WSC 2008 Final Abstracts |
Business Process Modeling Track
Monday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Algorithms in Business Process
Chair: Anshul Sheopuri (IBM T J Watson Research Center)
Nonlinear Process Modeling and Optimization Based
on Multiway Kernel Partial Least Squares Model
Liqing Di, Zhihua
Xiong, and Xianhui Yang (University of Tsinghua)
MKPLS (Multiway Kernel Partial Least Squares) methods
are used to model the batch processes from process operational data. To
improve the optimization performance, a batch-to-batch optimization strategy
is proposed based on the idea of the similarity between the iterations during
numerical optimization and successive batch runs. SQP (Sequential Quadratic
Programming) coupling with MKPLS model is used to solve the optimization
problem, and the plant data, instead of the MKPLS model predictions, are used
in gradient calculation. The proposed strategy is illustrated on a simulated
bulk polymerization of styrene. The results demonstrate that the optimization
performance has been improved in spite of the model-plant mismatches
Speeding up Call Center Simulation and Optimization
by Markov Chain Uniformization
Eric Buist, Wyean Chan, and Pierre
L'Ecuyer (Université de Montréal)
Staffing and scheduling optimization in large
multiskill call centers is time-consuming, mainly because it requires lengthy
simulations to evaluate performance measures. Simplified models that provide
tractable formulas are unrealistic in general. In this paper we explore an
intermediate solution, based on an approximate continuous-time Markov chain
model of the call center. This model is more accurate than the commonly used
approximations, and yet can be simulated faster than a more realistic
simulation. To speed up the simulation, we uniformize the Markov chain and
simulate only its discrete-time version. We show how performance measures such
as the fraction of calls answered within a given waiting time limit can be
recovered from this simulation, how to synchronize common random numbers in
this setting, and how to use this in the first phase of an optimization
algorithm based on the cutting plane method. We also discuss various
implementation issues and provide empirical results.
A New Policy for the Service Request Assignment
Anshul Sheopuri, Sai Zeng, and Chitra Dorai (IBM T J Watson
Research Center)
We study the problem of assigning multiple severity
level service requests to agents in an agent pool. Each severity level is
associated with a due date and a penalty, which is incurred if the service
request is not resolved by the due date. Motivated by Van Meighem (2003), who
shows the asymptotic optimality of the Generalized Longest Queue policy for
the problem of minimizing the due date dependent expected delay costs when
there is a single agent, we develop a class of Index-based policies that is a
generalization of the Priority First-Come-First-Serve, Weighted Shortest
Expected Processing Time and Generalized Longest Queue policy. In our
simulation study of an assignment system of a large technology firm, the
Index-based policy shows an improvement of 0-20 % over the Priority
First-Come-First-Serve policy depending upon the load conditions.
Monday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Business Process Simulation
Chair: Jin Dong (IBM China Research Laboratory)
Business Process Based Simulation: A Powerful Tool
for Demand Analysis of Business Process Reengineering and Information System
Linlin Cui, Yueting Chai, and Yi Liu (Tsinghua
Demand analysis is of fundamentally importance in the
implementation of information system. Business process reengineering (BPR)
often gets involved in the process of demand analysis and play a crucial role
in the achievement of project objectives. Business process based simulation
(BPS) provides a precise and visual method to analyze and compare the
concerned performances before and after BPR. The paper presents an industrial
experience in using the BPS tool to demonstrate the effects of BPR on
restraining stocking-up and overdue payments in the distribution management of
a supply chain. Before significant investment involved, the related design
result of BPR is validated both by the analytical method and simulation
experiments. Based on the mutual supportive results, the BPS method approves
its correctness and show its nicety, flexibility and the capacity of
Industrial Enterprises Business Processes Simulation
with BPsim.MAS
Konstantin Aksyonov (Urals State Technical
University - UPI), Elena Smoliy and Alexey Khrenov (NPP Business Support
Systems) and Evgeny Bykov (Urals State Technical University - UPI)
Necessity to mind a huge amount of factors while
developing modern enterprises models dictates new requirements for modeling
software, which needs to process all data to achieve precise results, make use
of all possible means for that, such as distributed calculations and introduce
original approaches where possible to avoid extra time waste for multiple
simulation experiments. The article focuses on the software apparatus used in
distributed multi-agent resource conversion processes based tool BPsim.MAS,
pointing out its advantages and describing used technologies. Second part
describes BPsim.MAS deployment in Urals Industrial Group, CJSC, which allowed
income and market share growth. Various pricing strategies are discussed and
active/passive competitors’ behavior is considered.
