WSC 2008 Final Abstracts |
Logistics, Transportation and Distribution Track
Monday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Maritime Transportation Systems
Chair: Bill Biles (University of Louisville)
A Simulation Approach to the Evaluation of
Operational Costs and Performance of Liner Shipping Operations
McLean and William E. Biles (University of Louisville)
This paper presents a simulation model of the operation
of a liner shipping network that considers multiple service routes and
schedules. The objective is to evaluate the operational costs and performance
associated with liner shipping, as well as the impact of individual service
schedules on the overall system. The approach proposes a discrete-event
simulation model where shipping activities, container ship operations, and
intermodal container movements are considered. The model allows for direct and
transshipment operations of container cargo, and the evaluation of fuel
consumption and other logistics metrics. The model is used to evaluate a liner
shipping network consisting of four service routes, up to 64 container ships,
and up to 20 ports with diverse physical characteristics and cost components.
The results show the contribution of service routes, ports, container ships,
and containers to the cost and performance of the system.
Determination of Operating Policies for a Barge
Transportation System through Simulation and Optimization
Nicholas Anderson (Mesoscale Diagnostics) and Gerald W.
Evans (University of Louisville)
This paper presents a simulation model of a barge
transportation system for petroleum delivery within an inland waterway. The
simulation is employed as an evaluation model within a decision support system
which also includes a criterion model, represented as a decision maker’s
utility function, and an optimization procedure which employs scatter search.
Variance reduction techniques are also employed in order to improve the
accuracy of the estimates of the performance measures associated with the
system. The main purpose of the system is to determine values for important
inventory policy variables.
An Object-Oriented Programming Approach for a GIS
Data-driven Simulation Model of Traffic on an Inland
Daniel Sasso and William E. Biles (University of
This research proposes the integration of a Geographic
Information System (GIS) with the Arena Simulation software to model the
transit of ocean-going vessels through the Panama Canal. The purpose of this
integration is to initialize the simulation model with the vessels that are
currently transiting the system and the ones ready to begin their transit
taking into account waiting time in queue, booking status, navigation
restrictions and their times through the locks. The interface process consists
of gathering vessel location and attribute data, which is loaded in database
format in the GIS where it is analyzed and displayed in a map containing the
location of the locks, anchorage areas, tie-up stations and the transit route.
Once analyzed, Arena reads the GIS data from the database and proceeds with
the simulation considering navigation transit time, locks transit and lockage
Monday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Supply Chain Simulations in Industry
Chair: Young Lee (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
Using Data Driven Simulation to Build Inventory
Minghui Yang (Boeing IMM Demand Forecast)
Many general-purpose simulation languages (such as
ARENA, SLAM II, GPSS/H, SIMAN etc) have been the major simulation tools to
simulate the demand-supply processes. They have made great contributions to
the decision making. But in the recent years, followed by the fast development
of WINDOW applications, powerful PC hardware and software, numerous
applications have used different approaches to develop simulation
applications. One rapidly developing area in simulation is dynamic data-driven
simulation (DDDS) by using data manipulation and analysis packages. SAS is a
powerful tool for data analysis and data manipulation. It can also be used to
build simulation models in data driven applications. This article presents our
research development in this area for demand forecast applications.
Analyzing Dispensing Plan for Emergency Medical
Supplies in the Event of Bioterrorism
Young M. Lee (IBM T.J. Watson
Research Center)
To prepare for the event of bioterrorism, which could
spread contagious disease such as anthrax, plague, smallpox, or tularemia to
public, local governments in the United States are required have a plan for
dispensing medical supplies such as vaccines and antibiotics to general
public. The mass prophylaxis would need to cover millions of people in large
cities in a short period of time. The distribution and dispensing plan of the
medical supplies have to be effective since it would influence health and
lives of many people, and there would be no time to fix or adjust plan once
the emergency event occurs. In this work, we develop a simulation model to
help a major U.S. city in evaluating the effectiveness of alternative
dispensing plans and identifying improvement opportunities. This paper
describes potential risks and generalized recommendations that can lead to
developing effective supply chain and dispensing plans.
