WSC 2014 ProceedingsCreated 2015-2-4

Overview | By Track

Sunday, December 7th
Keynote: M&S as a Discipline – Foundations, Philosophy,...
Westin Grand Ballroom B
Mamadou Seck
Doctoral Colloquium
PhD Colloquium

PhD Colloquium Presentations I
Westin Grand Ballroom B
Mamadou Seck
Enhancing Understanding of Discrete Event Simulation Models through Analysis
Impact of Input Variance on Population-Based Microsimulation Results
Large-Scale Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation
Hidden Spreading of Risk in Interdependent Complex Networks – Why the 2008 Financial Crisis Was More Severe Than Others
ManPy: An Open Source Library of Manufacturing Simulation Objects Written in Python
Towards Automated Simulation Input Data: An Open Source Tool to Enhance the Input Data Phase in Discrete Event Simulation
Simplified Simulation Interoperability Using the CoCobaSim Approach
Nuclear Nonproliferation Analysis Using Agent Based Modeling in an Entropy Empowered Intelligent Agent Bayesian Framework
A System Dynamics Simulation Modeling: Health Information Exchange Adoption in the U.S. Healthcare System
Multi-Agent Simulation Approach on the Impact of Agricultural Land-Use Change Adaptation Strategy (Farm Credit) on Farm Household Livelihood in Semi-Arid Ghana
Doctoral Colloquium
PhD Colloquium

PhD Colloquium Presentations II
Westin Grand Ballroom F
Esfand Mazhari
Analyzing the Impact of a New Technology with Simulation Optimization: Using Portable Ultrasound System as an Example
Surgery Rescheduling Using Discrete Event Simulation
A Hardware-in-the-Loop DDDAMS System for Crowd Surveillance via Unmanned Vehicles
Optimizing Public Health Spending with a Focus on Health Outcomes Using Simulation
Selected Topics of the Supply Chain Matrix under Customer and Process Uncertainties
Construction Activity Recognition for Simulation Input Modeling Using Machine Learning Classifiers
The Effect of Production Uncertainty on the Optimal Production and Sales Plans for New Products
Integrated Simulation Approach for Assessment of Performance in Construction Projects: A System-of-Systems Framework
Sensitivity Analysis for a Whole Hospital System Dynamics Model
Stochastically Constrained Simulation Optimization on Mixed-Integer Spaces
Doctoral Colloquium
PhD Colloquium

PhD Colloquium Presentations III
Westin Grand Ballroom F
Andrea D'Ambrogio
Inverse Uncertainty Propagation for Demand Driven Data Acquisition
A Preliminary Study on the Role of Simulation Models in Generating Insights
Iterative Simulation Optimization for Job Shop Scheduling
Drivers’ En-Route Divergence Behavior Modeling Using Extended Belief-Desire-Intention (E-BDI) Framework
Capacity Reservation for a Decentralized Supply Chain under Resource Competition: A Game Theoretic Approach
Optimizing Fixed Targets in Organizations through Simulation
Simulation Model Generation of Discrete Event Logistics Systems (DELS) Using Software Design Patterns
Accuracy vs. Robustness: Bi-Criteria Optimized Ensemble of Metamodels
A Hybrid Simulation Framework for Integrated Management of Infrastructure Networks
On Adaptive Sampling Rules for Stochastic Recursions
Doctoral Colloquium
PhD Colloquium

PhD Colloquium Poster Session
Westin Grand Ballroom Foyer
Mamadou Seck
Doctoral Colloquium
PhD Colloquium

Monday, December 8th
Keynote Address: The Higgs Boson – The Search for the Par...
Westin Grand Ballroom
Invited Paper
Keynote and Titans

Agent Based Simulation
CC 106
Sean Carr
Introductory Tutorial: Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation
Invited Paper
Introductory Tutorials

Agent-Based Simulation - Complexity
CC 204
Levent Yilmaz
Understanding Complex Systems: Using Interaction as a Measure of Emergence
Multifractal Time Series Analysis of Positive-Intelligence Agent-Based Simulations of Financial Markets
A Novel Multi-Agent System for Complex Scheduling Problems
Invited Paper
Agent-Based Simulation

Application of Emerging IT Technologies in Semiconductor...
CC Chatham Ballroom C
John Fowler
Big Data in Daily Manufacturing Operations
Cloud Manufacturing Application in Semiconductor Industry
New Key Performance Indices for Complex Manufacturing Scheduling
Invited Paper
Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing

CC 104
Stephan Eidenbenz
Design of a High-Fidelity Testing Framework for Secure Electric Grid Control
Modeling and Analysis of Stepping Stone Attacks
Reasoning about Mobile Malware Using High Performance Computing Based Population Scale Models
Invited Paper
Networks and Communications

Energy, Water and Crowd Simulations
CC 100
Ravi S. Srinivasan
Building Energy Simulation and Parallel Computing: Opportunities and Challenges
Decision Support Modeling for Net-Zero Water Buildings
World Cup 2014: Crowd Accommodation Policy Evaluation in a Soccer Stadium Bleachers Using Simulation
Invited Paper
Project Management and Construction

Gaming for Simulation and Education I
CC 205
Gerd Wagner
The Need for a Real Time Strategy Game Language
Debriefing in Gaming Simulation for Research: Opening the Black Box of the Non-Trivial Machine to Assess Validity and Reliability
Towards a Conceptual Model and Framework for Management Games
Invited Paper
Serious Games and Simulation

Manufacturing & Scheduling
CC Pulaski
Edward Williams
Real World Complexity to Model Simplicity – Manufacturing Process Integration Simulation
Collision Management of Fragile Packaging
Automatic Creation of Daily Pseudo-Schedule for a Printed Circuit Board Shop Using Arena, Access and Excel
Industrial Case Study
Case Studies

Methods for Financial Applications
CC 200
Josh McDonald
Improved Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods for the Price and the Greeks of Asian Options
Efficient Monte Carlo CVA Estimation
Change of Measure in the Square-Root Process
Invited Paper
Analysis Methodology

Modeling Human Behavior Using Hybrid Simulation
CC 203
Navonil Mustafee
Modeling Human Behavior – An (Id)entity Crisis?
The Case for Incorporating Heterogeneity and Malleability of Patient Screening Behavior in Simulation Models
Return to Work Behavior of People with Disabilities: A Multi-Method Approach
Invited Paper
Hybrid Simulation

Novel Methods in Simulation Input and Output Analysis
CC Auditorium
PJ Byrne
On a Least Absolute Deviations Estimator of a Multivariate Convex Function
On the Use of Gradients in Kriging Surrogate Models
HistoRIA: A New Tool for Simulation Input Analysis
Invited Paper
Modeling Methodology

Port Logistics I
CC 103
Ek Peng Chew
Yard Crane Deployment in Container Terminals
Yard Crane Dispatching to Minimize Vessel Turnaround Times in Container Terminals
Simulation-Based Flexibility Analysis of Vehicle Dispatching Problem on a Container Terminal with GPS Tracking Data
Invited Paper
Logistics, SCM and Transportation

Simulation Optimization: A Panel on the State of the Art...
CC 201
Michael Fu
Simulation Optimization: A Panel on the State of the Art in Research and Practice
Invited Paper
Simulation Optimization

