WSC 2009 Final Abstracts
Education - Simulation Education Track
Tuesday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Learning, Content and Curriculum Issues and Solutions
Chair: Craig Rosenberg (Craig Rosenberg Consulting)
Motivation of Students for Further Education in Simulation by an Applied Example Embedded in a Related Course in Engineering Education – a Case Study
Markus Klug and Peter Hausberger (University of Applied Sciences Technikum Vienna)
The present paper explains, how a simulation-based study course raised significant interest in discrete-event simulation, finally undergoing a simulation focused course. The simulation based course during the course "Production structures and design" used a model for own studies, acting as a test-bed for optimal setup-time optimization. An easy access to simulation technology was provided by an Excel-based front end, where any figures related to the model were available for student’s analysis. Nevertheless the students started to act on their own with the Enterprise Dynamics based simulation model, discovering the benefits of simulation. High-quality elaborations of the students were finally achieved, going far beyond of just answering the related questions. In addition, due to the part-time study program, interest in the company’s approach on production planning raised. Subsequently the demand for further dedicated courses in computer simulation raised and were finally addressed.
JGPSS, an Open Source GPSS Framework to Teach Simulation
Pau Fonseca i Casas and Josep Casanovas (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
GPSS has been used for years to teach simulation. Different tools following the GPSS syntax exist. Usually these tools can be used to construct simulation models helping in the teaching of simulation. However no available framework is capable to simplify the development of a complete simulation tool following the GPSS syntax. This paper presents JGPSS, a framework based in Java language that can be used by students to build a complete simulation tool following the GPSS syntax. JGPSS has two versions, one capable to perform simulations and obtain statistical information, and other designed as a framework for students of computer sciences. This last framework, described in this paper, lacks in the implementation of the main simulation engine algorithms or the related structures. This framework allows the computer science student to reach a deeper understanding of how to construct a complete process interaction simulation engine, the paradigm that GPSS follows.
Leveraging the DoD M&S Education Project for Specialized Army M&S Education
Gene Paulo and Stephanie Few (Naval Postgraduate School)
This paper describes our efforts to develop, deliver, and sustain two specialized courses, developed by faculty from Systems Engineering Department at the Naval Postgraduate School as part of a larger DoD M&S Education Project, on the topic of simulation for active Army and civilians. First, the “Advanced Simulation Course,” sponsored by the Simulation Proponent Division, office of the Army Modeling & Simulation Directorate, provides a non-technical M&S perspective that covers the significant M&S issues and M&S activities throughout the Acquisition Life Cycle. The second course is “M&S in Engineering Product Design and Development.” This course is intended for engineers at the Army Research Development and Engineering Center (ARDEC) and focuses on the role of M&S in the product development process. Students complete this course with a thorough understanding of the overall capabilities of M&S in supporting their product design from within the construct of an appropriate process that allows for problem formulation, analysis, and interpretation.
Wednesday 8:30:00 AM 10:00:00 AM
Learning Environments and Simulation in Education
Chair: J. Kincaid (University of Central Florida)
Simulation for Education and Training
J. Peter Kincaid and Ken K. Westerlund (Institute for Simulation and Training)
Historically, the use of simulation has been an important aspect of training in some fields (such as aviation). As the cost of computing power decreases simulation is now finding its way into training for other fields. As simulation moves into these other fields it is increasingly moving away from traditional large hardware systems (e.g., full-motion simulators) to rich virtual environments, such as serious games. However, matching the most efficient type and category of simulation to train specific learning needs is a specialized skill and there is a shortage or gap in the training of simulation specialists who can effectively design and employ training simulation. The skills needed by these professionals are presented and a program that has been established to train professionals in developing these required skills discussed.
Wednesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Innovative Teaching Tools and Methodologies
Chair: David Goldsman (Georgia Institute of Technology)
S.u.c.c.e.s.s.f.u.l.: A Framework for Designing Discrete Event Simulation Courses
Heriberto Garcia (Tecnologico de Monterrey) and Martha A Centeno (Florida International University)
Teaching a discrete event simulation (DES) course to undergraduates represents a challenge for instructors, particularly for the novice ones. There are many issues to address in designing the course, among which are the scope of the course, focus area of the course, technical depth of the course, and the role of a simulation packages in the course. How to introduce simulation has been a fundamental educational issue for a while. New teaching paradigms and the explosion tools available offers opportunities to design a course that is holistic. This paper presents a framework that enables a holistic design of a DES course such that students acquire a strong knowledge base regarding the use of DES in the real world. This paper also includes an example of how to use this framework.
Simulation Education in the Internet Age: Some Experiences on the Use of Pure Online and Blended Learning Models
Pau Fonseca i Casas (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya), Angel A. Juan (Open University of Catalonia), Lluis M. Pla and Sara V. Rodriguez (University of Lleida) and Javier Faulin (Public University of Navarre)
In this paper we analyze several cases related to three different Spanish universities that make use of the World Wide Web to teach simulation courses online. These universities are the Open University of Catalonia, the University of Lleida and the Public University of Navarre. At these three universities different infrastructures, tools and learning models are employed to deliver simulation education online. All together, they represent a good example of how information technologies can be used in today’s higher-education systems and, in particular, in the area of simulation education. In the paper, several course designs are covered and main difficulties associated with these online courses are highlighted and discussed. Intensive use of computer simulation software, collaborative e-learning practices and professional-oriented approaches are proposed as methodological policies to increase students’ motivation for simulation topics.