Simulating Order Fulfillment and Supply Planning
for a Vertically Aligned Industry Solution Business
Feng Cheng,
Young M. Lee, Wei Wang, and Hongwei Ding (IBM Research) and Stuart Stephens
(IBM Integrated Supply Chain)
We model supply chain of an industry solution equipment
manufacturer, where the merchandise is sold worldwide, but suppliers are
mostly located in Asia. The preferred shipment of supply is the ocean
shipment, and it takes about 5 weeks. Premium air shipment can be used to
expedite delivery, but it costs substantially higher. To hedge against
variability of demand and to satisfy customer service level, a certain level
of safety stock is needed but inventory carrying cost can be high. Therefore,
a careful fulfillment strategy is very important to balance serviceability and
cost. A supply chain simulation model is developed to analyze the order
fulfillment and supply planning process for the business to identify efficient
supply chain strategy. The model simulates and evaluates three key performance
metrics; serviceability, inventory costs and premium transportation costs, and
their interactions.
Monday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Simulation and Optimization in Logistics
Chair: Malak Al-Nory (George Mason
Unifying Simulation and Optimization of Strategic
Sourcing and Transportation
Malak Talal Al-Nory and Alexander
Brodsky (George Mason University)
Proposed and developed is a framework and an extensible
library of simulation modeling components for strategic sourcing and
transportation. The components include items, suppliers, volume-discount
schedules, aggregators, procurement rules, and less-than-truck-load delivery.
Service models are classes in the Java programming language extended with
decision variables, assertions, and business objective constructs. The
optimization semantics of the framework is based on finding an instantiation
of real values into the decision variables in the service object constructor,
that satisfies all the assertions and leads to the optimal business objective.
The optimization is not done by repeated simulation runs, but rather by
automatic compilation of the simulation model in Java into a mathematical
programming model in AMPL and solving it using an external solver.
Simulation-Based Optimization of a Complex Mail
Transportation Network
Anna Syberfeldt, Henrik Grimm, Amos Ng,
Martin Andersson, and Ingemar Karlsson (University of Skövde)
The Swedish Postal Services receives and distributes
over 22 million pieces of mail every day. Mail transportation takes place
overnight by airplanes, trains, trucks, and cars in a transportation network
comprising a huge number of possible routes. For testing and analysis of
different transport solutions, a discrete-event simulation model of the
transportation network has been developed. This paper describes the
optimization of transport solutions using evolutionary algorithms coupled with
the simulation model. The vast transportation network in combination with a
large number of possible transportation configurations and conflicting
optimization criteria make the optimization problem very challenging. A large
number of simulation evaluations are needed before an acceptable solution is
found, making the computational cost of the problem severe. To address this
problem, a computationally cheap surrogate model is used to offload the
optimization process.
Simulation Based Optimization of
Multi-Location Transshipment Problem with Capacitated
Banu Yetkin Ekren and Sunderesh S. Heragu
(University of Louisville)
In this study, a single-item two-echelon inventory
system where the items can be stored in each of N stocking locations is
optimized using simulation. The aim of this study is to minimize the total
inventory, backorder, and transshipments costs, based on the replenishment and
transshipment quantities. In this study, transshipments which are the transfer
of products among locations at the same echelon level and transportation
capacities which are the transshipment quantities between stocking locations,
are also considered. Here, the transportation capacities among the stocking
locations are bounded due to transportation media or the locations’
transshipment policy. Assuming stochastic demand, the system is modeled based
on different cases of transshipment capacities and costs. To find out the
optimum levels of the transshipment quantities among stocking locations and
the replenishment quantities, the simulation model of the problem is developed
using ARENA 10.0 and then optimized using the OptQuest tool in this software.
Tuesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Container Operations
Csaba Boer (TBA B.V.)
Controls: Emulation to Improve the Performance of
Container Terminals
Csaba A. Boer and Yvo Saanen (TBA B.V.)
Nowadays container terminals are struggling with a
continuously increasing volume. Therefore, they are searching for solutions to
increase throughput capacity without expanding their physical footprint.
Furthermore, they aim to increase their productivity on vessels in order to be
able to handle bigger ships with larger call sizes in the same time frame. A
terminal operating system (TOS) plays a major role in today’s terminal
operations as it supports planning, scheduling and equipment control. Recently
more and more tasks are performed by the TOS – stowage planning, grounding
decisions, equipment dispatching – and therefore, they need to be well-tuned
to the operation, which remains a terminal specific characteristic. In this
paper, an approach is presented to test and tweak the TOS and train operators
on a virtual terminal. The implementation of this approach has been
successfully applied during several TOS update or replacement projects for
Rotterdam, Hong Kong, Virginia and Antwerp.
