WSC 2008 Final Abstracts |
Military Applications Track
Monday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Logistics and Sustainability
Chair: Lisa Fitzgerald (NOVA Technologies)
Modeling and Simulation of Multinational
Intra-Theatre Logistics Distribution
Ahmed Ghanmi (DRDC - CORA) and
Gregory B Campbell and Thomas A Gibbons (CANOSCOM)
Multinational logistics cooperation is essential for
reducing the collective logistics footprint, optimizing resource usage and
enhancing interoperability in military operations. In this paper, a
Multinational Intra-Theatre Distribution (MN ITD) concept for alliance or
coalition operations is examined. MN ITD considers the creation of a MN
logistics distribution centre that combines elements of the nations’
stovepipes into a single system to improve multinational logistics
distribution in a theatre of operation. A discrete event simulation framework
has been developed to assess the MN ITD time responsiveness. The MN ITD
performance is assessed and compared against the current Canadian Forces
distribution system. The study indicates that a MN ITD system would
potentially reduce response times for intra-theatre distribution.
A Discrete Event Simulation Model for Examining
Future Sustainability of Canadian Forces Operations
Moorhead, Andrew Wind, and Mira Halbrohr (DRDC CORA)
This paper presents a proof-of-concept discrete event
simulation model for examining the ability of the Canadian Forces (CF) to
sustain operations, from a human resources perspective. Given a set of future
operations for the CF, ranging from known ongoing domestic commitments to
possible international missions, the goal is to identify potential shortages
of deployable personnel by occupation, rank and unit, up to five years in
advance of actual deployment. As a demonstration case, the proof-of-concept
model was applied to a contingency analysis of the sustainability of Task
Force Afghanistan over a three year planning horizon.
Application of Simulation Modeling for Air
Force Enterprise IT Transformation Initiatives
Lisa M. Fitzgerald
and Tiffany J. Harper (Nova Technology Solutions)
Simulation modeling can be a key enabler and method for
mitigating risk within the Department of Defense’s Enterprise Transformation,
especially in the area of the IT systems that enable transformation. This
paper provides a brief overview of the Air Force’s approach to enterprise
architecture development and demonstrates how modeling and simulation
(M&S) can be used to optimize Enterprise IT architecture design to meet
the needs of operational end users.
Monday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Military Resourcing
Raymond Hill (Air Force Institute of Technology)
Feasibility Study for Replacing the MK19 Automatic
Grenade Launching System
Scott T Crino (United States Military
The Army’s MK-19 weapon system is an automatic grenade
launcher capable of destroying thin-skinned vehicles and dismounted targets at
ranges up to 2200 meters. Since its first use in the 1960s, the MK-19 has
remained largely unchanged while technology has improved. This research will
determine if an alternative weapon system provides a significant improvement
in lethality over the MK-19. The Joint Combat and Tactical Simulation (JCATS)
is used to test weapon variants against a variety of enemies in terrain
similar to current operating environments. The results of these tests – along
with the weapon’s mobility and user interface – are analyzed, weighted, and
scored through the use of the Systems Decision Process (SDP) developed by the
U.S. Military Academy’s Depart-ment of Systems Engineering. Ultimately, this
report provides a recommendation to the Army’s Program Manager of Advanced
Crew Served Weapons on which weapon provides the greatest value to our troops
in theater.
