WSC 2007 Final Abstracts |
Simulation-based Scheduling Track
Monday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Applied Simulation-Based Scheduling
Chair: Anders Skoogh (Chalmers University of
A Simulation-based Framework for Quantifying the
Cold Regions Weather Impacts on Construction Schedules
Shahin, Simaan AbouRizk, and Yasser Mohamed (University of Alberta) and Siri
Fernando (The City of Edmonton, Drainage Services)
In cold regions, weather severity has a major impact on
construction activities carried out in the open, leading to significant
deviations from baseline schedules. Faced with weather uncertainty, setting up
the project baseline schedule, against which performance will be measured, can
be challenging. Construction planners often depend on their personal judgment
and experience to account for the scheduling impact of cold weather. Due to
variation in planners' experiences, the regions where their experience was
acquired, and the time of year when the planned project is to be executed, the
result can be widely differing plans between planners. This paper presents a
structured simulation-based approach that attempts to account for the cold
weather impacts on project schedule. This approach relies on generating
weather sequences similar to the existing historical weather data for the
project's geographical region. The impact on productivity and project schedule
can then be modeled, leading to consistent schedules.
Simulation Assisted Match-up Rescheduling of
Flexible Production Systems Subject to Execution Exceptions
Dangelmaier, Kiran R. Mahajan, and Mark Aufenanger (University of Paderborn)
and Thomas Seeger (Accenture)
An immense amount of research work has been done in the
areas of scheduling and re-scheduling of various types of manufacturing
systems. In this paper we present a simulation assisted approach to
rescheduling complex production system configurations subject to execution
exceptions. Issues like how to bring the deviation of a schedule due to
exceptions back to its original trajectory and how to do this in real-time
without affecting coordination problems on the shop floor are addressed. Our
results show that combining simulation and optimization for rescheduling
indeed helps to achieve both these objectives and that this approach proves to
be promising to help reduce chaos in today's dynamic manufacturing
Reflective Simulation for On-line Workload
Planning and Control
Roberto Revetria and Flavio Tonelli (DIPTEM
University of Genoa)
Since its beginning, simulation has been used to study
complex systems in order to infer on their future behavior, in this field
several applications have been made using it as off-line tool for strategic
level choices. In modern application, especially in the field of industrial
automation, on-line simulation has been extensively used for supporting
operative decision trough a classical schedule-simulate loop. The paper
presents an application of on-line simulation to the distribution logistics
sector: a department store is here controlled by on-line simulators able to
help decision maker to decide how many counters to kept opened or how many
people to use for shelves replenishment. Since this exercise could seriously
affect the performances of a real life department store, the methodology is,
in fact, very sensible to parameter settings, a nested simulator has been
implemented and used for algorithm fine tuning and critical parameter choice.
Monday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Simulation-Based Scheduling
Chair: Edward Williams (University of Michigan Dearborn)
Stochastic Rollout and Justification to Solve the
Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem
Ningxiong Xu and
Linda Nozick (Cornell University) and Orr Bernstein and Dean Jones (Sandia
National Labs)
The key question addressed by the resource-constrained
project scheduling problem (RCPSP) is to determine the start times for each
activity such that precedence and resource constraints are satisfied while
achieving some objective. Priority rule-based heuristics are widely used for
large problems and more recently justification has been shown to be an
important extension. Xu et al. further augments priority rule heuristics by
creating rollout procedures and proves their effectiveness. However, that
procedure generates just one schedule. We extend that method using sampling to
generate a set of schedules using probabilistic techniques and select the best
schedule from this sample. Using the 600 problem instances in PSLIB, we
present empirical evidence that this procedure produces solutions that are
better than the rollout procedure alone but at a computational cost.
Online Multiobjective Single Machine Dynamic
Scheduling with Sequence-dependent Setups Using Simulation-based Genetic
Algorithm with Desirability Function
Adeline T. H. Ang and Appa
Iyer Sivakumar (Nanyang Technological University)
This paper presents a Simulation-based Genetic
Algorithm with Desirability function (SIMGAD) that could be used on-line for
the dynamic scheduling of a single machine with sequence-dependent setups. The
weights used to combine the criteria (dispatching rules) into a single rule
using linear weighted aggregation is determined by genetic algorithm (GA). The
GA evaluates the performance of each set of weights with discrete-event
simulation that returns a fitness value after multiple performance measures
(objectives) are each expressed as a desirability function and combined into a
single objective function. An illustrative simulation example based on the
scheduling of an ion implanter machine in wafer fabrication plant shows that
SIMGAD works effectively in solving the multiobjective scheduling problem with
capability of handling user preference in decision making to achieve the
desired performances.
