WSC 2008 Final Abstracts |
Construction Engineering and Project Management
Monday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Resource Optimization
Janaka Ruwanpura (University of Calgary)
Simulation-Based, Optimized Scheduling of Limited
Bar-Benders over Multiple Building Sites
Hoi-Ching Lam (Hong Kong
Polytechnic University)
In the construction industry, a specialist
subcontractor manages a taskforce of single-skilled laborers to work on
multiple construction sites, aiming to minimize the total cost and stay
profitable and competitive. This paper presents a simulation-based approach to
assist the subcontractor in scheduling the application of limited laborer
resources to handle jobs over multiple concurring sites. Factoring in
technological constraints, repetitive building cycles, alternative method
options, and the limited quantity of skilled laborers, we resort to computer
power (including simulation and optimization algorithms resulting from recent
research) in search of the best combination of construction methods at
individual sites along with the optimum size of labor force, aimed to find the
least cost for completing the jobs at all sites. A case study of barbender
scheduling over three sites by use of an inhouse computer tool results in the
optimum method combinations, the optimum crew size, and the optimum resource
Multi-Agent Resource Allocation (MARA) for
Modeling Construction Processes
Yang Liu and Yasser Mohamed
(University of Alberta)
Multi-Agent Resource Allocation (MARA) is a field
developing solutions to the problem of distributing a number of resources
amongst multiple agents. This field has interdisciplinary characteristics and
relates to a wide range of applications, such as industrial procurement,
scheduling and network routing. Many construction operations involve entities
sharing and competing for limited resources. The decision to allocate these
resources to entities usually has a significant impact on the schedule and
cost of these operations. The dynamic and continuously changing nature of
construction operations justifies the need for decision support tools with
high adaptability and handling of uncertainty which is featured by MARA. This
paper presents the main elements and techniques in MARA and discusses a sample
case applying these techniques for the modeling of industrial construction
assembly processes, also presents the conceptual model of the sample case and
a prototype implementation of that model using Repast multi-agent simulation
A Dynamic Crashing Method for Project Management
Using Simulation-Based Optimization
Michael E. Kuhl and Radhames A.
Tolentino-Pena (Rochester Institute of Technology)
A dynamic simulation-based crashing method is
introduced in this research to evaluate project networks and determine the
optimum crashing configuration that minimizes the average project cost due to
lateness penalties and crashing costs. This dynamic approach will let the user
evaluate the project network to determine a crashing strategy at the beginning
of the project and also during the life of the project. By reevaluating the
project network possible adjustments to the crashing strategy may be
identified and implemented. The output of the method includes a distribution
of the project completion time, a distribution of the project total cost, and
the project cost savings.
Monday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Modeling Frameworks
Chair: Simaan
AbouRizk (University of Alberta)
Using Situational Simulations to Collect and
Analyze Dynamic Construction Management Decision-Making
Matthew T. Watkins, Amlan Mukherjee, and Nilufer Onder
(Michigan Tech.)
In this paper we lay the foundations for studying
decision-making in complex dynamic construction management scenarios using
situational simulations as experimental testbeds. We draw on research
conducted in dynamic decision making, construction data-mining and situational
simulations to develop methods to study human decision-making data collected
in ICDMA - a situational simulation of a real four story steel frame office
building construction project. Specifically, we address challenges in the
collection, organization and analysis of human subject data. We define a
discipline driving the collection of human decision-making data, establish a
semantics to organize the data and a simple mathematical syntax to represent
it. We also present an analysis of preliminary experimental work and show that
our method can be used to analyze patterns in complex construction
decision-making. Finally, we present an agenda of research in construction
decision-making using situational simulations that can be conducted using our
proposed methods.
A Framework for Real-Time Simulation of Heavy
Construction Operations
Lingguang Song (University of Houston) and
Fernando Ramos and Katie Arnold (Heavy Construction Systems Specialists, Inc.)
This paper describes a framework of real-time
simulation for modeling heavy construction operations. Compared to the
traditional off-line simulation that uses stationary inputs, the capability of
real-time simulation to dynamically incorporate new project data and adapt to
changes of the operation environment offers the promise to improve the
accuracy of project forecasting. In the proposed real-time simulation
framework, dynamic data of construction operations are constantly captured and
fed into a process simulation model for short-term scheduling purpose. A
prototype system was developed to demonstrate the structure of the proposed
framework and its feasibility. Benefits and limitations of this simulation
approach and future research requirements for achieving a higher level
modeling automation are also presented in this paper.
