WSC 2007 Final Abstracts |
Simulation Education Track
Tuesday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Panel: What I Wish They Would have
Taught Me in School
Chair: Catherine Harmonosky (The Pennsylvania State
What I Wish They Would Have Taught Me (or That
I Would Have Better Remembered!) in School
Charles R. Standridge
(Grand Valley State University), Daniel A. Finke (Penn State University),
Carley Jurishica (Rockwell Automation), David M. Ferrin (FDI Simulation) and
Catherine M. Harmonosky (Penn State University)
This panel reflects upon their experiences as
simulation professionals and shares their thoughts regarding elements of their
simulation education that they have found most helpful in their work as well
as things they wish they would have learned. With diverse backgrounds and
simulation application areas, their perspectives may provide food for thought
to simulation course developers and to those in the midst of their educational
Wednesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Using Simulation to Teach Other
Chair: Catherine Harmonosky (The Pennsylvania State
Supporting Parametrization Of Business Games For
Multiple Educational Settings
Stijn-Pieter van Houten and Alexander
Verbraeck (Delft University of Technology)
The parametrization of business games benefits from the
usage of a multi-tier architecture and software services. This paper shows
that themulti-tier concept supports parametrization of business games for
multiple educational settings, where for example the number of players, the
scenario to use, and the underlying simulation model may differ each time.
Using the concept of multi-tier architectures, we implemented a strict
decoupling between the graphical user interface layer, the business logic
layer, and the resource management layer. This decoupling is supported by
using interfaces between the different services. The services have been
successfully used to develop, adapt, and use the Distributor Game for
different educational settings. Further research will focus on extending the
set of services to better support changes in graphical user interfaces that
players use and the specification of the services’ parameters themselves using
a web-based user interface.
Teaching Simulation to Business Students - Summary
of 30 Years’ Experience
Ingolf Stahl (Stockholm School of
I summarize my experience from having taught simulation
to over 7000 students for over 30 years; to undergraduate, graduate and Ph. D.
business students, executives and high school students, in five countries. I
discuss how my students differed from other simulation students and my general
teaching goals. I answer the question of why Discrete Events Simulation is
important at a business school. I present the five main types of course
modules that I have taught. I finally discuss my choice of DES software,
explaining why I have chosen to use a streamlined GUI based version of GPSS,
High-performance Computing Enables Simulations to
Transform Education
Dan M. Davis (University of Southern
California), Thomas D. Gottschalk (Caltech) and Laurel K. Davis (Next
Generation Leaders, Inc.)
This paper presents the case that education in the 21st
Century can only measure up to national needs if technologies developed in the
simulation community, further enhanced by the power of high performance
computing, are harnessed to supplant traditional didactic instruction. The
authors cite their professional experiences in simulation, high performance
computing and pedagogical studies to support their thesis that this
implementation is not only required, it is feasible, supportable and
affordable. Surveying and reporting on work in computer-aided education, this
paper will discuss the pedagogical imperatives for group learning, risk
management and "hero teacher" surrogates, all being optimally delivered with
entity level simulations of varying types. Further, experience and research is
adduced to support the thesis that effective implementation of this level of
simulation is enabled only by, and is largely dependent upon, high performance
computing, especially by the ready utility and acceptable costs of Linux
Wednesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Education Beyond the University
Chair: Christopher Ligetti (The Pennsylvania State University)
Developing and Implementing a High School Simulation
Course to Provide Rigor and Relevance to the Curriculum
Beverly B.
Kuch (Cuyahoga Valley Career Center)
This paper discusses the chronology of events leading
to the development of one of the nation’s first high school simulation courses
using Arena® software. Through the efforts of a partnership between Cuyahoga
Valley Career Center (CVCC), North Royalton High School (NRHS) and Rockwell
Automation, specialists in mathematics, career-technical education and
simulation collaborated to develop and implement a high school course in
alignment with academic and career-technical standards, containing the rigor
and relevance required of a 21st century high school. Included in the
discussion is the need for high school reform, the rationale for the course,
philosophical barriers, curriculum development and related standards. Examples
are given of class projects, including student culminating projects used for
assessment and grading.
A Simulation Course for High School
David Goldsman (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Computer simulation presents a variety of opportunities
for high school students to receive exposure to mathematics and engineering in
the real world. We describe in a high-level way a course that uses computer
simulation to enhance students' general modeling skills in probability and
statistics, queueing models, financial engineering, and programming. Our
experience has been that students can easily handle the material, and
certainly seem to enjoy the experience.
Beyond the University: Simulation Education on the
David Krahl (Imagine That, Inc.) and Peter Tag (Horizon Systems
Simulation modelers have a diversity of educational
backgrounds including several engineering and scientific disciplines,
mathematics and computer related fields. Many of the skills required to
achieve modeling proficiency are learned “on the job”. Emerging trends in the
demand for more complex and fully automated simulation applications are
requiring simulators to develop a working knowledge of a much broader range of
software technologies and modeling methodologies. Unfortunately, there are no
structured educational programs for acquiring and developing these skills.
Simulation apprenticeships provide an effective means for acquiring many of
the essential and emerging simulation skills that are not delivered through
conventional educational methods.