A Metaheuristic Algorithm for Simultaneous
Simulation Optimization and Applications to Traveling Salesman and Job Shop
Scheduling with Due Dates
George Jiri Mejtsky (Simulation Research)
We describe a metaheuristic algorithm for simulation
optimization. Traditionally, discrete event simulation optimization is carried
out by multiple simulation runs executed sequentially. At the end of each
simulation run, the run is evaluated (using model output, black box approach)
by an objective function. If we carry out simulation runs simultaneously, then
we can evaluate (using model internal data, white box approach) different
simulation runs during their execution before the end is reached. Thus, we can
eliminate the inferior runs early and allow only the most promising runs to
continue to the end. We explore this parallel competition of simulation models
on a single processor computer. Applications of the algorithm to traveling
salesman and job shop scheduling problems are presented. In conclusion, our
results suggest that the algorithm is a suitable approach for solving some
combinatorial problems, and it represents a promising nonsequential avenue for
simulation optimization.
Monday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
User Friendliness
Chair: Toni
Ruohonen (University of Jyvaskyla)
A Web-based Simulation Optimization System for
Industrial Scheduling
Marcus Andersson, Henrik Grimm, Anna Persson,
and Amos Ng (University of Skovde)
Many real-world production systems are complex in
nature and it is a real challenge to find an efficient scheduling method that
satisfies the production requirements as well as utilizes the resources
efficiently. Tools like discrete event simulation (DES) are very useful for
modeling these systems and can be used to test and compare different schedules
before dispatching the best schedules to the targeted systems. DES alone,
however, cannot be used to find the "optimal" schedule. Simulation-based
optimization (SO) can be used to search for optimal schedules efficiently
without too much user intervention. Observing that long computing time may
prohibit the interest in using SO for industrial scheduling, various
techniques to speed up the SO process have to be explored. This paper presents
a case study that shows the use of a Web-based parallel and distributed SO
platform to support the operations scheduling of a machining line in an
automotive factory.
Modeling and Simulation for Customer Driven
Manufacturing System Design and Operations Planning
Juhani Heilala
and Jari Montonen (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland), Arttu Salmela
(Raute Corporation) and Pasi Jarvenpaa (Sandvik Mining and Construction
Finland Oy)
Agility, speed and flexibility in production networks
are required in today's global competition in the flat world. The accuracy of
order date delivery promises is a key element in customer satisfaction. Agile
production needs a management and evaluation tool for production changes.
Discrete event simulation, DES, has mainly been used as a production system
analysis tool, to evaluate new production system concepts, layout and control
logic. DES can be used for operational planning as well, as shown in the
paper. The simulation analysis gives a forecast of the future with given input
values, thus production managers have time to react to potential problems and
evaluate alternatives. A balance between multiple parallel customer orders and
finite resources can be found. The authors are developing a system design
evaluation method and also a decision support system for production managers.
Two case studies with different approaches are described in the paper.
Simulation Improves End-of-line Sortation and
Material Handling Pickup Scheduling at Appliance
Edward J. Williams (PMC), Onur M. Ulgen (University of
Michigan - Dearborn) and Marcelo C. Zottolo and Neelesh Kale (PMC)
The most venerable and the most highly varied general
application area in which simulation has frequently and repeatedly proved its
economic value is the manufacturing sector of the economy. Manufacturing
applications of simulation have included attention to complex issues of
equipment and/or worker downtime, problems of facility layout, work and line
balancing, bottleneck analysis, and material handling. Furthermore, simulation
has proved itself capable of addressing productivity and efficiency
improvement tasks in which these complexities overlap and interact.
Historically, much of the success simulation has enjoyed in other economic
sectors (e.g., service, transportation, and health care) has stemmed in large
measure from the reputation it earned in the manufacturing sector. The
manufacturing application described in this paper proved the cost-effective
feasibility of designing sortation operations downstream of an assembly line,
and scheduling SKU pickups there, with no risk of blockage of that line.