WSC 2008 Final Abstracts |
Tuesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Transport System Analysis
Chair: Cathal Heavey (University of Limerick)
Simulation in the Nuclear Industry
Kite (Saker Solutions Ltd) and Colin Gardiner and Sean McCann (Sellafield Ltd)
This paper presents the use of simulation in planning
Nuclear Decommissioning projects. Using a Flexsim simulation model of the
Sellafield Magnox decanning facility decommissioning as an example, the
presentation will highlight the use of simulation in the nuclear environment,
the complexity of such models and the approach undertaken as well as
identifying some of the benefits achieved as a result of the simulation
project. The presentation will be given by Shane Kite, Managing Director of
Saker Solutions Ltd and was created in conjunction with Colin Gardiner Head of
Operations Research, Sellafield Ltd and Sean McCann, Project Leader Sellafield
OR Group.
Simulation of Passenger Screening for Pandemic
Influenza at U.S. Airport Ports of Entry
Robert Brigantic and
George Muller (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
We present a stochastic discrete event simulation that
was developed to model the screening of international airline passengers
arriving at U.S. airport ports of entry for pandemic influenza. The simulation
begins with the generation of international aircraft arrival patterns to the
United States. Based on assumed prevalence rates in their origin countries,
passengers are randomly assigned to one of three infected states in the
simulation – not infected, infected with pandemic influenza, infected with
other respiratory illness. Passengers then pass through various screening
layers and ultimately exit the system. We track the declared outcome of each
passenger over time as they exit the screening process, with a special
emphasis on false negatives as they pose the most significant threat to our
nation as they will exit the system and unknowingly further spread the
pandemic virus throughout the United States. Extensions to DoD environment
will also be discussed.
Throughput Capacity Verification of Automated
Parking Systems
Marcelo Zottolo, Kathryn Peacock, Eric Lammers, and
Edward Williams (PMC)
This presentation discusses modeling challenges,
approach, and findings for the throughput capacity verification of a parking
system. This system consists of a totally automated four-story parking
structure located next to a train station. Demand variations through the day
for parking and retrieving cars are verified using simulation and equipment
constraints are identified.
Tuesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Lean and Costing Applications
Chair: Feargal Timon (CIM Ireland Ltd)
A Six Sigma DMADV Project: The 787 LCF Scheduling
Roberto F. Lu and Cliff J. Kirkham (The Boeing Company)
The Boeing 787 program revolutionized many aspects of
commercial airplane production. One of the unique aspects of its global
production system is that the major 787 structure components are transported
via a small fleet of freighter airplanes. These freighter airplanes, called
the Large Cargo Freighter (LCF), fly among five production sites to transport
the 787 components forward and return their respective carrying tools back to
their original sites. Simulating and optimizing LCF logistics related factors
is an art as much as a science. This presentation depicts a Six Sigma approach
combined with simulation modeling to improving existing tools and methods of
the 787 LCF logistics. It is often difficult to start and conclude a LEAN Six
Sigma project using simulation modeling. This presentation aims to share the
valuable lessons learned through the practice of LEAN Six Sigma using
simulation modeling.
Discrete Event Simulation Aids New Lean Production
System at Mimeo.com
Paul Babin and Gozde Agirbas (Mimeo.com)
Mimeo.com is employing several new Lean Production
System concepts in its new expansion plant start-up. Building on several
successful Discrete Event Simulations using ProModel, the company employed a
new model to simulate the material flow in the new plant design. This case
study illustrates how simulations can be used effectively to plan, analyze and
communicate new concepts prior to deploying them in production.
JTRS Executable Architecture
Stuart Hurvitz (The MITRE Corporation)
Assessing the benefit of improved battlefield
communication is a constant discussion within the DoD. Related to this
discussion are questions of “what” and “how much” to procure in an environment
of fiscal constraint. This paper describes a methodology that quantifies the
benefit of battlefield communication technologies and utilizes the results in
a warfighter cost/benefits study. To quantify the value of communication
technologies, discrete event simulation is used to expand upon the static DoD
Architecture Framework products developed for the Joint Staff Capabilities
Integration & Development System process. The ARENA simulation package is
employed to produce executable architecture of various military missions.
Results quantify communication effectiveness into five warfighter metrics:
Speed of Command, Situational Awareness, Footprint, Transformational Impact,
and Interoperability. The metrics constitute the benefit portion of a
portfolio analysis study to help decision makers determine which communication
technologies should be developed and integrated onto military platforms.