Simulation of Assembly Lines
CC 102
Markus Rabe
Simulation of Low-Volume Mixed Model Assembly Lines: Modeling Aspects and Case Study
A Novel Work-Sharing Protocol for U-Shaped Assembly Lines
Quantifying Input Uncertainty in an Assemble-to-Order System Simulation with Correlated Input Variables of Mixed Types
Invited Paper
Manufacturing Applications

Simulations of Traffic and Social Interactions
CC 202
Maira Athanazio de Cerqueira Gatti
Multi-Modal Traffic Simulation Platform on Parallel and Distributed Systems
Toward Billion-Scale Social Simulation
A Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm Using Intermediate Features of Simulations
Invited Paper
Big Data Simulation and Decision Making

Surgical Resource Management
CC 101
Karen Hicklin
Simulation Framework to Analyse Operating Room Release Mechanisms
The Value of Block Release Policies in Surgical Settings
Data-Driven Simulation to Determine Bed Resource Requirements for the Redesign of Pre- and Post-Operative Care Areas
Invited Paper
Healthcare Applications

Vendor Track I - Session I
CC Gwinnett
Agents Interacting on GIS Maps in the New AnyLogic 7.1
Introduction to Simio
Vendor Paper
Vendor Track I

Vendor Track II - Session I
CC Greene
The Evolving Relationship between Simulation and Emulation: Faster Than Real-Time Controls Testing
Creating and Publishing Online Simulations
Vendor Paper
Vendor Track II

Verification and Validation
CC 105
Verifying and Validating Simulation Models
Invited Paper
Advanced Tutorials

Titans I: John Swanson and ANSYS – An Engineering Success...
CC Chatham Ballroom C
Invited Paper
Keynote and Titans

Energy Simulations
CC 100
Caryssa Joustra
Energy and Indoor Comfort Analysis of Various Window-Shading Assemblies in a Hot and Humid Climate
Coupling Occupancy Information with HVAC Energy Simulation: A Systematic Review of Simulation Programs
Invited Paper
Project Management and Construction

Advances in Simulation Optimization I
CC 201
Sigrun Andradottir
Massively Parallel Programming in Statistical Optimization & Simulation
A Study on Multi-Objetive Particle Swarm Optimization with Objective Scalarizing Functions
A Penalty Function Approach for Simulation Optimization with Stochastic Constraints
Invited Paper
Simulation Optimization

Agent-Based Simulation - Applications I
CC 204
Andreas Tolk
Investigating the Hidden Losses Caused by Out-of-Shelf Events: A Multi-Agent-Based Simulation
Modeling Population Displacement in the Syrian City of Aleppo
Genetic Algorithms for Calibrating Airline Revenue Management Simulations
Invited Paper
Agent-Based Simulation

Arrival Process Modeling
CC 200
Ashkan Negahban
Scaling and Modeling of Call Center Arrivals
Piecewise-Quadratic Rate Smoothing: The Cyclic Context
A Continuous Piecewise-Linear NHPP Intensity Function Estimator
Invited Paper
Analysis Methodology

Custom Built Solutions
CC Pulaski
Katie Prochaska
How to Help Create and Protect Modeling and Simulation Value - Effective Application of V&V Services
Enhancing the Analytic Utility of the Synthetic Theater Operations Research Model (STORM)
Estimating Required Machine Counts Using the Basic G/G/m Queue
Industrial Case Study
Case Studies

Data and Simulations
CC 202
Toyotaro Suzumura
Simulation Experiments: Better Data, Not Just Big Data
Improving the Efficiency of Stochastic Composite Simulation Models via Result Caching
Towards Closed Loop Modeling: Evaluating the Prospects for Creating Recurrently Regrounded Aggregate Simulation Models Using Particle Filtering
Invited Paper
Big Data Simulation and Decision Making

Discrete-Event Simulation Software
CC 105
George Riley
Inside Discrete-Event Simulation Software: How It Works and Why It Matters
Invited Paper
Advanced Tutorials

Equipment and Fab Modeling Techniques
CC Chatham Ballroom C
MIchael Hassoun
Approximating the Performance of a Station Subject to Changeover Setups
Generating Operating Curves in Complex Systems Using Machine Learning
Measuring Cycle Time through the Use of the Queuing Theory Formula (G/G/m)
Invited Paper
Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing

Gaming for Simulation and Education II
CC 205
Role Based Interoperability Approaches within LVC Federation
Controlling Scalability of Distributed Virtual Environment Systems
Computational Intelligence in Financial Engineering Trading Competition: A System for Project-Based Learning
Invited Paper
Serious Games and Simulation

Hybrid Models for Healthcare Planning
CC 203
Sally Brailsford
A Hybrid Agent-Based and Discrete Event Simulation Approach for Sustainable Strategic Planning and Simulation Analytics
Reflections on Two Approaches to Hybrid Simulation in Healthcare
Elements of a Hybrid Simulation Model: A Case Study of Blood Supply Chain in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Invited Paper
Hybrid Simulation

Model-Based Systems Engineering for Simulation
CC Auditorium
Daniel Leonard
Simulation Model Generation of Discrete Event Logistics Systems (DELS) Using Software Design Patterns
A Model-Driven Engineering Framework for Reproducible Simulation Experiment Lifecycle Management
The Simulation Life-Cycle: Supporting the Data Collection and Representation Phase
Invited Paper
Modeling Methodology

Network Applications
CC 104
Nils Aschenbruck
DEVS Modeling of Large Scale Web Search Engines
A Simulation and Emulation Study of SDN-Based Multipath Routing for Fat-Tree Data Center Networks
Popularity or Proclivity? Revisiting Agent Heterogeneity in Network Formation
Invited Paper
Networks and Communications

Patient Access
CC 101
David Claudio
A User-Friendly Excel Simulation for Scheduling in Primary Care Practices
A Simulation-IP Based Tool for Patient Admission Services in a Multi-Specialty Outpatient Clinic
A Detailed Simulation Model of an Infusion Treatment Center
Invited Paper
Healthcare Applications

Port Logistics II
CC 103
Suman Niranjan
Evaluation of Inter-Terminal Transport Configurations at Rotterdam Maasvlakte Using Discrete Event Simulation
Plan Validation for Container Terminals
Information Flow Along the Maritime Transport Chain – A Simulation Based Approach to Determine Impacts of Estimated Time of Arrival Messages on the Capacity Utilization
Invited Paper
Logistics, SCM and Transportation

Simulation Optimization
CC 106
Raymond L. Smith
Simulation Optimization: A Tutorial Overview and Recent Developments in Gradient-Based and Sequential Allocation Methods
Invited Paper
Introductory Tutorials

Simulation Optimization in Manufacturing
CC 102
Anders Skoogh
Simulation Based Optimization Using PSO in Manufacturing Flow Problems: A Case Study
Topsis Based Taguchi Method for Multi-Response Simulation Optimization of Flexible Manufacturing System
Event Graph Modeling of a Heterogeneous Job Shop with Inline Cells
Invited Paper
Manufacturing Applications