A Framework for Simulating Industrial Construction
Naimeh Sadeghi and Aminah Robinson Fayek (University of
In an industrial fabrication shop, such as pipe spool
and steel fabrication, a product usually travels in the system in the form of
raw materials or components of the product. During the fabrication process,
different components are assembled together to fabricate the final product. In
this paper, to increase the accuracy of modeling fabrication processes, we
propose a platform that can automatically model the raw materials and the
assembly process of components of a product based on the unique features of a
product. For this purpose, a Special Purpose Simulation (SPS) template for
industrial fabrication is developed. The platform is used to develop a
simulation based decision support system using a real case study of a pipe
spool fabrication shop.
Monday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Schedule Optimization
Photios Ioannou (University of Michigan)
Simulation and Optimization for Construction
Repetitive Projects Using Promodel and Simrunner
Srisuwanrat, Photios G. Ioannou, and Omer Tsimhoni (University of Michigan)
We introduce a new approach, called Relative Start and
Idle Time (RSIT), to solve probabilistic scheduling problems of construction
repetitive projects. RSIT is a process of determining a range of input
variables and employing optimization through simulation to solve scheduling
problems. RSIT reduces the modeler’s effort because it does not heavily rely
on manual trial-and-error. The two primary advantages of this approach are:
(1) it does not require additional solving algorithm code and (2) it does not
impose unnecessary limitations on the simulation model in order to solve the
scheduling problem. The new approach is presented in detail and applied to a
real past repetitive project of four four-story buildings. Results from RSIT
are evaluated and compared to the results from a deterministic approach. The
example is modeled in ProModel and optimized in SimRunner.
Distributed Agent-Based Simulation of
Construction Projects with HLA
Hosein Taghaddos, Simaan AbouRizk,
Yasser Mohamed, and Ivan Ourdev (University of Alberta)
Simulation techniques can provide a resource-driven
schedule and answer many hypothetical scenarios before project execution to
improve on conventional project management software applications for
large-scale construction projects. However, the current process of simulation
and optimization of resource utilization is a time consuming process
especially for large-scale projects. This study employs High Level
Architecture (HLA) to develop distributed agent based simulation models. These
models are composed of several individual modeling components (federates) that
can cooperate with each other for the simulation model (interoperability).
These federates are developed in a generic way for reuse on future
construction projects. A number of agent-based federates are considered for
managing various aspects of the project and to enhance the performance of the
simulation model. This framework is illustrated using two case studies, module
assembly yard and tower crane, that investigate the feasibility of the
proposed approach.
Optimization of Multi-Project Environment
Lokman Hossain and Janaka Ruwanpura (University of Calgary)
Construction business is project oriented and that is
why every organization is dependent on projects. Typically they undertake
multiple projects with limited multiple resources and information. Most
importantly they need to take continuous and quick decisions to keep it going.
The reason behind this is lack of tools and structured approach that can
efficiently deal with multi-project environment (PME). Resulting is problem of
wrong project selection, project slippage and under/over utilization of scares
resources. This paper presents a simulation model (OPMPE) for optimizing MPE.
The model is capable of analyzing and predicting future problems, assessing
the cumulative impact and generates valuable statistics and information for
quick decision-making. It will work together with the available scheduling
tools and will help strengthening the overall planning and execution system
for MPE. The application and of the model is demonstrated using a collection
of real project data for building construction.
Tuesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Chair: Gunnar
Lucko (The Catholic University of America)
Using Operation Process Simulation for a Six Sigma
Project of Mining and Iron Production Factory
Undram Chinbat and
Soemon Takakuwa (Nagoya University)
The use of the Operation Process Simulation (OPS) for
Six Sigma Projects (SSP) can illustrate visual display of the process by
enabling to define, measure, analyze and improve the current process virtually
but realistically. This paper investigates the quantitative benefits of using
the Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) technique for a SSP in a Mining and Iron
Production Factory (MIPF). The DFSS was deployed through five distinct phases:
DMAIC, for optimizing the current MIPF as a first part of the research. The
second part of the research investigates the possibilities of developing the
deliverables of the DMAIC for a DMADV for implementing a new MIPF. Use of the
OPS in all phases of the DMAIC has provided highly effective and accurate
prediction for factory process improvement. Furthermore, the paper explored
the effective possibilities of developing the deliverables of the DMAIC for
the DMADV for building new MIPF.