Yard Crane Dispatching Based on Real Time Data Driven
Simulation for Container Terminals
Xi Guo, Shell Ying Huang, Wen
Jing Hsu, and Malcolm Low (Nanyang Technological University)
This paper studies the problem of real-time yard crane
dispatching in container terminals. Many technologies, including transponders,
RFID and GPS have been used in terminal settings for real-time tracking of
terminal equipments. A judicious integration of real-time data into the yard
crane management system will allow better utilization of terminal resources to
improve overall terminal productivity. We propose a dispatching algorithm
based on real time data driven simulation to solve the problem of yard crane
job sequencing to minimize average vehicle waiting time. The algorithm
produces optimal operation sequence for each planning window. Several policies
to select jobs to form the planning window are proposed. Our simulation
results show that dispatching yard crane based on real-time data driven
simulation is of great value in improving yard crane performance in 3
scenarios with different vehicle arriving patterns and our results are 10%
worse off a loosely estimated overall optimal performance results.
Generic Simulation for Rail-Road Container
Thouraya Benna and Manfred Gronalt (University of Natural
Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna)
Hinterland terminals enable the transshipment of
containers between various modes of transport and play a significant role in
intermodal freight transportation. In this paper we present a simulation-based
tool, that can be used to plan and design a rail-road container terminal, by
simulating different terminal configuration in advance and accessing
performance and utilization limits of the planned terminal.
Tuesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Airline Operations
Sanjiv Shresta (The MITRE Corporation)
A Recursion-Based Approach to Simulating Airline
Schedule Robustness
Marcial Lapp, Shervin AhmadBeygi, Amy Cohn, and
Omer Tsimhoni (University of Michigan)
Flight disruptions due to events such as inclement
weather or mechanical failure are an increasing occurrence in today’s air
travel. It is important to develop flight schedules that are not only
economically feasible, but also provide opportunities to absorb these
disruptions so as to reduce downstream delays. In this paper, we present a
simulation algorithm to evaluate a flight schedule’s ability to mitigate
disruptions by analyzing propagation effects on the flight network. This task
is challenging for two reasons: the interdependence of flights, due to shared
resources (e.g. cockpit/flight crews, aircraft), and the cyclic nature of the
schedule, which repeats on a daily basis. We show how a recursion-based
approach to the simulation enables us to overcome these challenges.
Simulation of Unit Loading Device Inventory in
Airline Operations
Chatabush Roongrat (University of Texas at
Commercial airlines often encounter imbalances in their
inventory of unit loading devices (ULDs). A stochastic simulation model was
developed to evaluate inventory policies. The structure of the simulation
model is described. We evaluate a minimum ULD loading configuration policy and
demonstrate how it reduces ULD shortages and helps balance ULD network flow
and inventory. As a result, airlines can reduce operating expenses and improve
customer service. Finally, we give future directions for studying ULD
Modeling of Air Traffic Arrival Operations through
Agent-Based Simulation
Sanjiv Shresta and Ralf H. Mayer (The MITRE
This paper reports on the development and validation of
an agent based simulation model of air traffic control arrival operations. The
simulation model includes modeling of both the structure and procedures of air
traffic operations. It is thus suitable for evaluating the impacts of shifts
in those structures and procedures. Three key operational metrics are
introduced which are sensitive to the internal workings of air traffic arrival
operations. The simulation model is validated by demonstrating agreement in
those key metrics between the simulation and a set of baseline arrival
operations radar data. After the simulation model has been shown to reproduce
actual operations, select details of the simulation can be altered to
incorporate proposed operational changes. The impact of the changes on the
computer simulation will offer a prediction of how the operational changes
will affect actual operations.
Tuesday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Supply Chain Systems
Salvatore Cannella (University of Palermo)
The Apiobpcs Deziel and Eilon Parameter
Configuration in Supply Chain Under Progressive Information Sharing
Salvatore Cannella and Elena Ciancimino (University of
The aim of this paper is to investigate how different
smoothing parameter levels of the Automatic Pipeline Inventory and Order Based
Production Control System smoothing replenishment rule impact on the bullwhip
dampening efficacy, under progressive information sharing strategies. The main
results of this work are: (1) The smoothing parameter variations significantly
impact on performance of the supply chains characterised by low information
sharing level. (2) As smoothing parameters increase, the supply chain process
performance improves and the customer service level worsens. This opposite
trend noticeably decreases as information sharing level increases. (3) Amongst
the bullwhip dampening techniques, deeper information sharing weights more
than the value of smoothing parameters. The analysis is performed through
continuous time differential equation modelling.
