WSC 2007 Final Abstracts |
Transportation and Supply Chain Applications Track
Tuesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Information Modeling for Supply Chain
Chair: Christian Almeder (University of Vienna)
An Object-oriented Framework for Simulating Full
Truckload Transportation Networks
Manuel Rossetti and Shikha Nangia
(University of Arkansas)
In this paper, we discuss the design and use of an
object-oriented framework for simulating full truckload (FTL) networks. We
present a context for how the framework can be used through its application to
an example trucking network. In addition, we describe the design by examining
the major conceptual artifacts within the object-oriented model. The framework
is built on a Java Simulation Library (JSL) and permits easy modeling and
execution of simulation models. The example and discussion indicate the
capabilities and flexibility of modeling with the framework. In addition, we
summarize our future research efforts to model other transportation networks
Assessing Tram Schedules Using a Library of
Simulation Components
Elisangela Mieko Kanacilo and Alexander
Verbraeck (Delft University of Technology)
Assessing tram schedules is important to assure an
efficient use of infrastructure and for the provision of a good quality
service. Most existing infrastructure modeling tools provide support to assess
an individual aspect of rail systems in isolation, and do not provide enough
flexibility to assess many aspects that influence system performance at once.
We propose a library of simulation components that enable rail designers to
assess different system configurations. In this paper we show how we
implemented some basic safety measures used in rail systems such as: reaction
to control objects (e.g. traffic lights), priority rules, and block safety
Supply Chain Simulation Modeling Made Easy: An
Innovative Approach
Dayana Cope, Mohamed Sam Fayez, Mansooreh
Mollaghasemi, and Assem Kaylani (Productivity Apex, Inc.)
Simulation modeling and analysis requires skills and
scientific background to be implemented. This is vital for this powerful
methodology to deliver value to the company adopting it. There are several
practices to implement and rely on simulation modeling for strategic and
operational decision making, including hiring simulation engineers, building
internal simulation team, or contract consultants. These practices are
different in terms of budget, time to implement, and returns. In this paper,
an innovative approach is described that provide a simulation solution that is
affordable at the same time can be quickly implemented. it consists of generic
interface that captures the information and structure of the supply chain then
automatically generates simulation models. The user, which not necessarily a
simulation expert, can quickly jump to the analysis and evaluation of
scenarios. The paper presents a case study where the approach was implemented
to model, simulate, and analyze NASA’s Space Exploration Supply-Chain.
Tuesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
New Modeling Methods: Agent, Grid and
Chair: William Sawaya (Cornell University)
Simulating Air Traffic Blockage Due to Convective
Weather Conditions
Liling Ren (Georgia Institute of Technology),
Dawei Chang and Senay Solak (Southern Polytechnic State University) and
John-Paul B. Clarke, Earl Barnes, and Ellis Johnson (Georgia Institute of
A Monte Carlo methodology is proposed for simulating
air traffic blockage patterns under the impact of convective weather. The
simulation utilizes probabilistic convective weather forecasts such as those
produced by the 1-6 hour National Convective Weather Forecast. A matrix of
random numbers is fed to the simulation process to obtain an instantiation of
traffic blockage maps. Gaussian smoothing with varying Full Width at Half
Maximum across the grid is employed to model the varying spatial correlation
between cells. Special Cellular Automata techniques are employed to model the
evolvement, i.e. the trend, growth, and dissipation of convection, between
consecutive time intervals. Model parameters are obtained from analyzing
historical convective weather data. A software tool is also developed to
implement the simulation methodology. The simulation methodology thus provides
a means to improve the utilization of short term probabilistic convective
weather forecast products, and to improve air traffic efficiency in the large.
Towards a User-centred Road Safety Management
Method Based on Road Traffic Simulation
Andreas Gregoriades
(University of Cyprus)
One of the most important gaps in road safety
management practice is the lack of mature methods for estimating reliability.
