WSC 2008 Final Abstracts |
Simulation Around the World Track
Monday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Simulation in Asia
Chair: Muaz
Niazi (Foundation University)
Simulation of the Research Process
Niazi (Foundation University), Amir Hussain (University of Stirling), Abdul
Rauf Baig (FAST-NU) and Saeed Akhtar Bhatti (Foundation University)
This paper presents first steps towards the development
of a formal model of the research process. We evaluate the use of simulation
as a tool for the evaluation of research strategies in nascent research
organizations faced with the absence of significant data. We start by modeling
the research process by using the "Publish or Perish" paradigm, a well-known
criteria of evaluation of research. We demonstrate the use of this model for
researchers to evaluate the effects of selection of a particular publishing
venue over time. We then perform various experiments using this basic idea. By
means of various visualization techniques, we see how researchers with similar
publishing policies might self-organize in the form of groups. We also
evaluate the effects of giving higher weights to articles in journals and see
where the effects of publishing in these venues breaks even for both top as
well as average acceptance rates.
The Improvement of Deformations and
Charisteristics of HGA During Clamping using Finite Element
Thoatsanope Kamnerdtong, Surachate Chutima, and Jukkraphun
Parirukvijit (King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi)
This paper presents the study of Head Gimbal Assembly
(HGA) clamping for characteristic parameters measure-ment which is an
important stage of hard disk drive assembly process. During clamping, HGA is
deformed. The values of static attitude and gram load which are significant
characteristics of HGA are affected and could exceed acceptable values.
Consequently, a lot of HGAs are rejected or these might decrease the
performance and the read-write precision of hard disk drive. In this research,
finite element analysis is performed to study the behaviors of HGA under
various clamping forces and configurations for the process development.
Results show that using lower clamping force and having rectangular shape for
the upper part and with fillet for the lower part of clamping unit have less
deformation than the other configurations of clamping. These make considerable
improvement of parameter measurement during HGA clamping process efficiently
and effectively.
Monday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Simulation in Australia
Trevor Spedding (University of Wollongong)
Randomized Methods for Solving the Winner
Determination Problem in Combinatorial Auctions
Joshua Chi-Chun
Chan and Dirk Pieter Kroese (University of Queensland)
Combinatorial auctions, where buyers can bid on bundles
of items rather than bidding them sequentially, often lead to more
economically efficient allocations of financial resources. However, the
problem of determining the winners once the bids are submitted, the so-called
Winner Determination Problem (WDP), is known to be NP hard. We present two
randomized algorithms to solve this combinatorial optimization problem. The
first is based on the Cross-Entropy (CE) method, a versatile adaptive
algorithm that has been successfully applied to solve various well-known
difficult combinatorial optimization problems. The other is a new adaptive
simulation approach by Botev and Kroese, which evolved from the CE method and
combines the adaptiveness and level-crossing ideas of CE with Markov Chain
Monte Carlo techniques. The performance of the proposed algorithms are
illustrated by various examples.
Simulation Down Under
Trevor Spedding
and Matthew Pepper (University of Wollongong)
This paper provides a brief literature review of the
current applications of simulation in Australia. The paper identi-fies areas
that use simulation modeling and dynamic tools for growth and improvement,
while also highlighting opportunities for future applications of simulation.
The simulation applications highlighted in this paper are focused on some of
the most significant issues facing Australia today.
Monday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Simulation in Colombia
Jairo Montoya-Torres (Universidad de La Sabana)
Simulation and Experimental Design Applied to
Sizing Supermarket Cashiers in Colombia
Jorge Andres Alvarado and
Luis Manuel Pulido (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana)
A framework for Colombian supermarkets challenges in
order to find an adequate number of cashiers and baggers was developed,
translated to a simulation model using Promodel® and proved through an
experiment varying register item time, number of cashiers and number of
baggers for eight real Colombian supermarkets. The framework proved to be
successful in finding a cashier-bagger combination for average waiting and
system times, but not powerful enough for service promises involving all of
the most part of the clients due to variability of maximum times. An
interaction among cashiers and baggers combination was found that makes
valuable to increase the number of baggers only for some specific number of
cashiers working.
Simulation and Optimization in a Health Center in
Medellin, Colombia
Karol Pérez, Laura Cardona, Sebastián Gómez,
Tomás Olarte, and Paula Escudero (EAFIT University)
Simulation has been widely applied to health care cases
in numerous countries. In Colombia, these applications are scarce. We use a
systemic approach, discrete event simulation, simulation-optimization and
linear programming to reduce waiting times in a health center in Medellín,
Colombia. With this reduction we ensure a high level of satisfaction of
patients with a relatively low additional cost.