Multi-Echelon Supply Chain Simulation Using
Laigang Song, Xueping Li, and Alberto Garcia-Diaz
(University of Tennessee)
Metamodels are abstractions of the simulation model
that expose the system's input-output relationship through simple mathematical
expression. It provides an analytical way to study the behavior of a complex
system. Multi-echelon supply chain are one of the complex systems. It is hard
if not impossible to draw close-form analytical solutions due to the
complexities of inventory system and the underlying uncertainty. In this
paper, we will apply the methodology of simulation metamodel to a
multi-echelon supply chain problem and make statistically analysis of the
parameters. The model is validated using training experiment conditions.
An Introduction to IBM General Business Simulation
Wei Wang, Jin Dong, Hongwei Ding, Changrui Ren, and
Minmin Qiu (IBM China Research Laboratory) and Young M. Lee and Feng Cheng
(IBM T. J. Watson Research Center)
IBM General Business Simulation Environment (GBSE) is a
supply chain simulation tool developed by IBM China Research Lab. It can
capture supply chain dynamics with finest level of granularity and provides
great insights to a supply chain's real operations. GBSE is designed for
tactical level decision making; it is proper for supply chain what-if analysis
and risk analysis. GBSE implements multiple supply chain processes to
considerable details, such as order handling process, inventory control
process, manufacturing process, transportation process, procurement process,
and planning. The environment is created as a desktop software tool based on
Eclipse platform. The backbone framework consists of Presentation Layer,
Controller Layer, Service Layer, and Data Layer.
Tuesday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Logistics Equipment Routing and
Chair: Loo Lee (National University of Singapore)
SR-1: A Simulation-Based Algorithm for the
Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem
Javier Faulin (Public
University of Navarre), Miquel Gilibert, Angel A. Juan, and Xavier Vilajosana
(Open University of Catalonia) and Ruben Ruiz (Valencia University of
In this paper we present SR-1, a simulation-based
heuristic algorithm for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP). Given
a CVRP instance, SR-1 uses an initial “good solution”, such as the one
provided by the classical Clarke and Wright heuristic, in order to obtain
observations for the variable “distance between two consecutive nodes in a
route”. These observations are then fitted by a statistical distribution,
which characterizes the inter-node distances in good solutions. Then, the
fitted distribution is employed to generate a large number of new random
solutions with similar edge-size distribution. Thus, a random but oriented
local search of the space of solutions is performed, and a list of “best
solutions” is obtained. This list allows considering several properties per
solution, not only aprioristic costs, which can be practically used when
making multiple-criteria decisions. Several tests have been performed to
discuss the effectiveness of this approach.
Simulation-Based Optimization for the Quay Crane
Scheduling Problem
Pasquale Legato and Rina Mary Mazza (University
of Calabria) and Roberto Trunfio (CESIC – NEC Italia S.r.l.)
Maritime terminals of pure transhipment are emerging
logistic realities in long-distance containerized trade. Here, complex
activities of resource allocation and scheduling should be optimized in a
dynamic, non deterministic environment. The assignment of expensive quay
cranes to multiple vessel-holds for container discharging and loading
operations is a major problem, whose solution affects the operational
performance of the whole terminal container. In OR literature, this problem is
known as the quay crane scheduling problem. With the objective of minimizing
the vessel’s overall completion time, we first give our IP formulation and
then, under the more realistic assumption that discharge-loading times are non
deterministic, we focus on a simulation-based optimization approach which
embodies the IP formulation. Two different simulation optimization algorithms
are tailored to the problem: simulated annealing and adaptive balanced
explorative and exploitative search. Preliminary numerical results are
presented on real vessel data.
A Study on Port Design Automation
Loo Hay Lee, Ek Peng Chew, Haixing Cheng, and Yongbin Han
(National University of Singapore)
In this paper, an automation concept is proposed to
facilitate the simulation model building for port design problem. Currently,
this process, which includes drawing the terminal layout and programming the
simulation logic based on the drawn layout, is highly manual, very tedious and
time-consuming. This makes the optimization of the port design very difficult
because it involves too much manual process. Hence, we build an ALG (Automated
Layout Generation) program to generate the simulation model automatically
based on the input parameters provided by users. Besides, we integrate this
program with simulation optimization algorithms, which can generate new
designs, evaluate the designs efficiently and finally identify the promising
Wednesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Distribution and Warehousing
Chair: Manuel Rossetti (University of Arkansas)
Simulating Inventory Systems with Forecast Based
Policy Updating
Manuel Rossetti, Vijith Varghese, Mehmet Miman, and
Edward Pohl (University of Arkansas)
This paper presents an object oriented framework that
facilitates modeling inventory systems whose policy updating is driven by
forecast estimates. In an inventory system, the forecast estimates and the
forecast error measures are used to set the inventory policy. A simulation
approach can address questions regarding the choice of the forecasting
technique and the frequency of updating the policy, especially in
non-stationary demand scenarios. This paper discusses how the framework can be
used to develop simulation models through which these questions can be
addressed. In addition, two examples illustrate how to use the framework and
how to analyze supply chains with forecast based policy updating.
