WSC 2007 Final Abstracts |
Public Systems Applications Track
Tuesday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Panel: Mass Egress and Evacuations
Chair: Russell Wooten (U.S. Department of Homeland Security)
Panel: Agent-based Modeling of Mass Egress and
Douglas A Samuelson (Serco), Matt Parker (ANSER),
Austin Zimmerman (Homeland Security Institute), Stephen Guerin, Joshua Thorp,
and Owen Densmore (Redfish Group) and Pat McCormick and Tom McCormick (Alpha
Informatics Ltd.)
We will discuss several recent advances in agent-based
modeling, with applications to mass egress and wide-area evacuations following
disasters. These advances include: efficiency improvements in specifying
people's identification and selection of exit routes, making it possible to
handle up to 70,000 people-agents; incorporation of new crowd movement
depiction ("Continuum Crowds") for greatly increased realism; efficient
real-time visualization depiction of the resulting behaviors; and including
the effects of communication and direction, on scales ranging from individual
facilities to metropolitan areas.
Wednesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Public Systems Modeling I
Chair: Grisselle Centeno (University of South
Simulation of Passenger Check-in at a Medium-sized
US Airport
Rajan Batta, Li Lin, Colin Drury, and Simone Appelt
(University at Buffalo (SUNY))
Delays in the check-in system at an airport vary with
times of the day, day of the week, and types of check-in modes chosen by the
passengers. Extensive data collection of the check-in system can be used to
build a simulation that helps predict these delays. This paper explains the
data collection process, simulation modeling, and scenario analysis for the
check-in procedure at the Buffalo Niagara International Airport. Results from
this study can be linked to other processes (security checkpoint and parking)
in order to obtain information on a passenger’s experience at the airport. The
goal of this study is to identify delays and create scenarios that will
improve the efficiency.
Advanced National Airspace Traffic Flow
George Hunter, Benjamin Boisvert, and Kris Ramamoorthy
(Sensis Corporation)
Traffic flow management in the National Airspace is an
important problem in our air transportation system. We have developed ProbTFM,
a traffic flow management evaluation platform and algorithmic solution.
ProbTFM works with existing traffic flow management tools and provides
probabilistic data modeling and decision making. ProbTFM forecasts airport and
airspace capacity and demand; and airport, airspace, and route congestion.
ProbTFM creates a list of high congestion, "critical" flights and recommends
delays or reroutes for specific flights. ProbTFM can be used as an evaluation
platform for advanced traffic flow management concepts, and to model today's
National Airspace System. In this paper we report on validation results and
how ProbTFM can be used to understand operational tradeoffs and inform policy
IRS Post-filing Processes Simulation Modeling: A
Comparison of DES with Econometric Microsimulation in Tax
Arnold Greenland (IBM Corporation), David Connors
(TranSystems), John Guyton (Internal Revenue Service), Erica Layne Morrison
(IBM Corporation) and Michael Sebastiani (Internal Revenue Service)
IRS Office of Research Headquarters measures and models
taxpayer burden, defined as expenditures of time and money by taxpayers to
comply with the federal tax system. In this research activity, IRS created two
microsimulation models using econometric techniques to enable the Service to
produce annual estimates of taxpayer compliance burden for individual and
small business populations. Additionally, a Discrete Event Simulation model
was developed to represent taxpayer activities and IRS administration in
post-filing processes. This paper discusses the development of the DES
Post-filing Model and compares microsimulation and DES approaches from the
perspectives of policy measurement, flexibility and reporting by IRS analysts.
The main strengths of microsimulation are robust segmentation of results and
the ability to support representation of imbedded, joint distributions in a
complex, structural model. The strengths of using DES are queuing capability
and increased flexibility to update the granularity of both the data and
process changes.
Wednesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Public Systems Modeling II
Chair: Russell Wooten (U.S. Department of Homeland Security)
Agent-based Modeling and Simulation of Wildland Fire
Xiaolin Hu and Yi Sun (Georgia State University)
Simulation of wildland fire suppression is useful to
evaluate deployment plans of firefighting resources and to experiment
different fire suppression strategies and tactics. Previous work of fire
suppression simulation uses analytical models based on a continuous space.
This paper presents a design of fire suppression simulation using a discrete
event agent model based on a discrete cellular space. We present a framework
of wildland fire suppression simulation and describe how firefighting agents
in direct attack, parallel attack, and indirect attack are modeled. Experiment
results are provided to demonstrate the agent models and to compare them in
different fire suppression scenarios.
Modeling and Simulation of Group Behavior in
E-government Implementation
Jiang Wu and Bin Hu (Huazhong
University of Science and Technology)
This study proposes a multi-agent modeling and
simulation approach using EGGBM (E-Government Group Behavior Model) to
research complex group behavior in E-government implementation. A multi-agent
simulation decision system based on Java-REPAST is developed for qualitative
validation to show that EGGBM is consistent with common sense. We give an
example of EGGBM application to show that EGGBM method can help
decision-makers choose appropriate decisions to improve the level of accepting
information technology (LAIT) of groups. Finally, we conclude that this
approach could provide a new attempt for the research of group behavior in
E-government organization.
Emergency Departments Nurse Allocation to Face a
Pandemic Influenza Outbreak
Florentino Rico, Ehsan Salari, and
Grisselle Centeno (University of South Florida)
This study proposes a nurse allocation policy to manage
patient overflow during a pandemic influenza outbreak. The objective is to
minimize the number of patients wait-ing in queue to be treated for the virus
while maximizing patient flow. The model is built using ARENA simulation
software and OptQuest heuristic optimization to propose various combinations
for the number of nurses needed for healthcare delivery. Results are compared
with a basic setting that closely emulates the resources and components in a
Veteran’s Hospital. The proposed method significantly reduces the number of
patients waiting in queue (between 4 to 37 percent on average) for the
simulated zones. ARENA process analyzer was used to evaluate various scenarios
for nurse availability. Sensitivity on the results for these changes was
tested by increasing the flow of patients through the system.