Vendor Track I - Session II
CC Gwinnett
Introduction to SAS Simulation Studio
Arena Simulation Software: Introduction and Overview
Vendor Paper
Vendor Track I

Vendor Track II - Session II
CC Greene
AutoMod® - Modeling Complex Manufacturing, Distribution and Logistics Systems for Over 30 Years
From Simulation to Real-Time Tracking and Optimization
Vendor Paper
Vendor Track II

Gaming for Simulation and Education III
CC 205
Paul Fishwick
Prototyping an Analog Computing Representation of Predator Prey Dynamics
Enhancing Model Interaction with Immersive and Tangible Representations: A Case Study Using the Lotka-Volterra Model
Invited Paper
Serious Games and Simulation

Joint Models for Cycle Time and Yield
CC Chatham Ballroom C
Kan Wu
Setting Quality Control Requirements to Balance Between Cycle Time and Yield in a Semiconductor Production Line
Qualification Management to Reduce Workload Variability in Semiconductor Manufacturing
Invited Paper
Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing

Agent-Based Simulation - Ecomonics
CC 204
Jeffrey Smith
Agent-Based Modeling of Electric Power Markets
Using Agent Based Simulation and Model Predictive Control to Study Energy Consumption Behavior Under Dynamic Pricing
An Agent-Based Financial Simulation for Use by Researchers
Invited Paper
Agent-Based Simulation

Customizations to Simulation Software
CC Pulaski
David T. Sturrock
Capacity Planning for Data Storage with Forio Simulate
Simulation-Based Integrated Decision Support Tool for Potash Mining Operations
Simulation as a Tool for Evaluating Bioenergy Feedstock Supply Chains
Industrial Case Study
Case Studies

Developing Discrete-Event Systems Simulators
CC 105
Phillip Dickens
How to Develop Your Own Simulators for Discrete-Event Systems
Invited Paper
Advanced Tutorials

Efficient Design and Execution of Complex Simulations
CC Auditorium
Raha Akhavan-Tabatabaei
Profile Driven Partitioning of Parallel Simulation Models
Efficient Design Selection in Microgrid Simulations
Investigating the Speedup of Systems Biology Simulation Using the SZTAKI Desktop Grid
Invited Paper
Modeling Methodology

Healthcare Treatment Processes
CC 101
Hari Balasubramanian
The Impact of Hourly Discharge Rates and Prioritization on Timely Access to Inpatient Beds
Assessing Lifestyle Interventions to Improve Cardiovascular Health Using an Agent-Based Model
Assessing the Reliability of the Radiation Therapy Care Delivery Process Using Discrete Event Simulation
Invited Paper
Healthcare Applications

Hybrid Simulation for Planning & Scheduling
CC 203
Sally Brailsford
Decision Support Model to Evaluate Complex Overhead Crane Schedules
Iterative Simulation Optimization for Job Shop Scheduling
A Hybrid Simulation Approach to Dynamic Multi-Skilled Workforce Planning of Production Line
Invited Paper
Hybrid Simulation

Introduction to Supply Chain Simulation
CC 106
Kavitha Lakshmanan
Introduction to Supply Chain Simulation
Invited Paper
Introductory Tutorials

Planning of Manufacturing Systems
CC 102
Klaus Altendorfer
Simulation-Based Planning of Maintenance Activities by a Shifting Priority Method
Planning Hybrid U-Shaped Assembly Systems Using Heuristics and Simulation
Data Analytics Using Simulation for Smart Manufacturing
Invited Paper
Manufacturing Applications

Population Dynamics and Economics
CC 202
Nathaniel Osgood
Data Driven Approach for High Resolution Population Distribution and Dynamics Models
Handling Big Data on Agent-Based Modeling of Online Social Networks with MapReduce
Regulation of Systemic Risk through Contributory Endogenous Agent-Based Modeling
Invited Paper
Big Data Simulation and Decision Making

Port Logistics III
CC 103
Cathal Heavey
Revealing Gaps in the Material Flow of Inland Port Container Terminals Alongside the Danube with Simulation
SNAT: Simulation Based Search for Navigation Safety: The Case of Singapore Strait
A Simulation Study for Next Generation Transshipment Port
Invited Paper
Logistics, SCM and Transportation

Ranking and Selection
CC 201
Shane G. Henderson
A Frequentist Selection-of-the-Best Procedure without Indifference Zone
A Fully Sequential Procedure for Known and Equal Variances Based on Multivariate Brownian Motion
A Comparison of Two Parallel Ranking and Selection Procedures
Invited Paper
Simulation Optimization

Simulation Techniques
CC 104
Jason Liu
Performance of Conservative Synchronization Methods for Complex Interconnected Campus Networks in ns-3
Using Massively Parallel Simulation for MPI Collective Communication Modeling in Extreme-Scale Networks
Data Visualization for Network Simulations
Invited Paper
Networks and Communications

Simulation and Visualization for Construction
CC 100
Ian Flood
Towards the Implementation of a 3D Heat Transfer Analysis in Dynamic-BIM (Dynamic Building Information Modeling) Workbench
Lifecycle Evaluation of Building Sustainability Using BIM and RTLS
Towards Net Zero Energy Schools - A Case Study Approach
Invited Paper
Project Management and Construction

Variance Reduction for Rare Event Problems
CC 200
Kemal Dinçer Dingeç
Rare Event Probability Estimation for Connectivity of Large Random Graphs
A Separated Splitting Technique for Disconnected Rare Event Sets
Uniformly Efficient Simulation for Tail Probabilities of Gaussian Random Fields
Invited Paper
Analysis Methodology

Vendor Track I - Session III
CC Gwinnett
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming for the Simulationist
Simulating Queues, Conveyors and Ovens with Stella Professional
Vendor Paper
Vendor Track I

Vendor Track II - Session III
CC Greene
MATLAB – Integrated Environment for Hybrid Simulation and Data Analytics
Vendor Paper
Vendor Track II

Agent-Based Modeling
CC 202
James R. Thompson
First Approaches on Simulation and Optimization Techniques to Solve a Work Shift Transport Problem in Emergencies Applied to Wildfire Firemen Relay
Agent-Based Analytical Framework for Knowledge Management in Service-Oriented Organizations
Diffusion in Platform-Based Markets: Big Data Driven Agent-Based Model
Approaching Simulation to Modelers: A User Interface for Large-Scale Demographic Simulation
Towards a Theory of Multi-Method M&S Approach: Part II
An Approach for Spatial Pattern Matching in Simulation Trajectories
Predicting Cooperation and Designing Institutions: An Integration of Behavioral Data, Machine Learning, and Simulation
Using Imprecise Computation for Virtual and Constructive Simulation
Synchronization Methods for Distributed Agent Based Models
A Multi-Agent Simulation of Regional Food Hub Supplier Management
In Search of the Most Cost-Effective Strategy: A Coronary Heart Disease Policy Analysis
Exploring the Potential Influence of Opinion Leaders in Diffusion of Energy Conservation Practices
Poster Briefings