Photo-Based 3D Modeling of Construction Resources for
Visualization of Operations Simulation: Case of Modeling a Precast
Fei Dai and Ming Lu (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
3D models of building components or construction
resources have been largely created by computer-aided-design (CAD) or by
proprietary code for virtual reality development. Such 3D modeling methods
entail accurate definition of points, lines and their relationships in the
spatial coordinate system. Unlike CAD modeling, the surveying technique of
photogrammetry takes a completely different approach by deriving metric
information about an object through measurements conducted on photographs of
the object. The very basic technique of photogrammetry is effective and
computationally simple. With much less efforts, digital cameras and
photogrammetry software have made possible 3D reconstruction of an object in
digital form (coordinates and derived geometric elements). The resultant 3D
models may well satisfy application needs in construction simulation
visualization. In this paper, we introduce computing algorithms of
photogrammetry and present an application of modeling a precast facade in 3D
based on digital pictures taken at a building site.
Simulation and Visualization of Traffic Operations
in Augmented Reality for Improved Planning and Design of Road Construction
Amir H Behzadan (The City University of New York) and
Vineet R Kamat (University of Michigan)
This paper describes research that investigated the
application of 3D Augmented Reality (AR) for animating traffic simulation
models in real-time to support the planning and design of road construction
projects. Traditional 3D visualization applications use Virtual Reality (VR)
to visualize traffic simulations. The significant time and human resources
required to collect and incorporate statistical data about existing traffic
volume and pattern can be a major drawback to the application of VR in
studying the possible effect of traffic on planned construction. At the same
time, the final visual output is often unconvincing as phenomenon such as
unpredictable motion of pedestrians and incoming vehicles cannot be
effectively represented in a VR animation. In this research, a new AR-based
approach to create real time interactive traffic animations is introduced.
This approach takes advantage of wireless communication techniques to
facilitate continuous positional and orientation data transfer between moving
vehicles and an AR animation.
Tuesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Modeling Operations
Ming Lu (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
A Simulation Template for Modeling Tunnel Shaft
Fangyi Zhou (S.M.A. Consulting Ltd.), Simaan M.
AbouRizk (University of Alberta) and Siri Fernando (City of Edmonton Asset
Management and Public Works, Drainage Services)
This paper presents the design and development of a
template for analyzing shaft construction projects. It is suitable for
integration with the existing Tunneling template of the Simphony modeling
environment to provide users a complete, functional and more flexible
simulation tool for tunnel construction. The developed system will be a
powerful tool for decision-making and evaluating the feasibility of tunnel
construction methods, in identifying and allocating site spaces, and in the
visualization of tunneling construction sites as a mean of describing the site
layout to other involved parties. Further, it assists users in modeling
several scenarios without changing the developer’s code or the base of the
tool, and it does not require integration with any other modeling templates.
This template design is then applied to a case study involving the
construction of a circular tunnel shaft, part of the North Edmonton Sanitary
Tunneling (NEST) system in Edmonton, Canada.
An Integrated CAD and Simulation Model for
Concrete Operations
Aly Abdel Fattah and Janaka Ruwanpura
(University of Calgary)
Pouring a concrete raft slab is a classic problem in
down-town projects because it requires special arrangements to be made with
city authorities to close the area around the project during the operation.
City authorities allow this only during the weekends that puts a lot of
pressure on construction staff to finish pouring the concrete in a limited
amount of time. In this paper, a simulation model for predicating the pouring
time is introduced. This integrated model consists of: Special Purpose
Simulation (Simphony), Microsoft Access, Visual Basic for Application (VBA)
and AutoCAD software. Moreover, in this paper the sensitive parameters are
analyzed and recommendations for choosing pouring concrete sub-contractors are
provided. Additionally the proposed model is applied to a practical case for
defining the required time for pouring a lower raft slab for “The Bow” project
in downtown Calgary.
Simulation of Modular Building
Paul Joseph Knytl, Osama M Mohsen, Basel Abdulaal,
Jacek Olearczyk, and Mohamed Al-Hussein (University of Alberta)
Modular construction has the advantage of producing
structures quickly and efficiently, while not requiring the resources to build
a structure to be co-located with the construction site. Large modules can be
produced in quality controlled environments, and then shipped to the
construction site and assembled with minimal labor requirements. An additional
advantage is that once the modules are on-site, construction can proceed
extremely quickly. This is ideal for situations where compressed schedules are
required in order to meet client’s time constraints. This paper examines using
software simulation, specifically Simphony.NET, in the design and analysis of
the construction process. This is done both before and after project execution
to predict productivity and duration and also to allow for exploration of
alternate construction scenarios.
