the future is then used to
compare the impact of choosing different alternative paths on the expected
value of the detection time. A path with a lower expected value of detection
time is preferred. In this paper the details of this method is described.
Simulations are performed by a special purpose simulation tool to show the
feasibility of this method and compare it with an exhaustive search.
Self Organized UAV Swarm Planning Optimization for
Search and Destroy Using SWARMFARE Simulation
Dustin J. Nowak (Air
Force Institute of Technology), Ian Price (AEDC) and Gary B. Lamont (Air Force
Institute of Technology)
As military interest continues to grow for Unmanned
Aerial Vehicle (UAV) capabilities, the Air Force is exploring UAV autonomous
control, mission planning and optimization techniques. The SWARMFARE
simulation system allows for Evolutionary Algorithm computations of swarm
based UAV Self Organization (SO). Through Swarmfare, the capability exists to
evaluate guiding behaviors that allow autonomous control via independent agent
interaction with its environment. Current results show that through an
implementation of ten basic rules the swarm forms and moves about a space with
reasonable success. The next step is to focus on optimization of the
formation, traversal of the search space and attack. In this paper we cover
the capabilities, initial research results, and way ahead for this simulation.
Overall the SWARMFARE tool has established a sandbox in which it is possible
to optimize these and build new behaviors.
Monday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Military Communications
Susan Heath (Naval Postgraduate School)
Simulation of Army Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Richard Chapman, Drew Hamilton, Daniel Box, Stephen
Hamilton, Mark Kuhr, and Jonathan MacDonald (Auburn University)
We explore development of a high-fidelity simulation
testbed for various network architectures for communication between components
of tactical unmanned aerial systems, and for distribution of intelligence
gathered by these systems.
Applying Parallel and Distributed Simulation to Remote
Network Emulation
Yan Gu and Richard Fujimoto (Georgia Institute of
Many of today's military services and applications run
on geographically distributed sites and need to be tested and evaluated under
realistic scenarios with many unpredictable factors. A remote network
emulation framework called ROSENET is proposed that can meet this requirement
by using a remote parallel simulation server to model the wide area network
and a local network emulator to provide timely QoS predictions for real world
applications. This paper discusses problems faced in applying parallel and
distributed simulation technique for the remote network emulation. The
experimental results show that timeliness and remote accessibility are main
concerns in applying parallel simulation to remote network emulation.
Application of BML to Inter-agent Communication in
the ITSimBw Simulation Environment
Philipp Huegelmeyer (Bundesamt
fur Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik), Ulrich Schade (FGAN) and Thomas
Zoeller (Fraunhofer IAIS)
In this contribution we analyze communication
requirements of multi-agent simulation systems using ITSimBw - developed at
Fraunhofer IAIS - as an example. A focus is put on issues concerning
inter-agent communication but complementary aspects of user interaction and
coupling with C2 systems are also discussed. We propose an augmented version
of the battle management language BML as a communication protocol that
perfectly matches our communication requirements both syntactically as well as
on the semantic level. We furthermore explain how such BML messages are
processed by our system.
Tuesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Military Modeling
Chair: Arnold
Buss (Naval Postgraduate School)
Using a Low-resolution Entity Model for Shaping
Initial Conditions for High-resolution Combat Models
Darryl Ahner
(U.S. Army TRADOC Analysis Center-Monterey), Arnold H. Buss (Naval
Postgraduate School) and John Ruck (Rolands and Associates)
Determining the initial conditions for high-resolution
combat models presents a challenging modeling problem. These initial
conditions can have a major impact on the outcome of the analysis, and yet
there is a significant difficulty setting those conditions in a manner that
spans the important areas of the input factor space. This paper presents a
method for setting those initial conditions using a low-resolution,
entity-level combat model, Joint Dynamic Allocation of Fires and Sensors
(JDAFS). Like its predecessor DAFS, JDAFS models entities on the battlefield,
but to a lower degree of detail than most high-resolution combat models. This
allows substantial exploration of the input factor space, and can help make
the eventual high-resolution simulation runs more effective.