Analysis Methodologies
CC 203
Xi Chen
A Methodological Framework for the Effective Deployment and the Operational Optimization of Flexibly Automated Production and Service Systems
Hybrid Execution of Dynamic Rule-Based Multi-Level Models
Evaluation of Kriging-Based Methods for Simulation Optimization with Homogeneous Noise
Blending Propensity Score Matching and Synthethic Minority Oversampling Technique for Imbalanced Classification
Simulation Metamodel Estimation with Penalized B-Splines: A Second-Order Cone Programming Approach
Simulation Visualization Issues for Users and Customers
On-line Forecasting of Call Center Arrivals via Sequential Monte Carlo
An Integrated Software Environment of Simulation Experiment Design, Analysis and Evaluation
Parametrization of Cumulative Mean Behavior of Simulation Output Data
GPU-Based Calculation of Trajectory Similarities
An Approach to Embodied Interactive Visual Steering: Bridging Simulated and Real Worlds
Simulation-Optimization by Similarity: First Ideas
Stochastically Constrained Simulation Optimization on Mixed-Integer Spaces
Poster Briefings

General Modeling Methodologies I
CC 204
Jie Xu
The Optimal Risk Cutoff Values for Down Syndrome Screening Considering Women's Preferences
Optimal Server Sharing Decisions in Field Services
Hybrid Simulation Technique for Patient Controlled Analgesia Using Real Patient Data
DEVS-Based Semiconductor Process Scheduling Using the Multifacatted System Modelling and Discrete Event Simulation
Paris Roissy Charles de Gaulle International Airport Passengers Simulation
A Survey of Validation in Health Care Simulation Studies
A Simulation Model for Regional Emission Trade Market
Simulation Models for Environmental Resource Planning of Manufacturing Systems
An IP VPN Network Design and Dimensioning Approach Using Analytical-Simulation Models with Incremental Validation
Free and Open-Source Simulation Software “Ururau”
Simulator of Amazon EC2 Spot Market
Multivariate Data Generation for Customs Risk Evaluation Tool
Poster Briefings

General Modeling Methodologies II
CC 205
Emily Lada
Chance-Constrained Staffing with Recourse for Multi-Skill Call Centers with Arrival-Rate Uncertainty
Order Batching in a Bucket Brigades Order Picking System with Consideration of Picker Blocking
An Evaluation of Space and Graph-Partitioning Methods for Distributed Road Network Simulations
System Dynamics Analysis of the Factors on the Surgical Deferment in Elective Surgery
Simulating Macro and Micro Path Planning of Excavation Operations Using Game Engine
A Multimodal Port Freight Transportation Model for Estimating Container Throughput
A System Dynamics Approach to Domestic Refrigerators' Replacement in Colombia
Important Construction Constraints in Constraint Simulation
Large Scale Medical Assistance Coverage Simulation Model
Complexity Reduction Using a Structured Aspect-Oriented Simulation Framework
Big Data Simulation: Traffic Simulation Based on Sensor Data
Extreme Scale Optimistic Parallel Discrete Event Simulation with Dynamic Load Balancing
A Patient-Centered Surgical Home Post Implementation Analysis
Poster Briefings

General Poster Session
CC Georgia Intl. Gallery
Emily Lada
Poster Briefings

Tuesday, December 9th
Simulation in Construction Logistics
CC 103
Simaan AbouRizk
Jobsite Logistics Simulation in Mechanized Tunneling
Logistic Evaluation of an Underground Mine Using Simulation
Invited Paper
Logistics, SCM and Transportation

Agent-Based Simulation - Applications II
CC 204
Charles M. Macal
Early Detection of Bioterrorism: Monitoring Disease Using an Agent-Based Model
Using Agent-Based Simulation to Analyze the Effect of Broadcast and Narrowcast on Public Perception: A Case in Social Risk Amplification
Predicting Halfway through Simulation: Early Scenario Evaluation Using Intermediate Features of Agent-Based Simulations
Invited Paper
Agent-Based Simulation

Computational Probability Applications
CC 106
David Cornejo
Computational Probability Applications
Invited Paper
Introductory Tutorials

Construction Process Simulation I
CC 100
Raymond Issa
Streamlining an Indoor Positioning Architecture Based on Field Testing in Pipe Spool Fabrication Shop
Simulation-Based Multiobjective Optimization of Bridge Construction Processes Using Parallel Computing
Integrated Simulation Approach for Assessment of Performance in Construction Projects: A System-of-Systems Framework
Invited Paper
Project Management and Construction

Keynote: Very Like a Whale...the Missing Meta-phor
CC 205
Drew Hamilton
Invited Paper
Military Applications

Maintenance Modeling and Optimization
CC Chatham Ballroom C
Claude Yugma
Enhancement of Simulation-Based Semiconductor Manufacturing Forecast Quality through Hybrid Tool Down Time Modeling
Scheduling Preventive Maintenance Tasks with Synchronization Constraints for Human Resources by a CP Modeling Approach
Mean Cycle Time Optimization in Semiconductor Tool Sets via PM Planning with Different Cycles: A G/G/m Queueing and Nonlinear Programming Approach
Invited Paper
Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing

Medical Decision Analysis
CC 101
Maria Mayorga
A Framework for Modeling the Complex Interaction between Breast Cancer and Diabetes
A Discrete Event Simulation Model to Estimate Population Level Health and Economic Impacts of Smoking Cessation Intervention
Simulation of Labor: A Study of the Relationship between Cesarean Section Rates and the Time Spent in Labor
Invited Paper
Healthcare Applications

Methodological Aspects of Hybrid Simulation
CC 203
Anastasia Anagnostou
A Time and Space Complexity Analysis of Model Integration
Towards a Theory of Multi-Method M&S Approach: Part I
Soft OR Approaches in Problem Formulation Stage of a Hybrid M&S Study
Invited Paper
Hybrid Simulation

Mobile and Wireless
CC 104
Nils Aschenbruck
Modeling and Event-Driven Simulation of Coordinated Multi-Point in LTE-Advanced with Constrained Backhaul
Modeling and Simulation Applied to Capacity Planning of Voice Gateways: A Case Study
Privacy Assessment in Vehicular Networks Using Simulation
Invited Paper
Networks and Communications

Numerical Laboratories
CC 202
Luis Rabello
From Simulations to Open Numerical Laboratories
Virtual Factory Revisited for Manufacturing Data Analytics
A Simulation-Based Support Tool for Data-Driven Decision Making: Operational Testing for Dependence Modeling
Invited Paper
Big Data Simulation and Decision Making

Panel: Modeling for Everyone
CC Auditorium
Paul Fishwick
Modeling for Everyone: Emphasizing the Role of Modeling in STEM Education
Invited Paper
Modeling Methodology

Parallelized Simulation Optimization
CC 201
Quentin Bragard
Multisection: Parallelized Bisection
Asynchronous Knowledge Gradient Policy for Ranking and Selection
Global Dynamic Load-Balancing for Decentralised Distributed Simulation
Invited Paper
Simulation Optimization

Process Improvement I
CC Pulaski
Martin Franklin
Lean/TOC and Simulation at HP
Simulating the Departure Baggage Handling System of Santiago de Chile’s International Airport
Using Simulation with Real-Time BPM Data to Predict and Monitor Performance in a Document Processing Environment