On the Availability of the CH149 Cormorant
Raman Pall (Defence Research and Development Canada - Center
for Operational Research and Analysis)
The CH149 Cormorant is the Canadian Forces (CF)
designation for the AgustaWestland EH101, the Canadian Air Force’s only
dedicated search and rescue (SAR) helicopter. Since its procurement, the
availability for operations of the CH149 fleet has been less than what was
initially predicted. This study was undertaken to determine if the low
serviceability of the fleet was due to its maintenance programme. A
discrete-event simulation model was created to determine the number of
aircraft available at any given time during a simulation run, assuming an
ideal sparing situation. Analysis indicates that the current fleet cannot
operate from four (or even three) Main Operating Bases (MOBs) in an ideal
sparing situation, implying that the fleet’s availability problem cannot
theoretically be solved simply by addressing the logistical problem of the
Automating the Constraining Process
Joel J
Luna (Dynamics Research Corporation)
The typical approach to finding minimum levels of
resources that still allow support and operational performance goals to be met
for military aircraft is based on a manual trial-and-error method. This is
because the function to be minimized (total manpower levels) is an input, and
constraints (in terms of support and operational goals) are outputs. An
approach with algorithms for automating this optimization, called
constraining, is presented, based on dividing the range of total manpower into
partitions and then searching for the lowest partition that still returns a
manpower allocation that meets the performance goals. A tool, which was
developed implementing this approach, is also discussed and results are
presented. The conclusion is that while analysts are surprisingly good at
finding minimum levels of resources, an automated approach produces acceptable
results which are also reproducible and reduce analyst workload.
Monday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Military Analysis Methods I
Chair: Kenneth Hopkinson (Air Force Institute of Technology)
Creating and Using Non-Kinetic Effects: Training
Joint Forces for Asymmetric Operations
Hugh Henry (The MITRE
Corporation) and Robert G. Chamberlain (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
US military forces now face asymmetric military
operations. Management of relationships with civilians is often crucial to
success. Local population groups can provide critical intelligence or be
sources of increasingly violent insurgent activity. A variety of organizations
that are neither citizens nor military forces complicate the scenario. Mission
readiness and rehearsal training are evolving to respond to this new operating
environment. In particular, the Joint Land Component Constructive Training
Capability (JLCCTC) adds the Joint Non-kinetic Effects Model (JNEM) and the
Independent Stimulation Module (ISM) to any of several combat models. JNEM
models the non-kinetic effects of joint military operations on the attitudes
and reactions of civilian population groups. ISM manages the flow and delivery
of information. All components of JLCCTC communicate in real time during
training. Commanders learn that appropriate actions improve the situation
(e.g., better cooperation) and inappropriate actions make things worse (e.g.,
increased numbers of insurgents).
Linear Modeling and Simulation of Low-Voltage
Electric System for Single-Point Vulnerability Assessment of Military
Edgar C. Portante, Thomas N Taxon, and James A Kavicky
(Argonne National Laboratory) and Tarek Abdallah and Timothy K Perkins (U.S.
Army Engineer Research and Development Center)
This paper describes the formulation and development of
a linear model to support the single-point vulnerability assessment of
electric distribution systems at existing and future U.S. Department of
Defense (DoD) military sites. The model uses flow sensitivity factors to rank
candidates for designation as “critical components” and uses triggered
cascading line outages to confirm the component’s criticality. The model is
written in Java and integrated in a package that employs a user-friendly
graphical user interface (GUI) for convenient display of results. This paper
describes the process used to formulate the model and presents a sample
Research and Analysis of Simulation-Based
Networks through Multi-Objective Visualizations
J. Mark Belue,
Stuart H. Kurkowski, Scott R. Graham, Kenneth M. Hopkinson, Ryan W. Thomas,
and Joshua W. Abernathy (Air Force Institute of Technology)
Visualization of individual network events is a crucial
part of testing new network designs and analyzing network performance and
efficiency. This research designed and developed a framework for visualizing
complex military and non-military wired and wireless networks. Our framework
provides a robust network simulator trace file parser, multiple network
visualization layouts--including user-defined layouts, and precise
visualization controls. The parser architecture is capable of accepting trace
files from different network simulators and provides one common visualization
environment to study network scenarios run on different simulators. The many
dynamic multi-objective network views add to the analyst's suite of tools
available for analyzing networks. Analysts can toggle between the different
views to provide even greater analysis capability. We describe our
methodologies for the design and provide example analysis scenarios. Our
framework will allow researchers to advance the state of network
simulation-based analysis.
Tuesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Simulation Applications
Alan Johnson (Air Force Institute of Technology)
Modeling and Simulation of Integrated Intelligent
Yongchang Li, Michael Balchanos, Bassem Nairouz, Neil
Weston, and Dimitri Mavris (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Complex systems consist of a large number of entities
with their independent local rules and goals, along with their interactions.
The effect of these properties tends to produce complex behaviors that are
required to be understood in order to analyze and design the systems. However,
these behaviors are difficult to be predicted a priori, and can only be
studied through simulation. The study presented in this paper proposes a
process for developing an integrated dynamic modeling and simulation
environment designed for understanding the behavior of the next generation
naval ship which is envisioned to be self-sensing, self-assessing and
self-reacting. Various models, including power model, fluid model and control
model, are developed to investigate the functionalities of the naval ship
systems. An object oriented approach is employed to validate the architectural
design of the integrated simulation environment and a surrogate modeling
technique is utilized to accelerate the simulation speed.
A Design of Experiments Approach to
Military Deployment Planning Problem
Uğur Ziya Yıldırım, İhsan
Sabuncuoğlu, and Barbaros Tansel (Bilkent University) and Ahmet Balcıoğlu
(Turkish Army)
We develop a logistics and transportation simulation
that can be used to provide insights into potential outcomes of proposed
military deployment plans. More specifically, we model the large-scale
real-world military Deployment Planning Problem. It involves planning the
movement of military units from their home bases to their final destinations
using different transportation assets on a multimodal transportation network.
We use an intelligent design of experiments approach to evaluate logistics
factors with the greatest impact on the overall achievement of a typical
real-world military deployment plan.
C-5 Isochronal Inspection Process
Alan W. Johnson, Charles Glasscock, Adam Little, Matthew
Muha, David O'Malley, and Michael Bennett (Air Force Institute of Technology)
United States Air Mobility Command (AMC) has a limited
number of C-5 aircraft, and so opportunities to either preserve or increase
aircraft availability are of interest to them. In an attempt to reduce
inspection costs and promote inspection scheduling predictability, the Air
Force is reducing the number of C-5 Isochronal inspection (ISO) sites from
five to three. C-5 ISOs require at least two weeks and involve an exhaustive
inspection of the entire aircraft. AMC headquarters staff asked us to model
the new ISO process to help them understand how the reduced number of ISO
locations will affect inspection timeliness. We used the problem as the class
project for a graduate discrete event simulation course at the Air Force
Institute of Technology. We review our process and results, and present some
insights on conducting simulation research as a class assignment.
Tuesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Emerging Systems
Raymond Hill (Air Force Institute of Technology)
Information Fusion in Underwater Sonar
Yanshen Zhu (University of Central Florida), Haluk Akin
(University of Central Florida), Maria T. Bull (Universidad Catolica de la
Santisima Concepcion) and Luis Rabelo and Jose Sepulveda (University of
Central Florida)
This paper discusses information fusion methodologies,
selection of one of these methodologies, and application of these fusion
methodologies to underwater sonar simulation. Bayesian Inference and
Dempster-Shafer are the two methods that have been studied in detail. In
conclusion, the Dempster-Shafer approach was selected as the preferred method.
Dempster-Shafer’s main advantage is that it does not need conditional
likelihoods. Also, Dempster-Shafer does not have computational complexity
problems when multiple hypotheses and multiple conditional dependent events
are examined. This method was applied to the multisensor information fusion
problem in a simulation which includes a passive sonar, an active sonar, and a
radar. The simulation is conducted on a geographical information system.