A Simulation Approach to Evaluate the Impact of
Introducing RFID Technologies in a Three-Level Supply Chain
Sarac, Nabil Absi, and Stéphane Dauzere-Peres (Ecole des Mines de
The aim of this paper is to analyze the impacts of RFID
technologies on supply chain performances, in particular to evaluate their
economical impacts and to conduct ROI (Return-On-Investment) analyses. We
simulate a three-level supply chain in which thefts, misplacements and
unavailable items for sale cause inventory inaccuracies that decrease the
supply chain performance. We compare the effects of different RFID
technologies and with different tagging levels for different product types.
The main originality of our research is that we are considering that there are
various possible RFID systems of different costs and potential profits. The
results indicate that different technologies can improve the supply chain
performance at different ratios. The economical impacts depend on the chosen
technology, the tagging level and the product. Our analyses thus show that the
ROI of RFID applications strongly depends on the settings.
A Simulation Based Approach for Dock Allocation in a
Food Distribution Center
Balagopal Gopakumar, Suvarna Sundaram, and
Shengyong Wang (State University of New York at Binghamton), Sumit Koli
(Maines Paper and Food Service) and Krishnaswami Srihari (State University of
New York at Binghamton)
This research endeavor focused on the warehouse
receiving process at a large food distribution center, which comprises of
trucks with goods reaching the destination warehouse, unloading and finally
putting away the contents to the specific aisles. Discrete event simulation
was used to model the current system's functioning and to identify operational
inefficiencies which were quantified through a detailed value stream mapping
exercise. Inspired by 'lean' philosophy, a dock allocation algorithm was
designed to take into account the relationship between the dock location and
the destination aisle to 'optimally' assign the trucks to the docks. After
validating the baseline, new scenarios incorporating the allocation algorithm
were tested. Two of the scenarios showed an average reduction of 30% in daily
travel distance for the 'put-away' personnel. The simulation model also helped
visualize the benefits that would accrue through the use of lean principles to
reduce the non-value added time in warehouse operations.
Wednesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Transportation and Traffic
Chair: Ralf Sprenger (University of
Determination of Operating Policies for a Barge
Transportation System through Simulation and Optimization
Gerald W. Evans (University of Louisville) and Nicholas P.
Anderson (Mesoscale Diagnostics)
This paper presents a simulation model of a barge
transportation system for petroleum delivery within an inland waterway. The
simulation is employed as an evaluation model within a decision support system
which also includes a criterion model, represented as a decision maker’s
utility function, and an optimization procedure which employs scatter search.
Variance reduction techniques are also employed in order to improve the
accuracy of the estimates of the performance measures associated with the
system. The main purpose of the system is to determine values for important
inventory policy variables.
Proposed Methodology for a Data-Driven
Simulation for Estimating Performance Measures along Signalized Arterials in
Dwayne Henclewood, Michael Hunter, and Richard Fujimoto
(Georgia Institute of Technology)
Congestion is one of the major issues facing today’s
transportation sector. Recent efforts have been geared toward providing
traffic information to travelers, to facilitate better travel decisions, and
transportation facility managers, to allow them to better manage traffic
operations. Currently, real-time traffic information is primarily limited to
freeways and a small subset of major arterials. This research effort explores
the feasibility of an online data-driven simulation based methodology to
address the lack of real-time arterial performance measures. The core of this
methodology is the development of an online simulation tool that relies on
commonly available arterial point sensor data, such as that from loop
detectors or video cameras. Preliminary analysis indicates that the approach
being considered is feasible as a model of the “real-world” was capable of
reflecting performance measures with relatively high levels of accuracy.
Limitations of the current research design and more immediate future
directions are also presented.
A Simulation Framework for Assessing the
Performance of Cooperative Transportation Planning Algorithms
Sprenger and Lars Moench (University of Hagen)
In this paper, we suggest a framework that allows for
the simulation-based performance assessment of algorithms for cooperative
transportation planning. Therefore, we consider a coupling architecture that
connects simulation models of the logistic system and the transportation
planning algorithms. The center point of this architecture is a
blackboard-type data layer between transportation planning system and the
simulation engine. We provide detailed information on how the different
subsystems communicate and how each system triggers events of the other
systems. In a case study, we show how the suggested framework supports the
required performance assessment.