WSC 2008 Final Abstracts |
Monday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Health Systems Dynamics
Ron Giachetti (Florida International University)
A Simulation Study of Interventions to Reduce
Appointment Lead-Time and Patient No-Show Rate
Ronald Giachetti
(Florida International University)
A problem in health care is the lengthy waiting time
for patients to receive an appointment. Long appointment delays cause patient
dissatisfaction with the health care clinic and also has clinical
ramifications. Long appointment delays are also found to increase patient
no-shows, which further wastes medical resources and leads to a decrease in
clinical care. A model of the health care clinic is built to understand the
casual relationships in the system contributing to the problem. The model is
used to investigate two possible policies. A policy of eliminating multiple
appointment types can be effective in reducing appointment delay and as a
consequent no-shows. Using data from several clinics, our study also suggests
that an effective policy is to segregate habitual no-show patients and
double-book them whenever they make appointments. This policy is equally
effective as general over-booking without penalizing the entire patient
Applicability of Hybrid Simulation to Different
Modes of Governance in UK Healthcare
Kirandeep Chahal (Brunel
University) and Tillal Eldabi (Brunel Business School)
Healthcare organizations exhibit both detailed and
dynamic complexity. Effective and sustainable decision-making in healthcare
requires tools that can comprehend this complexity. Discrete event simulation
(DES) due to its ability to capture detail complexity is widely used for
operational decision making. However at the strategic level, System Dynamics
(SD) with its focus on a holistic perspective and its ability to comprehend
dynamic complexity has advantages over DES. Appreciating the complexity of
healthcare, the authors have proposed the use of hybrid simulation in
healthcare. As argued previously, effective decision making require tools
which are capable of comprehending both detail and dynamic interactions of
healthcare. The interactions in the organizations are governed by the
governance design. In appreciation of that argument the authors have described
the applicability of a hybrid approach to various modes of governance in UK
System Dynamics: What's in it for Healthcare
Simulation Modelers
Sally C Brailsford (University of Southampton)
In the past decade there has been an explosion in the
use of system dynamics modeling in healthcare. Despite this, the approach is
still far less well known than discrete-event simulation in the mainstream
Operations Research community. This paper contains an introduction to system
dynamics, illustrated by several examples in the field of healthcare, and
discusses some of the possible reasons for the growth in the popularity of
this approach for healthcare modeling.
Monday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Improving Hospital Performance
Chair: Michael Pidd (Lancaster University)
DGHPSim: Supporting Smart Thinking to Improve
Hospital Performance
Murat M Gunal and Michael Pidd (Lancaster
University Management School)
DGHPSim is a suite of discrete event simulation models
that enable managers and clinicians to investigate improvement scenarios for
UK general hospitals. The models were developed in Micro Saint Sharp and are
configured using hospital data and nationally available health episode
statistics. The models can be separately but function best as a single,
overall system model that allow users to develop understanding of the
interaction effects of possible changes. An example of the use of DGHPSim is
given, using UK NHS data, demonstrating how it can be used to investigate
improvement options whilst keeping an eye on side effects.
Simulation-Based Verification of Lean Improvement
for Emergency Room Process
Nancy Khurma, Gheorghe M Bacioiu, and
Zbigniew J Pasek (University of Windsor)
One of the key challenges to health care access in
Canadian hospitals is growing overcrowding of the Emergency Departments (EDs),
leading to the medical personnel overload, and the excessive waiting times to
receive proper care. These adverse effects directly impact the patient
satisfaction levels, the ability of the medical professionals to attend
promptly to patients’ health issues, and generate unnecessary costs.
Addressing the sources of waste and improving the process provides better care
and higher patient satisfaction, as well as increases operational efficiency
and the ability of the medical professionals to intervene on time. This paper
describes an effort aimed at improvement of patients’ experience over their ED
stay. A combination of Lean tools were used to analyze, assess and improve the
current situation. Simulation models based on current and future (desired)
states were developed. Comparative analysis of both enabled verification of
feasibility of proposed solutions, and provided quantifiable results.
Optimizing Staffing Schedule in Light of Patient
Satisfaction for the Whole Outpatient Hospital Ward
Soemon Takakuwa
(Nagoya University) and Athula Wijewickrama (University of Sri
The waiting time for patients in outpatient departments
of hospitals is a problem throughout the world. In this context, a
discrete-event-simulation model was developed to examine congestions and
doctor schedules in all departments of an outpatient hospital ward of the
Nagoya University hospital. The method of gathering the required data on times
for all outpatients and their routes is described in this paper as part of a
performing simulation, especially by making use of electronic medical records.