Tuesday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Decision Tools
Chair: Amlan
Mukherjee (Michigan Tech)
Harnessing the Power of Simulation in the Project
Management / Decision Support Aspects of the Construction
Gunnar Lucko (The Catholic University of America),
Perakath C. Benjamin (Knowledge Based Systems, Inc.) and Michael G. Madden (M.
Madden OR & DES Consulting)
This paper reviews the history of construction
simulation systems in light of their graphical representation of complex
scenarios. The simulation of construction operations has been a growing field
of research over the last several decades. Since the introduction of the first
simulation system, which was based on the activity cycle diagram paradigm of
modeling, numerous additional tools have been introduced, each building on and
expanding the modeling and analytical capabilities of previous approaches.
However, despite such rich body of knowledge, which by now is expanding into
areas such as visualization, animation, and virtual reality applications for
construction project management, the beneficial application of simulation in
practice has been marginal. This paper describes both historical and practical
reasons for this situation and presents an ontology-based approach that can
harness existing information in construction project management, especially
the scheduling function, and has the potential to significantly improve its
operational planning and optimization.
Identifying Significant Factors Affecting Request for
Information (RFI) Process Time
Chang-Sun Chin and Jeffrey S Russell
(University of Wisconsin, Madison)
The research is to illustrate how to identify the
significant factor(s) affecting the Request For Information (RFI) process
cycle time in the context of queueing behavior. Among three different factors
involved in the general queueing model (i.e. variability factor, utilization
factor, and average process time), the variability factor was selected and
investigated to see how variations affect the process cycle time under
different conditions along with the batching effect. In order to determine the
levels of factors, a set of RFI data was statistically analyzed. Based on the
selected factors with levels determined, different scenarios were developed
and simulation study was conducted so as to see how the system performs
differently. Then, results of simulation were analyzed using the DOE in order
to identify the most significant factor(s) which affects the current process
cycle time.
Simulation as a Tool for Life Cycle Cost
Khaled Shahata (UMA Engineering Ltd.) and Tarek Zayed
(Concordia University)
Life cycle cost is an essential approach to decide on
alternative rehabilitation strategies for infrastructure systems. Monte Carlo
simulation approach is used to develop a stochastic life cycle cost (SLCC)
model and methodology in order to compare different rehabilitation
scenarios/alternatives for infrastructures, such as water mains. The presented
research in this paper identifies several rehabilitation methods for water
mains, which are classified into three main categories: repair, renovation,
and replacement. The developed model helps academics and practitioners (e.g.
municipal engineers) to predict the suitable new installation and/or
rehabilitation programs as well as their corresponding costs, thereby, to
avoid any unpleasant surprises.
Tuesday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Chair: Vineet Kamat
(University of Michigan)
Tunnel_Sim: Decision Support Tool for Planning
Tunnel Construction Using Computer Simulation
Mohamed Marzouk,
Moatassem Abdallah, and Moheeb El-Said (Cairo University)
Tunnel construction are essentially infrastructure
projects that includes many interfered and sophisticated tasks. This paper
presents a decision support tool, Tunnel_Sim, for planning tunnel construction
projects using computer simulation. The proposed tool assists contractors in
estimating time and cost, required for the construction of tunnel projects.
Five construction techniques are coded in the proposed tool to capture the
construction of open/closed rectangular cross-section tunnels and circular
cross-section tunnels. The decision support tool divides the construction of
tunnels into working zones. It estimates the total duration and cost for each
zone. The proposed tool selects the best construction technique from a set of
alternatives based on a decision making method that utilizes fuzzy numbers. An
application example is presented to demonstrate the characteristics of the
proposed Tunnel_Sim.
Calculating Float in Linear Schedules with
Singularity Functions
Gunnar Lucko and Angel Alberto Peña Orozco
(The Catholic University of America)
This paper presents an exact approach of calculating
float for each activity in linear schedules. It is based on singularity
functions, which have been used previously to determine the criticality of
activities in said schedules. Singularity functions are versatile in that they
can describe multiple changes of productivity within each activity, can be
evaluated by hand if desired, and thus provide the basis for a complete
schedule analysis methodology. Following a brief review of how activities and
their buffers are modeled with singularity functions, this paper examines
types of float that are commonly encountered in the critical path method of
scheduling and develops an equivalent approach for linear schedules. An
example from the literature is used to demonstrate the application of the new
float analysis.