Modeling and Development of an Arena®
Interface for Petri Nets: A Case Study in a Colombian Cosmetics
Gonzalo Mejía Delgadillo, Diego Fernando Martínez
Rodriguez, and Fidel Torres (Universidad de los Andes)
Petri nets are a tool able to simulate diverse
situations. They have been recognized for their modeling power in areas such
as medicine, manufacturing, and services. Despite their popularity, their
connection with Discrete Event Simulation with Entities (DESE) software has
been poor. In the present project, a computational prototype able to simulate
Petri Nets under the software Arena® was developed. A real life case study in
a cosmetics company was analyzed using classical DESE and Petri Nets. The
results were very much encouraging both in model development and running
times. Quantitative and qualitative analysis is also discussed.
Tuesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Simulation in Europe
Andrea Matta (Politecnico di Milano)
Multi-resolution Spatial Simulation for Molecular
Matthias Jeschke and Adelinde M. Uhrmacher (University of
Spatial phenomena attract increasingly interest in
computational biology. Molecular crowding, i.e. a dense population of
macromolecules, is known to have a significant impact on the kinetics of
molecules. However, an in-detail inspection of cell behavior in time and space
is extremely costly. To balance between cost and accuracy, multi-resolution
approaches offer one solution. Particularly, a combination of individual and
lattice-population based algorithms promise an adequate treatment of phenomena
like macromolecular crowding. In realizing such an approach, central questions
are how to specify and synchronize the interaction between population and
individual spatial level, and to decide what is best treated at a specific
level, respectively. Based on an algorithm which combines the Next Subvolume
Method and a simple, individual-based spatial approach, we will present
possible answers to these questions, and will discuss first experimental
Simulation Optimization with Mathematical
Programming Representation of Discrete Event Systems
Andrea Matta
(Politecnico di Milano)
Optimization-via-simulation consists in applying
iteratively two detached models until an optimality condition is reached: a
simulation model for predicting the system performance, and a model for
generating potential optimal solutions. Mathematical programming
representation has been recently used to describe the behavior of discrete
event systems as well as their formal properties. This paper proposes explicit
mathematical programming representations for jointly simulating and optimizing
discrete event systems. The main advantage of such models is the rapidity of
searching for the optimal solution, given to the explicit knowledge of
objective function and constraints. Three types of formulations are proposed
for solving the buffer allocation problem in flow lines with finite buffer
capacities: an exact mixed integer linear model, an approximate LP model and a
stochastic programming model. Numerical analysis shows that the computational
time required to solve resource allocation problems can be significantly
reduced by using the proposed formulations.
Supportive Role of the Simulation in the Process
of Ship Engine Crankcase Production Process of Reengineering (Case
Pawel Pawlewski (Poznan University of Technology), Jesus
Trujillo (University of Valladolid), Paulina Golinska (Poznan University of
Technology), Zbigniew Pasek (University of Windsor) and Marek Fertsch (Poznan
University of Technology)
The following paper presents the results of a case
study conducted in a company producing engines for ships. The scope of the
research enhances the elaboration of the method of reengineering the
production process with the support of simulation. Authors present the
background of the research including the comparative analysis of five
methodologies. On analysis, the conclusion is defined that there is a gap in
reengineering methodologies since they do not account for industry-based
requirements for simulation. To fulfill this gap the Petri nets application
for simulation was proposed. Authors discuss the most distinctive elements of
a Petri net and define the methodology of manufacturing processes modeling.
The obtained output was not sufficient to make a final decision about the real
reengineering process. Therefore, an additional analysis with Rapid RE (Rapid
Reengineering) methodology was performed. The proposal of the potential hybrid
solution combining the advantages of both methods is presented.
Tuesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Simulation in Mexico
Jesus Jimenez (Texas State University)
Mexican Public Hospitals: A Model for Improving
Emergency Room Waiting Times
Rodolfo Medina and Antonio Vazquez
(Universidad Politecnica de Aguascalientes) and Hector A. Juarez and Ricardo
A. Gonzalez (Universidad de Guadalajara)
Public health care services are facing a growing
demand, in a context where public funds to these services are being stretched.