Job Release under Due Date Constraints in Job Shops with Time-Varying Product Mix
Comparing the Performance of Two Different Customer Order Behaviors within the Hierarchical Production Planning
Invited Paper
Manufacturing Applications

Uncertainty in Input Modeling
CC 105
Jason Liu
Advanced Tutorial: Input Uncertainty Quantification
Invited Paper
Advanced Tutorials

Variance Reduction for Markovian Systems and Diffusion Pr...
CC 200
Christos Alexopoulos
Reliability of Stochastic Flow Networks with Continuous Link Capacities
Highly Reliable Markovian Systems Interval Availability Estimation by Importance Sampling
Rare Event Simulation in the Neighborhood of a Rest Point
Invited Paper
Analysis Methodology

Vendor Track I - Session IV
CC Gwinnett
How Agent-Based Modeling Can Benefit Your System Dynamic and Discrete Event Models
WebLVC - An Emerging Standard and New Technology for Live, Virtual, and Constructive Simulation on the Web
Vendor Paper
Vendor Track I

Vendor Track II - Session IV
CC Greene
Hospital Proposed Layout Validation Using FlexSim Healthcare
Vendor Paper
Vendor Track II

Agent-Based Simulation - Frameworks
CC 204
Greg Madey
Drivers’ En-Route Divergence Behavior Modeling Using Extended Belief-Desire-Intention (E-BDI) Framework
A Necessary Paradigm Change to Enable Composable Cloud-Based M&S Services
Modeling an AGV Based Facility Logistics System to Measure and Visualize Performance Availability in a VR Environment
Invited Paper
Agent-Based Simulation

Capacity Constraints in Manufacturing Systems
CC 102
Christoph Laroque
A Step toward Capacity Planning at Finite Capacity in Semiconductor Manufacturing
Empirical Study of the Behavior of Capacitated Production-Inventory Systems
Evaluating the Impact of Batch Degradation and Maintenance Policies on the Production Capacity of a Batch Production Process
Invited Paper
Manufacturing Applications

Design of Experiments
CC 106
Eunhye Song
A Tutorial on Design of Experiments for Simulation Modeling
Invited Paper
Introductory Tutorials

Healthcare Systems Analytics
CC 101
Joseph Heim
Analysis of Hospital Bed Capacity via Queuing Theory and Simulation
Modeling the Effect of Shorter Shelf Life of Red Blood Cells on Blood Supplies
Sensitivity Analysis for a Whole Hospital System Dynamics Model
Invited Paper
Healthcare Applications

Hybrid Models for Health Applications
CC 203
Joe Viana
A Tripartite Hybrid Model Architecture for Investigating Health and Cost Impacts and Intervention Tradeoffs for Diabetic End-Stage Renal Disease
A Multi-Paradigm Modeling Framework for Modeling and Simulating Problem Situations
Discrete Choice, Agent-Based and System Dynamics Simulation of Health Profession Career Paths
Invited Paper
Hybrid Simulation

Metamodel-Based Simulation Optimization
CC 201
Yibo Ji
Discrete Optimization via Simulation Using Gaussian Markov Random Fields
Sequential Experimental Designs for Stochastic Kriging
Regularized Radial Basis Function Models for Stochastic Simulation
Invited Paper
Simulation Optimization

Military Workforce Modeling
CC 205
Charles Turnitsa
Simulating F-22 Heavy Maintenance and Modifications Workforce Multi-Skilling
Using Simulation and Optimization to Inform Army Force Structure Reduction Decisions
Helmet: A Clojure-Based Rules Engine for Stochastic Demand Sampling in Army Force Structure Analysis
Invited Paper
Military Applications

Modeling and Simulation of Cell Biological Systems
CC 105
L. Felipe Perrone
Multi-Level Modeling and Simulation of Cell Biological Systems with ML-Rules - A Tutorial
Invited Paper
Advanced Tutorials

Panel: The Future of Research in Modeling and Simulation
CC Auditorium
Levent Yilmaz
Panel: The Future of Research in Modeling and Simulation
Invited Paper
Modeling Methodology

Process Improvement II
CC Pulaski
Renee M. Thiesing
End-to-End Industrial Print Equipment Recommendation as a Service
Working Capital Reduction in a Complex System through Discrete-Event Simulation
Productivity Improvement of a Large Complex Transaction Print Production and Mail Environment Utilizing Simulation-Based Modeling and Short-Interval Scheduling
Industrial Case Study
Case Studies

Production Control I
CC Chatham Ballroom C
Adar Kalir
Flexible Job-Shop Scheduling with Extended Route Flexibility for Semiconductor Manufacturing
A Decomposition Heuristic for a Two-Machine Flow Shop with Batch Processing
Short-Interval Expository Real-Time Scheduling of Semiconductor Manufacturing with Mixed Integer Programming
Invited Paper
Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing

SimHeuristics in Logistics I
CC 103
Enabling Simheuristics through Designs for Tens of Variables: Costing Models and Online Availability
On the Use of Biased Randomization and Simheuristics to Solve Vehicle and Arc Routing Problems
A Hybrid Optimization-Simulation Approach for Itinerary Generation
Invited Paper
Logistics, SCM and Transportation

Simulation in Construction
CC 100
Construction Activity Recognition for Simulation Input Modeling Using Machine Learning Classifiers
Geographical Simulation Modeling for Evaluating Logistics Infrastructure: A Model for the Asean Economic Community
A Hybrid Simulation Framework for Integrated Management of Infrastructure Networks
Invited Paper
Project Management and Construction

Simulation of Non-Standard Processes
CC 200
Abdullah Alabdulkarim
An Iterative Algorithm for Sampling from Manifolds
Exact Gradient Simulation for Stochastic Fluid Networks in Steady State
Robust Rare-Event Performance Analysis with Natural Non-Convex Constraints
Invited Paper
Analysis Methodology

Simulation to Support Learning
CC 104
Gregory A. Silver
Immersion, Presence and Flow in Robot-Aided ISR Simulation-Based Training
Discrete Event Simulation for Didactic Support Resource
Discrete Event Simulation for Teaching in Control Systems
Invited Paper
Simulation Education

Simulations, Scheduling and Data Handling
CC 202
Aurora J. Bristor
Analysis of the Expansion of the Panama Canal Using Simulation Modeling and Artificial Intelligence
Match-Ladder: An Efficient Event Matching Algorithm in Large-Scale Content-Based Publish/Subscribe System
A Study of the Impact of Scheduling Parameters in Heterogeneous Computing Environments
Invited Paper
Big Data Simulation and Decision Making

System Design
CC Greene
Adam Graunke
Using Simulation to Assess the Performance of a Breakthrough Wood-Drying Technology
Fabrication Cell Design through Simulation Modeling and Analysis at ThyssenKrupp Elevators
Campus-Wide Nitrogen System Capability Model
Industrial Case Study
Case Studies

Vendor Track I - Session V
CC Gwinnett
Reliability Modeling with ExtendSim
Vendor Paper
Vendor Track I

Titans II: Parallel and Distributed Simulation
CC Chatham Ballroom C
John A. Miller
Invited Paper
Keynote and Titans

