WSC 2008 Final Abstracts |
General Applications Track
Wednesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Business Services Simulation
Chair: Sugato Bagchi (IBM Research)
Constructing Business Simulations with Service
Richard Lam (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
Typically, system dynamics-based simulations of
business processes are constructed in an ad hoc manner, with a modeler
creating low-level components and defining inter-relationships one-by-one. As
the numbers of process components or variables grow, the resulting model
becomes ever more difficult to manage and extend. This paper discusses the
definition and use of high-level business patterns that have predefined system
dynamics sub-models. These patterns enable rapid construction of arbitrarily
complex system dynamics models of business processes through abstraction,
reuse, and unification of sub-model elements.
Managing Workforce Resource Actions with Multiple
Feedback Control Schemes
Young M. Lee, Lianjun An, and Daniel
Connors (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
Demand disturbances in service businesses are typically
managed by resource actions such as hiring, releasing and cross training of
the workforce. The magnitudes of resource actions are often decided by
estimating the discrepancy between the demand for services and the supply of
workforce. However, naive feedback control of the resource actions by policies
that equate the discrepancy to the control action can produce undesirable
effects such as oscillation between hiring and releasing of workforce, and
amplified oscillation through the stages of the service processes. Effective
combination of multiple feedback control schemes can produce desirable
policies of workforce resource actions. In this work, we study application of
control theoretic principles in managing resource actions to see how various
feedback control schemes can improve costs, utilization and stability of
Modeling and Simulation of E-Mail Social Networks:
A New Stochastic Agent-Based Approach
Fabian Menges, Giuseppe
Narzisi, and Bud Mishra (Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York
Understanding how the structure of a network evolves
over time is one of the most interesting and complex topics in the field of
social networks. In our attempt to model the dynamics of such systems, we
explore an agent-based approach to model growth of email-based social
networks, in which individuals establish, maintain and allow atrophy of links
through contact-lists and emails. The model is based on the idea of common
neighbors, but also on a detailed specialization of the classical preferential
attachment theory, thus capturing a deeper understanding of the topology of
inter-node connections. In our event-based simulation that schedules the
agents' actions over time, the proposed model is amenable to significant
efficiency improvements through an application of the Gillespie stochastic
simulation schemes. Computer simulation results are used to validate the model
by showing that its unique features endow it with ability to simulate
real-world email networks with convincing realism.
Wednesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Technological Enhancements
Chair: Rachel Johnson (Arizona State University)
Generating Artificial Populations Using a
Multi-Level Fuzzy Inference Engine
Carlos Ramon Garcia-Alonso and
Gabriel Maria Perez-Alcala (ETEA)
The design of complex artificial populations is the
first step in simulating evolution during the time span of socio-economic
variables as the family income. In this paper, a new hybrid model based on
Monte-Carlo simulation and fuzzy inference is described to design
environmental conditions, the basic socioeconomic structure and to determine
the causes for mortality in an artificial population. The model is based on
three main databases that describe the characteristics of the environment,
individuals and mechanisms (mortality). These expert-based characteristics
guide the simulation model which has a fuzzy inference engine to evaluate
fuzzy dependence relationships. These relationships have been formulated to
automatically determine complex environmental and individual characteristics
as well as mechanism parameters, and they are based on expert knowledge. An
artificial population has been designed with satisfactory results when
critical design factors are carefully adjusted.
Phrase Based Browsing for Simulation Traces of
Network Protocols
Nathan Jay Schmidt and Peter Kemper (College of
William and Mary)
Most discrete event simulation frameworks are able to
output simulation runs as a trace. The Network Simulator 2 (NS2) is a
prominent example that does so to decouple generation of dynamic behavior from
its evaluation. If a modeler is interested in the specific details and
confronted with lengthy traces from simulation runs, support is needed to
identify relevant pieces of information. In this paper, we present a new
phrase-based browser that has its roots in information retrieval, language
acquisition and text compression which is refined to work with trace data
derived from simulation models. The browser is a new navigation feature of
Traviando, a trace visualizer and analyzer for simulation traces. The browsing
technique allows a modeler to investigate particular patterns seen in a trace,
that may be of interest due to their frequent or rare occurrence. We
demonstrate how this approach applies to traces generated with NS2.
New Approaches for Inference of Unobservable
Yun Bae Kim and Jinsoo Park (Sungkyunkwan University)
Many inference methods of queueing systems have been
developed on the basis of Larson's QIE (queue inference engine) with the
assumption of homogeneous Poisson arrivals. It inferred the queueing systems
with starting and ending times of service. However, the arrival processes are
becoming complex lately, so there are some limits to apply the method. Our
study introduces new methods of queue inference which can find the internal
behaviors of queueing systems with only external observations, arrival and
depar-ture time. This study deals with general GI/G/c queueing systems: (a)
FCFC (first come first served), (b) LCFS (last come first served), (c) RSS
(random selection for service). The accurate inferences were obtained from
FCFS and LCFS systems, and the approximate solutions from RSS systems.