This study identified some of the best doctor schedule mixes by integrating
the simulation model into an optimization program in order to reduce patient
waiting time as well as doctor idle-time without adding a single additional
Monday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Simulating the Emergency Department
Chair: Mark Lawley (Purdue University)
Modelling Patient Arrivals When Simulating an
Accident and Emergency Unit
Le Yin Meng (Mount Elizabeth Hospital)
and Trevor Spedding (University of Wollongong)
This paper presents a case study of a discrete event
simulation model of an Accident and Emergency Unit in a hospital in the UK.
The objective of the study is to create a simulation study of the A&E
Unit, to evaluate alternative scenarios and hence reducing patient waiting
time. The case study uses a novel approach to predict the arrival time of
patients and hence results in a more realistic platform on which to base the
subsequent scenario analysis. The scenario analysis illustrates that
significant reductions in the waiting time of patients can be obtained by
relatively minor changes in operations.
Reducing Emergency Department Overcrowding – Five
Patient Buffer Concepts in Comparison
Erik Michael Wilhelm Kolb
(RWTH Aachen University), Jordan Peck (MIT Parc Center for Complex Systems),
Sebastian Schoening (MAG Europe GmbH) and Taesik Lee (Complex System Design
Emergency Department (ED) overcrowding is a common
medical care issue in the United States and other developed nations. One major
cause of ED crowding are holding patients waiting in the Emergency Room (ER)
for inpatient unit admission where they block critical ED resources. With
input data from a hospital in Massachusetts/USA, we tested five patient buffer
concepts which aim at relieving pressure of the ER. The buffers are also
assumed to improve patient and staff satisfaction through their design
tailored to needs in patient flow. To ensure patients safety, we performed
tests with discrete event simulation in which we discovered ‘triage to bed
time’ reductions of up to 22% and ‘diversion hour’ decreases of up to 24%. All
buffers managed to run with significantly less resources than the ER. Our
findings have a potential impact on hospital process flow due to clear results
which offer substantial improvement of hospital organization.
Improving Patient Flow in a Hospital Emergency
D. J. Medeiros (Penn State University), Eric Swenson
(United States Military Academy at West Point) and Christopher DeFlitch (Penn
State Hershey Medical Center)
Hospital emergency departments in the US are facing
increasing challenges due to growth in patient demand for their services, and
inability to increase capacity to match demand. We report on a new approach to
patient flow in emergency departments, and a simulation model of the approach.
Initial results from the model show that the approach is feasible, and a pilot
study demonstrates substantial improvements in patient care.
Tuesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Hospital Operations Simulation
Chair: Julie Ivy (North Carolina State University)
A Simulation-Based Approach for Inventory
Modeling of Perishable Pharmaceuticals
Ana R. Vila-Parrish, Julie
Simmons Ivy, and Russell E. King (North Carolina State University)
Pharmaceutical expenditures are increasing for hospital
systems nationwide. We model the inventory and ordering policies for
perishable drugs in the setting of an inpatient hospital pharmacy. We consider
two stages of inventory: raw material and finished good (e.g. intravenous). We
use a two-phased approach to explore policy structures that could be
implemented in the hospital pharmacy. We develop a policy which is based on
the idea that hospitals can improve both costs and patient demand fulfillment
by using knowledge of patient mix to guide their drug inventory and
preparation decisions. We compare this policy to a simpler stationary base
stock policy. The policies are evaluated on the basis of (1) shortage cost,
(2) outdating cost (expirations), and (3) holding cost through a range of cost
Simulation Based Decision-Making for Hospital
Pharmacy Management
Alkin Yurtkuran and Erdal Emel (Uludag
Managing healthcare delivery systems plays an important
role for healthcare providers in order to have high quality service
performances. Inpatient pharmacy delivery systems are one of those that have a
key role in hospital’s service quality. Simulation is the best tool to analyze
the hospital pharmacy operations due to their inherent complexity. In this
article, a simulation model is developed based on data collected from a
hospital in Turkey to analyze its pharmacy delivery system. In comparison to
the baseline system, two different scenarios with varying factors are
investigated, seeking to minimize drug delivery time to patients. The results
presented here indicate the possibility for improved system performance.