Tuesday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Models to Support Operations
Chair: Paul Babin (Mimeo.com)
Implementation of Core Manufacturing Simulation Data
in Aerospace Industry
Roberto Lu (The Boeing Company), Swee Leong
(National Institute of Standards and Technology), Nils Bengtsson (Production
Modeling Corporation Europe AB), Björn Johansson (Chalmers University of
Technology), Frank Riddick, Tina Lee, Guodong Shao, and Charles McLean
(National Institute of Standards and Technology) and Al Salour, Laurance N.
Hazlehurst, and Sidney Ly (The Boeing Company)
This presentation will describe how Boeing implements
the Core Manufacturing Simulation Data (CMSD) information model. The
presentation will include visualization of manufacturing data for parts and
tooling visibility in manufacturing industry. Simulation analyses are prepared
by extracting and formatting data from real world production databases. This
includes automatic data processing, automatic curve fitting for distribution
functions, automatic CMSD file generation, and finally data is automatically
fed to simulations.
Flexible Simulations for
Christopher Milligan (Visual8 Corp.) and Doug Meiser
(The Kroger Co.)
The Kroger Co. is one of the largest retailers in the
United States. Its manufacturing division produces 43% of corporate brand
units sold in its stores. Kroger’s 15 dairies operate at near-full capacity
and produce all varieties of fluid milk, orange juice, cultured products such
as yogurt and cottage cheese, novelty treats and non-carbonated beverages.
Kroger and Visual8 Corp. have created a Flexible Dairy Cooler Simulator which
is used in the analysis of production schedules, cooler layouts, picking
methods, staffing levels, and shipping schedules at each dairy. The tool
offers the flexibility to represent, through a drag-and-drop interface, the
layout of any current or future Kroger Dairy. This presentation will
demonstrate how this tool is being used to help Kroger streamline operations
while improving customer service levels, and explore the tactical value of
day-to-day use of a standardized simulation tool in the manufacturing
Simulation as an Integral Part of the Decision
Making Processes in a Service Industry: Eircom’s Field
Feargal J. Timon (CIM Ireland Ltd)
Eircom is Irelands main supplier of Telecommunication
networks. Fault arrival in these networks is unpredictable, however the
pattern of fault arrivals is predictable. A key decision involves the planning
of staff levels in order to meet potential peak demand (which can be
excessive); as planning to meet average demand leads to very poor service
levels. The model is used find an agreed balance between Service Level and
“Productivity”. The model also provides a collaborative and transparent
decision making methodology for Eircom. The main groups involved are customer
service, field management, and the field workforce. The model helps in
analysing these conflicting requirements and bringing the three groups
together to reach a decision. The Model is used to plan staffing levels,
overtimes rules, field force mobility and boundaries, and to cost Regulatory
Body demands on service levels.
Tuesday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Design and Reliability Applications
Chair: Roberto Lu (The Boeing Company)
The Use of Discrete Event Simulation for Designing
Robustness into Ground Combat Vehicles
Tommy E. White (Oakland
Robust parameter design methodology will lead to
products and process that are insensitive to the effects of noise variables.
Finding the optimal setting for design factors depends on the noise variables
used in the simulation representative of the real world operating environment
and product in the field see the same noise variables. This paper show how
basics robust parameter design and simulation can help influence the design of
a Ground Combat Vehicle.
Asset Reliability Modeling and
Ted Tower (Kimberly Clark Corporation)
Traditionally in manufacturing discrete event
simulation, delay occurrence and duration are represented by static
distributions. For many problems and industries, this assumption may be
appropriate, rendering them essentially independent. The manufacturing of
soft, disposable consumer products, however, may involve the assembly of
multi-component products with flexible materials that pose significant
challenges to process reliability and thus make the independence assumption
invalid. In fact, these non-linear interactions between coupled-delays can
result in substantial financial opportunities from seemingly minor
contributors. We describe an Asset Reliability Modeling and Simulation (ARMS)
framework developed at Kimberly-Clark that uses discrete event simulation and
dynamic reliability modeling of assets' process event databases. Models are
essentially built "on the fly" and survival simulations are validated against
asset process history. Analytics and reports provide a means for identifying
the biggest, overall improvement opportunities in performance metrics
including production, delays, uptime, and waste.
Case Study for Usage Modeling in the
Automotive Industry
Arai Monteforte (ReliaSoft Co.)