Model-based Measurement of Situation
W. Scott Neal Reilly and Sean L. Guarino (Charles River
Analytics, Inc.) and Bret Kellihan (DCS Corporation)
Decision making in complex environments in the face of
uncertain and missing information is a daunting task. We describe a modeling
and simulation based approach to providing planners, analysts, and decision
makers with a better understanding of the effect of imperfect information on
the reliability of decisions made in such situations. We use techniques
adopted from Sensitivity Analysis to evaluate the sensitivity of particular
decision-making procedures to the uncertainty associated with the information
that is being used to make the decision. We use this analysis to support the
development of more robust decision-making procedures and effective and
efficient information-gathering plans. We demonstrate how these tools can be
used in both on-line decision analysis and off-line decision evaluation and
development, and we describe how these tools can be used to support complex
simulation systems such as the U.S. Army's Modeling Architecture for
Technology and Research EXperimentation (MATREX).
A Simulation Model for Military
Ugur Ziya Yıldırım, Ihsan Sabuncuoglu, and Barbaros
Tansel (Bilkent University)
The Deployment Planning Problem (DPP) for military
units may in general be defined as the problem of planning the movement of
geographically dispersed military units from their home bases to their final
destinations using different transportation assets and a multimodal
transportation network while obeying the constraints of a time-phased force
deployment data describing the movement requirements for troops and equipment.
Our main contribution is to develop a GIS-based, object-oriented,
loosely-coupled, modular, platform-independent, multi-modal and
medium-resolution discrete event simulation model to test the feasibility of
deployment scenarios. While our simulation model is not a panacea for all, it
allows creation and testing the feasibility of a given scenario under
stochastic conditions and can provide insights into potential outcomes in a
matter of a few hours.
Tuesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Operational Use of Military
Chair: Alan Johnson (Air Force Institute of Technology)
Analyzing Air Combat Simulation Results with
Dynamic Bayesian Networks
Jirka Lauri Poropudas and Kai Matti
Virtanen (Helsinki University of Technology)
In this paper, air combat simulation data is
reconstructed into a dynamic Bayesian network. It gives a compact
probabilistic model that describes the progress of air combat and allows
efficient computing for study of different courses of the combat. This
capability is used in what-if type analysis that investigates the effect of
different air combat situations on the air combat evolution and outcome. The
utilization of the dynamic Bayesian network is illustrated by analyzing
simulation results produced with a discrete event air combat simulation model
called X-Brawler.
Integration of Underwater Sonar Simulation with a
Geographical Information System
Yanshen Zhu, Serge Sala-Diakanda,
Luis Rabelo, Jose A. Sepulveda, and Maria Teresa Bull (University of Central
This paper discusses the integration of a geographical
information system (GIS) with a simulation model of the sensors (active and
passive) used as components of a detection system on US Navy ships. The
simulation model is a tool developed to improve threat recognition, undersea
tactical awareness, countermeasure emissions, and counter-weapon fire control
that enables surface ships to survive a salvo of torpedo attacks. The model,
was implemented (2005-2006) in Java using AnyLogic?(by XJ Technologies). A
commercial GIS application provides data visualization, query, analysis, and
integration capabilities along with the ability to create and edit geographic
data. The simulation model runs and seamlessly gets geographical information
from ArcGIS (by ESRI corporation) in order to make decisions such as avoiding
a ship going aground. Statistics and animations are controlled by the
simulation software, while the maps and the movements of the environment
object above of the map is handled by ArcGIS.
Using Discrete Event Simulation to Examine Marine
Training at the Marine Corps Communication-Electronics School
W. Davenport, Charles R. Neu, William R. Smith, and Susan K. Heath (Naval Post
Graduate School)
This paper presents a discrete-event simulation model
used to explore various possibilities for improving the training continuum at
the Marine Corps Communication-Electronics School. The goal of the analysis is
to reduce the average waiting time experienced by Marines as they wait for
their formal training to commence. Results show that the implementation of
even the least beneficial of these improvements yields a 37 percent reduction
in waiting time. The best single change yields an 82 percent reduction. This
translates into a 30 day reduction in average waiting time per Marine. If all
improvements were implemented, a reduction of 88 percent could be achieved,
bringing the average waiting time per Marine down to less than 5 days.
Tuesday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Advanced Techniques in Military
Chair: Robert Owor (Albany State University)
A Knowledge-based Method for the Validation of
Military Simulation
Feiyan Min, Ping Ma, and Ming Yang (Harbin
Institute of Technology)
The validation of modern military simulation relies
heavily on the opinions of military experts, and it makes the validation task
exhaustive and time-consuming. The knowl-edge-based methods can be applied for
these problems. There are three kinds of knowledge sets in military simulation
validation, namely, domain knowledge, inference knowledge and validation task
knowledge. By analyzing the context of these knowledge, three types of
knowledge models are developed. Based on these knowledge models, the implement
of knowledge-based system is detailed. However, this validation system can be
practical for the validation of military simulation by enriching the knowledge
Blending Systems Engineering Principles and
Simulation-based Design Techniques to Facilitate Military Prototype
Stephanie J. Lackey and Johathan T. Harris (Naval Air
Warfare Center Training Systems Division) and Linda C. Malone and Denise M.