Simulation of Process Execution Monitoring and
Adjustment Schemes
Russell R. Barton and Jun Shu (The Pennsylvania
State University)
Optimization and design of production and service
operations has been a cornerstone of simulation applications for many years.
Recently there has been increasing interest in excellence in process
execution, for service processes, supply chains, and manufacturing operations.
Simulation again has an important role to play, in evaluating the
effectiveness of different execution monitoring schemes. The focus of analysis
changes in this setting, however, from monitoring characteristics of
resources, such as queue length, waiting time and utilization, to monitoring
the timeliness and correctness of the progress of entities through the system,
and reacting with realtime adjustments to resources and routings. This paper
describes the types of simulation analysis needed, and identifies difficulties
in conducting such simulation studies using current commercial software.
Monday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Business Process Modeling in Practice
Chair: Arnold Greenland (IBM)
Towards a Flexible Business Process Modeling and
Simulation Environment
Changrui Ren, Wei Wang, Jin Dong, Hongwei
Ding, Qinhua Wang, and Bing Shao (IBM China Research Laboratory)
Business process is crucial to the success of any
business. Business process modeling enables a common understanding and
analysis of a business process, and simulation is an effective way to diagnose
and evaluate complex business processes. There are lots of software tools in
market for business process modeling and simulation, however, a common issue
for these tools is the conflict between usability and flexibility. The
improvement of usability often means the reduction of flexibility. This paper
introduces an IBM asset named Supply Chain Process Modeler (SCPM), which aims
at providing a tailored business process modeling and simulation environment
for business users. SCPM tries to achieve a better trade-off between usability
and flexibility with two major efforts, a process repository for process
modeling, and a flexible environment for process simulation. A case study from
real consulting practice is also included to illustrate how SCPM works for
business process simulation.
Simulation Modeling and Analysis for In-Store
Merchandizing of Retail Stores with Enhanced Information
Kanna Miwa (Nagoya Gakuin University) and Soemon
Takakuwa (Nagoya University)
In this study a procedure of simulation modeling for
in-store merchandizing was used in order to examine customer flows in retail
stores. One of the main objectives of this paper is to propose an approach of
building a simulation model by making use of the POS data. The methods for
identifying the arrival time and routing inside store are described, using
daily POS data. This study primarily analyzed customer congestion and the
utilization of the cash registers. Recently, IC tags are recognized in the
fields of manufacturing and distribution systems as a powerful tool to reduce
sales transaction time, with the assistance of the POS system. The proposed
procedure was applied to the actual case. The results show that the customer
flow can be examined easily, while the proposed procedure is useful for store
management including cashiers scheduling and in-store merchandising.
Simulation Based Sales Forecasting on Retail Small
Hairong Lv, Xinxin Bai, Wenjun Yin, and Jin Dong (IBM China
Research Laboratory)
As the competition becomes more and more intense, many
retail small store chain operators are eager to know how to evaluate new store
locations quantitatively to support a scientific business development
decision, e.g. what will be the potential sales of new stores? How will a new
store influence other existing stores? In this paper, we propose a novel
framework that can predict the competitions between new store and competing
stores. First, we examine the special characteristics of customers' demand on
retail small stores and develop several models to estimate different
customers’ demand; and then model the relationship between customers and
multiple stores, such as route model, user behavior model; finally, we compute
the store sales via simulation. A real case on the micro-competition analysis
in a China city for one of the famous retail small store chain operators shows
that our method is more practical and accurate than other methods.