Public Hospitals should find a way to optimize use of resources and improve
the quality of services being offered. Even thought this Conference has
documented successful experiences with simulation through the years, it has
also opened discussion to reach a general, robust model to face emergency
department challenges successfully. This paper presents a brief state of the
art around the world, a brief review of simulation work done in Mexican Public
Health Care System, and finally a proposal to improve these services using
Tuesday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Simulation in South America
Chair: Jairo Montoya-Torres (Universidad de La
DE2M: A Solution for Analyzing Supply
María de los Milagros Gutiérrez (Universidad Tecnologia
Nacial. Facultad Regional Santa Fe) and Horacio Leone (INGAR - Conicet)
Nowadays, the incremental use of component-based
simulation presents a new challenge to overcome. So, the researchers and
software developers are putting attention to solve problems as
interoperability and reuse of components. In the supply chain context, this
simulation paradigm is very valuable because allows us develop independent
models and then interconnect them using middleware software such as HLA, CORBA
among other. However, the interoperability of these simulation components is a
mayor problem to overcome. In this paper, we present an environment to analyze
supply chain using this paradigm. We propose to use the SCOR model as roles
that the component can play in conjunction with an Ontology base on SCOR. The
modules are developed using DEVS formalism and HLA as middleware.
Simulation-Optimization Using a
Reinforcement Learning Approach
Carlos D. Paternina-Arboleda
(Universidad del Norte), Jairo Montoya-Torres (Universidad de La Sabana) and
Aldo Fábregas-Ariza (Univesity of South Florida)
The global optimization of complex systems such as
industrial systems often necessitates the use of computer simulation. In this
paper, we suggest the use of reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms and
artificial neural networks for the optimization of simulation models. Several
types of variables are taken into account in order to find global optimum
values. After a first evaluation through mathematical functions with known
optima, the benefits of our approach are illustrated through the example of an
inventory control problem frequently found in manufacturing systems.
Single-item and multi-item inventory cases are considered. The efficiency of
the proposed procedure is compared against a commercial tool.
Tuesday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Data Farming Around the World
Chair: Gary Horne (Naval Postgraduate School)
Data Farming Around the World
Gary Horne (Naval Postgraduate School) and Klaus-Peter
Schwierz (EADS)
Data Farming combines the rapid prototyping capability
inherent in certain simulation models with the exploratory power of high
performance computing to rapidly generate insight into questions. The Data
Farming process focuses on a more complete landscape of possible system
re-sponses, rather than attempting to pinpoint an answer. Data Farming allows
decision makers to more fully understand the landscape of possibilities and
also consider outliers that may be discovered. Over the past decade, an
international community has formed around these ideas. In 2008, International
Data Farming Workshop 16 took place in Monterey, California, USA and workshop
number 17 was held in Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany. In addition to a
summary of these two workshops, this paper will present an overview of the
process that has developed to include the development of both methods and
applications in the International Data Farming Community.
Data Farming in Singapore: A Brief
Chwee Seng Choo, Ee Chong Ng, Ching Lian Chua, and Dave Ang
(DSO National Laboratories)
This paper gives a summary of Singapore's involvement
in Data Farming since 2002, tracing the country's progression from basically
"zero" to a key partner in the international Data Farming community. It
highlights how the Data Farming methodology, coupled with advanced experiment
designs, visualization concepts, and evolutionary algorithms, has helped to
extend the analytical capability of the defence community in Singapore when
conducting Operational Analysis (OA) studies and experiments. The paper also
described some past and current Research and Development (R&D) projects
inspired by the ideas shared among this highly interactive and dynamic
international community. These include Systematic Data Farming (SDF),
Automated Red Teaming (ART), Automated Co-Evolution (ACE), and modelling the
effects of human intangibles. Last but not least, the way forward for
Singapore in Data Farming is discussed.
Automated Red Teaming: An Objective-Based Data
Farming Approach for Red Teaming
Ching Lian Chua (DSO National
Laboratories), Wee Chung Sim (Singapore Armed Forces Operations Research
Office), Chwee Seng Choo (DSO National Laboratories) and Victor Tay (Defence
Science & Technology Agency)
In this paper, we describe an objective-based Data
Farming approach for red teaming called Automated Red Teaming (ART). The main
idea is to develop an ART framework using Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs),
Parallel Computing and Simulation, and apply it to uncover exploitable gaps in
military operational concepts, complementing the Manual Red Teaming (MRT)
effort. The capability of the ART framework was evaluated vis-à-vis MRT using
two maritime security scenarios addressed at the International Data Farming
Workshops (IDFWs) 14 and 15. The evaluation showed that, in general, results
from ART were better than those obtained from MRT, some of which were
non-intuitive and surprising solutions.