WSC 2009 Final Abstracts
Education - Vendor Track Track
Monday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Emulate 3D and MathWorks
Chair: Sandy Owens (INFORMS)
Emulate3D - The Demo3D Range
Matt Hobson-Rohrer and Ian W. McGregor (Emulate3D)
Emulate3D’s products save users significant time and costs by reducing on-site PLC and other control system testing. Take controls development and debugging off the critical path by driving accurate virtual systems earlier in the project, off-site. Produce better trained operators, test modifications safely, and deliver robust automation systems on time. The Demo3D range enables users to rapidly create realistic machine or automation system prototypes to demonstrate solutions to their prospects, within project constraints, and cost-effectively.
The MathWorks - Discrete Event Simulation with SimEvents
Anuja Apte (The MathWorks)
SimEvents is the Discrete Event Simulator in the MathWorks product family. This presentation will cover two main topics: (1) Introduction to SimEvents - this section will cover an overview of SimEvents capabilities. We will also cover the integration of MATLAB, Simulink and other MathWorks tools in a typical SimEvents workflow. (2) Process Simulation with SimEvents - we will cover product demonstrations that illustrate the use of SimEvents for process simulation to analyze bottlenecks, processing delays and resource requirements.
Monday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Systems Navigator and Simio
Chair: Sandy Owens (INFORMS)
Systems Navigator - From Model to Decision Support System: Closing the Gap Between Modelers, Analysts and Managers!
Rienk Ate Bijlsma (Systems Navigator)
Simulation modeling has been one of the most promising technologies in the past 25 years. Although widely used during the design phase of complex systems for validation, most models never leave the computers they were built on. Although the results of simulation models are used to support decision-making by managers, they cannot create and run experiments on their own. Scenario Navigator software closes the gap between modelers and managers, turning simulation models into decision support systems!
Simio - Introduction to Simio 2.0: Defining the New State of the Art in Simulation
C. Dennis Pegden and David T. Sturrock (Simio)
Learn how you can conduct your own operation analysis and save consulting costs by bringing simulation in-house. Simio taps the power of Google's 3D Warehouse--a library with thousands of free models--so users focus on solving tough problems. Learn and teach object-based modeling without giving up the flexibility of processes so you have an accurate portrayal of your system in less time.
Monday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
UDMTEK and Siemens PLM Software
Chair: Sandy Owens (INFORMS)
UDMTEK - A Study of PLC Simulation for Automobile Panel AS/RS
Min-Suk Ko and Kil-Young Seong (Ajou University), Jong-geun Kwak (UDMTek), Sang-Hyun Hong (Hyundai-Kia Motors Co (HKMC)), Jin Young Choi and Gi-Nam Wang (Ajou University) and Sang-Chul Park (Ajou Unuversity)
This abstract illustrates a case study of PLC (Programmable Logical Controller) logic simulation in the car manufacturing industry. It is developed to simulate and verify a PLC control program for automobile panel AS/RS. Because of increasing need and development in a variety of cars, complexity of supply problem is rising in the industry. To cope with this problem, companies use the AS (automated storage) and RS (retrieval system) systems, though it has logical complexities. Industrial automated processes use PLC Code to control the AS/RS; however, control information and control code (PLC code) are difficult to understand. Therefore, this paper suggests a PLC simulation environment, using 3D models and PLC code, which consists of real automobile manufacturing data. Data used in this simulation is based on 3D and logical model, using actual size and PLC signals, respectively. The environment resembles a real factory; users can verify and test the PLC code using simulation.
Siemens PLM Software - Tecnomatix Plant Simulation
Jeffrey Miller (Siemens PLM Software)
Tecnomatix Plant Simulation is a leading discrete simulation product shown in the Siemens PLM Software booth. This presentation introduces you to our solution and how many companies have used Plant Simulation to improve productivity and optimize operations. Used worldwide, the applications of Plant Simulation are in multiple industries and a broad range of simulation sizes and complexity. We'll present: an introduction to Plant Simulation discrete simulation; applications of Plant Simulation; and integration of Plant Simulation with tools for facility design and optimization.
Monday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Flexsim and JMP
Chair: Sandy Owens (INFORMS)
Flexsim HC™ Simulation Software
Cliff Kind and Bill Nordgren (Flexsim)
If you are interested in healthcare/patient-flow simulation, you’ll be amazed at how quickly and easily complex 3D models can be created in Flexsim HC™. Flexsim HC™ is not a manufacturing simulator that is “slightly modified” to model healthcare applications; it was created solely for hospital managers and engineers to model patient-flow processes. Attend this tutorial and see Flexsim HC™’s patent pending “Patient Track,” which is the software’s “secrete sauce” to modeling hospital and patient-flows and processes.
SAS Institute-JMP Division - Exploration, Experimentation and Simulation with JMP
Mia Stephens (SAS - JMP)
JMP, developed by SAS Institute, is both a desktop tool for data analysis and visualization and an easy-to-use and flexible client to SAS. JMP provides both statistics and graphs, and the user can easily interact with these graphs to see and explore hidden patterns in their data. JMP also provides data mining and other predictive tools to help you discover important characteristics of your data. The design of experiments platform provides a complete array of design options from standard textbook to optimal designs. Visualization capabilities now include platforms for viewing four or more variables at a time and for creating Flash Files. We will demonstrate these features, along with more specific tools for data mining, simulation and multiple response optimization in experimental design.
Monday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
ACT Solutions and Clockwork Solutions
Chair: Sandy Owens (INFORMS)
ACT Solutions - The Evolution of Business Managment and the Role of Decision Support Systems
Raffaele Maccioni (ACT Solutions)
The successful management of a process involves making the best use of (limited) resources over time, in order to achieve specific goals.
Making business decisions involves risks either for the short term or for strategic decisions. Decision support systems have an important role in the success of the enterprise. Our talk will give a practical view of this role for decision support systems.
Clockwork Solutions - ATLAST™: Predictive Analysis of Asset Life-Cycle and System Performance Using Dynamic, High-Resolution, Stochastic Simulation
Naaman Gurvitz and John Fealy (Clockwork Solutions, Inc.)
SPAR™ (Superior Predictive Analyzer of Resources) is a modeling and simulation technology for predicting system behavior to reduce asset ownership cost and increase performance. SPAR™ models are based on stochastic inputs and detailed rules that define how elements of a system and its support infrastructure behave dynamically in time. ATLAST™ (Advanced Total Life-Cycle Assessment Software Tool) is a custom application built on top of the SPAR™ simulation engine and tailored to aircraft overhaul and repair. ATLAST™ emulates weapon systems operations to predict unscheduled and scheduled removal events according to location and age of components over time. Much of the work involved in creating a fleet wide life-cycle simulation model has been designed into ATLAST™. Users evaluate life-cycle impacts by simply entering inputs describing their fleet and compare results from various simulation scenarios. ATLAST™ is quick to access, easy-to-use and powerful!
Monday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Rockwell Automation and PMC
Chair: David Krahl (Imagine That, Inc.)
Rockwell Automation - What’s New in Arena and a Supply Chain Case Study Using Arena
Jonathan C. Phillips (Rockwell Automation)
Please join us in exploring the new features in Arena. We will provide an overview of these features as well as a discussion on an interesting vessel fleet sizing supply chain project where Arena was used. A general question and answer session will follow.
PMC - Power with Ease: Think WITNESS
Karthik Vasudevan (PMC - Production Modeling Corp.)
WITNESS is an established dynamic process simulation tool used by thousands of organizations to improve and sustain productivity. The latest WITNESS Power with Ease release 2.0 has a green theme and offers energy tracking and optimization: add any range of measures in the new Costing and Sustainability dialog; from CO2 to oil, from water to electricity, from gas to steam – as many measures as required; define the units of measurement and apply directly though flexible options in element dialogs; add in additional usage at any actions points in the model; complemented by a range of functions and reports to view in detail how best to optimize and reduce use.
High Speedbottle Manufacturing Lines: Case Studies and Simulation Software Selection Techniques
Karthik Vasudevan, Ravi Lote, Edward Williams, and Onur Ulgen (PMC)
Simulation Engineers and model users (industrial engineers, manufacturing engineers and sometimes even executives) can vouch for the importance of effective software selection when it comes to modeling a complex real-world system. Implementing and customizing these models for day-to-day use is an involved process that requires a firm understanding of the system from both the software (model) and plant floor perspectives. This paper describes from a holistic perspective the software selection methods, tools & techniques of creating a model for a high-speed bottle manufacturing line. While contribution towards a standardized simulation software selection approach is the primary contribution of this paper, the bottle manufacturing simulation models are used as three distinct case studies to explain the same.
Tuesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Flexsim and Simio
Chair: David Krahl (Imagine That, Inc.)
Flexsim CT™ Simulation Software
Trent Richards and Anthony Johnson (Flexsim)
Flexsim’s object-oriented design has allowed its developers to create application specific modeling tools like Flexsim CT™. Flexsim CT™ was made to model container terminal processes using industry-unique modeling objects, such as ship-to-shore cranes, RTG’s, straddle carriers, ships, grounded yard blocks, wheeled yard blocks, rail lines, and entry/exit gates. Flexsim will show how complex models, that would have taken weeks and months to crate in a general purpose simulator, can be built in hours in Flexsim CT™.
Introduction to Simio
C. Dennis Pegden and David T Sturrock (Simio LLC)
This paper describes a new modeling system – SimioTM- that is designed to simplify model building by promoting a modeling paradigm shift from the process orientation to an object orientation. Simio is a simulation modeling framework based on intelligent objects. The intelligent objects are built by modelers and then may be reused in multiple modeling projects. Although the Simio framework is focused on object-based modeling, it also supports a seamless use of multiple modeling paradigms including event, process, object, and agent-based modeling.
Tuesday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Imagine That
Chair: David Krahl (Imagine That, Inc.)
Imagine That - ExtendSim: Power Tools for Simulation
Dave Krahl (Imagine That)
Experience the ease at which robust, intuitive models are built with the power tool for simulation - ExtendSim. ExtendSim's flexibility provides modelers with the ability to create and couple hierarchical subsystems, create interactive user interfaces, and the freedom to rapidly explore design options. The internal database's user-friendly graphical interface facilitates organization of complex data structures to efficiently test multiple scenarios. Realize why ExtendSim is the tool to watch in the simulation industry. Don't miss this presentation!
Extendsim Advanced Technology: Discrete Rate Simulation
David Krahl (Imagine That, Inc.)
ExtendSim is used to model continuous, discrete event, discrete rate, and agent-based systems. This paper will focus on the ExtendSim discrete rate capabilities for modeling high-speed and rate based systems. Continuous, discrete event, and discrete rate simulation models will be compared.
Tuesday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Frontline Systems and Rockwell Automation
Chair: Sandy Owens (INFORMS)
Frontline Systems - Risk Analysis and Robust Optimal Solutions: High Productivity Modeling in Excel
Daniel H. Fylstra (Frontline Systems, Inc.)
Models for risk analysis and optimal resource allocation in the presence of uncertainty can be built more easily, scaled up to large size, and solved effectively in Microsoft Excel. Robust optimization and stochastic programming models that once required scarce expertise and long development cycles are easy to create and solve in Excel. This session focuses on how practitioners can build models, get results quickly and create reports, charts and graphs to communicate results to decision-makers.
Rockwell Automation - What’s New in Arena and a Supply Chain Case Study Using Arena
Jonathan C. Phillips (Rockwell Automation)
Please join us in exploring the new features in Arena. We will provide an overview of these features as well as a discussion on an interesting vessel fleet sizing supply chain project where Arena was used. A general question and answer session will follow.
Tuesday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
AnyLogic and Applied Materials
Chair: Sandy Owens (INFORMS)
AnyLogic - New 3D Animation Capability
Andrei Borshchev (AnyLogic North America)
XJ Technologies will demo AnyLogic, the only tool that supports the most common simulation methodologies in place today: discrete event, system dynamics and agent based modeling. In particular, we will be introducing and previewing the new 3D animation capability in our upcoming release. The demo will highlight AnyLogic's ability to reduce development time, build different types of models and seamlessly integrate them into larger hybrid models.
Applied Materials - AutoMod Introduction
Dan Muller (Applied Materials)
Decision making in industry has become more complicated in recent years. Customers are more demanding, competition is fierce and costs for labor and raw materials continue to rise. Managers need state-of-the-art tools to help in planning, design and operations of their facilities. Simulation provides a virtual factory where ideas can be tested and performance improved. The AutoMod product suite from Applied Materials has been used on thousands of projects to help engineers and managers make the best decisions possible. Come see the latest AutoMod release of one of the most widely used simulation software packages.