Stress, strength and their interference are essential
components of reliability. To estimate product reliability, reliability
engineers require an understanding of product stress. Such estimates are more
meaningful if stress relates directly to product use. Because often usage data
is stable and varies little over time, obtaining representative mathematical
models for stress and usage is feasible. Applying discrete event simulation
along with usage and stress distributions can then simplify traditional
modeling approaches (which required second-by-second data sets for every use
element), thus reducing cost and time to acquire information. Developing
modules that replicate conditions based on factors such as geographic
location, time, etc. gives companies more flexibility in usage models to
better support new global markets and product applications. ReliaSoft shares
an example developed for a customer of an application of usage modeling, using
ReliaSoft's RENO simulation software, to drive requirements, product
development and reliability estimates for the global automotive market.
Wednesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Manufacturing Plant Analysis
Chair: Colin Eustace (Maunsell AECOM)
Productivity Evaluation of 56" Pipe Production
Soheil Mardani (Simaron Pardaz Co.), Mohammad Alkatheer (Ahwaz
Pipe & Mills) and Alireza Kabirian (Iowa State University)
Simulation is not only used for future forecasting, it
is also used to analyze the past. Ahwaz Pipe Mills is producing wide variety
of diameter sizes (12” to 56”) all capable of meeting a large diversity of
customer requirements for Gas/Oil and water in past 30 years The basic process
of pipe production is not complex. The steel sheets pass several press and
welding machines to form a pipe. Due to the necessary buffers and inspection
stages it becomes complex. One of the most important challenges at the plants
are the downtimes of the equipment which requires the production system to be
dynamic. According this uncertainty measuring the amount of time that the
whole production line is idle is almost an impossible job. Applying simulation
techniques at APM has been done with two main goals: Increase productivity and
to use production resources more effectively & analyzing past production
3D Simulation Supports Business Improvements in
Small Medium Enterprises
Colm Higgins, Rory Collins, and Tom Egar
(Northern Ireland Technology Centre)
Challenged by the need to become more competitive Small
and Medium Enterprises (SME's) are faced a plethora of business improvement
tools and techniques. Some changes are easier to comprehend but other more
wide-scale changes required can require a leap of faith. Funding Agencies are
also driven by targets to help companies and may push changes which may not be
entirely appropriate for the SME. Invest Northern Ireland (INI) recognized the
challenges in helping implement change for their client SME's and sought the
help of the Northern Ireland Technology Centre (NITC). INI has "3D Factory
Simulation Service" to assist client companies to see how they might implement
change using the virtual environment, before major funds are committed. This
paper aims discuss how the NITC helps to deliver this service; the methodology
deployed, the challenges faced, the direct benefits attained by the companies
as well as some affiliated bonus' not first
Wednesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Mining and Plant Applications
Chair: Paul Young (Dublin City University)
Simulation of Queensland Coal Rail
Colin Murray Eustace (Maunsell AECOM)
Queensland is Australia's biggest coal export state,
accounting for almost 50% of global traded coking coal and 10% of global
traded thermal coal. Significant increases in throughput are required in
response to global demand. Coal rail systems provide common infrastructure for
a large number of independently operated mines and multiple domestic and
export coal terminals. Coal train movements are typically unscheduled, driven
by varying mine demand and are complex due to yard and port constraints. The
unique complications and unscheduled nature of the rail operations make the
challenge of simulating the operations beyond most commercially available rail
simulation software, which are generally timetable driven with some localized
conflict resolution. This case study describes the development of a simulation
model capable of capturing the complexities of the coal rail system and the
use of the model as a tool to support decision making for infrastructure
upgrades and operational changes.
Design & Evaluation of Engine Assembly Line
Soheil Mardani (Simaron Pardaz Co.), Pouyan Jalili (Ipco)
and Alireza Kabirian (Iowa State University)
IPCO is power train supplier for IranKhodro which is
the largest car manufacturing company in the MiddleEast. Recently has done a
lot of effort to optimize energy consumption, decrease environment pollution
and use alternative fuel in the world. Thus IPCO started research, design and
production gas fuel engine instead of petrol one for automobiles in C and D
class. Following market research the annual target rate settled 200,000
engines. To design the layout in limited area (3800 m2) & also analyze
specification of the production & material handling equipment, considering
all of the constraint, resources and facilities, simulation model get
developed in Enterprise Dynamics. The length of conveyors, cycle time of
equipments, optimized number of required pallets & etc. get specified for
2 types of F shape & L shape of layout. Initial inspection shows that the
optimum annual production rate will be 185000 units which is less than target.
Simulation of Sublevel Caving Operation -
Simulation Applied to Mining
Marco Alessandro Corsaro (Anglo
The feasibility of proposed mining method at a South
African diamond mine is tested via simulation. The simulation objective is to
test mining production schedules, suggested fleet size and ore transportation
system (truck loop vs. ramp). The model indicated the best mining method to be