A Hybrid Approach Based on Multi-Agent
Geosimulation and Reinforcement Learning to Solve a UAV Patrolling
Jimmy Perron and Jimmy Hogan (NSim Technology), Bernard
Moulin (Laval University) and Jean Berger and Micheline Bélanger (DRDC
In this paper we address a dynamic distributed
patrolling problem where a team of autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)
patrolling moving targets over a large area must coordinate. We propose a
hybrid approach combining multi-agent geosimulation and reinforcement learning
enabling a group of agents to find near optimal solutions in realistic
geo-referenced virtual environments. We present the COLMAS System which
implements the proposed approach and show how a set of UAV can automatically
find patrolling patterns in a dynamic environment characterized by unknown
obstacles and moving targets. We also comment the value of the approach based
on limited computational results.
Multi-Objective UAV Mission Planning Using
Evolutionary Computation
Gary Byron Lamont and Adam Pohl (Air Force
Institute of Technology)
This investigation develops an innovative algorithm for
multiple autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) mission routing. The concept
of a UAV Swarm Routing Problem (SRP) as a new combinatorics problem, is
developed as a variant of the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows
(VRPTW). Solutions of SRP problem model result in route assignments per
vehicle that successfully track to all targets, on time, within distance
constraints. A complexity analysis and multi-objective formulation of the
VRPTW indicates the necessity of a stochastic solution approach leading to a
multi-objective evolutionary algorithm. A full problem definition of the SRP
as well as a multi-objective formulation parallels that of the VRPTW method.
Benchmark problems for the VRPTW are modified in order to create SRP
benchmarks. The solutions show the SRP solutions are comparable or better than
the same VRPTW solutions, while also representing a more realistic UAV swarm
routing solution.
Tuesday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Military Analysis Methods II
Chair: Andreas Tolk (Old Dominion University)
Assignment of Probabilities to Events for Combat
John Gilmer and Frederick Sullivan (Wilkes University)
Multitrajectory simulation allows explicit management
of random events by allowing particular events to be resolved by random draw,
by a deterministic choice, or by creating new states to allow following
multiple trajectories. The policy for resolution method is under the control
of the analyst, and may depend on event type, trajectory probability, or even
some metric indicating the trajectory importance. However, taking advantage of
the technique for exploring possible outcome spaces requires a probabilistic
modeling of events that, in simulations of ground combat, are often treated as
deterministic, such as decisionmaking. Even for events such as attrition,
which have long been modeled as stochastic, how should the full event outcome
set be sampled if one is only to keep two or three samples? This paper
explores these issues with the goal of outlining what kinds of data would be
needed to fully exploit multitrajectory methods in a combat simulation
A Multi Threaded and Resolution Approach to Simulated
Futures Evaluation
David R. Pratt, Robert W Franceschini, Robert B
Burch, and Robert S. Alexander (SAIC)
As part of the DARPA Deep Green efforts, we developed a
multi-threaded and resolution approach to constructing and evaluating
simulated futures to address the Blitzkrieg component. By making use of
heuristically derived breakpoints in a provided plan, we can construct a
series of possible futures that are grouped into what is referred to as the
probabilistic fluent graph (PFG). Evaluation of the PFG is done through a
multiple resolution and fidelity modeling system that applies computational
resources to the areas of highest likelihood. In this paper, we will describe
the architecture, processing, and data structures needed to bring this concept
to fruition.
A Systems Engineering Process Supporting the
Development of Operational Requirements Driven Federations
Tolk (Old Dominion University), Robert H. Kewley (United States Military
Academy) and Thomas G Litwin (Old Dominion University)
This paper proposes a systems engineering process
utilizing the conceptual artifacts of the Model Driven Architecture (MDA)
describing platform independent views of models to capture operational
requirements, to derive essential tasks, and to combine these tasks into
scenarios and vignettes with attributed metrics. This model-independent
mission description is then used to identify supporting simulation services
that implement the identified military means and capabilities to perform the
tasks in the given context. Once the services are identified, the necessary
simulation middleware to federate the services is identified and the
interfaces are configured using the technical artifacts of the MDA describing
platform specific views of systems. This systems engineering process provided
support for simulation development for the US Army’s Program Executive Office
– Soldier.