Using Simulation in the Implementation of an
Outpatient Procedure Center
Todd Huschka (Mayo Clinic Rochester),
Brian Denton (North Carolina State University) and Bradly Narr and Adam
Thompson (Mayo Clinic Rochester)
Creation of an Outpatient Procedure Center (OPC) is a
complicated endeavor, requiring a detailed understanding of the resources
available and the procedures to be performed. Miscalculation of resource
allocation or patient flow through the area can result in the waste of
expensive resources, patient dissatisfaction, and health care provider
inefficiency. The use of discrete event simulation can assist in the design of
an OPC with the ultimate goal of reducing resource waste and improving patient
flow through the system. In this article we provide a case study of the
application of a discrete event simulation model used to support analysis
required for moving an existing group (interventional procedures for Pain
Medicine) into a new area. This resulted in major changes to the group’s
practice and modified the new facility utilization.
Tuesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Outpatient Clinic Operations
Chair: Todd Huschka (Mayo Clinic)
A Simulation Study on the Impact of Physician
Starting Inquiry Time in a Physical Examination Service
Tina Song (National Ting Hua University), Aaron E Bair (Department of
Emergency Medicine) and Mingchang Chih (National Ting Hua University)
The objective of our project was to improve the
efficiency of a screening physical examination service of a large hospital
system. We began with a detailed simulation model to explore the relationships
between four performance measures and three decision factors. These included
various dispatching rules, physician starting inquiry time, and scheduled
patient arrival time. We then attempted to identify the optimal physician
starting inquiry time. Our simulations show that (1) the three patient
dispatching rules have negligible influence on any of the four outcome
measures; (2) two types of patient arrival policies did not affect any of the
four measures; (3) the proposed optimal physician starting inquiry time
decreased patient wait time by 50% without increasing overall physician
utilization. Based on these finding, we propose an innovative change to
postpone or remove the physician inquiry stage which promises to reduce clinic
resources and increase patient service quality.
Outpatient Appointment Scheduling in a Multi
Facility System
Athula Wijewickrama (University of Sri
Jayewardenepura) and Soemon Takakuwa (Nagoya University)
This study evaluates appointment systems used in
hospitals by incorporating appointment rules and patient characteristics.
Using an experiment unit at an internal medicine department of a large
outpatient ward in Nagoya university hospital, a number of prevailing
assumptions were relaxed, and twentyfive appointment systems were developed
combining five appointment rules with five patient sequences. These
appointment systems were evaluated under two different environments namely
no-show and patient punctuality, with each of the two-levels totaling one
hundred different environments. A best appointment system is capable of
identifying the problems in terms of both patient waiting time and doctor idle
A Simulator to Improve Waiting Times at a Medical
Imaging Center
Francisco J. Ramis (Universidad del Bio-Bio),
Liliana P. Neriz (Universidad de Chile), Jose Sepulveda (University of Central
Florida) and Felipe Baesler (Universidad del Bio-Bio)
Medical Imaging Centers (MIC) are critical units in
every hospital or medical center because they are an important step in
generating a patient’s diagnostic. This paper shows a simulator designed to
facilitate the development of simulation studies of MIC, which departs from
traditional modeling because it uses a pull paradigm for the patients. A group
technology approach was used to minimize the number of objects in the
simulator, which includes objects that have the functionality of the
equipments and processes found in these facilities, so that the analyst only
needs to provide the parameters of the center. All the data is provided to the
simulator through a Graphic User Interface (GUI), requiring no programming
capacities. As an application of the simulator, an example is provided where
the simulator is used to improve the waiting times and equipment rate of
utilization at a research hospital in Chile.
Tuesday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Analysis of Disease Control Policies
Chair: Stephen Roberts (North Carolina State
Infectious Disease Control
Margaret L Brandeau (Stanford University)
Control of infectious diseases is a key global health
priority. This paper describes the role that simulation can play in evaluating
policies for infectious disease control. We describe ongoing simulation
studies in three different areas: HIV prevention and treatment, contact
tracing, and hepatitis B prevention and control.
Pandemic Influenza Response
Ekici, Pinar Keskinocak, Julie L. Swann, and Randeep Ramamurthy (Georgia
Institute of Technology)
Given the recent incidents of the avian flu in Asia and
the pandemic influenza cases in history, many experts believe that a pandemic
influenza is likely to happen in the near future; hence, governments and
non-governmental organizations try to develop response plans. It is estimated
that 20% of working adults may become ill, and there may be a 40% workforce
loss during peak because of illness, fear of infection, and the need to care
infected family members or school-aged children. Food and water supplies and
transportation services may be interrupted. To aid with planning, we model the
spread of pandemic influenza, both geographically and over time, using an
agent-based simulation approach. We then combine this with an optimization
model to identify and dynamically update the appropriate locations for food
distribution facilities, and test our models using data from Georgia.
Parallel Simulation of the Global Epidemiology of
Avian Influenza
Dhananjai M. Rao (Miami University) and Alexander
Chernyakhovsky (William Mason High School)
SEARUMS is an Eco-modeling, bio-simulation, and
analysis environment to study the global epidemiology of Avian Influenza.
