WSC 2008 Final Abstracts |
Monday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Flexsim and Incontrol Enterprise
Chair: Sandy Owens (INFORMS)
Features, Functionality and Power: What Sets Flexsim
Cliff King and Eamonn Lavery (Flexsim Software Products,
Conference attendees know what simulation is. They know
what they would like simulation to be. Flexsim will show attendees how their
simulator is unique from other simulators, in terms of its features,
functionality and power. Flexsim will also take the time to show you what to
expect in the very near future!
Enterprise Dynamics New Release
Janis Britals (Incontrol Enterprise Dynamics)
Come and witness the new look and feel of Enterprise
Dynamics 8. The new version is prepared to launch at the Winter Simulation
Conference. Besides a renewed user interface aimed at improving the model
builder’s experience and improving his productivity, this release of
Enterprise Dynamics is centered around a completely redesigned Logistics
Library encompassing new and improved atoms and improving usability of the
whole library. With Enterprise Dynamics 8 we will also streamline the
licensing model, simplifying the choice of the right technology for your
simulation problem.
Monday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Imagine That, Inc.
Chair: Sandy
Extendsim 7
David Krahl (Imagine That
ExtendSim 7 is a proven simulation environment capable
of modeling a wide range of systems. ExtendSim 7 is used to model continuous,
discrete event, discrete rate, and agent based systems. ExtendSim’s design
facilitates every phase of the simulation project, from creating, validating,
and verifying the model, to the construction of a user interface that allows
others to analyze the system. Simulation tool developers can use ExtendSim’s
built-in, compiled language, ModL, to create reusable modeling components. All
of this is done within a single, self-contained software program that does not
require external interfaces, compilers, or code generators. This paper will
introduce ExtendSim 7, demonstrate its advanced technology and features, and
explain sample simulation applications.
Monday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Chair: Sandy
PLCStudio: Simulation Based PLC Code
SangC Park (Ajou University, Indutrial Engineering
Department), Chang Mok Park, Jonguen Kwak, and Sungjoo Yeo (UDMTEK) and Jinam
Wang (Ajou university Industrial Engineering Department)
Proposed in this paper is the architecture of a PLC
programming environment that enables a visual verification of PLC programs.
The proposed architecture integrates a PLC program with a corresponding plant
model, so that users can intuitively verify the PLC program in a 3D graphic
environment. The plant model includes all manufacturing devices of a
production system as well as corresponding device programs to perform their
tasks in the production system, and a PLC program contains the control logic
for the plant model. For the implementation of the proposed PLC programming
environment, it is essential to develop an efficient methodology to construct
a virtual device model as well as a virtual plant model. The proposed PLC
programming environment provides an efficient construction method for a plant
model based on the DEVS (Discrete Event Systems Specifications) formalism,
which supports the specification of discrete event models in a hierarchical,
modular manner.
SAS Simulation Studio and JMP
Ed Hughes
(SAS) and Curt Hinrichs (JMP - SAS)
We’ll explore the current and upcoming features of SAS
Simulation Studio, a flexible discrete event simulation application. Its
graphical user interface provides full support for building, executing and
analyzing simulation models. SAS Simulation Studio integrates closely with JMP
for experimental design and input analysis, and coordinates with JMP or SAS
for analysis of simulation results.
Tuesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Siemens PLM Software and Flexsim
Chair: Sandy Owens (INFORMS)
Siemens PLM Software - Tecnomatix Plant
Jeff Miller (Siemens PLM Software)
Learn how Tecnomatix Plant Design & Optimization
improves collaboration among cross-functional teams through effective
communication of factory design principles and the use of standardized
resources within a managed, collaborative data environment. Using Plant
Simulation you can optimize material flow, resource utilization, throughput
and logistics at all levels of the global planning process.
Features, Functionality and Power: What Sets Flexsim
Cliff King (Flexsim Software Products, Inc.)
Conference attendees know what simulation is. They know
what they would like simulation to be. Flexsim will show attendees how their
simulator is unique from other simulators, in terms of its features,
functionality and power. Flexsim will also take the time to show you what to
expect in the very near future!
Tuesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
XJ Technologies and Incontrol
Enterprise Dynamics
Chair: Sandy Owens
XJ Technologies - Professional Tool for
Multi-Method Simulation Modeling
Andrei Borshchev (XJ Technologies)
AnyLogic is the first and only simulation tool that
supports system dynamics, process-centric (discrete event), and agent-based
methods within one modeling language and one model development environment. We
will demo several AnyLogic models and show how the user can benefit from using
different modeling methods, and from agent-based modeling in particular.
During the demonstration new AnyLogic 6.4 will be presented.
Enterprise Dynamics New Release
Holger Pitsch (Incontrol Enterprise Dynamics)
Come and witness the new look and feel of Enterprise
Dynamics 8. The new version is prepared to launch at the Winter Simulation
Conference. Besides a renewed user interface aimed at improving the model
builder’s experience and improving his productivity, this release of
Enterprise Dynamics is centered around a completely redesigned Logistics
Library encompassing new and improved atoms and improving usability of the
whole library. With Enterprise Dynamics 8 we will also streamline the
licensing model, simplifying the choice of the right technology for your
simulation problem.
Tuesday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Frontline Systems and Systems
Chair: Sandy Owens (INFORMS)
Frontline Systems - Risk Analysis, Simulation
Optimization, Robust Optimization and More
Daniel Fylstra
(Frontline Systems, Inc.)
See how you can easily analyze risk, run multiple
parameterized simulations and find optimal solutions for uncertain models in
Microsoft Excel, with Risk Solver Platform–Frontline Systems’ new integrated
product with best-of-breed Monte Carlo simulation, best-of-breed conventional
optimization and deep support for simulation optimization, stochastic
programming and robust optimization methods.
Empowering Decision Support With Simulation
Technology - Scenario Navigator
Vincent de Gast, Rienk Bijlsma, and
Edwin Valentin (Systems Navigator)
The commercial simulation environments that are
available today focus primarily on the development of simulation models. They
are designed for a single user. They provide animation during the simulation
run and in most cases they provide outcomes of the simulation run in reports.
Our experience in developing computer based simulation models with different
commercial and non-commercial simulation software packages and found that
these packages do not offer sufficient support in: performing experiments with
large complex models, performing experiments with multiple users, managing
experiment data and results, analyzing the experiment results and comparing
them. The items that are summarized above are a necessity to bring simulation
technology to a wider use. Simulation technology could be very well used as an
operational decision support tool. In order to meet this demand we have
developed Scenario Navigator, a client-server based application that allows
multiple users to create, populate, run, analyze and compare experiments.