Hybrid Models for Energy Applications
CC 203
Bhakti Satyabudhi Stephan Onggo
Marine Logistics Decision Support for Operation and Maintenance of Offshore Wind Parks with a Multi Method Simulation Model
Partial Paradigm Hiding and Reusability in Hybrid Simulation Modeling Using the Frameworks HealthDS and i7-AnyEnergy
Invited Paper
Hybrid Simulation

Advances in Simulation Optimization II
CC 201
Enlu Zhou
On the Sensitivity of Greek Kernel Estimators to Bandwidth Parameters
Bootstrap Ranking and Selection
Simulation Optimization via Gradient-Based Stochastic Search
Invited Paper
Simulation Optimization

Agent-Based Simulation
CC 204
Navonil Mustafee
Agent-Based Method for Solving Competitive Biorefinery Network Design Problem
Agent-Based Simulation and Optimization for Multi-Echelon Inventory Systems under Uncertainty
EA-Based Evacuation Planning Using Agent-Based Crowd Simulation
Invited Paper
Agent-Based Simulation

Analytical Aspects of Modeling
CC 200
Wolfgang Hörmann
Formal and Operational Validation of a Bus Stop Public Transport Network Micro Simulation
Accuracy vs. Robustness: Bi-Criteria Optimized Ensemble of Metamodels
Quantifying Validation of Discrete Event Simulation Models
Invited Paper
Analysis Methodology

Ancilary Care
CC 101
Thomas P. Roh
System Simulation as Decision Data in Healthcare IT
A Simulation-Based Approach to Modeling the Uncertainty of Two-Substrate Clinical Enzyme Measurement Processes
Developing Domain-Specific Simulation Objects for Modeling Clinical Laboratory Operations
Invited Paper
Healthcare Applications

Business Process Modeling Techniques
CC 102
Changrui Ren
Analysis of the Applicability of the IDEF-SIM Modeling Technique to the Stages of a Discrete Event Simulation Project
Dollar Cost Averaging vs. Lump Sum: Evidence from Investing Simulations on Real Data
Simulation by Example for Complex Systems
Invited Paper
Business Process Modeling

Cloud Computing for Agent-Based Modeling & Simulation
CC 105
Philip Wilsey
A Tutorial on Cloud Computing for Agent-Based Modeling & Simulation with Repast
Invited Paper
Advanced Tutorials

Combat Simulation
CC 205
Ranked Outcome Approach to Air-to-Air Combat Modelling
Using Simulation to Examine Live-Fire Test Configurations
Optimizing Locations of Decoys for Protecting Surface-Based Radar Against Anti-Radiation Missile with Multi-Objective Ranking and Selection
Invited Paper
Military Applications

Healthcare I
CC Greene
Bailey C. Kluczny
Neonatal ICU Operational Analysis via Simulation
A Simulation-Based Decision Support System to Program Surgery Blocks in a Private Hospital
Modeling Staffing Needs in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Industrial Case Study
Case Studies

Innovation and Integration in Scheduling
CC 100
Gunnar Lucko
Modeling Construction Manufacturing Processes Using Foresight
Modeling Organizational Behaviors of Construction Enterprises: An Agent Based Modeling Approach
Bi-Level Project Simulation Methodology to Integrate Superintendent and Project Manager in Decision Making: Shutdown/Turnaround Applications
Invited Paper
Project Management and Construction

Innovative Teaching Tools and Methodologies
CC 104
Charles Turnitsa
A Preliminary Study on the Role of Simulation Models in Generating Insights
Cloud-Based Simulators: Making Simulations Accessible to Non-Experts and Experts Alike
Multi-Level Educational Experiment in Distributed Simulation
Invited Paper
Simulation Education

Keynote: (Almost) Present at the Creation: 25 Years of Mo...
CC Chatham Ballroom C
Lars Moench
Invited Paper
Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing

Mass Flow & Fluid Modeling
CC Pulaski
Katie Prochaska
Thermodynamic Steam Cycle Simulation Using Simio
Using Linear Programming with Refinery Simulation
Blending Simulation: A Tank Management Application
Industrial Case Study
Case Studies

Novel Approaches in Facilitating Simulation Modeling and...
CC Auditorium
Adelinde Uhrmacher
A Structured DEVS Model Representation Based on Extended Structured Modeling
Development of an Open-Source Discrete Event Simulation Cloud Enabled Platform
Perspectives on Languages for Specifying Simulation Experiments
Invited Paper
Modeling Methodology

Panel: The Future of Computerized Decision Making
CC 202
Toyotaro Suzumura
The Future of Computerized Decision Making
Invited Paper
Big Data Simulation and Decision Making

Simulation Manufacturing
CC 106
Kelly Bates
Simulation Attacks Manufacturing Challenges
Invited Paper
Introductory Tutorials

Supply Chain Analysis I
CC 103
Jeffrey Tew
An Approach for Increasing the Level of Accuracy in Supply Chain Simulation by Using Patterns on Input Data
Economic Evaluation of Logistics Infrastructure in Oil Industry Using Simulation – Jet Fuel Supply Case Study
A Simulation Based Investigation of Inventory Management under Working Capital Constraints
Invited Paper
Logistics, SCM and Transportation

Vendor Track I - Session VI
CC Gwinnett
Spreadsheet-Based Simulation and Optimization on Tomorrow's Platforms
Recent Advances in Arena Simulation Software
Vendor Paper
Vendor Track I

Education in Simulation I
CC 104
Simon J. E. Taylor
Student Modeling & Simulation Projects in Healthcare: Experiences with Hillingdon Hospital
Teaching System Modelling and Simulation through Petri Nets and Arena
Invited Paper
Simulation Education

Healthcare II
CC Pulaski
Bailey C. Kluczny
Creating and Testing Healthcare Spaces for Optimal Workflows
Understand Risks in Drug Development through Simulation
Industrial Case Study
Case Studies

Supply Chains in Semiconductor Manufacturing
CC Chatham Ballroom C
Juergen Pilz
Developing Composed Simulation and Optimization Models Using Actual Supply-Demand Network Datasets
Towards a Semiconductor Supply Chain Simulation Library
Invited Paper
Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing

Agent-Supported Simulation
CC 204
An Agent-Based Model for Crowdsourcing Systems
Agent-Supported Simulation for Coherence-Driven Workflow Discovery and Evaluation
An Agent-Based Simulation Model for Evaluating Financial Transmission Rights in the Colombian Electricity Market
Invited Paper
Agent-Based Simulation

Business Process Modeling Applications
CC 102
Optimizing Fixed Targets in Organizations through Simulation
Application of Predictive Simulation in Development of Adaptive Workflows
Big Data Fueled Process Management of Supplier Risk: Sensing, Prediction, Evaluation and Mitigation
Invited Paper
Business Process Modeling

Metamodeling and Bayesian Methods
CC 201
Susan R. Hunter
Steady-State Quantile Parameter Estimation: An Empirical Comparison of Stochastic Kriging and Quantile Regression
Sequential Detection of Convexity from Noisy Function Evaluations
Parallel Bayesian Policies for Multiple Comparisons with a Known Standard
Invited Paper
Simulation Optimization