Originally developed in Java, SEARUMS enables comprehensive epidemiological
analysis, forecast epicenters, and time lines of epidemics for prophylaxis;
thereby mitigating disease outbreaks. However, SEARUMS-based simulations were
time consuming due to the size and complexity of the models. In an endeavor to
reduce time for simulation, we have redesigned the infrastructure of SEARUMS
to operate as a Time Warp synchronized, parallel and distributed simulation.
This paper presents our parallelization efforts along with empirical
evaluation of various design alternatives that were explored to identify the
ideal parallel simulation configuration. Our experiments indicate that the
redesigned environment called SEARUMS++ achieves good scalability and
performance, thus meeting a mission-critical objective.
Tuesday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Surgery Systems
Chair: Evelyn
Brown (East Carolina University)
Heuristics for Balancing Operating Room and
Post-Anesthesia Resources Under Uncertainty
Jill Howard Iser, Brian
T. Denton, and Russell E. King (North Carolina State University)
The Post-Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) is a shared
resource in the hospital where patients recover from surgery. It is fed by a
set of Operating Rooms (OR’s) often spanning several surgical services. It is
insufficient to determine the best surgery schedule for any single OR without
considering available PACU capacity. We model this as a two-stage process
where the first stage is surgery and the second, post-anesthesia recovery. An
interesting aspect of the second-stage process is that it begins as soon as
the first stage has concluded even if a PACU bed is not available. In this
case, the OR continues to house the recovering patient until a PACU bed is
available. We analyze the structure of the problem, evaluate several
heuristics based on competing performance measures for surgical suite
efficiency, and present results of numerical experiments and insights that can
be derived from them.
Maximizing the Utilization of Operating Rooms with
Stochastic Times Using Simulation
Jean-Paul Arnaout (Lebanese
American University)
This paper addresses a surgery rooms scheduling
problem. The problem is modeled as a parallel machine scheduling problem with
sequence dependent setup times and an objective of minimizing the makespan.
This is a NP-hard problem and in this paper, a solution heuristic is developed
and compared to existing ones using simulation. The results and analysis
obtained from the computational experiments proved the superiority of the
proposed algorithm LEPST over the other algorithms presented.
Wednesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Improving Healthcare Outcomes
Chair: Sallie Brailsford (University of
How Much is a Health Insurer Willing to Pay for
Colorectal Cancer Screening Tests?
Reza Yaesoubi and Stephen D.
Roberts (North Carolina State University)
Colorectal Cancer (CRC) screening tests have proven to
be cost-effective in preventing cancer incidence. Yet, as recent studies have
shown, CRC screening tests are noticeably underutilized. Among the factors
influencing CRC screening test utilization, the role of health insurers has
gained considerable attention in recent studies. In this paper, we propose an
analytical model for the market of CRC screening tests and show how the
insurer can benefit from a computer simulation model to cope with the problem
of incomplete and asymmetric information inherent in this market. Our
estimates reveal that promoting CRC screening tests is not necessarily
economically attractive to the insurer, unless the insurer’s valuation of life
is greater than a certain limit. We use the proposed model to estimate such a
threshold – the insurer’s willingness-to-pay to acquire one additional life
year by covering the CRC screening tests.
Discrete Event Simulation: Optimizing Patient Flow
and Redesign in a Replacement Facility
Marshall Ashby, Martin
Miller, and David Ferrin (FDI) and Niloo Shahi (LAC+USC Healthcare Network)
This study observed the challenges of taking an
existing facility’s inpatient volumes and procedures and projecting them into
a replacement facility with differently sized units, overall scale, and
layout. Discrete event simulation is used to examine the impacts of this
transition as well as the operational impacts of capacity changes, process
redesign, and process improvements. This effort to optimize patient flow
throughout the inpatient units is done while modeling and observing the
impacts on other interdependent parts of the hospital such as the Emergency
Department, and Operating Rooms.
Allocating Outpatient Clinic Services Using
Simulation and Linear Programming
David Ferrin (FDI Simulation)
A large number of operational tools exist to help
researchers determine business solutions for their customers. Each individual
tool serves a distinct purpose for specific types of problems. Deciding which
tool to use requires knowledge and experience. Sometimes, the researcher
should integrate several tools because each tool may get too complex or not
form a complete solution. This paper discusses how simulation, linear
programming and spreadsheet analysis were integrated to help a new hospital
determine ideal space assignments, schedule configurations and throughput
targets for numerous clinic services.