Road safety performance assessment systems have been developed; however, these
provide only historical or retrospective analyses. Effective safety management
requires a prospective viewpoint. The main goal of this research is to assist
in reducing accident rates in Cyprus by providing ample time to the
authorities to react to high risk situations through a safety prediction early
warning system. This ultimately will prevent accidents from occurring which
subsequently could save lives. Traditional approaches focuses solidly on
empirical data concerning road network dynamic properties, despite the fact
that the most vulnerable component of the system is the human element. This
paper described the integration of agent-based simulation with Bayesian Belief
Networks (BBN) for improved quantification of accident probability. The BBN is
developed using multidisciplinary influences.
DDDAS-based Multi-fidelity Simulation for Online
Preventive Maintenance Scheduling in Semiconductor Supply
Nurcin Koyuncu, Seungho Lee, Karthik K. Vasudevan, Parag
Sarfare, and Young-Jun Son (The University of Arizona)
This research intends to augment the validity of
simulation models in the most economic way using the DDDAS (Dynamic Data
Driven Application Systems) paradigm. Implementation of DDDAS requires
automated switching of model fidelity and incorporating selective, dynamic
data into the executing simulation model. Comprehensive system architecture
and methodologies are proposed, where the components include 1) RT (Real Time)
DDDAS simulation, 2) grid computing modules, 3) Web Service com-munication
server, 4) database, 5) various sensors, and 6) real system. Four algorithms
are developed to facilitate integration of the various components in the DDDAS
system. They are 1) data filtering algorithm using control charts, 2)
preliminary fidelity selection algorithm using Bayesian belief network, 3)
fidelity assignment algorithm using integer programming and 4) simulation
model reconstruction algorithm using multiple linear regression. A prototype
DDDAS simulation was successfully implemented for preventive maintenance
scheduling in a semi-conductor supply chain. The initial results look quite
Tuesday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Simulation-Based Supply Chain
Chair: Loo Hay Lee (National University of Singapore)
A Simulation-based Algorithm for Supply Chain
Takayuki Yoshizumi and Hiroyuki Okano (IBM Research,
Tokyo Research Laboratory)
In a supply chain, there are wide variety of problems,
such as transportation scheduling problems and warehouse location problems.
These problems are independently defined as optimization problems, and
algorithms have been proposed for each problem. It is difficult, however, to
design an algorithm for optimizing a supply chain simultaneously because the
problem is much more complex than the individual problems. We present a
simulation-based optimization algorithm that optimizes a supply chain,
exploiting both simulation and optimization techniques. This system leverages
two existing algorithms, and will optimize a supply chain by executing
simulations while changing the boundary conditions between the two algorithms.
Experimental results show that a better solution to a supply chain can be
found through a series of optimization simulations. A logistics consultant was
satisfied with the solution. This system will be used in actual logistics
consulting services.
A Toolbox for Simulation-based Optimization of
Supply Chains
Christian Almeder and Margaretha Preusser (University
of Vienna)
In this paper we present a general framework for
simulating and optimizing the operational decisions in a supply chain network.
We developed a supply chain network library for the simulation software
AnyLogic (© XJ Tech-nologies) and a linearized version as an optimization
model implemented using XpressMP (© Dash Optimization). Aggregated results for
the simulation experiments are fed into the optimization model. The solution
of the optimization model is used to improve operational decision in the
supply chain. In order to gain good results this process is repeated until a
stable solution is reached. This approach enriches the simulation framework by
a powerful tool to improve the supply chain by simultaneously optimizing a
large number of possible decisions.
IBM Supply-chain Network Optimization Workbench: An
Integrated Optimization and Simulation Tool for Supply Chain
Hongwei Ding, Wei Wang, Jin Dong, Minmin Qiu, and Changrui
The IBM Supply-chain Network Optimization Workbench
(SNOW) is a software tool that can help a company make strategic business
decisions about the design and operation of its supply chain network. The tool
supports supply chain analysis with integrated network optimization and
simulation capability. Mathematical programming models are used to first help
identify some cost-effective scenarios from a large number of candidates.
Optimization results are then converted to simulation models automatically for
more detailed analysis with taking into account operational policies and
uncertainties. The tool was applied to analyze both IBM’s internal supply
chains and external clients?supply chains. The combination of optimization and
simulation demonstrates great value in real business cases.
Tuesday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Simulation of Complex Supply Chains
Chair: Douglas Morrice (University of Texas)
Using Empirical Demand Data and Common Random
Numbers in an Agent-based Simulation of a Distribution
William J. Sawaya (Cornell University)
Agent-based simulation provides a methodology to
investigate complex systems behavior, such as supply chains, while
incorporating many empirical elements relative to both systems structure and
agent behavior. While there is a significant amount of simulation and
analytical research investigating the impact of information sharing in supply
chains, few studies have used empirical demand for the model. This research
utilizes empirical distributions in order to determine the demand process
faced by distribution centers in a distribution network. Therefore, the
distribution centers face independent and heterogeneous demand that is not
normal, and exhibits a much larger coefficient of variation than is generally
utilized in similar research. With so much complexity and variability,
contrasting different inter-organizational information sharing configurations
provides an ideal setting for utilizing common random numbers for variance
reduction. Comparisons made using this methodology show clear differences
between the different information sharing schemes.
A Comparison of Scheduling Approaches for a
Make-to-order Electronics Manufacturer
Susan K. Heath (Naval
Postgraduate School) and Douglas J. Morrice (University of Texas at Austin)
In this paper, we compare two scheduling procedures
designed to minimize setup costs for a make-to-order electronics
manufacturing. While setup costs are important, quick response is highly
valued by the manufacturer’s customers and customer service is negatively
impacted when jobs spend too much time in the system. To address this issue,
we simulate the factory running with the schedules produced by these two
procedures and compare the output based on the age of jobs remaining
unprocessed at the end of one production shift. The simulation results show
that the scheduling procedure that results in the lowest setup cost does not
necessarily yield the best job age distribution.
Simulation of Scheduled Ordering Policies in
Distribution Supply Chains
Lucy G. Chen (NUS Business School) and
Srinagesh Gavirneni (Cornell University)
In this paper we study a decentralized distribution
supply chain with one supplier and many newsvendor-type retailers that face
exogenous end-customer demands. Using total supply chain cost as our primary
measure of performance, we compare two scheduled ordering policies - Balanced
ordering and Synchronized ordering - with the traditional newsvendor-type
ordering behavior. Via the use of simulation, we evaluate the effectiveness of
the two scheduled ordering policies, and identify how the performance of the
scheduled ordering policies changes with different supply chain parameters,
such as the number of retailers, the supplier's expediting cost, the
supplier's capacity limit, etc.
Wednesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Supply Chain Modeling and
Chair: Manuel Rossetti (University of Arkansas)
Stability Analysis of the Supply Chain by Using
Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms
Alfonso Sarmiento and Luis
Rabelo (University of Central Florida), Reinaldo Moraga (Northern Illinois
University) and Ramamoorthy Lakkoju (University of Central Florida)
Effectively managing a supply chain requires visibility
to detect unexpected variations in the dynamics of the supply chain
environment at an early stage. This paper proposes a methodology that captures
the dynamics of the supply chain, predicts and analyzes future behavior modes,
and indicates potentials for modifications in the supply chain parameters in
order to avoid or mitigate possible oscillatory behaviors. Neural networks are
used to capture the dynamics from the system dynamic models and analyze
simulation results in order to predict changes before they take place.
Optimization techniques based on genetic algorithms are applied to find the
best setting of the supply chain parameters that minimize the oscillations. A
case study in the electronics manufacturing industry is used to illustrate the
A Supply Chain Paradigm to Model Business Processes
at the Y-12 National Security Complex
Reid Leonard Kress, Jack
Dixon, Tom Insalaco, and Richard Rinehart (BWXT Y-12)
The NNSA’s Y 12 National Security Complex is a
manufacturing facility operated by BWXT Y 12. Y-12’s missions include ensuring
the US’ nuclear weapons deterrent, storing nuclear materials, and fueling US
naval reactors. In order to understand the impacts of these diverse missions
on its numerous functional divisions, Y-12 has relied on simulation modeling.
Traditional discrete-event simulation modeling has proven to be an
indispensable tool for Y-12; however, this paper will discuss Y-12’s use of a
supply chain paradigm to model its entire business processes. The supply chain
model executes very quickly and is versatile enough to model all of the
nuances of Y-12’s complex business. It can model equipment, labor, facility,
or other constraints and provides a rough-cut estimate of schedule compliance
over many years (even decades). This paper describes how the model is
implemented and presents simple results from a representative process.
Appraisal of Airport Alternatives in Greenland by
the Use of Risk Analysis and Monte Carlo Simulation
Kim Bang
Salling and Steen Leleur (Technical University of Denmark)
This paper presents an appraisal study of three
different airport proposals in Greenland by the use of an adapted version of
the Danish CBA-DK model. The assessment model is based on both a deterministic
calculation by the use of conventional cost-benefit analysis and a stochastic
calculation, where risk analysis is carried out using Monte Carlo simulation.
The feasibility risk adopted in the model is based on assigning probability
distributions to the uncertain model parameters. Two probability distributions
are presented, the Erlang and normal distribution respectively assigned to the
construction cost and the travel time savings. The obtained model results aim
to provide an input to informed decision-making based on an account of the
level of desired risk as concerns feasibility risks. This level is presented
as the probability of obtaining at least a benefit-cost ratio of a specified
value. Finally, some conclusions and a perspective are presented.
Wednesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Container Terminals and
Chair: Reid Kress (National Nuclear Security Agency)
A Simulation Study on the Uses of Shuttle Carriers in
the Container Yard
Loo Hay Lee, Ek Peng Chew, Kok Choon Tan, Huei
Chuen Huang, Wenquan Lin, and Yongbin Han (National University of Singapore)
and Tian Heong Chan (PSA International Pte Ltd)
In this paper, we investigate how two main factors
affect the efficiency of the port operation. The two main factors are type of
transport vehicles and layout of the storage yard. Two different types of
transport vehicles (i.e., prime mover and shuttle carrier) and two different
types of layouts (i.e., with or without chassis lane beside the container
blocks) are modeled in this study. A total of four simulation models are
created to conduct this study. To evaluate the performance, the gross crane
rate is used as the main performance measure, which is defined as the number
of containers moved per quay crane per working hour. In this paper, it has
been shown that the incorporation of the chassis lane improves the gross crane
rate for both prime movers and shuttle carriers. The improvement is more
substantial when the port utilizes shuttle carriers.
A Simulation Model with a Low Level of Detail for
Container Terminals and Its Applications
Byung-Hyun Ha (Pusan
National Unversity) and Eun-Jung Park and Chan-Hee Lee (Pusan National
As trade among countries grows, the performance of
container terminals is becoming more important than ever. In this paper, we
present a 3D real-time-visualization container-terminal simulation model based
on Plant Simulation, a commercial simulation modeling and execution tool. Our
model reproduces every detailed behavior of container-terminal equipment,
including not only movements of yard tractors and cranes but also those of
trolleys, spreaders, and other machinery. Such low-level representation
enables our simulation model to be easily visualized in 3D form and to offer
real-time interactive capability. We analyzed the performance of container
terminals by varying the settings such as the speeds of trolleys and
spreaders, in detail. The simulation model in this study is expected to be
useful for assessment of the effects of prospective new equipment on the
performance of container terminals and, thereby, for decision-making on the
implementation of such equipment.
A Simulation Model to Improve Warehouse
Jean Philippe Gagliardi, Jacques Renaud, and Angel Ruiz
(Universite Laval)
Warehouse or distribution centre managers have to
decide how to collect the products to fulfill customers requests but also
where to locate the products (SKUs) and how much space to allocate to each of
them. Moreover, they have to deploy replenishment strategies to guarantee the
reliability of their own stocks. These are challenging decisions because of
their level of complexity and their high impact on the centre performance in
terms of both its throughput and the operation costs. The goal of this work is
to evaluate whether specific strategies to share the storage space could lead
to reduce the operation costs while keeping the service level as high as
possible. This paper develops a discrete event simulation model of the
logistics operations at a real warehouse. Preliminary results show that
potential economies may be achieved by reducing the number of stock-outs at
the picking area where customer orders are collected.