Nicholson (University of Central Florida)
Tactical communications represent a critical skill set
to military training at the individual service level and to the joint military
community. As the complexity of the operational environment increases, the
methods and devices employed to address tactical communications training
follow suit. One mitigation approach incorporates simulation tools by merging
live training elements with virtual, or simulated, training devices. Thus,
integrating live and virtual components is particularly important to the
tactical communications training domain. A logical step in the advancement of
live-to-virtual communications is the development of a device capable of
merging, managing, and allocating multiple requests for live radio resources
in a dynamic live, virtual, constructive configuration. This paper details the
application of systems engineering principles and simulation-based design to
the development of a prototype Integrated Live-to-Virtual Communications
Server. A detailed discussion of the developmental approach and its impact
upon cost, schedule, and technical risks is provided.
Feasibility Study of Variance Reduction in the
Logistics Composite Model
George P. Cole III, Alan W. Johnson, and
John O. Miller (Air Force Institute of Technology)
The Logistics Composite Model (LCOM) is a stochastic,
discrete-event simulation that relies on probabilities and random number
generators to model scenarios in a maintenance unit and estimate optimal
manpower levels through an iterative process. Models such as LCOM involving
pseudo-random numbers inevitably have a variance associated with the output of
the model for each run. Reducing this output variance can be costly in the
additional time needed for multiple replications. This research explores the
application of three different methods for reducing the variance of the
model's output. The methods include Common Random Numbers, Control Variates,
and Antithetic Variates. The result is a successful variance reduction in the
primary output statistics of interest using the application of the Control
Variates technique, as well as a methodology for the implementation of Control
Variates in LCOM.
Tuesday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Security in Military Simulation
Chair: Stephen Hamilton (United States Military
A Simulation Framework for Energy-efficient Data
Ziliang Zong, Kiranmai Bellam, and Xiao Qin (Auburn
University) and Yiming Yang (Intel Corporation)
High performance data grids increasingly become popular
platforms to support data-intensive applications. Reducing high energy
consumption caused by data grids is a challenging issue. Most previous studies
in grid computing focused on performance and reliability without taking energy
conservation into account. As such, designing energy-efficient data grids
system becomes highly desirable. In this paper, we propose a framework to
simulation energy-efficient data grids. We present an approach to integrating
energy-aware allocation strategies into energy-efficient data grids. Our
framework aims at simulating a data grid that can conserve energy for
data-intensive applications running on data grids.
An Elliptical Curve Cryptographic Algorithm for
Wireless RF Systems
Robert Steven Owor, Khalil Dajani, and
Zephyrinus Okonkwo (Albany State University) and John Hamilton (Auburn
In this paper, we propose a new asymmetric
cryptographic algorithm (HOOD CRYPT) based on the Elliptical Curve
Cryptographic approach. The algorithm describes how an orthogonal frequency
division multiplexing (OFDM) based RF wireless system can be encrypted using
planner matrix Elliptical Curve Cryptography (ECC). The newly described
asymmetric algorithm can be applied to the OFDM transmission scheme in the
design of more robust and secure cryptography in portable wireless devices. An
analysis of the proposed algorithm is made using the discrete logarithm
approach. Two methods, namely, Pollard's rho Attack and Index Calculus are
investigated with respect to the new algorithm. We found that our method makes
it even more difficult to break the ECC encryption.
Real-time Prediction in a Stochastic Domain Via
Similarity-based Data-mining
Timo Steffens and Philipp Huegelmeyer
(Fraunhofer IAIS)
This paper introduces an application and a methodology
to predict future states of a process under real-time requirements. The
real-time functionality is achieved by creating a Bayesian tree via
data-mining on agent-based simulations. The computationally expensive parts
are handled in an offline phase, while the online phase is computationally
cheap. In the offline phase the simulations are run and meaningful clusters of
states are identified by use of virtual attributes. Then the transition
probabilities between states of different clusters are organized in a Bayesian
tree. Finally, in the online phase similarity measures are used again in order
to classify query states into the clusters and to infer the probability of
future states. The application domain is the support of military units during
missions and maneuvers.