Military Simulation Methods
CC 205
Raymond Hill
Role Based Interoperability Approaches within LVC Federations
Simulation Implementation and Performance Analysis for Situational Awareness Data Dissemination in a Tactical MANET
Data Farming in Support of NATO Operations - Methodology and Proof-of-Concept
Invited Paper
Military Applications

Production Control II
CC Greene
(Andy)Myoungsoo Ham
Simulation Analysis of Control Point Policy for Semiconductor FAB Lines Producing Multiple Part Types
Due Date Control in Order-Driven FAB with High Priority Orders
Evaluations on Scheduling in Semiconductor Manufacturing by Backward Simulation
Invited Paper
Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing

Simulation Successful Practices
CC 106
Richard Nance
Tips for Successful Practice of Simulation
Invited Paper
Introductory Tutorials

Simulation for Applications in Traffic and Supply Chains
CC Auditorium
Navonil Mustafee
Automatic Generation of Route Networks for Microscopic Traffic Simulations
A Discrete-Event Simulation Model to Estimate the Number of Participants in the Ciclovia Program of Bogota
A Review of Literature in Distributed Supply Chain Simulation
Invited Paper
Modeling Methodology

Simulation in Construction Scheduling
CC 100
Duzgun Agdas
Analogies from Traffic Phenomena to Inspire Linear Scheduling Models with Singularity Functions
Project Planning and Predictive Earned Value Analysis via Simulation
Material and Facility Layout Planning in Construction Projects Using Simulation
Invited Paper
Project Management and Construction

Smart Grid Simulation & Optimization
CC 203
Amin Hammad
Selection of a Planning Horizon for a Hybrid Microgrid Using Simulated Wind Forecasts
Integrating Electric Vehicles into Smart Grid Infrastructures - A Simulation-Based Approach that Became Reality
Allocation of Charging Stations in an Electric Vehicle Network Using Simulation Optimization
Invited Paper
Environmental and Sustainability Applications

Statistical Analysis of Simulations
CC 200
Seong-Hee Kim
Constructing Confidence Intervals for a Quantile Using Batching and Sectioning when Applying Latin Hypercube Sampling
Measuring the Initial Transient: Reflected Brownian Motion
A Sequential Procedure for Estimating Steady-State Quantiles
Invited Paper
Analysis Methodology

Supply Chain Analysis II
CC 103
Kyle Cooper
Efficient Storage of Transport Network Routes for Simulation Modesl
Simulation Based Analytics for Efficient Planning and Management in Multimodal Freight Transportation Industry
Evaluating Cost-to-Serve of a Retail Supply Chain
Invited Paper
Logistics, SCM and Transportation

Surgical Scheduling
CC 101
Gina Dumkrieger
Variability Based Surgical Scheduling: A Simulation Approach
Surgery Rescheduling Using Discrete Event Simulation: A Case Study
Evaluation of Optimal Scheduling Policy for Accommodating Elective and Non-Elective Surgery via Simulation
Invited Paper
Healthcare Applications

Vendor Track I - Session VII
CC Gwinnett
Recent Innovations in Simio
Introduction to the Free Open-Source Simulation Software JaamSim
Vendor Paper
Vendor Track I

Wednesday, December 10th
Applied Science Simulations
CC 204
Kalyan Perumalla
Parallel Asynchronous Hybrid Simulations of Strongly Inhomogeneous Plasmas
Neuron Time Warp
Invited Paper
Scientific Applications

Education in Simulation II
CC 104
Gregory A. Silver
Removing the Inherent Paradox of the Buffon's Needle Monte Carlo Simulation Using Fixed-Point Iteration Method
Teaching of Simulation at Business Schools
Invited Paper
Simulation Education

Forest Fire Simulation and Management
CC Gwinnett
Raha Akhavan-Tabatabaei
Aligning Wildfire Management Resourcing Decisions with Operational Needs
A Forest Fire Propagation Simulator for Bogota
Invited Paper
Homeland Security and Emergency Response

Construction Process Simulation II
CC 100
Amir Behzadan
BIM-Based Data Mining Approach to Estimating Job Man-Hour Requirements in Structural Steel Fabrication
A Simulation Based Heuristic Approach to a Resource Investment Problem (RIP)
A Technical Concept for Plant Engineering by Simulation-Based and Logistics-Integrated Project Management
Invited Paper
Project Management and Construction

Dynamic Data Driven Application Systems
CC Auditorium
Young-Jun Son
Past and Future Trees: Structures for and Predicting Vehicle Trajectories in Real-Time
Map Stream: Initializing What-If Analyses for Real-Time Symbiotic Traffic Simulations
A DDDAMS-Based UAV and UGV Team Formation Approach for Surveillance and Crowd Control
Invited Paper
Modeling Methodology

Energy & Electricity Modeling and Simulation
CC 203
Jonathan Ozik
Modeling Country-Scale Electricity Demand Profiles
Assessing a Proposal for an Energy-Based Overall Equipment Effectiveness Indicator through Discrete Event Simulation
Monitoring Occupancy and Office Equipment Energy Consumption Using Real-Time Location System and Wireless Energy Meters
Invited Paper
Environmental and Sustainability Applications

Extending the Applicability of Simulation Optimization
CC 201
Jie Xu
Multiple Objective Probabilistic Branch and Bound for Pareto Optimal Approximation
Classification Aided Domain Reduction for High Dimensional Optimization
Efficient Multi-Fidelity Simulation Optimization
Invited Paper
Simulation Optimization

Healthcare Policy
CC 101
Yan Li
Creating Common Patients and Evaluating Individual Results: Issues in Individual Simulation for Health Policy Analysis
Primary Preventive Care Model for Type 2 Diabetes: Input Calibration with Response Data
Optimal Distribution of the Influenza Vaccine
Invited Paper
Healthcare Applications

Input Modeling
CC 200
Enlu Zhou
Statistical Uncertainty Analysis for Stochastic Simulation with Dependent Input Models
An Empirical Estimation of Statistical Inferences for System Dynamics Model Parameters
Reconstructing Input Models via Simulation Optimization
Invited Paper
Analysis Methodology

Inventory Control & Warehouse Operations
CC Pulaski
Renee M. Thiesing
Make-to-Stock or Make-to-Order: A Case Study of DVS Company in China
Using Detailed Material Handling Models to Reduce Risk in Warehousing Upgrades
Simulation Provides Insight Needed to Balance Warehouse In/Outbound Demand
Industrial Case Study
Case Studies

Modeling Methodology for Advanced Simulation Architectures
CC 205
Luis Rabello
A DDS-Based Distributed Simulation Approach for Engineering-Level Models
Modeling of Complex Scenarios Using LVC Simulation
ADDSIM: A New Korean Engagement Simulation Environment Using High Resolution Models
Invited Paper
Modeling Methodology

Output Analysis
CC 202
Dave Goldsman
Inverse Uncertainty Propagation for Demand Driven Data Acquisition
Sample Allocation for Multiple Attribute Selection Problems
Effective and Scalable Uncertainty Evaluation for Large-Scale Complex System Applications
Invited Paper
Analysis Methodology

Production Control III
CC Chatham Ballroom C
Young Jae JANG
On the Importance of Optimizing in Scheduling: The Photolithography Workshop
Parallel Simulation-Based Optimization on Scheduling of a Semiconductor Manufacturing System
Large-Scale Simulation-Based Optimization of Semiconductor Dispatching Rules
Invited Paper
Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing

SimHeuristics in Logistics II
CC 103
Javier Faulin
Simulation Analysis of a Dynamic Ridesharing Model
Optimization of Aircraft Boarding Processes Considering Passengers’ Grouping Characteristics
Optimizing the Design and Operation of a Beer Packaging Line through an Advanced SIMIO-Based DES Tool
Invited Paper
Logistics, SCM and Transportation

Simulation Project Management
CC 106
Jeff Joines
A Practical Look at Simulation Project Management
Invited Paper
Introductory Tutorials

Software Development and Maintenance Operations
CC 102
Arnold Greenland
A Simulation Study of Practical Methods for Technical Debt Management in Agile Software Development
Selecting the Appropriate Product Monitoring Levels for Maintenance Operations: A Simulation Approach
Using the Structured Analysis and Design Technique (SADT) in Simulation Conceptual Modelling
Invited Paper
Business Process Modeling

Transportation Logistics
CC 105
Uwe Clausen
The Use of RFID Sensor Tags for Perishable Products Monitoring in Logistics Operations
Optimization of Cross-Docking Terminal Using FlexSim/OptQuest – Case Study
Simulation Model for Regional Oil Derivatives Pipeline Networks Considering Batch Scheduling and Restricted Storage Capacity
Invited Paper
Logistics, SCM and Transportation

Yield Analytics I
CC Greene
James R. Morrison
Inventory Survival Analysis for Semiconductor Memory Manufacturing
Survey of Recent Advanced Statistical Models for Early Life Failure Probability Assessment in Semiconductor Manufacturing
Modeling Fatigue Life of Power Semiconductor Devices with e-N Fields
Invited Paper
Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing

Advances in Simulation Optimization III
CC 201
An Optimal Opportunity Cost Selection Procedure for a Fixed Number of Designs
On Adaptive Sampling Rules for Stochastic Recursions
Invited Paper
Simulation Optimization

Agent-based Simulation for Environmental and Sustainabili...
CC 203
Emily Craparo
Simulating Water, Individuals and Management Using a Coupled and Distributed Approach
MASOS: A Multi-Agent System Simulation Framework for Sustainable Supplier Evaluation and Order Allocation
Invited Paper
Environmental and Sustainability Applications

Emergency Response Modeling
CC Gwinnett
Edgar C. Portante
An Agent-Based Discrete Event Simulation Approach for Modeling Large-Scale Disaster Evacuation Network
Simulation of the September 8, 2011 San Diego Blackout
Invited Paper
Homeland Security and Emergency Response

Multiresponse Simulation
CC 200
Paul Sanchez
Sequential Procedures for Multiple Responses Factor Screening
Efficient Stratified Sampling Implementations in Multiresponse Simulation
Invited Paper
Analysis Methodology

Novel Approaches to Simulation Optimization
CC 202
Martijn Mes
A Unified Race Algorithm for Offline Parameter Tuning
ERG Lite: Event Based Modeling for Simulation–Optimization of Control Policies in Discrete Event Systems
Invited Paper
Simulation Optimization

Emergency Room
CC 101
Karim Ghanes
A Comprehensive Simulation Modeling of an Emergency Department: A Case Study for Simulation Optimization of Staffing Levels
Hospitalization Admission Control of Emergency Patients Using Markovian Decision Processes and Discrete Event Simulation
Real-Time Simulation as a Way to Improve Daily Operations in an Emergency Room
Invited Paper
Healthcare Applications

Epidemic Medical Decisions
CC 100
Feng Yang
Evaluating the Impacts of Vaccination, Antiviral Treatment and School Closure on H1N1 Influenza Epidemic
Estimating the Proportion of Tuberculosis Regent Transmission via Simulation
A Framework for Modeling and Simulating Aedes Aegypti and Dengue Fever Dynamics
Invited Paper
Healthcare Applications

Introduction to Information and Process Modeling
CC 106
John A. Miller
Information and Process Modeling for Simulation
Invited Paper
Introductory Tutorials

Novel Modeling Methods for Hybrid/Mixed Systems
CC Auditorium
Sojung Kim
Using Discrete Event Simulation to Model Fluid Commodity Use by the Space Launch System
A Global Approach for Discrete Rate Simulation
The Role of Languages for Modeling and Simulating Continuous-Time Multi-Level Models in Demography
Invited Paper
Modeling Methodology

Parallel Discrete Event Applications
CC 204
Carl Tropper
Enabling Fine-Grained Load Balancing for Virtual Worlds with Distributed Simulation Engines
Exploiting the Parallelism of Large-Scale Application-Layer Networks by Adaptive GPU-Based Simulation
Efficient Graph-Based Dynamic Load-Balancing for Parallel Large-Scale Agent-Based Traffic Simulation
Invited Paper
Scientific Applications

Port Operations and Supply Chain
CC Pulaski
Matthew Hobson-Rohrer
Application of Discrete Event Simulation at Eastman Chemical Company
Process Based Shipyard Shop Level Simulation Modeling and Analysis
Vehicular Traffic in the Access into Port of Valparaíso
Industrial Case Study
Case Studies

Simulation Applications in Semiconductor Manufacturing
CC Chatham Ballroom C
Gerald Weigert
On the Use of Simulation in Support of Capital Utilization
Automated Planning and Creation of Simulation Experiments with a Domain Specific Ontology for Semiconductor Manufacturing AMHS
Simulation for Dedicated Line Small Lot Size Manufacturing
Invited Paper
Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing

Simulation for Applications in Business Processes and Log...
CC 205
Andrea D'Ambrogio
Using 3D Laser Scanning to Support Discrete Event Simulation of Production Systems: Lessons Learned
Combining Biased Random Sampling with Metaheuristics for the Facility Location Problem in Distributed Computer Systems
Simulation-Based Performance and Reliability Analysis of Business Processes
Invited Paper
Modeling Methodology

Supply Chain Analysis III
CC 103
Edward Williams
Capacity Reservation for a Decentralized Supply Chain under Resource Competion: A Game Theoretic Approach
Validation of a New Multiclass Mesoscopic Simulator Based on Individual Vehicles for Dynamic Network Loading
Adaption of the Discrete Rate-Based Simulation Paradigm for Tactical Supply Chain Decisions
Invited Paper
Logistics, SCM and Transportation

Urban Logistics
CC 105
Jan Kaffka
Presentation of a General Purpose Simulation Approach for Enabling the Realization of Electromobility Concepts for the Transportation Sector
Frugal Signal Control Using Low Resolution Web-Camera and Traffic Flow Estimation
Simulating Unsignalized Intersection Right-of-Way
Invited Paper
Logistics, SCM and Transportation

Yield Analytics II
CC Greene
Jei-Zheng Wu
A Sampling Decision System for Semiconductor Manufacturing - Relying on Virtual Metrology and Actual Measurements
Device Level Maverick Screening - Detection of Risk Devices through Independent Component Analysis
Modeling and Prediction of Smart Power Semiconductor Lifetime Data Using a Gaussian Process Prior
Invited Paper
Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing